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PAYMENT:YMENT:YMENT Call: 905-527-5555 or 1-800-263-6480 Email: CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGADVERTISING 901 Guelph Line, Burlington R 00 14 72 38 26 Milton DESIGNER CHRISTMAS CLEAROUT SALE Sat., Dec. 8th ~ 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. 818 Merritt Dr. 100% Authentic! Kate Spade, Roots, Nike, Bench, Lululemon, Coach, Tory Burch, Michael Kors, Adidas and much more! Up to 25% off already, Low prices Garages Sales Garages Sales BEST CASH PAID We Make House Calls WE BUY IT ALL! China, Silver, Crystal, Coins, Gold & Costume Jewellery, Art, Doultons Swarovski, Antiques, Collectibles, Downsizing & Estate Experts Call Appraisers: John/Darcie/Krista 905-331-2477 WE PAY FOR GOLF BALLS Pay $0.10 to $0.24 per ball Purchase all year long 416-889-9365 Peter NO MIN QTY OR NO MAX !! Showcased Treasures Presents Holiday d Gift Market d St. Simon's Anglican Church of Oakville d d d December 8th d d d 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. **Free Admission** But we're receiving any non-perishable food items & toys that will be donated Christmas Bazaar & Bake Sale Christmas Tree Sales St. Cuthbert's Church 1541 Oakhill Drive Saturday. Dec. 8th 9 am - 2 pm Over 20 vendors. Buy unique Buy local. Something for everyone. Professional Dental Hygiene Cleaning $125 5198 New St., Burlington 905-599-4867 *$30 exam fee applies at initial visit A L L T E A K f u r n i t u r e wanted, antiques, watch- es, paintings, silver dol- lars, gold, sterling silver, Doultons, jewelry, Swa- rovsk i f igur ines , o ld toys, musica l instru- ments. We buy i t a l l . 905-979-4447. LOOKING FOR ANTIQUES Quality Antique Furni- ture, Sterling, Lighting, Jewelry, Memorabil ia, Toys & Complete Collec- t ions . Anyth ing your grandparents used to own. Send photo's to normsantiques @ g m a i l . c o m o r c a l l Norm 905-703-1107. 18 INCH Dol l Clothes Knitted Coat, Tam, Mit- tens. F i ts a l l 18 inch dolls. $25.00 905-637-2731 BED, QUEEN sized with head boa rd and de - t a c h e d n i g h t t a b l e . $95.905-827-3340 t a c h e d n i g h t t a b l e . $95.905-827-3340 t a c h e d n i g h t t a b l e . BOOTS, LEATHER, la- dies La Vallee, black, 7.5 2AA, 15" high, excellent condition. Photo avail $60. 905-878-9173 BRADFORD XMAS orna- m e n t s n e w i n b o x wolves year 1997 price $10. 905-336-7178 wolves year 1997 price $10. 905-336-7178 wolves year 1997 price CARPET, WHITE, best quality, never used, size 36" x 144" ,paid $199 quality, never used, size 36" x 144" ,paid $199 quality, never used, size and tax. Sell for $95. 36" x 144" ,paid $199 and tax. Sell for $95. 36" x 144" ,paid $199 905-827-3340 CHAIRS, 4 with uphol- s t e r y, v e r y s t r o n g , suitable for a wait ing r o o m . 4 f o r $ 5 0 . suitable for a wait ing r o o m . 4 f o r $ 5 0 . suitable for a wait ing 905-827-3340 CHRISTMAS TREE deco- rations, full box for $20. 905-827-3340 C H R I S T M A S T R E E , small, 2 1/2 feet tal l . $10. 905-827-3340 C H R I S T M A S T R E E Stand, metal, premium, cost $80. Sell for $40. Stand, metal, premium, cost $80. Sell for $40. Stand, metal, premium, 905-580-0730 COALPORT SAVANNAH figurine, year 1998, 5" height, 3.5" base, year 1 9 9 8 , $ 3 5 . height, 3.5" base, year 1 9 9 8 , $ 3 5 . height, 3.5" base, year 905-336-7178 C O R E N E T 2 0 " b a s s drum with pedal and 14" chrome snare drum with s t a n d . $ 9 5 . 905-510-1204 DISH, HAND-PAINTED, f l o w e r e d d i s h 3 6 " , a r o u n d $ 1 5 . o b o 289-812-0813 D I S H E S , C O R N I N G ware, 1- 1.5 quart, 1- 2.5 quart, in excellent condi- tion. $30. 905-842-1046 DOLL CARRIERS, high quality, with adjustable s t r a p s . $ 2 0 . quality, with adjustable s t r a p s . $ 2 0 . quality, with adjustable 905-315-8366 DOLL CLOTHES, cute hand sewn, fits 18" doll $10. Call 905-315-8366 DRILL DOCTOR, 350X, s h a r p e n s d r i l l b i t s , carb ide , coba l t , HSS back ox ide , inc ludes instruction DVD. $75. Call 905-815-8111 DRYER, full size, electric $100. 289-337-1328. FENCING, CHAIN-LINK, green, 45', 5' high, new. $60. 905-580-0730 green, 45', 5' high, new. $60. 905-580-0730 green, 45', 5' high, new. GOLF BALLS, used. 152 for $45. 905-690-1835 GOLF CLUBS, starter, Campbell Canada, 3-5-7- 10 Irons, Golf Pride Put- t e r a n d m o r e $ 2 0 . 905-690-1835 GOLF CLUBS, starter, F a z e r P r o C l a s s i c , 3-4-5-6-7/8 Irons and pitching wedge & more $25. 905-690-1835 pitching wedge & more $25. 905-690-1835 pitching wedge & more HOSPITAL BED for sale in good condition, with mattress, $100. Please in good condition, with mattress, $100. Please in good condition, with call 905-336-5523 (Burlington) HUMIDIFIER, HONEY- WELL, top fill, new con- d i t i o n . $ 2 0 . top fill, new con- d i t i o n . $ 2 0 . top fill, new con- 905-864-7150 IRON, SUNBEAM steam iron, new condition. $15. 905-864-7150 LIMOGES MINIATURE, french horn, white, 3" ta l l , made in France, $25. 905-336-7178 LIMOGES MINIATURE Swan, blue cobalt, made i n F r a n c e , $ 2 5 . 905-336-7178 LITTLE PET shop, new in box, year 2007, get bet- t e r c e n t e r . $ 9 0 . box, year 2007, get bet- $ 9 0 . box, year 2007, get bet- 905-336-7178 M AT S S U N D I N c c m hockey j e r sey you th s ize l /x l pr ice $100. hockey j e r sey you th s ize l /x l pr ice $100. hockey j e r sey you th 905-336-7178 NEW CABBAGE patch dishes new in box year 1983 1st edition royal worcesto , pr ice $35. 1983 1st edition royal worcesto , pr ice $35. 1983 1st edition royal 905-336-7178 NEW DIGTAL print Ed B e l f o u r w i t h s i l v e r frame 18 by 20 price $100. 905-336-7178 frame 18 by 20 price $100. 905-336-7178 frame 18 by 20 price NEW DIGTAL print Mats S u n d i n w i t h s i l v e r f r ame p r i ce $100 . 905-336-7178 PAINTERS DROP sheets. j o b l o t . $ 5 0 . 905-580-0730 PET CARRIER, medium. $40. 905-580-0730 PLAY STATION console. $100. 289-442-1891 PS3 CONTROLLERS 2 for $30. 289-442-1891 PS3 GAMES 14 for $70. 289-442-1891 QUILT, CROCHETED . $30. 905-842-1046 R A P T O R S J E R S E Y, NBA, Toronto Jersey, long sleeve, black/ blue, $60. 905-336-7178 long sleeve, black/ blue, $60. 905-336-7178 long sleeve, black/ blue, R O TA R Y T O O L k i t , Dremel variable speed, quick change collect, ball bearing motor hard shell case $60. 905-815-8111 bearing motor hard shell case $60. 905-815-8111 bearing motor hard shell SALT/PEPPER shakers, several varieties, orna- m e n t a l . $ 4 . 5 0 . 905-864-7150 SANDER, OSCILLATING spindle with stand, like new. $75. 905-825-2748 spindle with stand, like new. $75. 905-825-2748 spindle with stand, like SCHWINN TRICYCLE Ex- cellent cond, barely used C a l l o r t e x t B r a d . 905-520-5582. $100 SCOOTERS, 2 Radio fly- er p ink from Master- m i n d . $ 5 0 f o r 2 . er p ink from Master- m i n d . $ 5 0 f o r 2 . er p ink from Master- 905-257-0617 SHEEPSKIN JACKET vin- tage high quality British. medium/large. Burling- t o n , O n t $ 1 0 0 . medium/large. Burling- t o n , O n t $ 1 0 0 . medium/large. Burling- 905-336-2610 SLIPPERS, HAND made. 4 p a i r s f o r $ 4 0 . 905-827-3340 SNOW SHOES, unisex, never used. $100 firm. 905-634-3508 S TA M P A L B U M S , 2 large plus 1 Can & 1 US, $100. Lots of stamps, up large plus 1 Can & 1 US, $100. Lots of stamps, up large plus 1 Can & 1 US, to 1976. 905-335-2366 SUIT CASE, 2 Fibber, ex- cellent condition. $70 for both. 905-842-1046 TENT, INDOOR or out- door, front 92 inches, new, never used. $25. 905-864-7150 TROLLEY JACK, 1.5 ton, lift range, 5 1/4-15 1/4. swivel saddle & castors for easy maneuvering $45. 905-815-8111 for easy maneuvering $45. 905-815-8111 for easy maneuvering TWELVE DAYS of Christ- mas made from wood, new. $35. 905-825-2748 VA C U U M , E U R E K A , completely checked and c l e a n e d . $ 5 5 . completely checked and c l e a n e d . $ 5 5 . completely checked and 905-842-1046 VASE, CRYSTAL, Large. $25. 289-442-1891 Large. $25. 289-442-1891 Large. WATER PITCHER and tea set, Avon antique $25 905-864-7150 WINE RACK black scroll d e s i g n . $ 2 0 . 289-442-1891 WOOD STOVE, home made , heavy gauge , b r i c k l i n e d . $ 9 0 . made , heavy gauge , b r i c k l i n e d . $ 9 0 . made , heavy gauge , 905-659-7757 YARN, ASSORTED col- our and quality, box of 20 $40. 905-827-3340 our and quality, box of 20 $40. 905-827-3340 our and quality, box of APPLIANCE SALE Wash- er/dryer set $350. Stove $200, Washer full size, er/dryer set $350. $200, Washer full size, er/dryer set $350. $225 . E l ec t r i c Dr yer $165. All Excellent con- $225 . E l ec t r i c Dr yer $165. All Excellent con- $225 . E l ec t r i c Dr yer dit ion and clean. Cal l 289-337-1328. *A1 MATTRESS Factory D i r e c t . D e l i v e r y ava i lab le . A l l s i zes including custom split boxsprings, Orthopedic 20 year sets starting $240. 30 year tight-top s e t s s t a r t i n g $ 3 4 0 . Deluxe no-flip Pillowtop & ' C r o w n ' s e r i e s , E u r o t o p s e t s f r o m $390. New Waterbeds, end-of-line/ discontin- ued items available. 905-681-9496 905-338-0803 905-563-6903. BEST CARPETING Deals! 25 yards Pad/ Instal l $385. All types/ Colours. 25 yards Pad/ Instal l $385. All types/ Colours. 25 yards Pad/ Instal l Repairs, re-stretching, cleaning. Call Dena or Paul at 905-849-4847. We won't be undersold! CHRISTMAS LIGHTS, LED over 500 for $175 Call 905-336-7039 CARPET I have several 1000 yds. Of new S t a i n m a s t e r a n d 100% nylon carpet. Will do living room & hall for $389. Includes carpet, pad & installation (25 sq. yards) Steve 905-633-8192 SOLID OAK pedestal din- i n g t a b l e , h u t c h , 6 c h a i r s . O a k r o c k i n g chair, coffee table. Two l a z y b o y c h a i r s . Man's/woman's Giant bikes with accessories, l i k e n e w. C a l l M i k e 289-837-3124 SCRAP CARS I buy used Running or not running. c a r s , v a n s , P i c k u p trucks, $360, Call Alex at c a r s , v a n s , P i c k u p trucks, $360, Call Alex at c a r s , v a n s , P i c k u p 416-825-5773. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS If you want to drink that's your business. If you want to quit, it's ours. Alcoholics Anonymous. Call: 905-631-8784 or visit Articles Wanted Articles Under $100 Articles Wanted Articles Under $100 Articles Under $100 Articles Under $100 Appliances Coming Events Shows & Bazaars Articles for Sale (Misc.) Coming Events Shows & Bazaars Articles for Sale (Misc.) Coming Events Announcements Automotive Services Coming Events Announcements Notices (Public) Cumberland Village 3270 Prospect Street, Burlington 905-632-2601 R 00 14 74 39 04 Townhomes (With & Without Garage) Close to Burlington Mall, Schools & Transit ALL NEW: Windows/Doors (Patio/Entrance),ALL NEW: Windows/Doors (Patio/Entrance), Furnace & A/C Unit, Kitchen (SS Appliances w/Dishwasher), Floors/Ceramic and Bathroom. OAKVILLE 2 BEDROOM s p a c i o u s , b a s e m e n t apartment with separate entrance, in Oakvi l le . Renovated washroom. $1300. Utilities included. N o s m o k i n g / p e t s . Available December 1. Call 905-829-1721. Townhouses for Rent Apartments for Rent Townhouses for Rent To book your classified ad call 905.632.4440 Place a Garage Sale Ad Call Today! 1-800-263-6480 or email SELL 905.632.4440800-263-6480