in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, M ar ch 10 ,2 02 2 | 22 ac.shcirteid ELLIVKAO-31#TINU.DRSREEPS0621 qhyadskcirtap.tsruoy ' Volunteers (from left) Nina Holuk and husband John, Natalia Buciora and Tamara Koszarny box some of the donated medical supplies that St. Volodymyr Cultural Centre is currently accepting to ship to Ukraine. Graham Paine/Metroland PLEASE PITCH IN Don't be a LitterBug! Please keep our community clean. LETTER TO THE EDITOR To the editor: It was extremely disap- pointing to read of the sanctity of life motion, put forward by trustee Helen Karabela, dismissed so flippantly by the majority of Catholic trustees serv- ing on the Halton Catholic District School Board. What is the reasoning of trustee Nancy Guzzo, Brenda Agnew, Patrick Murphy, Peter DeRosa and Janet O'Hearn-Czarnota, serving on a Catholic school board, when they set aside one of the most important teachings of the Catholic Church -- life is sacred from conception to natural death. Trustees serving on a Catholic school board are presumed to be Catholic in their thinking and their actions. They were elected by Catholic parents to en- sure the teaching of the faith is carried out, not their individual beliefs, but according to the teach- ing of the Catholic Church. Perhaps these trustees will feel more comfortable serving on a public school board, where this issue is not ever likely to see the light of day. I do appreciate the posi- tion of trustee Agnew, whose son received life- saving treatment; that is important to consider. There are many super intelligent teachers, stu- dents and principals who could find a way to support worthwhile organizations, while denying funds to the areas that do not under- stand the sanctity of life. A challenge yes, but it can be done. MAUREEN MURRAY OAKVILLE OPPOSITION TO SANCTITY OF LIFE MOTION UPSETTING