THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Photo by Peter C. McCusker Taking aim: Big Brothers of Halton Bowl For Kids Sake sponsored by Kelsey's Restaurants was held at Oakville Bowlerama Saturday with 200 bowlers raising $24,000. Big and Little Brothers Jon Brown and Adam, organizer Susan Smith and Jason Rolleman, of Kelsey's, get ready to bowl. P o lic e s e e k o ld g la s s e s f o r T h ir d W o r ld p r o je c t Help give the gift of sight by donating your old eye glasses. These are reconditioned and taken by a team of professionals to needy people in Third World countries who are fitted and enabled to see. Old glasses can be dropped off at any Halton Regional Police station. Last year more than one thousand pairs were donated through the stations. Lions International and Lenscrafters are joining forces once again to spear head the initiative. What do Madonna & Einstein have in common? They a re b o th veg eta ria n s! Come to my cooking class and I will teach you how easy it is to becom e a vegetarian! Learn to Eat Healthier! Classes Wed. April 21st 6:30-9:30 p.m or Sat. April 24th 12:30-3:30 p.m C o s t $ 5 0 °° Includes: food preparation, sampling, recipes 8. vegetarian information. Limited seating so reserve now ! Call Rose at 8 4 7 -6 1 0 0 'poo} Golf course equipment stolen Police in Oakville seek clues to the identity of whomever is respon sible for the theft of three pieces of equipment from a west-end golf course fast month. During the night of Tuesday., March 23rd-24th, a fenced com pound was broken into at Saw Whet Golf Club on Bronte Road, north of the Q.E.W. Three John Deere pieces of equipment were started up, driven from the com pound, and loaded onto a waiting truck. The equipment stolen included a tractor, a loader, and a backhoe. The estimated value for all three was pegged at approximately $53,000. Crime Stoppers would be interested in hearing from any one who can suggest possible suspects for the police to investigate, or who knows where the equipment was taken. If you have any information that leads to an arrest in this or any other case, you may be eligible for a cash reward. You need not give your name, and your information can be taken with complete anonymity. Crime Stoppers does not sub scribe to Call Display. CRIME STOPPERS CRIME STOPPERS Cafl 825-T IPS or 1-800-668-5151 409 Brant St. ♦ Burlington ♦ 1-888-THMSVIL (1-888-846-7845) ♦905-333-6670 W e owe our children the greatest education we can give them , and encouraging them to read a newspaper is an im portan t part o f that education. O p en a door o f entertainm ent, w onder and knowledge for your children by encouraging them to begin a practice they will enjoy for the rest o f their lives. Encourage Your Chub To Em A Newspaper Th e Oakville B eaver I t t i l l s t a r t s i c i t / i i i r i v s / t a p o r . R eg ister now fo r o u r C E N T R E P ro g ra m s a v a ila b le M o n .- S a t . A Kindergym - 2-5 yrs. Recreational - 5 - 12 yrs. Rhythmic - 6+ Saturday Birthday Parties 842-ELFS! 2 2 0 W y e c r o f t R d . Unit 52 , Oakville (8 4 2 - 3 5 3 7)} O ur N a t io n a l ly q u a l i f ie d , m a tu r e coaching staff and s p e c ia l ly d e s ig n e d f a c i l i t y ensure your child's learning is both pleasurable and safe. 8 -W EEK SPR IN G '99 SESSION (Begins April 26) COMPETITIVE RATES & EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY VAULTS ON PREMISES 10% SENIOR DISCOUNT FREE 9-POINT INSPECTION & ESTIMATE 10% DISCOUNT BY PRE-PAYING YOUR STORAGE CLEANING • REPAIRS • RESTYLING A FAMILY BUSINESS FOR 6 GENERATIONS SINCE 1815 845-2031 FURRIERS SINCE 1815 09 iakesh o re Road East, Downtown Oakville * 41st lights yvest ofIj-afalgar) 845-2031