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Oakville Beaver, 14 Apr 1999, D6

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D6 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, April 14,1999 AUTOMOTIVE Built for work or play Mazda's truck scores an A+ The neatly-styled B-Series truck from Mazda offers a perfect match, whether you're hauling for business or pleasure. By now most everyone is familiar with the facts. There are more pickup trucks on the road than ever and the numbers are growing. Not only do more peo­ ple require them for their liveli­ hood, but trucks are rapidly becoming the preferred mode of transport for more trivial pursuits. For example, check out some of the toys we have parked in our garages and driveways these days. The list includes mountain bikes, dirt bikes, all-terrain vehi­ cles, snowmobiles and personal watercraft, to name some of the bulkier items. Add boating, camping, hunting and hiking gear to the list and you begin to won­ der why anyone drives a car any­ more. Select an optional canopy, and you can easily convert a pickup into a secure, weather-proof stor­ age area for the rest of your stuff. The Mazda B-Series makes for a perfect dual-purpose work/play machine. Although smaller than a full-size pickup, the B-series can still tackle the heavy work. Maximum payload capacity can reach 750 kilo­ grams, and towing capacity can top out at 2,700 kg, depending on the power, axle ratio and other equipment selected. The B-Series is available in three distinct sizes, as defined by engine capacity. The B2500 comes with a 2.5- litre SOHC four-cylinder engine that antes up 119 horsepower. The B3000 is so designated due to its 3.0-litre OHV V6 that pro­ duces 150 horsepower. Finally, the B4000 gets a 4.0-litre OHV V6 that is capable of 160 horse­ power. Both the 2.3- and 3.0-litre engines offer a five-speed manu­ al, or optional four-speed auto­ matic transmission, while the 4.0- litre can be ordered with either the five-speed manual, or option­ al five-speed automatic transmis­ sion. Four-wheel drive is an option on B3000 or B4000 trucks only, while an extended-cab model, 1999 Mazda B-Series ★ Two-Tour door p ick ip available in B2500, B3000 and B4000 models in regular, or extended-cab versions. ★ 2.5-litre tour-cylinder, 3.0-litre V6 or 4.0-litre V6 engines, producing 119,150 and 160 horsepower respectively. ★ Five-speed manual, four-speed auto­ matic or five-speed automatic transmis­ sions (B4000 only) ★ Nicely designed inside and out. ★ More power options to choose from than most small pickups ★ Wide assortment of optional packages to choose from. ★ Extended-cab version can be had with handy four door option. ★ Base Price: $15,100 called the Cab Plus, which fea­ tures two collapsible side-mount­ ed jump-seats, can be ordered on the full B-Series lineup. All B- Series trucks come with a stan­ dard six-foot box. In mid-1998 Mazda intro­ duced the Cab Plus 4 option, fea­ turing two rear doors that open by means of a handle located inside each front doorjamb. If you've got the itch, or your credit can withstand a full frontal assault, you can load up the B- Series with a full assortment of conveniences, including air con­ ditioning, tilt steering, cruise con­ trol, power windows and door locks, sport bucket seats with console, remote keyless entry sliding rear window, premium sound system and alloy wheels. Most of these items are available as part of specific option pack­ ages. If, after staring at the B-Series for a few moments you feel a sud­ den case of deja vu coming on, don't worry. The Mazda is the almost identical twin to the Ford Ranger. Both are built at the same plant, and differ only in front grille and wheel design, as well as a few other small touches. With the B-Series, Mazda allows you to select the exact power, cab size and ingredients you need for whatever your work or play purpose. Looking good behind the wheel is simply an added bonus. THEY MAKE YOUR HEART POUND. EVEN IN PARK. f PONTIAC. ™ B U IL T F O R D R IV E R S ' 1 9 9 9 S U N F IR E C O U P E 2.2 litre engine, 115 HP-5-speed transmission • 4-wheel anti-lock brakes • PASSLock® theft-deterrent system • Next Generation dual air bags • Tinted glass • Rear spoiler 1 9 9 9 D ow n P aym ent S U N F I R E Lease P aym ent C O U P E Total D ue O n Signing^ $ 0 $ 1 , 6 2 0 $ 3 , 0 0 0 $ 2 3 5 /month $ 1 S 8 / m o n t h $ 1 4 9 /month $ 1 , 3 9 8 . 2 5 $ 3 , 2 0 7 . 2 0 $ 4 , 7 4 9 . 3 5 PER M0NT1V38 MONTHS/ $1,620 DOWN PAYMENT RE0UIRED/S645 FREIGHT A fffl $300 SECURITY DEPOSIT REQUIRED PURCHASE PRICE 15,998 EXCLUDES FREIGHT SS45 WITH 1 fl% tfTotal due on signing includes down payment, freight, security deposit, 1st month's payment plus taxes, GST, PST and gas tax. Licence, insurance, P.P.S.A. and admin, fees extra. 1.9 LEASE RATE UP TO 36 MONTHS' OR PURCHASE FINANCING UP TO 48 MONTHS' 228 1999 SUNFIRE GT COUPE 2.4 litre engine, 150 H P • 5-speed tran sm issio n • 4-w heel an ti-lo ck b rakes • PASSLock® th e ft-d e te rren t system • N ex t G enera tion d u a l a ir bags • A M /FM stereo w ith C D player • A ir co n d itio n in g • C ruise co n tro l • T in ted glass 1 9 9 9 S U N F I R E D ow n P a ym en t Lease P a ym en t G T C O U P E T o ta l D ue O n S ig n in g $0 $ 2 7 4/monrh $ 1 , 4 6 8 . 1 0 $ 1 , 6 0 0 $ 2 2 8 / month $ 3 , 2 3 0 . 2 0 $ 3 , 0 0 0 $ 1 8 8 /month $ 4 , 7 9 4 . 2 0 PER M0NTTV38 MONTHS/ ST .600 DOWN PAYMENT REQUIRED/ $645 FREIGHT AND $300 SECURITY DEPOSIT REQUIRED OR PURCHASE PRICE 20,398 EXCLUDES FREIGHT S645 \XTTH 1 C l %1.9 t fT o ta l du e o n s ig n in g in c lu d es d ow n paym en t, freight, security d ep o sit, 1st m o n th 's p aym en t p lu s taxes, GST, PST and gas tax. L icence, insurance, P.P.S.A. and adm in , fees extra. LEASE RATE UP TO 36 MONTHS' OR PURCHASE FINANCING UP TO 48 MONTHS' 1999 PONTIAC GRAND AM SE 2.4 litre Tw in C am 150 H P engine • B old a n d exciting new design • All-new chassis, w ith excep tional rig id ity • 4-w heel an ti-lock brakes ■ 4-speed a u to m a tic tran sm issio n w ith E nhanced T rac tio n System • 4-w heel in d ep en d e n t su sp en sio n • Pow er d o o r locks • T ilt-W heel1 238 th e f t-d e te rren t system PASSLock® 1 9 9 9 P O N T I A C G R A N D A M S E D ow n P a ym en t Lease P a ym en t T o ta l D ue O n S tyn m yT $0 $ 3 0 0 /month $ 1 , 6 0 9 . 2 5 $ 2 , 0 5 0 $ 2 3 8 /month $ 3 , 8 4 5 . 4 5 $ 4 , 0 0 0 $ 1 8 0 /month $ 6 , 0 2 1 . 2 5 t f T o t a l d u e o n s ig n in g in c lu d es d ow n p aym en t, fre igh t, security d ep o sit, 1st m o n th 's p aym en t p lu s taxes, GST, PST an d gas tax. L icence, in su ran ce , P.P.S.A. and adm in , fees extra. PER M0NTH/3S MONTHS/ S2.050 DOWN PAYMENT REQUIRED/ $720 FREIGHT AND S300 SECURITY DEPOSIT REOUIRED OR PURCHASE PRICE 19,998 EXCLUDES FREIGHT $720 WITH 4 .9 % PURCHASE FINANCING UP TO 48 MONTHS omwiiLtJttt 218 1999 SUNFIRE SEDAN PONTIAC PERFORMANCE PACKAGE 2.2 litre engine, 115 HP • Automatic transmission • 4-wheel anti-lock brakes • PASSLock® theft-deterrent system ■ Next Generation dual air bags • Rear spoiler • Air conditioning ■ AM/FM stereo • Power door locks • 15" wheels and covers • Aluminized stainless steel exhaust system 1 9 9 9 S U N F I R E S E D A N D ow n P a ym en t Lease P a ym en t T o ta l D ue O n S ig n in g ^ $ 0 $258/mo„th $ 1 , 4 2 4 . 7 0 $ 1 , 4 0 0 $ 2 1 S /month $ 2 , 9 8 8 . 7 0 $ 3 , 0 0 0 $ 1 7 2 /month $ 4 , 7 7 5 . 8 0 PER M0NTH/36 MONTHS/ ST .400 DOWN PAYMENT REOUIRED/ S645 FREIGHT AND S300 SECURITY DEPOSIT REOUIRED OR PURCHASE PRICE 17998 EXCLUDES FREIGHT S645 \XTTH 1 n%1.9 t f T o t a l du e o n s ig n in g in c lu d es d ow n paym en t, fre igh t, security d ep o s it , 1st m o n th 's p aym en t p lu s taxes, GST, PST an d gas tax. L icence, insurance, P.P.S.A. an d a d m in , fees extra. LEASE RATE UP TO 36 MONTHS 'O R PURCHASE FINANCING UP TO 46 MONTHS' 3800 Series II V6 195 H P engine • 4-speed au to m a tic tran sm issio n w ith E nhanced T rac tio n System • W ide-track stance • N ext G enera tion d u a l a ir bags • 4-w heel an ti-lock brakes • A M /FM stereo w ith C D player • A ir co n d itio n in g • R ear sea t pass th ru • Pow er d o o r locks/w indow s • T ilt/c ru ise • R ear spo iler OIWHILlAoc 288 1 9 9 9 P O N T I A C G R A N D P R I X G T D ow n P a ym en t Lease P a ym en t T o ta l D ue O n S ig n in g ^ $0 $3 99/month $ 1 , 9 8 0 . 3 5 $ 3 , 6 0 0 $ 2 8 8 /month $ 5 , 8 6 7 . 7 0 $ 5 , 0 0 0 $ 2 4 5 /month $ 7 , 3 7 8 . 2 5 PER MONTH/36 MONTHS/ $3,600 DOWN PAYMENT REQUIRED/ $835 FREIGHT AND S350 SECURITY DEPOSIT REOUIRED OR PURCHASE PRICE 26,298 EXCLUDES FREIGHT S835 t f T o t a l du e o n s ig n in g in c lu d es d ow n paym en t, freight, security d ep o sit, 1st m o n th 's p aym en t p lu s taxes, GST, PST an d gas tax. L icence, insurance, P.P.S.A. an d ad m in , fees extra. f O N L Y A T Y O U R O N T A R I O P O N T I A C D E A L E R S . We'd like you to know more: C om e visit us at your local dealer, on our C oupe R 7Z, Sunfire Sedan R 7Z /G rand Am R7B, Grand Prix G T R 7Z. Anr kilometre. O ther lease options available. Licence, insurance it only Exam ple: $ 1 0 ,0 0 £ at 1 .9% A P R , the monthly paym ent is 10.01 ror montns. uost ot borrowing i; Safety tip: Keep car windows clean All glass sur­ faces of a vehicle should be cleaned on a reg­ ular basis or whenever visibil­ ity is reduced because of for­ eign matter on either the inside or outside of the glass. Failing to keep windows and the wind­ shield clean can produce a poten­ tial safety hazard. According to automotive spe­ cialists at General Motors, you should never use abrasive cleaners on any car glass, as they may cause scratches. If an abrasive cleaner is used on the inside of the rear window, electric defogger elements (if the vehicle is so equipped) may be damaged. And decals should never be placed on the rear win­ dow, since they may have to be scraped off later. Windows can be cleaned with an ordinary liq­ uid household glass cleaner. Such a cleaner will effectively remove normal tobacco smoke and dust film s o m e t i m e s caused by mate­ rials used in vinyl, cloth and interior plastics. If the wiper blades "chatter" when running or don't properly clear the wind­ shield, try wiping a cloth soaked in a solution of one- half water and one-half alcohol, say the GM spe­ cialists. Rinse the blades with fresh water. i »

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