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Oakville Beaver, 19 Jul 2018, p. 24

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in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, Ju ly 19 ,2 01 8 | 24 ins ide ha lto n.c om be ave r BEYONDTHEPAGES VIEW OUR PRINT EDITIONS FIND OUT ABOUT THE LATEST COYOTE SIGHTINGS IN HALTON Report your sightings: bit.ly/2Bf30nP TR EN DIN G HAS AN IMPAIRED DRIVING ARREST OCCURRED IN YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD? See our July map of where the arrests were made and details about the incident bit.ly/2m5zQgL From breaking news to multimedia features, go beyond the newspaper pages and discover all that the Oakville Beaver has to offer online. www.InsideHalton.com For mon thly pay ment op tions se e Legga t Mazda Burlingt on for d etails. 2017 MAZ DA 6 GTDON 'T MIS S THIS ONE! 0R 0% FINA NCING F OR 72 M ONTHS CASH SA LE PRICE $32,990+ HST With Tec hnology Package , Premiu m Package , Nappa Leather, Bose Au dio, 19" Allo y Wheel s, Tinted Window s, Jet Black M ica, 10,4 98 kms. STK.#17 7383 MSRP: $ 38,740 + HST 805 Wa lkers L ine Burlingto n Just off th e QEW aarons@ burlingt onmazd a.com 905-3 33-05 95 Hamilto n Toron to QEW W al ke rs Li ne G ue lp h Li ne Harves ter Roa d Fairview Street B U R L I N G T O N COMPAN Y DEMONS TRATOR ! 40 pag es THURS DAY July 27 , 2017 Condo's future inOMB hands PAGE 3 Randle Reef cleanup update SPOTLIGH T NOW O PEN 10%OFF Tile and Backsp lash (See s tore f or det ails) 730 Gue lph Line 905-633 -8370 • Viny l • Har dwood • Porc elain Realty I nc., Bro kerageMINRA TE ® www .MinR ate.co m *Does n ot includ e commi ssion to buyer/co operating brokerag e 905.3 31.76 53 as lo w as lIsTIN G coMM IssIoN ®* %1FullService T H U R S D A Y N I G H T M E E T U P The Ham ilton-bas ed Conf ederatio n Marine Modelle rs club m eets eac h Thursd ay eveni ng durin g the su mmer to sail thei r radio c ontrolled model b oats at R otary Ce ntennial Pond at Discover y Landing in Spenc er Smith Park.Ab ove, club member Paul Cha rles che cks to m ake sure everythin g is ship shape o n his 1/ 12th sca le 1950 s Sea Ki ng last T hursday. Made fro m a kit, it feature s twin elec tric engi nes and a cedar strip dec k. For m ore pho tos from last wee k's gathe ring, see page 39 .| phot o by Gra ham Pa ine - Bu rlington Post (Fo llow on Twitter @ halton_ photog) SAUNDERS, SAXTON & WINTER Wendy Saunders Sales Representative Kim Saxton Sales Representative Ruth AnneWinter Broker ~ALegacy of Excellence~ 136 Church Street, Suite 1A - Oakville, ON | 905.845.1223 sswteam.ca | sswteam@johnstonanddaniel.com 4141 Derry RoadWest - $2,299,0008350 Appleby Line, Milton. • $5,750,000 136 Church Street, Suite 4A - Oakville, ON | 905.845.1223 AAAAAUAUAUTOTOTOPRPRPROOOOO OOOAOAOAKVKVKVILILIL EELELELE 2212212 2 W2 yecroft Road, Oakvkvillilleee 905-469-24422 autoprooakville.mechanicnet.com MECHANICAL SERVICES dentistoakville.com 905-842-6030 40 pages THURSDAY JULY 27, 2017 Takinganepicvoyage Carousel of Nations in the spotlight Page 12 Page 6 Golf legend Jack Nicklaus -- who designed the Glen Abbey Golf Course -- was on hand to officially open the 2017 RBC Canadian Open Tuesday. The golfing icon wore a Team Canada jersey to open the event in a truly Canadian way, taking some shots with a hockey stick on the 7th tee named The Rink. It was also Nicklaus' first time ever shooting a puck with a hockey stick. For more coverage, see p. 17, 25, and Sports. RBC Canadian Open back at Glen Abbey TheTownofOakville has once againwel- comed the RBC Canadian Open back to Glen AbbeyGolf Course. The world-renowned event runs from Monday, July24 toSunday, July30and is ex- pected to host many of the world's best golf- ers and attract more than 100,000 people to Oakville. The tournament's opening ceremonies took place Tuesday (July 25) -- hosted by course designer and golf legend Jack Nick- laus. The opening ceremony gave residents a chance to check out the tournament set up and enjoy amilitary flyover by aH13Hercu- les transport plane. The tournament began with some good news from the federal government onMon- daywithOakvilleMP JohnOliver announc- David Lea Oakville Beaver Staff see Prepping on p.9 | Graham Paine/Metroland Hours:Monday to Friday: 8am - 9pm Saturday: 8am - 7pm • Sunday: 8am - 6pm Canadian Tire Milton 1210 Steeles Ave E • 905-878-2349 ONLY AT YOUR MILTON CANADIAN TIRE FOR A LIMITED TIME!LED 3-Pack Noma LEDBulbs, 60W eq.Sale 8.99Reg. 11.99. 299-8750-X Feit Electric LED A19Omni Bulb, 13.5W(Daylight or Soft White)Reg. 6.9952-1390-0 EvEnt99¢WiThcOuPON! FRiDAy, SAtuRDAy, SuNDAy gEt yOuR cOuPONS iN-StORE! Hours: 99 ¢wowthat's only33¢a bulb! coupons save $8with †$8couponon select†††††††††††certified†††bulbs. †axes areapplicable to ††.†† price beforecoupon.†iscount applied using in-store coupons. †etails availableat saveonenergy.ca/coupons. †erms andconditions apply. 3 pack withcoupon ZAK'SPHARMACYMilton's Independent Pharmacy• Free Delivery• 10% Seniors Discount• All Drug Plans Accepted• Written Drug Info. Available"At Zak's We CareAbout Your Health"70 Main St. E. 875-2424 48 pages THURSDAYJULY 27, 2017 INSIDE Running a-muck forthe cancer society BMXcompetitorsride ontoworld stage Police urged to investigate councillor's campaign expenses Milton councillors are calling for a police investigation into one of their colleague's election campaign expenses.In an 8-2 vote Monday evening (July 24), council voted in favour of turning a compliance audit of Ward 5 Councillor Arnold Huffman's 2014 campaign expenditures over to po- lice with a request for a full investi- gation into the matter.Councillors Rick Di Lorenzo and Cin- dy Lunau opposed the motion put forth by Councillor Rick Malboeuf, and Huffman declared a conflict of interest on the matter."This takes the issue out of the hands of this council and takes the politics out of it by turning it over to the police," said Malboeuf in speak- ing to his motion. "We can choose to do nothing and let this go, but then we would be condoning the improper and alleged illegal action perpetrated by Councillor Huffman." In speaking with the Champion af- ter themeeting, Huffmanexpressed his dismay in council's decision. "I don't understand why this is By Melanie Hennessey CANAD I AN CHAMP ION S TA F F ...4 One in amelonMeleia McGraw, 8, is all smiles as she shows her medal from Longo's an- nual watermelon eating contest in Milton. McGraw devoured her slice in record time, beating her mom and two store employees in the recent competition that included a special visit fromNationalWater- melon QueenMadison Laney.GrahamPaine /MWMG titors ld burlington • milton • oakville CONNECTED TO YOUR COMMUNITY PLANNING A PUBLIC EVENT? POST IT HERE: insidehalton/events GetHaltonnewsdeliveredtwicedailyrighttoyour inbox.Signupatinsidehalton.com/newsletter MULTIMEDIA EVENTS RSVP CONCIERGE ROCCASISTERS.CA 905.335.4102-DIRECT Call us! Cathy & Tanya Rocca SALES REPRESENTATIVES OVER $1.5 BILLION IN TOTAL SALES VOLUME* FOR HAMILTON &BURLINGTON FOR SALES PRODUCTION & VOLUME** IN CANADA FOR SALES PRODUCTION & VOLUME *** *SOURCE: RAH-B MLS DATA CUMULATIVE FOR YEARS 2005 TO 2017 FOR PENDING & CLOSED PROPERTIES SOLD **FOR ROYAL LEPAGE CANADA 2010-2015 FOR ROYAL LEPAGE CANADA 2013-2015 MEET THE ROCCA SISTERS Peter Anelli-Rocca, Bonnie and Jesse Glen, Daniel Bozuk, Jeanne Hoey, Ryan Davison, Ron Boyko, Ian Mccaig, Mike Stajduhar, Amy Bray, Paula Dissegna, Sabrina McCaig, Chris SPiridoulias, and Cayla Altorf 7 8 $990,900 SpaciouS Bungalow Beautiful, spacious bungalow on a gorgeous rural one acre property that includes 3 fully equipped/ heated workshops all located within 5 minutes from major shopping highways and brand new subdivisions, look no further. $1,099,900 Turnkey Townhome Gorgeous executive Fernbrook townhome with fully finished walkout lower level, backing onto deep lush ravine and walking trails. $1,150,088 live/work uniT in BronTe village! Beautifully finished 3 bed 4 bath unit with office and living area, prime location in designated tourist area steps to shopping, restaurants, Bronte Harbour, Bronte Creek and the Lake! $1,179,000 SpaciouS luxury home! This 4+1 bed home features open and bright interior with a prof. landscaped bckyrd, & fully finished basement w/ full kitchen! $1,380,000 upgraded oakville STunner This exceptional home boasts nearly 5000 sqft of living space & extensive upgrades. Steps to parks and trails including River Oaks Park & Nipegon Trail. Close to schools incl. Sunningdale French Immersion. $1,399,000 privaTe oakville courT This spacious 2 storey detached Oakville home is equipped with 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, and a show-stopping backyard! Give your bathroom a wash of colour with Chalk Paint by Annie Sloan. Available in 36 mixable shades, Chalk Paint can be applied directly to fibreglass, por- celain or cast iron tubs without priming or sanding. Ideal for beginners, soak your bathtub in colour with a single pot of paint, followed by a coat of Clear Chalk Paint Wax, in just a matter of hours. For intermediate painters and upcyclers, a water- fall-effect ombré wall in a cascading ocean palette is the perfect weekend project. Start with your lightest colour at the base of the wall, then mix a little of your second colour into your first colour to darken it. Apply the darker colour above your first colour, then use a clean brush to lightly feather the paint while it's still wet, blending each colour into the next. Repeat steps two and three until you reach your darkest colour at the top of the wall, then seal with wax. Paint dry? Dive in! Annie Sloan Chalk Paint decorative paint is avail- able through Canadian stockists and online. Advertorial Wash your walls in colour with Annie Sloan paint Ombré wall by Brand Director Felix, Annie Sloan's son, using Chalk Paint in Aubus- son Blue (top) and Provence (bottom), and finished with Clear Chalk Paint Wax. Bath painted in Chalk Paint in Provence and finished with Chalk Paint Wax. Feet painted in Chalk Paint in Old White and finished with Annie Sloan Lacquer. Floor- boards in a wash of Chalk Paint in Old White and finished with Lacquer. Photo by Simon Bevan

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