in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, Ju ne 17 ,2 02 1 | 22 It's in your hands. Make sure your favourite business or professional is nominated for the Oakville Beaver's 2021 Readers' Choice Awards. The Oakville Beaver Readers' Choice Awards were created so you can tell us which local businesses and service providers are the best at what they do. Once the nominations close on July 11, 2021, the nominees will be shortlisted and you will have the chance to vote for your favourite. Help make your favourite local business become a Oakville Beaver Readers' Choice. NomiNatioNs NowopeN Start nominating now at 2021 Maddie Costantini died four days after her 11th birthday in 2014, mere months after being diag- nosed with Diffuse Intrin- sic Pontine Glioma (DIPG), a brain stem tu- mour. Today, her family con- tinues to honour her memory and "her mother- ly spirit" through Mad- die's Li'l Angels, an initia- tive that takes place around her June 3 birth- day and involves the col- lection and donation of new unwrapped toys to charities. Since 2016, when her family established the toy drive, more than 1,000 toys have been donated to Hal- ton Women's Place and Kerr Street Mission. The timing of the drive also seemed fitting as a means to replenish gifts for charities supporting families in need beyond Christmas. The Oakville family hopes to expand Maddie's Li'l Angels to more chari- ties, including those be- yond Halton. "During COVID it has been more difficult to con- nect with charities and set up contacts so that we can continue to share these toys with children in need," said Maddie's fa- ther Doug. Toys are collected year- round but are distributed in early June. "We only take new un- wrapped toys and they can be for any age group. We know that the organi- zations are always grate- ful to receive the toys for children of different ages; they always have a need." Anyone wishing to do- nate, can contact the fami- ly via Facebook or through email to Saundra (Maddie's mom) at Charity suggestions are also welcome and can be forwarded through the same email address. For more information on Maddie's Li'l Angels, visit: https://maddiesli- NEWS IN MADDIE'S MEMORY FAMILY'S TOY DRIVE A TRIBUTE TO YOUNG DAUGHTER Maddie Costantini's family established a June toy drive for families in need to honour their daughter, who died in 2014 at the age of 11. Costantini family photo