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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 22 Jan 1948, p. 6

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THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL - CLASSIFIED - BUSINESS DIRECTORY T. S. H. GILES Real Estate and Insurance 139 Colborne Street East Qakyille - - - - Phone 532 19 Melinda St. Torento - - - - Adelaide 2761 Evenings - - - Oakville 712 DR. MAURICE E. LUNAU Physician & Surgeon Office Hours: Afternoon -- 1.30 - 4.00 Evenings -- 7.00 - 8.30 or by appointment Phone 500 Church and Thomas Sts. HAUGHTON C. LAIRD Optometrist - Optician Office in residence-- 173 Colborne St. Phone 1117 Hyes examined - Lenses prescribed Please Report Promptly LOST OR FOUND ANIMALS to Cakville Humane Society PHONE 515 Lost and Injured Animals Huinanely Treated ANGUS McMILLAN Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public GENERAL INSURANCE H. S. THORNTON Phone 874 Lakeshore West, Oakville Office: 139 Colborne St. E. Telephones: Office 532 Residence 837 Residence: 126 Dundas St., Cor. Spruce C. L. OLIVER Accounting and Auditing, Business Systems Installed. Income Tax Returns Office at Oakville Hotel P.0. Box 402 Ham. 7-5452 - Oakville 1268 GORDON BARTHOLOMEW Dump and General Trucking Firewood, Posts, Sand and Gravel. LOWER MIDDLE ROAD Phone 342-W-13 AT THE BARGAIN COUNTER 143 Colborne St. You ican buy: Pianos, Gram- ophones, Health Ray Artic- les, Furniture, Stoves, Guns, Ranges, Skates, Clocks, Books, Lamps, and Trunks. Many useful articles New and Used at a Bargain. ANNOUNCEMENT A general meeting of the Oak- ville Gardens Community Club will be held in the Pine View School, 6th line, Friday, Jan, 23, at 8 pam, sharp, Guest speaker: Reeve W. H, Biggar, of Trafal- gar Township. ROTARY BINGO, over 100 at- tractive and useful prizes, inclu- ding electrical appliances and radios. Come early and bring your friends. Victoria Hall, Sat. Jan, 31st, 8 pm. DEATHS FREBESTONE, Robert, in Oak- ville, Ont. at his residence, 16 Reynolds St. on Tuesday, Jan. 20, 1947, Robert Freestone, in his 90th year, Husband of Emily Bass, father of Charles and Daisy of Oakville, Robert of Boston, Mass, apd Lilian (Mrs. F. A. Hague) of Toronto, Funeral priv- ate, please omit flowers. HELP WANTED DOOR TO DOOR canvasser to take subscriptions for fast mov- ing publication. Liberal commis- sion, Full or part time. Apply in writing, stating qualifications to The Journal, Box 104 RURAL Canvasser in Trafal- gar Township to take on side line paying 25% commission. Apply to The Journal, Box 104. Bronte Trends | By Ruth Sargant PEOPLE and EVENTS Jack Orr has been re-elected chairman of the Trafalgar School Area Board, a position he very ably filled last year. FRA The Bronte Bantams under the direction of coach Mike Cudmore, FOR SALE FOR SALE -- Metronome, $i Phone 367. 25p9 LARGE size Findlay oil space heater. Phone 203 25p9-10 CIDER PRESS, hand model, fair condition, $15. Phone 379. DINING Room Suite, dark oak, 9 pieces, $200. Phone 208J13 25p9 JACKET HEATER suitable for good-sized house, In good con- dition, reasonab] Phone 208J13. ROOM and BOARD BOARD with room with hot and cold water, bath, phone, el- ectric light. $10.00 per week. 21 Forsyth, 25p9 FEMALE HELP WANTED $70 per month. Wanted, wom- an for general housework, live in. No small children, Phone 181. 50¢9-10 WORK WANTED were victorious over Appleby with the score 4-2 and again over the Oakville Rotary team on Saturday with the score 7-4. Ex ow oE The Village Commissioners had their first meeting since elect- ion to office, on Monday night. George McLeod has been appoin- ted chairman for the coming year. CR Mis, Mack Bowan took sud- denly ill Wednesday and has been taken to the hospital in Hamilton, Fare At the Anglican W. A. meet- ing this week the annual election. of officers was held, The new executive remained the same as last year's with Mrs. Anson Pat- terson, president, Mrs, J. Walby, 1st vice-president; Mrs. H. F. Cowan, 2nd vice-president; Miss Ada Riggs, secretary, and Mrs. L, M. Bray, treasurer. Pt Sunday the Aglican church will hold a special service to instal the newly elected officers of the W. A. and of the church. * kok ww CARPENTER repair work, modern cupboards. Phone 97-J. 9-10 WANTED DRESSED BOILING FOWL-- Phone 30, Oakville Fish and Poul- try. 2509 Sart Gils always carry PARADOL DR.CHASES PET) .. FOR QUICK RELIEF OF. HEADACHE & Other Pains On Thursday night about el- ity met in the United church un- der the leadership of Cliff Reid with the view to forming a Tuxis group. roan Friday night the United church held their annual congregational supper. Three of the CG.IT. girls were on hand to help serve. After the dinner reports were heard from each department Of the church on their past year's work, xxx The new executive of the com- even young boys of the commun- | HEDDLE & RYRIE DUNBAR M. HEDDLE . ROSS RYRIE Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public Office: Colborne. St. Tel. Oak. 65 Dunbar M. Heddle, Res. 701 Ross Ryrie, Clarkson 111 CARLTON GREEN Osteopath 21 Division Street Any evening by appointment Wed. afternoons, all day Saturday and Sunday Phone 826 Chimney Sparks Ignite Wood Shingled Roof On Saturday night, Jan. 17, fire broke out at the home of J. L. Cuttell, Douglas Ave. Started when sparks from the chimney ignited the wood-shirigled roof, "we fire was soon controlled by Oakville Fire Brigade using their latest equipment, a carbon dif 5xide unit, The damage was esti- mated around $75.00. While attending the fire at Mr. Cuttell's, a warning came in that sparks had been seen com- ing frox1 Brantwood seffool, also on Douglas Ave. Investigation by the department showed sparks to be coming from the chiimney. It was placed under observation Lut no damage was reported. Trafalgar School Area Board Elects Chairman At the first meeting of Tra- falgar Schcol Area Board, John D. Orr was again elected chair- man. Other members of the board are: Percy Merry, James Mar- shall, Ken Giles, Milton McCle- ary, Mrs. Gladys Speers, secre- tary. This will be Mr. Orr's second year as chairman, The past year Was a busy and successful one for the Board. Several schools with small attendance were clo- sed and arrangements made to transport these students by bus to grade schools, Also the 'Board arranged for an addition to the Bronte school, which is in prog- Tess at present. ladies' euchre prize, and Mr. Bo- wan, the men's. On a lucky draw Sherman Gilliam won a bushel of apples and the two door pri- zes went to Thelma Wright and Kenneth Stafford, Before the dancing started at 11 o'clock, a light lunch was served so that everyone went home at 1 am. very pleased with a successful evening. YY) JN An invitation is extended to the members and prospective members of the Oakville Arts and Crafts, Inc. to a musicale by the Appleby Choirsters Sunday, February 1st at 3.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Toni Mendel, 54 King Street .| the season, With fast ice, a good crowd, and plenty of breath-taking plays Victoria rink was the scene of Army's first league victory of over the Oakville Legion by the tune of 8-5. The first period produced plen- ty of plose checking which, from a spectator's standpoint wasn't too pleasing Lo witness. The only score came at 5.55 when Smyth snared a pass from Duz and Me- Queen to give the veterans a margin at the end of the first twenty minutes, Four penalties were handed out" in this session, three to Army and one to Legion. For Army, Snoddon for holding and two to Powell--high sticking: and grabbing the puck--and Da- vison of Legion, for tripping. During the first five minutes of the second period Army turned on the heat and bottled the 'vets' in their own back-yard, but at 5.21 Duz and Davison broke away. and on their effort Duz bulged the twine, to give the Legion naires a two-goal advantage. This goal was soon retrieved by Snod- don on a pass from Johnson and Keleher, Leanguay was then penalized for charging and was no sooner on the ice again when Yarnold got the gate for slashing. The veterans held the fort and while short-handed Sutton took a pass from Brown to make it 3-0. Lan- guay got his second penalty of the period and the fireworks be- gan. An inspired Army team, playing as if threatened with 9 days CB. or a transfer to Fort Churchill, bulged the twine no less than four times in less than two minutes, At 14.38 Kennedy from Snoddon; twenty seconds later, Snoddon from Kennedy; 15.33 Andrunyks from Derby- shire and at 16.15 Johnson from Snoddon. When the bell rang to end the period Army had advan- ced to lead 5-3. yed sensational goal and robbed the Legion team on several oc- casions when the boys from Or- tona were hard-pressed in the first four minutes of the third period. Again Army combined with clever passing plays to put three more tallies behind Kemp --this time three goals in two and a half minutes -- Snoddon from Keleher and unassisted ef- forts by Johnson and Quinn. At 1455 Speck scored on a pass from Davison and Brown which inspired the 'vets' to bottle Legear, in the Army net, pla-| Army Ambush Legion Win 8-5 Victory Monday eee McQueen and Smyth = £0 make or oakville Liberal Assoclati received a 10 minute misconduct penalty and a match penalty for talking (didn't hear the score 8-5... In this Johnson what he said) to the referee, Ortona Barracks to enter future games. The nessing this fast ear; def. ell; eher and Snoddon; alt, Croucher, Andrunyks, Quinn, Finan and Davies. Oakville -- Goal, Kemp; Davison and Watson; Yarnold; wings, Thomas Speck; alt, Languay, Smyth. Referees: gaffin. Team Georgetown Weston Milton Acton Fergus Legion SRR BOO iy oH we oS coon oHS 0500 63113 9 HL © Army Orangeville St. Jude's Women's Guild 'The following were elected Sparling. The win enabled the boys from the win column and they will un- doubtedly bear watching in their unbeaten Georgetown sextette play Legion here next Monday, Jan, 26. Fans, will have an opportunity of wit- aggregation who were semi-finalists: last sea- on. Line-ups: Army -- Goal, Le- Derbyshire and Pow- centre, Kennedy; wings, Kel Lane, Johnson, def, centre, and McQueen, Duz, Sutton, Brown, Woodall and McEachren and Me- INTERMEDIATE STANDING TEL Pts) Elect 1948 Officers acclamation for 1948 officers at the first meeting of St. Jude's Women's Gui President, Mrs. Resinala Holman; vicepresi| 060 = 1061 Cerits, Mrs. Eyre Davis, Mrs, Roy. 1win; secretary, Mrs. Gordon --. 7 CARS -- Nairn: treasurer, Mrs. 'F, N. J. M. Wallace, presids tendered a 'banquet party workers him co-operation and assist: in the last campaign. "y[r, Hughes Cleaver, was present and Mr. Oliver, leader of Liberal Pro: cial party was expected but) sudden demand on his presei elsewhere made. it necessary. him to send his regrets at last moment," said Mr. Wall An organizational meeting, following_executive were elect] Thomas Blakelock, former M.B W. N, Robinson, Dr. FE, Mur Deans; Eyre Davis and Rj Ballantyne. Mr. Wallace stated that it necessary to be prepared agai possibilities' of provincial and minion elections being held year. "We would appreciate! anyone interested in liberal pi tics would contact any of the ecutive," he said. "Our p: should strive to defeat the 'isi that are trying to encroach uj our freedom." Stating that freedom wa: heritage to be guarded, he wi on to define three factors he threatened Canada's econo condition. 'The C.CF., other ialist parties, 10 Farquiii- fit | oo and are the dangers I see," he staf OAKVILLE ol LECT "a orp aa Devenish Bros.) TWO PHONES -- For Your Conveniel by. Day And Night Sedvice (Owned and operated by § up the Army in their end of the rink but Legear again stopped rubber from all angles, only one getting by -- Duz scoring from THE PICTURE IS GRIM We could fill this whole page with appeals to arouse sympathy but would rather voice a straightforward request to rent an apartment or small house. We'd be steady, reliable tenants and the need is urgent. CAN YOU HELP US? « Please contact us at Box 103, Oakville-Trafalgar Journal. Get A Headstart On Spring! Whitewash Brushes, Rubberset Paint Brushes 17 to 4" Pure Gum Turpentine 26 oz. .40 - qt. Solvease for Cleaning 31/, Ibs. 1.00 - 11 ozs. munity club started their year Sriday night with a enchre and | {ff "| dance. Denna Scarrow won the NNN 25¢ to $2.25 Linseed Oil (latest Toronto prices) 26 oz. .70 - qt. 1.05 Phone 188-w BENJAMIN: MOORE PAINTS Indoor and Outdoor 1.65 qt. 1.50 qt Interior Gloss, Sani-Flat, Dulamel, 1.65 qt. Utilac Enamel, 210 qt. Paqua--the new paste Water Paint 1.25 qt. Makes 3 pts. Paint 55¢ eral handywork .60 25 STEP LADDERS For painting, building, gen- around the house. Sturdy, all fir, metal braced. 5 foot and 6 foot. $4.55 and $5.45 Ib. 30c 2 lbs. 55¢ Moore's Dry Wall Size Ib. 50c Wallpaper Paste, Sheffield Floor Wax Re- Mover and Cleaner 25¢c - 26-0z. bottle Chan Speed Coat Self- Polishing Floor Wax 59¢ pt. -~ 98c qt. Glass Gleam Water Soft- ener, 29¢c lb. - 4 for $1 Robert Mason Hardware Trafalgar St., Bronte | FRIDAY and SATURDAY - JANUARY 23-24 and for your PARAMOUNT MUSICAL added enjoyment ---- PARADE in TECHNICOLOR Daffy Duck Color Cartoon -- Racing Short -- and Up to the Minute World News! ! » XIM HUNTER =: MARIUS GOR A Production of the Archers David Written, Produced and Directed by MICHAEL POWELL and EMERIC PRESSBURGER THEATRE -- OAKVILLE MON. - TUES. - WED. - JANUARY 26 - 27 - 28 J. ARTHUR RANK presents Foymond Roger The Royal ALSO: The "QUEEN Ol Command Performance Film Life Story of Princess Elizabeth F THE FUTURE" THURS. - FRI. - SAT. - JANUARY 29 - 30 31 Laugh Hit Of The Season MARY PELPS VAGINA WELLES - KOT THORSON Poca by Pl it + he on "Bo "St Stee The sion ~ "Be © fier -- Added Attractions ---- POPULAR SCIENCE NO. 2 - (Technicolor) Cartoon in Technicolor and THE LATEST WORLD NEWS.

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