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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 15 Apr 1948, p. 8

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ra THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL - CLASSIFIED - BUSINESS DIRECTORY T. S. H. GILES Real Estate and Insurance 139 Colborne Street Hast Oakville - - - - Phone 532 19 Melinda St. Torento - - - - Adelaide 2761 Evenings - - - Oakville 712 DR. MAURICE E. LUNAU Physician & Surgeon Office Hours: Afternoon -- 1.30 - 4.00 Evenings -- 7.00 - 8.30 or by appointment Phone 500 and Thomas Sts. AT THE BARGAIN COUNTER 143 Colborne St. You can buy: Pianos, Gram- ophones, Health Ray Artic- les, Furniture, Stoves, Guns, Ranges, Skates, Clocks, Books, Lamps, and Trunks. Many useful articles New -- end Used at a Bargain. GORDON BARTHOLOMEW Dump and General Trucking Firewood, Posts, Sand and Church ravel. LOWER MIDDLE ROAD Phone 342-W-13 L. STREET 'Window Cleaning Service Floors Cleaned & Polished Phone orders taken at 171 C. L. OLIVER Accounting and Auditing, Business' Systems Installed. Income Tax Returns Office at Oakville Hotel P.O. Box 402 Ham. 7-5452 - Oakville 1268 Please Report Promptly LOST OR FOUND ANIMALS to Cakville. Humane Society PHONE 51 Lost and Injured Animals Humanely Treated CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Isabella T. MacMillan wish to express to their many friends, relatives and neighbors their heartfelt thanks and appreciation for acts of kindness, including the use of motor cars, and for beautiful flor- al tributes, extended to them in their sad bereavement in the loss of a dear mother. Especially thanking Reverend C. K. Nicoll for his comforting words. McMILLAN & ISARD Barristers - Solicitors Notaries Public Angus McMillan John F. Isard 139 Colborne Street East Telephone: Oakville 852 CARPENTRY REPAIRS - ALTERATIONS KITCHEN CUPBOARDS No Job Too Small --CALL-- A. S. WRIGHT PHONE 97-0 L. F. CLEMENT . HOME ELECTRIC Commercial Sales & Sarvice Frigidaire Products Iron Fireman Heating Units Repairs to All Household Appliances ONE 265-M Sheddon Avenue BRONTE ELECTRIC H. Rollinson House Wiring . Maintenance and Repairs "Try us for Service" Phone Bronte 115-4 INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL DOMESTIC ELECTRICAL SERVICE BROWN ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS Gord Brown Phone 1059 Oakville, CARLTON GREEN Osteopath a 21 Division Street Any evening by appointment Wed. afternoons, all day Saturday and Sunday GENERAL INSURANCE H. S. THORNTON Phone 874 L: keshore West, Oakville HEDDLE & RYRIE Ross Ryrie Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public. Office: Colborne St. Tel. Oakville 65 Residence - Tel. Clarkson 111 ELECTRIC WELDING Acettylene Welding - Cutting Anytime 'Anywhere Portable Equipment . LATTA Phone 6 - Jerry's Garage The Optometry Practice of the Late Haughton C. Laird will be continued On behalf of Mrs. Laird -- By -- ROBERT J. BROAD Optometrist - Optician For Appointment; . . . Phone 1117 173 Colborne St. - O CLEARING AUCTION New Tractors and Tractor Implements The undersigned auctioneers have received instructions from Harold C. Cooper to sell by pub- lic auction, at his farm on No. 5 Highway, % of a mile east of Palermo, on Friday, April 16th At 2 o'clock, the following: 1 International tractor, on rub- ber, Model M, new; 1 Ford-Fer- guson tractor with power take- off; 6-foot mower, stiff-tooth cul- digger, and 2- kville chanic for employment in automo- bile dealership in Oakville. Apply in writing, giving full particulars. Box 108, The Journal. LOST MOTOR RUG, in the vicinity of the bridge; belonging to the Boy Scouts. Reward. Phone 88. 70-¢-20-21 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Norman Sydney Tyrrell, deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Norman Sydney Tyrrell, late of the Town of Oakville, in the County of Hal- ton, deceased, who died on or about the 26th day of February, 1947, are hereby notified to send FOR SALE No. 1 body HARDWOOD, cut any length. Gordon Bartholomew, Phone 342-W-18. c ALL SIZES of hard coal in stock; also Virginia lump soft coal Frank M. Sullivan, Bronte, Ont. Phone 80-W. GROCERY and butcher store, solid brick building, heating, oil burner, including 8- h ; as Phen 0. Dated this 14th day of April, 50-p-20-21-22 | 1948: pnb 0 rye REFRIGERATORS -- Air-con- et out ditioned ice refrigerators, now|| sulicitors for the.» rrissrrin and used; all steel construction, insulated; family size. them at our office (opposite C.N. R. Station). Hillmers Ice Co. Phone 23. stainless steel tub new condition; X 8 gyproc, new: Paul Fillion, 8th Line, Tra- 1947 model; 25 cycles; 33 boards 4' $35. falgar (1,000 ft. south Dundas 50-p-21 Highway). 1929 ESSEX sedan, excellent condition, good motor and tires. 3 Wilson St. Phone 782-J, 25-p-2: hot water both apartment and Limited stock, See Fuel & 1c-21-22 BEATTY ELECTRIC washer, $125. to Heddle & Ryrie, Oakville, On- tario, Solicitors for the Adminis- tratrix of the said Norman Syd- ney Tyrrell, deceased, on or be- fore the 20th day of May, 1948, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed exceptions, all practically new. amongst the _parties entitled |Terms: Cash settlement with thereto, having regard only to|clerk on day of sale. No reserve shall then have notice. Phone 826 tivator, post-hol HELP WANTED furrowed plow, all EXPERIENCED, licensed me- the claims which the undersigned new; Inter- national 3-furrow plow, new; In ternational grain binder, 7-foot, new; International tractor disc, new; International _ cutting-box with inside and outside pipe; 1 set of drag cultivators, new; 1 set of seed harrows; 1 Massey-Harris manure spreader, new; Interna- tional mower, 5-foot; 2 rubber- tired wagons; 1 farm wagon; 2 hay racks; 1 buckrake with Pack- ard motor; 1 set of Leavy bench sleighs; 150 feet of heavy Tope and pulleys; several rows of new wire fencing; steel fence posts; wooden fence posts; 13-hoe Mas- Halton Presbyterial The 19th annual meeting of the Halton Presbyterial W.M.S. of the United Church, was held on Thursday, April 8th, at St. Paul's United Church, Milton, with a good attendance, 3 Mrs, Henry Caldwell conducted the installation of elected officers. Past president Mrs. J. 'W, Chap- man, Burlington; president, Mrs. president, Mrs, W. Brownridge,| Georgeto ond vice, Mrs. R. Hare, Millgrove; 3rd vice, Mrs. A. E, Pichard, Bronte; recording secretary, Mrs. Charles Peer, Kilbride; corresponding secretary, Mrs, Walker Gunby, Freeman; treasurer, Mrs. Ross Segsworth, Freeman; Secretary Christian stewardship, Miss Alice Blanch- ard, Freeman; secretary Mission Circles, Mrs, A. Speight, George- 0 secretary Baby Bands, Mig Bennett, Acton; associate bers, Mrs, E. M. Readhe Mrs. J. Kirkwood, Ballinafy, Thursday, April 16th, 1g, My ney) ton; supply, Mrs. L. t oul Milton; community frig, erature, Clem Campbellville; Missionary 1p, ly and world friends, Mpg g | Coulson, Milton; temperanc, d Christian citizenship, Mrs, p| president, Mrs. A. E. Pichard, G. W. Bridle, Burlington; 1st vice- town; Mrs. W. Blanchard, secretary Mission Bands, Freeman; Lamb, Milton; press, Mrs DeCoursey, Oakville. = UNTIL YOUR NEW CAR COMES ALONG WE'LL KEEP YOUR OLD ONE GOING STRONG 7 a in today and letus: res ANYTHING TO KEEP IT GOING! It needn't come to this . . . even though new cars may not be plentiful for some time. Our famous Engine Check-up can keep your old car humming along in great shape. Our specially trained mechanics, using time-saving tools, will give you a real engineering job. Your car will act younger, handle smoother, and be in all-around better shape when the time comes to trade it in. HEDLEIGH HOME LTD. Chrysler-Prymouth Service Dundas St. N. - Oakville Phone 1063 Evenings 887-7 1) Tighten manifold studs. (2) Clean and space spark plugs. (3) Test compression. (4) Test coil. (5) Test con denser. (6) Adjust distributor points or replace if necessary. 7) Inspect and clean distributor cap. (8) Inspect rotor. (9) Inspect lead wires for current leaks. (10) Inspect primary and secondary wire and tighten. (11) Reset ignition tim- ing. (12) Inspect fuel level, clean carburetor bowl and blow out fuel Tine. (13) Test vacaum and adjust carburetor. (14) Clean fuel pump sediment bowl. (15) Clean and re-oil air cleaner. ort sey seed drill; 1 milk coolet, 12 can, just like new; De Laval milker, 2 units, large pump and piping; 1 grain roller, Woods; milk scales; about 1,000 bushels of oats; quantity of straw; quantity of hay; quantity of en- silage. This is an' exceptional sale of good implements, with one or two as the proprietor has sold his dairy herd, and has the farm list- ed for sale, and is definitely giv- ing up farming." Hindley & Elliott, R. Ford, Clerk, Auctioneers. it Tuesday, 1 WHITE OAK C { 3 ALL-EXPENSE TRIPS TO OTTAWA AND OTHER VALUABLE PRIZES will be sold in House-to-House Canvass April 20th HAPTER, 1.O.D.E. "FOR RENT ROOM FOR RENT i lake; 2 gentlemen preferred; twin beds and individual clothes cup- boards. Phone 1170-J. WANTED HOUSE or rooms urgently needed by young veteran on course. Please phone 725-J-4, 25 RR EE BETWEEN Oakville and B lington, 2 or 3 acres under V.LA. Apply R. Wakely. Telephone 1098 between 9 am, and 6 p.. 50-p-20-22 FEMALE HELP WANTED CASHIER, pleasant personal ity, experience not necessary. Ap- ply in person, The Gregory Thea- tre, Oakville. le-21 A WAITRESS, full-time, good working conditions. Apply Mod- ern Cafe. 50-p-19-20-21 Saleslady For full-time position Pleasant Surroundings Good Remuneration -- Apply -- Woman's Bakery Ltd. 64 Colborne Street OAKVILLE NADIAN LEGION Branch 114 Oakville > 21st Anniversary Carnival DRAW Have You ~ Secured Your Tickets Yet? a ~~ WHY WAIT!!! NOT All Dogs owned or harbo 'chain. All dogs found ru will be impounded and cuted. Cc Dog Owners limits of the Town of Oakville must have a license and be kept on a leash or J. B. DERRY, CE red within the nning at large - owners prose- hief Constable. Your Chance To Win One Of These Grand Prizes One week at Muskoka for 2 People plus $50.00 cash 2nd -- GILSON WASHING MACHINE 3rd -- MANTEL RADIO 4th -- TRICYCLE 5th -- PRESSURE COOKER 6th -- ELECTRIC STEAM IRON ... TICKETS ON SALE AT... J. R. Black's Grocery Store Dunn's Drug Store Wm. Grammell"s Men's Wear Guild's Book Shop Ollie Johnson Cleaners Keenan's Smoke & Card Shop Wm. Scade's Grocery Legion Hall And from all members of Ladies' Auxiliary and Legionnaires.

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