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Oakville Beaver, 31 Jan 2019, p. 36

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in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, Ja nu ar y 31 ,2 01 9 | 36 FREE Job Advice in Burlington & Oakville • 1:1 Job Search Help • Career Assessments • Workshops & Resources Burl 905-333-3499 Oak 905-845-1157 centreforskills.ca EMAIL: classifieds@metroland.com | PHONE: 905-527-5555 • 1-800-263-6480 | FAX: 905-526-6779 • 1-866-299-1499 TELEPHONE HOurs: MONdAy - FrIdAy 8:30 A.M. - 6:30 P.M. Adjustments: Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of your ad. Please check your ad on the first insertion. For multiple insertions of the same ad, credit will be made only for the first insertion / credit given for errors in connection with production on ads is limited to the printed space occupied. Cancellations must be made by telephone. do not fax or email cancellations. CALL 1-800-263-6480 ADVERTISE IN THIS SPOT Or email: classifieds@metroland.com TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT TODAY.SPOT TODAY.SPOT TODA PRIMEPRIME ADVERTISINGADVERTISING POSITIONPOSITION R 00 14 20 75 79 BEST CASH PAID We Make House Calls WE BUY IT ALL! China, Silver, Crystal, Coins, Gold & Costume Jewellery, Art, Doultons Swarovski, Antiques, Collectibles, Downsizing & Estate Experts Call Appraisers: John/Darcie/Krista 905-331-2477 www.tjtraders.com inquiries@tjtraders.com A L L T E A K f u r n i t u r e wanted, antiques, watch- es, paintings, silver dol- lars, gold, sterling silver, Doultons, jewelry, Swa- rovsk i f igur ines , o ld toys, musica l instru- ments. We buy i t a l l . 905-979-4447. Antiques & Collectibles Wanted CASH FOR: Records, China, Jewelry, Lighters, Coins, Vintage toys, Mili- tary items, Watches, Vin- tage Post Cards, Silver, O l d P h o t o s , E s t a t e items. 30+ years experi- e n c e . C o l l e c t i q u e s ; Richard 416-566-7373 LOOKING FOR ANTIQUES Quality Antique Furni- ture, Sterling, Lighting, Jewelry, Memorabil ia, Toys & Complete Collec- t ions . Anyth ing your grandparents used to own. Send photo's to normsantiques @ g m a i l . c o m o r c a l l Norm 905-703-1107. Looking to buy SCANDINAVIAN FURNITURE Teak, Rosewood, Danish, Denmark, Mid Century Modern, Retro, Vintage Furniture, Lighting, Bookcases, Desks Contact Noel 416-560-0401 hotwater@rogers.com WANTED ANTIQUES bookcases, china cabinets, drop front desks, estate gold & silver jewelry, Swarovski, Moorcroft, Paragon Shelley china & teacups, tin toys, watches, coins, sterling � atware, tea sets. CASH PAID! Call Kathy or Brent 905-920-9137 AIR CLEANER, f l l t e r queen defender 4000. $100. 905-257-0617 BABY BUMBO seat, like new. $30. 905-849-7661 B A B Y S W I N G , g o o d condition, used very lit- tle. $45. 905-827-3340 condition, used very lit- tle. $45. 905-827-3340 condition, used very lit- BAR BELL, with 200lbs of various weights. $70. Call 905-332-8269 BLUE RAY BD-C5600T, S a m s u n g . $ 6 5 . 905-842-1046 CHAIR, CHILD'S restau- rant , l igh t oak . $45 . 905-849-7661 CHAIR, COMPUTER, $60. 905-842-0847 CHINA CABINET and hutch, perfect condition. $99. 905-689-7142 hutch, perfect condition. $99. 905-689-7142 hutch, perfect condition. COAT, LEATHER ladies, new condition, wore only 2 t i m e s . $ 5 5 o b o . new condition, wore only 2 t i m e s . $ 5 5 o b o . new condition, wore only 905-827-3340 CORNER CABINET Pine, 42"hx48"w, dble doors. $100. 905-849-7661 CROCK, ANTIQUE ce- ment for sauerkraut. $35 obo. 905-827-3340 D I S H E S , C O R N I N G ware, 1- 1.5 quart, 1- 2.5 quart, in excellent condi- tion. $30. 905-842-1046 DOLL WITH crocheted skirt. $25. 905-634-3572 DRESSING TABLE, kid- ney shaped with bench , s o l i d w o o d . $ 2 5 . ney shaped with bench , s o l i d w o o d . $ 2 5 . ney shaped with bench , 905-634-3572 DVD, PANASONIC RV31 with remote, used very little. $60. 905-842-1046 with remote, used very little. $60. 905-842-1046 with remote, used very ESPRESSO MAKER, cui- sinart with instruction booklet, like new. $100. 905-257-2607 F I R E P L A C E I N S E RT, e lec t r i c , 120V, 4692 BTU, min. fp. 21.5hX24 wX12"d, remote. $70 . BTU, min. fp. 21.5hX24 wX12"d, remote. $70 . BTU, min. fp. 21.5hX24 905-332-8269 FISH TANK, 20 gallon with some decorations. $20. 905-827-3340 FOOT STOOL, antique, upholstered, 16 x 24 x 12. $95. 905-849-7661 upholstered, 16 x 24 x 12. $95. 905-849-7661 upholstered, 16 x 24 x GARMENT RACKS Six 2- Rod Racks on castors, 35 lbs capaci ty. $75. 289-337-9569 GOLF BAG and putter, K n i g h t . $ 2 0 . and putter, K n i g h t . $ 2 0 . and putter, 289-442-1891 H I G H C H A I R , f i s h e r price and play pen, gra- c o . $ 9 9 f o r b o t h . price and play pen, gra- c o . $ 9 9 f o r b o t h . price and play pen, gra- 905-689-7142 LAMPS, 2 blue moun- tain pottery, new shades. $30. 905-257-0617 tain pottery, new shades. $30. 905-257-0617 tain pottery, new shades. LAMPS, TABLE. $25. 905-842-0847 MIRROR, 4 x 4. $25. 905-827-3340 MIRROR, ROUND, 27" d i a m e t e r $ 1 5 . 905-634-3572 O U T D O O R S W I N G , n e e d s r e p a i r . $ 1 0 . 905-842-0847 PAINTERS DROP sheets. j o b l o t . $ 5 0 . 905-580-0730 PET CARRIER, medium. $35. 905-580-0730 PICTURE FOR wall, 4 for $40. 905-827-3340 PLAY STATION3 console $75. 289-442-1891 R E C L I N E R . $ 1 0 0 . 905-842-0847 SCOOTERS, 2 pink Ra- dio flyer scooters. $50 pink Ra- dio flyer scooters. $50 pink Ra- for both. 905-257-0617 SNOWBLOWER, 10HP Craftsman, 2 stage, 29" cut, works well, includ- i n g c a b . $ 1 0 0 . 905-827-0570 TABLE, 2-T IER so l id wood, with feet. $75. 289-442-1891 TABLE SAW Beaver 8 inch Cast Iron with ac- cessories and two mo- tors. $80. 905-336-5064 VACUUM, DIRT devil in new cond i t i on . $99 . 905-842-1046 VASE, CRYSTAL, Large. $20. 289-442-1891 Large. $20. 289-442-1891 Large. WINE RACK black iron. $10. 289-442-1891 YARN, ASSORTED col- ours and quality. 12 for $25. 905-827-3340 ours and quality. 12 for $25. 905-827-3340 ours and quality. 12 for *A1 MATTRESS Factory D i r e c t . D e l i v e r y ava i lab le . A l l s i zes including custom split boxsprings, Orthopedic 20 year sets starting $240. "New Gel foam beds" from $500. De- luxe no-� ip Pillowtop & 'Crown' series, Eurotop sets from $390. New Waterbeds, end-of-line/ d i s c o n t i n u e d i t e m s available. 905-681-9496 905-338-0803 905-563-6903. COUCH, 2 seater, leather L a - Z - B o y c h o c o l a t e brown, like new. $500 L a - Z - B o y c h o c o l a t e brown, like new. $500 L a - Z - B o y c h o c o l a t e O B O . C a l l J a n i n e 647-299-4311 TUB CHAIR , l ea the r, swivel dark brown, like new. $500 OBO. Call Ja- nine 647-299-4311 BEST CARPETING Deals! 25 yards Pad/ Instal l $385. All types/ Colours. 25 yards Pad/ Instal l $385. All types/ Colours. 25 yards Pad/ Instal l Repairs, re-stretching, cleaning. Call Dena or Paul at 905-849-4847. We won't be undersold! CARPET I have several 1000 yds. Of new S t a i n m a s t e r a n d 100% nylon carpet. Will do living room & hall for $389. Includes carpet, pad & installation (25 sq. yards) Steve 905-633-8192 HEAVY DUTY Craftsman snowblower, 31" 11 hp, l i k e new, $600 , ca l l snowblower, 31" 11 hp, l i k e new, $600 , ca l l snowblower, 31" 11 hp, 647-860-1073. LEGACY 36 Dual- fuel r ange . 5 bu rne rs , 3 overs, and 7 cooking modes. Dark Blue. Ask- i n g $ 3 0 0 0 c a l l 647-502-9038 SNOW BLOWER, Kraft- sman 950 series, l ike new, been used once. Asking $800 (Firm). Call 905-845-3900 TWO YEAR old snow- blower, A1 shape, $1300 new, sel l ing for $650 blower, A1 shape, $1300 new, sel l ing for $650 blower, A1 shape, $1300 f i r m , m u s t s e e . 905-844-8391 WE BUY CARS All makes and models, Any year or condition! We're fair and honest. Call Ray 905-321-9121 2013 MERCEDES-BENZ Sprinter 2500 Series. No accidents. $26,000 Safe- Sprinter 2500 Series. No accidents. $26,000 Safe- Sprinter 2500 Series. No ty Complete. 124,682 K M P l e a s e c o n t a c t 289-230-3562 Articles Wanted Articles Wanted Articles Under $100 Articles Under $100 Articles Under $100 Articles for Sale (Misc.) Articles for Sale (Misc.) Articles for Sale (Misc.) Cars Vans Looking for a Real Estate alternative to the Stock Market? Contact Stephen at sgoodfellow@waverleycf.com Cumberland Village 3270 Prospect Street, Burlington 905-632-2601 R 00 14 74 39 04 Townhomes (With & Without Garage) Close to Burlington Mall, Schools & Transit ALL NEW: Windows/Doors (Patio/Entrance),ALL NEW: Windows/Doors (Patio/Entrance), Furnace & A/C Unit, Kitchen (SS Appliances w/Dishwasher), Floors/Ceramic and Bathroom. OAKVILLE 2 BEDROOM s p a c i o u s , b a s e m e n t apartment with separate entrance, in Oakvi l le . Renovated washroom. $1300. Utilities included. N o s m o k i n g / p e t s . Available Immediately. Call 905-829-1721. NOW AVAILABLE, 250 sq feet and 500 sq feet for lease, 1, 3 and 5 year available. Premium Fair- v i e w l o c a t i o n , n e a r malls, transit, freeway. Rent includes a/c, heat, electricity. Unfurnished suites, ample parking, Burlington Office Centre, three-floor with elevator. 905-296-1002. Modern Of� ce Space for Rent We are looking to sublet our office to a small start up, freelancers or entre- p r e n e u r s w h o n e e d some office space. Location: QEW/Winston Churchill area 2904 South Sher idan Way, Suite 304 Oakville, ON L6J 7L7 Excellent access to high- ways Facilities: -Ki tchen (microwave, convection oven, sink, fridge,coffee machine) -Workstation that can fit up to 4 people -Wi Fi included -Unlimited black n' white printing -Use of boardroom (6 to 8 people) with confer- ence line -Small 2 person meeting room -Free parking -24 hour access -Mai l ing address and parcel pick up and deliv- ery -Professional cleaning Rental Cost: Group of 4 $1,000 +HST for 4 people - one work- station desk to accom- modate 4 people with 4 filing cabinets Individuals $300 +HST one desk with filing cabi- net Please contact Susan via email susanweav- er@pearl-strategy.ca or my cell 416 908 2446 Investment OpportunitiesOpportunities Townhouses for Rent Apartments for Rent Investment OpportunitiesOpportunities Townhouses for Rent Industrial/Commercial Industrial/Commercial for Rent/Wanted Office/Business Space Office/Business Space for Rent/Wanted classifieds Place ads in your Local Community Newspaper Print & Online at YourClassifi eds.ca WE ARE ALWAYS OPEN To place your ad on Download the FREE APP fi nd us online at yourclassifi eds.ca fi nd us online at yourclassifi eds.ca

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