THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL PEOPLE and EVENTS Mr. and Mrs. Phil Jenney, Sth Line, spent the holidays in New York. saan Mr. and Mrs, Max MacKenzie, formerly of Oakville and now of Ottawa, visited the Roy Irwins, Sth Line, who entertained for them. Easter CR Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Taylor, Lakeshore highway east, were guests at the Batten-Milne wed- ding Saturday at Deer Park Utit- ed Church, Toronto. seen Miss Mary Bull, Miss Thelma Neyer and Miss Mary Brennan have returned from a vacation at Sun Valley, Idaho. PE Mr. and Mrs. R. Grout and young sons, Montréal, visited rel- atives in Oakville over the Easter week-end, "rena Mr. and Mrs, Frank Walker, formerly of Port Credit, have bought the Battersill home on the Sth Line. tree Miss Lillian Hardy is spending the Easter vacation in Ottawa with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hardy, awk Miss Christine McLimot was in Quebec for an Baster vacation when the icy condition disrupted power and telephone lines. +x x Miss M. Ogilvie is visiting her brother, Edgar G. Ogilvie, Lin- brook Rd, while Mrs, Ogilvie is in the Private Patients' pavilion of the Toronto General hospital with her new daughter. . Mrs, George Seddon flew to California, where she attended the funeral of Daniel J. Fassen- felt, 59. The late Mr. Fassenfelt and his wife often visited Oakville where they have many friends. creas Rev. Harry Pawson voiced his appreciation at the evening serv- ice of the work of the choirs of St. John's United Church, espe- cially at the Easter services. "I am sure we were all thrilled by the inspiring choruses from the "Messiah," and also of the young voices of the junior choir at the evening service," said Mr, Paw- son. choir of 35 voices rendered "Wor- thy Is the Lamb" and the "Hal- lelujah Chorus" from the 'Mes- siah," while Miss Thelma Skoog sang beautifully "I know that my Redeemer liveth," Messiah. also from the OUT FOR FIRST TIME Dick Irvin, coach of the once mighty Montréal Canadiens of the N.H.I. was unable to coach his team into a play-off position this peason. After winning the NHL. fhampionship for the last four ponsecutive years, the Montreal Canadiens find themselves out of the big money series this year For Dick, it's the first time in 18 years f coaching in the league, that one f his teams ed to make a play- pff spot. Dick has come a long ay in the last 18 years. In his first year as coach, his salary was $750 a year. Now no player in the 'N.H.L. makes under $5,000 & season Irvin is today one of the wealthiest men in the NHL. When the next season rolls aro! bet on Irvin to lead his team to another play-off birth and when that happens, those Montreal Lg will quickly forget that their loved Canadiens didn't make it 5 year. For right now thew seem to have forgotten already that Ir- win brought them four league championships Cups within the last four years. From hero to forgotten man In one short year, but as we said, Dick is the sort of man who won't be forgotten for long. [rwin has one on centre {ce lmer Lach, won the NHL i by one point, just beating out Buddy O'Connor of the Rangers. Lach's total was 61 points. At the morning service the Mr. Bill Lilja of Waterdown has accepted a position with Hal- ton Hardware, with Hamilton Hardware in Ham- ilton. sees Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Lind spent ing camp near Meaford. ses ee Cavanahs drove to Elmira, N.Y. for a few days. evens his home at Appleby College on Tuesday for Miss Jill Plowman, sister of Geoffrey Plowman of Appleby College, who is a recent arrival from England, The party was also in honor of Mr, and Mrs. Drennan Hincks of Lower Canada College, Montreal, who guests of the host for week. were Easter esren The Jack Milnes entertained before the Oakville club party on Saturday night. ERE Piff Cavan returned to town on Tuesday from St. Joseph's hospital, Hamilton. esse Misses Dorothy Fish and Bar- bara Gills visited New York for the Easter week-end, tees There will be a sale of handi- work and home baking and affer- noon tea held in Lusk Hall, April 16th, by the Girl Guides, cess Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Hill- mer were in Montreal for Easter: He was formerly |: the Easter holidays at their fish- |' The Bill Armstrongs and Pat] Mr, Leslie Bott entertained at|(] ASSAULTED BOXER Pete Babando, 22, Boston Bruins rockey star, pleaded not guilty * n a Boston court to two counts of issault and battery on Zygmund Wejeiechewski, 38, Dorchester, and us son, Joseph, 11, in the joey: 2 doston Garden, Jan. 31. E nudge granted a joint request bd ounsel for both sides for continu. mce of the case to March 31, to lermit Babando. to finish a the egular season for the ore going to trial. The Rockey layer was released in persooa' ecognizance. Mr. L. A. Nicolle arrived home last Saturday after a week's busi- ness trip across Western Canada and Epi, Ore. DCE The Lakeshore choir, under the auspices of the Sheridan Wom- en's Association, will give an ex- cellent entertainment of music, songs and readings, etc., in Sheri- dan Hall on April 7th, at 8.15 p.m. Be sure to reserve this = for an evening's enjoyment. The Garth spent year came' to Oakville. Haughton Laird (Continued from Page 1) Ste. Marie and later the same He was a member of St. Jude's Anglican church, the Rotary club, the Oak- ville Post of the Canadian Le- gio, the Public School board, on which he was chairman of the educational committee, He was a captain in the recent Red Cross drive, Keenly interested in Boy Scouts, he was assistant cub leader. He was a member of the Chamber of Commerce, the Oak- ville Golf club and the Oakville club. 2 Besides his formerly Maxine Zeigler, he is survived by three sons, Robert, 8; Douglas, 7, and Stuart, aged 10 months; his mother of Parry Sound, and four brothers, Frank, Walter, Jack, all of Parry Sound, and Edward of Windsor; two sisters, Mrs. Lee Lyman, Elyria, Ohio, and Mrs. William Robertson, Franklin, New Jersey, wife, Funeral services were held in St. Jude's Anglican church on Tuesday afternoon, Representa- tives from the Public School board, Oakville Post Canadian Legion and Rotary club joined with relatives and' friends to p tribute to the deceased. Rev. Fred Jackson, rector, was assist- ed by Rev. J. A. M, Bell. Pallbear- ers were: Ralph Young Jr, Eyre Davis, Donald F. McRae, James A. Roberts, E. J, Farley, Hunter Reid, Dr. J. Fred Nattress, all of Oakville, and Stewart Bull of Toronto, the week-end with Mr, Macdon- ald's sister at Lake Simcoe. took place Wednes- day afternoon in Parry Sound cemetery. Thursday, April 1st {194g We Are In Time magazine, March 1948, the following item ap- peared under "Speak Up." "Burbank, Calif.'s weekly News, four-man news pected that it was missing some of the events. Last front-page notice, 2 nt "If you are born, marry, have a baby, die, or some other accident happens, please Jet us know--not that we give darn, but most of our reag. ers have a lot of curiosity, Unlike the semiweekly News, the Journal, as wel as its readers, is most inter. ested in what everyone is go. ing, and we would welcome all who would like to "Speai up. Different the heading, semi- which has a staff, sus- ne in ts we 11, Funeral song 12. Species of pepper 13. Banish- men 14. Public notices 15. Sick 88. The stalk of grain 36. Cut, as grass 88. Norse god 89. snake 42. Similar 44, To be of use 46. Large, swift steamship 47. Book of sacred 'writings 48. Tropical bird 49. A muddle DOWN 1. Father 2. Reward 3. Nocturnal 21. Angie animal: Sax ny. 22. Fortify 24. an 35. Fry ger- ; minated for brewing orm 38. A medley 37. A breeze 11. Deceive 16. a 2 41. Malt beverages 43. Partofa lock 46. Vitality Tle 17 89. Infant 20. Vehicle 40. Lubricates po 7 7 Better mak The shelves this week with Campbell's Soups. . . Asparagus Bean with Bacon Beef Noodle Celery Green Pea Oxtail Vegetable dlc Beef Bouillon Chicken with Rice Chicken Gumbo Chicken Noodle Clam Chowder Consomme Chicken Mushroom Scotch Broth Vegetable Beef d4c THANK YOU! Stock up your pantry haf Jumbo Lemons, 300s Bananas Texas Grapefruit, 112's . Pickled Ox Tongue Bologna Cooked Ham Short Rib Fresh Minced Hamburg Rolled Plate Brisket shopping a real pleasure. Fruits & Vegetables 2 doz. 71c .. 29¢ doz. '2 Ib. 27¢ . 49c doz. ~15-1b. peck 59¢ Lettuce, Radishes, Shallots, Tomatoes, Mushrooms, Sunkist Navel Oranges, 252's P.E.l. or New Brunswick Potatoes .. Cucumbers and Watercress Meat Department Red or Blue Brand Meaty Blade Roast Country Style Pork Sausage Boneless Prime Rib Roast (1st 5 ribs) We wish to take this opportunity of thanking you for the many kind tributes paid to us last week. We are indeed glad that our new Grocery Department makes your It is our aim to give you greater value for your dollar and above all--to give you 100 per cent satisfaction. This is our way of saying Thank You. ei Baving way to shop CHINESE RICE 19¢ Ib. Mother Parker's COFFEE 61c lb. Gold Medal Peanut Butter Kellogg's Rice Krispies Clark's Pork & Beans, 15-02. .... Dares or Crothers Fancy Pkg'd. Cookies .. Aylmer Baby Foods Zest Brand Raspberry or Strawberry Jam, 24-0z.. Allen's Apple Juice Kiss Candies 16-0z. 38c 2 for 27c 2 for 25¢c 2 for 39¢ 3 for 22c 42¢c QUICK QUAKER OATS 25¢ Crown or Bee Hive CORN SYRUP 2-1b. - 27c 5-b. - 63c Elsley's Frosted Foods Colborne St., Oakville «Delivery Service» Telehones 1214 - 1380 the Sane asylum, ice for you ti fool some of the time. \Canada's