33 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,D ecem ber 27,2018 insidehalton.com Gary Carr Regional Chair Reduce your household waste with these tips Small actions, like putting waste in the right place, can make a big difference. Here are some simple household waste tips that can contribute to community waste reduction: • Put paper plates, coffee cups, tissue paper and napkins in the Green Cart. • Rinse and empty plastic bags and food containers before placing in the Blue Box. • Reuse gift bags, ribbons, bows and gift wrap. • Donate clothing, toys and books to Reuse Centres and local charities. Thank you for working with us to reduce our waste all year round! Visit halton.ca/waste for more tips. Meetings at Halton Region, 1151 Bronte Rd., Oakville, L6M 3L1 Visit halton.ca for full schedule.for full schedule.f January 16 9:30 a.m. Regional Council OakvilleNewYear'sDay HouseholdWasteCollectionNotice Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 30 31 NewYear's Day January 1 2January 1 2January 1 2 3 4 5 Areas C & D Collection moves Areas A & B Collection moves WasteCollectionCalendar Reminder:Your 2019-2020Halton RegionGuide &Waste Collection Calendarwill be delivered at the end of January 2019. Manage your waste online or from your mobile device! Visit halton.ca/waste or download the OneHalton app to: • View your personalized waste collection calendar. • Access HaltonWaste Management Site information and fees. • Sort your waste using the PutWaste in its Place tool. • And so much more! 12 27 18 Please note collection day changes: HaltonWasteManagement Site Please place yourwaste at the curb by 7 a.m. on your scheduled holiday collection day. RegularOperatingHours Monday to Saturday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 5400 Regional Road 25,Milton ClosedTuesday, January 1 GarbageTagExemption Your first garbage collection afterYour first garbage collection afterY Christmas Day (December 25) does not require garbage tags. The six garbage bag/can limit still applies. ChristmasTreeCollection AreasA&B: Place Christmas trees at the curb for collection onTuesday, January 8 and 15. Areas C&D: Place Christmas trees at the curb for collection on Friday, January 11 and 18. Remove decorations, tinsel, tree stands and plastic bags prior to collection. cigarette smoke. On the other hand, Parrotta said there are many ways to reap the benefits of CBD, without smok- ing. Vaporizing heatsVaporizing heatsV the cannabis so that the THC and CBD benefits can be acti- vated, whereas smok- ing combusts the plant, resulting in smoke, tar and other debris entering the lungs. Health Canada suggests vaporizing as a healthier way to consume medicine. Licensed cannabis producers offer a wide range of products: dry herb/flower, extracts/oils, gel capsules, sublingual sprays, powder and topical creams. The province has also align- ed cannabis consumption rules with the restrictions set out in the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017. Under the Act, smoking and vaping cannabis is strictly pro- hibited near schools, children's playgrounds, hospitals and child care facilities - among oth- er areas. Any form of recreational can- nabis consumption is prohibit- ed in motor vehicles and boats. Kari Veno, senior communi- cations consultant with Halton Healthcare, said cannabis has not increased visits to their hos- pitals (Milton District Hospital, Georgetown Hospital and Oak- ville Trafalgar Memorial Hospi- tal). "At this point in time, follow- ing the legalization of recre- ational cannabis on Oct. 17, we have not seen an increase in can- nabis-related emergency room visits at our hospitals," she said. As for Canadian Blood Ser- vices, it's business as usual - all blood is screened to ensure its safety. There is one question asking donors if they have used mari- juana, however that doesn't mean a donor isn't eligible. "Individuals who use canna- bis or marijuana may be eligible to donate, however, any evi- dence of intoxication or inabili- ty to give an informed consent will prevent you from donating." Since October, one thing that changes because of the legaliza- tion are stronger laws to deter and detect those who drive while impaired by alcohol and drugs, including cannabis. As of June 21, 2018, as a result of Bill C-46, police can now also demand a sample of oral fluid on approved drug screening equip- ment at the roadside. A drug screener has now been ap- proved for use as an additional tool for law enforcement. A positive result on an oral fluid drug screener is stronglyfluid drug screener is stronglyf suggestive of recent cannabis and recent cocaine use. The government of Canada passed the new law because it cites impaired driving as the leading criminal cause of death and injury in Canada. Kosturik said the region has received 21 inquiries about can- nabis since Oct. 17 including re- quests for information that re- lates to health, bylaw, retail lo- cations and selling or purchas- ing product. Next week: Information forNext week: Information forN parents: How to approach your kids about the topic of cannabis. Continued from page 32 THE ISSUE: THE MEDICAL BENEFITS OR RISKS FOR CANNABIS USE LOCAL IMPACT: EVERYONE AGREES - KEEP PEOPLE SAFE WITH LEGALIZATION OF CANNABIS STORY BEHIND THE STORY While there's still a stigma surrounding the use of cannabis it's up to individuals to choose whether the benefits outweigh the risks. CANNABIS AND YOU Don't be a LitterBug! Please keep our community clean. Please keep our community clean!