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Oakville Beaver, 14 Apr 1999, C5

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Wednesday, April 14, 1999 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER The. race fo r g r e a t jo b s is on! We're The Ontario Jockey Club, a major and growing sports entertainment organization... and we're searching for the right combination of dedicated, customer focused, fun, and enthusiastic individuals to add to our team of service experts. JOB FAIR M o h a w k R a c e w a y Mohawk Raceway, Trackside Lounge (North of Hwy. #401 at Campbellville exit, west parking entrance) Friday, April 1 6 - 9 a.m . to 5 p.m. Saturday, April 1 7 - 9 a.m . to 5 p.m. Sunday, April 1 8 - 1 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. Monday, April 1 9 - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 2 0 - 9 a.m . to 5 p.m. Come check out our exciting opportunities in the following full-time, part-time, and casull positions. Day, evening, and night shifts are available. Security Officers Bartenders Kitchen Help Cooks Cocktail Servers O ' 1 " / , - ' / ' t + V N Dining Room Servers Fast Food Attendants Dishwashers Valet Parkers Applicants will be interviewed during the Job Fair; however, hiring decisions will not be made until completion o f second interviews. If you are unable to attend, please apply in writing to; Human Resources Services, The Ontario Jockey Club, 555 Rexdale Boulevard, P.O. Box 156, Rexdale, Ontario M9W 5L2 Fax: (416) 213-2130 e-mail: nzr@ojc.com Building for the Future The Company GE Lighting Canada is the world leader in the manufacturing and distribution o f lighting products for dom estic and worldwide markets. We have one large m anufacturing plant in Oakville containing numerous high speed lamp-making processes using state o f the art technology. This plant assembles three kinds o f lamps: incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps, and parabolic reflectors. Our autom ated facility has an im mediate requirem ent for the follow ing two positions. Industrial Mechanic/Millwright You are a licensed Industrial M aintenance M echanic with a m in im u m o f th r ee years' e x p e r ie n c e g a in e d in a m anufacturing environm ent Your background encompasses facilities m aintenance including compressors, vacuum pumps and chillers as well as production equipm ent. D em onstrated m achine shop proficiency including m illing and lathing, is essential. This is a continental 12 hour shift position, paying $21.27 - $23.09/hour. (file# 2016) Mechanical Production Technicians You will se t up , m aintain , trou b lesh oot and repair lam p m aking eq u ip m en t. T h e successful candidates m ust have a Grade 12 technical education, exp er ien ce o n high-speed production equ ipm ent, and a strong m echanical background. T hese opportunities may require con tinenta l shift work and offer a pay range from $16.32 - $ 2 0 .7 9 /h o u r , p lus a com prehensive b enefits package, (file# 1310) To Pursue The Challenge For immediate consideration to o n e o f the above positions, please forward your resume, in confidence, by April 16,h, 1999, to: H um an Resources, GE Lighting Canada, 420 South Service Road East, Oakville, ON L6J 2X6 or Fax: (905) 849-2094 N o telephone calls or agencies please. An Equal Opportunity Employer. GE Lighting We bring good things to life. Retirees Wanted To Join The Avis Shuttling Team Avis Rent-A-Car, a leader in the car rental industry, appreciates the contribution that our Retiree Shuttling Teams make towards our success. We have immediate openings in Toronto and ore looking for enthusiastic retirees with a valid driver's licence (free of infractions) who are available to work part-time flexible hours driving vehicles from our main facility at Pearson Airport to our Avis locations in the Greater Toronto Area. Starting wage is $7.35 per hour. You are invited to attend our Open House at 1 Convair Drive East (corner of Renforth), Etobicoke, at either 10 a.m. or 3 p.m. everyday between April 12* and April 15*, with your Driver's Abstract. For m o re in fo rm a tio n p lease contact L in a Ross a t ( 4 1 6 ) 2 1 3 - 4 2 8 7 . COMMUNICATIONS CABLING A g row ing co. in the com m unications cabling fie ld requires PROJECT COORDINATOR Coordination of both local and national installations. Cable Assembler Personnel In-house mfg. of cable assemblies & harnesses. Experience is n o t necessary. Please forw ard resume to M ary at CCS, Fax: (905) 625-0395 T U n ffc itb iA . □ DONUT BAKERS Full & Part-time. Experience required. □ COUNTER POSITIONS Full & Part time. All shifts. Apply in Person: 671 Appleby Line Burlington or Fax resume attn: Robin Evans- 639 - 8831 M O LLY Maid is seeking full-time personnel. Valid Drivers Lie. a must. Train­ ing provided. No nights. No weekends. Benefits avail­ able. C a ll 681-7484 for appointment. S tudents welcomed to apply!!!_______ FACTORY Shoe Outlet. 2 positions ava ilab le in Sales. Part-time nights & weekends, approximatley 15-25hrs a week. Bring re­ sume to: Lisa, 2394 Fair- view St., Burlington. 632- 9688______________________ FULL-TIME year round help required for General Laborer in shipping depart­ ment. Looking for energetic and enthusiastic person, will train. Fax resume to: 905-632-4022_____________ B U RL IN G TO N & Deluxe Tax i a re seeking casual and pem anent part-time d rivers. Apply in person 9am-5pm at 1364 P lains Road East, Burlington (No phone calls please) Busy automotive repair shop requires: 1st or 2nd Year Auto Repair Apprentice or Licensed Mechanic Must be outgoing, self-motivated, have excellent communications skills, and be eager to leam. Experienced Service Advisor Computer skills necessary, knowledge ot Pace Auto System an asset but not necessary. Other duties incl: writing repair estimates; communicating effectively with customers and technicians; cashier duties, etc. Must be customer friendly, bondable, organized and have excellent communication skills. We have been providing competitive wages and ben­ efits in a friendly family-owned business with over 30 years of service to the Oakville community. APPLY IN PERSON, WITH REFERENCES, TO; Eastside Auto Service Limited 573 Chartwell Road Oakville Tel: (905) 844-9641 office - clerical CLASS "A" MECHANIC & 2ND YEAR APPRENTICE for busy shop in Oakville. Good working environment. Must have own tools. Experience in tune-up, brakes and alignment and be self motivated. C a ll 842-9977 iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiii ROYAL LePAGE ^ ^ ^ ■ i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i re q u ire s 1 PERMANENT PART-TIME RECEPTIONIST (E venings & w eekends) Previous reception exp. a definite asset. Computer literate with good typing skills. All responses will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. Please drop off, or tax resume: Attn: Kelley Kirk 326 Lakeshore Road E., Oakville Fax: (905) 845-2052 Only those selected lor interview will be contacted. SUMMER STUDENT WANTED WAREHOUSE POSITIONS Available as of May 1st. Oakville Company (40 hr/wk-days) Warehouse & computer experience an asset. Some heavy lifting. Great summer job tor the right university students! Fax resume: (905) 847-5038 Attn: D. Franko Hairstylist A pprentice Required F/T F o r an in te rv iew , p le ase call: WIGSVILLE 634-9022 Positions avail, in the Niagara Peninsula and area: MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT MANAGER CUSTOMER SERVICE SALES REPRESENTATIVES Ambitious people willing to start work send resume: ELECTROLUX CANADA 2285 Kingsway Dr., Kitchener ON N2C 1A3 Fax: (519) 893-2260 Email: EluxKitch@aol.com Spring Has Arrived We are in need of lawn maintenance work­ ers. Full time, experience preferred and own transportation required. Salary to reflect experience. Call (905) 878-2488 Henry's Lawn and Garden ATTENTION! Get to know and help your community. Door-to-door Canvassers and Supervisors required immediately for registered charities. Supervisor must have own reliable vehicle, neat appearance a must. No se lling involved- fu ll training provided, team at­ mosphere. Call Bob (416)- 230-9268/ 1-888-953-8283 MANAGER required to op­ erate summer business in Oakville. Perfect for college student. Requires vehicle, able to tote tra iler, good with people, wages negoti­ able, veh ic le allowance. Fax resume before April 20th 905-567-4170 or call 905-693-8444 for informa­ tion. RESPONSIBLE, mechani­ ca lly inclined ind iv idua l with clean driving record for shop help, dynamometer testing, oil changes, etc. F lex ib le hours required. Fulltime with benefits. Ap­ plications available at Hal- ton Honda, 2300 Fairview,_ Burlington\ AZ Highway Drivers & city driver required by a Cana­ dian owned company based near Milton. M in i­ mum 2 years verifiable U.S. experience for highway po­ sition. Competitive mileage rates. Incentive programs, benefit package. Fax your resume to: 905-693-0025. C LEA N ER , for jan ito ria l firm , to clean & tidy up lunchroom and men's washrooms in an Oakville business. Third Line/ Wye- croft Rd. area, 3 hrs/day, (Mon.- Fri.), 11am to 2pm. Suit retired or semi- retired person. 632-7253_________ TEAC H ER / Therap is t to work with 6yr old language delayed boy. No experi­ ence necessary. Will train to do ABA. Must have ath­ letic ability with interest in sports. Willingness to trav­ el. Fun and rewarding po- sition. Call 338-6004______ LEADING manufacturer of Construction equipment re­ quires Shipper/ Receiver. Computer experience an asset. Please fax resume (905)-319-6622 CARPEN TER helper and General Laborer. Full-time permanent positions avail­ able now for renovation type work. Please call 338- 6523______________________ FULL-TIME experienced c leaner above average wages stright days Oakville area Call Rob 546-1911 or fax resume to:905-546- 0747 _______________ P R IM E R IC A F inancia l Services seeks individual for unique opportunity. No experience necessary. Potential for high income. Call (905)681-5515, Ext.62 LANDSCAPE' business hir­ ing FfT help,Experience an asset. Veh ic le required. Mail resume: 3 Bronte Court., Dundas, L9H 7N2. C A R W A SH person re­ quired immediately, Satur­ days only, 7:30-6pm. Oak­ v ille Nissan Fax resume: 827-3070__________________ JA N IT O R IA L Contractor requires part-time Cleaners for evening and weekend work in Burlington. Ca ll Frank: 519-659-3369 GENERAL Help & Manag­ er, full/ part-time, (not suit­ able for students). Coffee Time. Bronte P laza, (416)818-7797_____________ C O UR IER / Brokers required full-time with own car or van. No downtown run. Call (905)465-4343 Mechanically inclined gen­ tleman needed for pool service work. (905) 849- 6459. leave message. U N IVER S ITY Pool S e rv­ ice is looking for motivated individuals for our service crews. Experience is not necessary but preferred. Forward resume to: 481-14 North Service Rd. W.. Oak­ v ille , On. L6M 2V6, Fax:(905)827-4535. CARPENTER/ Renovator required by busy Burlington contractor. Senior position- min. 10 years experience; Jun io r position- min. 2 years experience in the renovation business. Ref­ erences required. (905)639- 4721, leave message stating experience ELECTR ICAL Apprentice, 2nd or 3rd year, for electri­ cal company. Recent resi- dentail & commercial ex­ perience required. Start im­ mediately. Must have valid drivers license. Fax resume stating salary expectations: (905)845-4341_____________ ELECTRIC IAN and 1st or 2nd yea r Apprentice re­ quired. Industrial/ commeri- cal. Serv ice work, fire alarm, security experience preferred. Wage commen­ surate with experience. Fax resume: (905)842-5034; Tel: (905)842-6610________ BURLINGTON area pool construction & service com­ pany is hiring General and experienced persons for in­ s ta lla tions and service. P revious experience not necessary- W ill train. Please call 681-7000 and/ or fax resumes to 681-7245 EX P ER IE N C E D S ilk Screen Printer required for Oakville business. Full-time. Fax: 842-7631, phone 849- 3980, ask for John Knight. MECHANIC- 2nd y r ap­ prentice. Must have own tools and be self-motivated. Good working environment. Oakville (905)-842-9977 FLU XC O RE Welder- ex­ perienced, steady days. O akville . 7am-3pm. call 845-4440 H ansberger Global Investors , a p r e s t ig i­ ou s global investm ent com pany relocating in the Q E W /B urloak area, seeks an Administrative Assistant/ Receptionist T h e s u c c e s s fu l m a tu r e c a n d id a te p ossesses an excellent telephone m anner, t e r r if ic o r g a n iz a t io n a l a n d w o r d p rocessin g skills. A n opportun ity w ith e x c e lle n t p o te n tia l for a career-m in d ed ind ividual. Fax resum e w ith salary expectations A.S.A.P. attention:.... Paul Easterbrook, Sr VP: 416-860-1229 OFFICE ASSISTANT Rapidly expanding local manufacturer requires dyna­ mic individual who surpasses the following minimum requirements: • Proficient operation of Meridian telephone system • Professional level of communication in English, both verbal and written • MS Word/AccPac/ Excel Competent • Previous office experience Please forward your resume to Box # 6154, c/o The Burlington Post, 2321 Fainriew St., Burlington, L7R 2E3 I office-clerical INVENTORY/ FILE CLERK Required for non-office environment. Organized person with general computer exp. John Bloom, 2-4, Hatton Auto Parts, 281 Speers Rd. ■ Oakville, ON L6K2G1 Tel: (905) 845-2871 SECRETARY/OFFICE ADMINISTRATION Job sharing position in small manufacturing co. Com­ puter experience (MS Office 95/97, Excel, Word Access & Outlook) required. Basic bookkeeping, good telephone skills, must be flexible, self-motivat- ,ed and customer service oriented. Forward resume: Personnel Dept., P.O. Box 878 Oakville, ON L6J 5C5 BOOKKEEPING / Office Admin- Require thorough bookkeeping work exp. (AccPac) includes good data entry skills. Lotus & wordprocessing defin ite assets. Pleasant, small, non-smoker office. Week­ days, flexib le schedule, ph: 905-8 44-4097, or fax:905-849-6661 LOCAL TRANSPORT COMPANY requ ires an o rgan ized ind iv idua l, fu lltim e, to h and le du ties in o u r PERMITTING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT. Perm it and licensing experience in the U.S. and Canada and knowledge of W ordPerfect and Lotus are definite requirements. Must be m o tiva ted and able to work independently. Fax resume to: (905) 849-7511 DEBT RECOVERY We want the best. Seeking exp'd A/R & collection staff fo r career positions. Degree/ diploma required. Bilingualism an asset. Excellent wages & potential for advancement. Fax: Mr. Sparks (905) 639-0553 ACCOUNTING CLERK requ ired part-time (approx. 20-28 hou rs w eek ly ). A long w ith be ing com pu te r lite ra te know ledge of E xce l/W o rd is a must. P le a san t te lephone m a nn e r and good com m un ica tion sk ills an asset. P le a se send resum e: Attn: Sarah Norman c/o The Post 2321 Fairview Street Burlington L7R 2E3 Fax: 905-632-4599 office-cleerical APPLIANCE/ FIREPLACE RETAILER located in Burlington, requires an enthusiastic individual F/T in our showroom. Weekends included. Experience preferred! Base salary + commission. Fax resume Attn: Steve, (905) 319-0488, Tel: (905)319-0474 PL W A N T E D People With Balance SERVER & KITCHEN Positions Available. Please apply in person: EMMA'S BACKP0RCH 2084 Old Lakeshore Rd. Burlington Applications always accepted. JAKE'S LIVE BAIT Immediate positions available for: LUNCH SERVERS- Monday to Friday This position requires enthusiam and an outgoing personality with an ability to work in a busy, team ori­ ented environment. If you possess these qualities please bring your resume to Live Bait to the attention of Jamie, 950 Walkers Line (beside the Travelodge). 6 3 9 - 4 0 8 4 GRANITE CREEK GRILL - CASUAL FINE DINING RESTAURANT - EXPERIENCED Full & Part-time COOKS & SERVERS CHECK US OUT! Accepting resumes daily, 2-5 pm at 645 Plains Rd. E., Burlington 637-2670 LEGAL Secretary required for full-time, part-time. Ex­ perience in real estate and litigation necessary. P lease ca ll Susan 632- 3842 or fax resume to 632- 6821, Paul LaFleur, Bar­ rister, Solicitor, Avocat, 518 Brant, Burlington, L7R-2G7 OFFICE Assistant, fulltime, duties include telephone/ reception, filing, word pro­ cessing, etc. Forward re­ sume: Eagle Press Printers, 463 Enfield Rd., Burlington, L7T 2X5, or fax to Sue: (905)333-5717_____________ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ REC EPT IO N IST full-time for O akv ille showroom. Computer Skills required. Fax resume to (905)-337- 1009, Attn: Tony Pagliuca REAL Estate Receptionist- Part-time. Evenings, wee­ kends, occasional days. Computer literate, adminis­ trative, R/E experience pre­ ferred. Fax resume Attn: Kim: (905)-639-1683 ICE dogs Hockey Team hiring Office Person com­ puter experienced in Quickbook, Word, Excel. Fax resume to: 905-502- 0169______________________ A S S IS T A N T M anger for busy Customer Service. Must have automotive ex­ perience. $35,000 gross. Contact: Jason 664-7650. ^ sales help & agents BANQUET servers- mature, part-time days/ evenings & weekends, for catering company in a hotel setting. Excellent pay. Apply in per­ son between 9am-5pm, 2020 Lakeshore Road at Brant Street, Burlington, or fax 634-4398. Attn: Su­ zanne. KITCHEN Manager/ Line Cooks- Weekday Nights & weekend nights. Apply with resume- W inchester Arms, 450 Appleby Line (at New), Burlington, or fax Attn: Michelle 634-2778 BENNY'S Famous Deli re­ quires F/T & P/T Counter Help with restaurant e x­ perience. Must be available weekends. Excellent wag­ es. Apply 8am-3pm, 1455 Lakeshore Rd (at Brant St.) COOKS, W ait Staff, full/ part-time. Experience pre­ ferred. Drop off resume: Cedar Springs Health, Racquet & Sportsclub, 960 Cumberland Ave., Burling­ ton________________________ CHEF/COOK. Expe ri­ enced- Needed A.S.A.P. for nice Campbellville cafe. FT/PT. (905)854-1884, fax: (905)854-3729, toll free: 1- 888-431-1111______________ GREAT New Opportunity in Oakville! The Duck & Firkin Restaurant & Pub Now Hir­ ing Cooks, Bussers, Serv­ ers, Bartenders. Fax your resume to: (416)482-8671 MONTE Carlo Inn- Oakville- requ ires 'Housekeeping Staff.* Fu ll/ Part-time. Apply in person: 374 South Service Road, Oakville. lost & found LOST & FOUND Found Something? Place your "Found"ad FREE of charge. Burl 632-4440 Oak 845-3824 Flam 689-2232 Fax: 632-8165 JOIN our daycare family. Loving 'kid environment". Baking, Storytime, songs, artwork, outside fun. Smoke-free. Appleby/ Bur- loak. 639-9580. PR IVATE home childcare; estab lished 17-years. Qualified expert care. We love children. Full days, af­ ter hours, evenings, night­ time care, overnights & weekends available. 632- 8575, 632-5735 ALDA'S daycare Walkers/ Mainway area, full-time part-time for ages 2-5. Home-cooked meals, crafts/ nature trips. 336-8257 E XPER IEN C ED daycare available (full or part-time) in my home, New lands/ Palmer area. Babies wel­ come. Call 332-9568. ECE mom has childcare spaces, Mondasy, Tues­ days, & Wednesdays. TLC, fun, nu tritious, outings, computer, receipts. Headon Forest. 332-5630 CARING mom has P/T F/T openings for children 3+. 9- yrs. experience working w/ ch ildren, Registered H.C.C.R. References avail­ able. Brant Hills area. 319- 1314. UN IVERSITY student with ECE available from May 1 st (in your home). First-Aid, non-smoker, car available. Please call (905)332-7827 (anytime). * ECE Teacher required Mon & Fri mornings for 2yr old program Sept to May. ECE Diploma required w/mini- mum 2yrs experience with 2yr olds. Send/ deliver re­ sume: Wellington Square Preschool, 2121 Caroline St., Burlington L7L 1L7 No later than April 22nd. N AN N IES / Ready for a change? Live in/ out. Great $$$ for Drivers, ECE's. Dia­ mond Personnel 905-566- 8288. S PR ING Cleaning- P ro­ fessional cleaning lady will c lean your home spic'n span. Special Rates for Seniors. (905)645-4892 H O U S EC LEAN ER a va il­ able. Responsible, reliable, self-directed. Exce llen t work. References. 844- 7536. FOUND: Mountain bike, Cumberland/ New St. area. Call to identify, 632-9454 LOST: Brown, black and white Tabby cat 'Spunky* has white paws and chest. All 4 paws declawed. Spe- cail vet diet, missing since Apr 6th P.M. Call 331-9226 FOUND: grey tabby and white cat, Maple Crossing, we call Allister 681-0657 LO S T : cat, gray/ white, black spot on nose, named "Ted', April9th, Appleby/ Upper Middle. 319-8541. LO ST: boy's BM X blue Mongoose bike w/serial#, River Oaks area, Apr. 3/99. 257-1393 (leave message). LIMOUSINE for hire. Casi­ no runs, weddings, night out on the town. Call toll- free. (877)335-1526. DECKS , Decks, Decks, Only Decks! Professional W orkmanship. Photo's, F ree Estimates! Fam ily business. 12yrs expe ri­ ence. (905)-828-1320 I painting & decorating moving & storage I prayers ST. JUDE. Greatful thanks for request granted. M.R. I personals SALES Support, Burling­ ton. International Technol­ ogy Training & Consulting Company. Professional tel­ ephone marketing of suc­ cessful training program to Fortune companies. Pros­ pects provided. Growth op­ portunity. Sa la ry 20-30K plus huge commissions. Fax: (905)634-2507 www.infoarchgroup.com SUMMER relief. Registered x-ray technologist with a cu rren t M-R-T number. M inimum 16 hours per week. Please send resume to: Milton Diagnostix, 75 Main Street, Millton, On. L9T 1N4 orfax to: (905)878- 8832______________________ CERTIFIED Dental Assis­ tant- Required fro maternity leave starting mid-May. Full-time. Computer knowledge an asset (Exan/ Abel). Please fax resume to (905)-825-4012, Dr. V.Bhandari & Associates. DENTAL Receptionist, full­ time must have assisting background and computer experience. Oakville. Fax after 8pm: (905)332-4501 DENTAL Technician need­ ed, 3 days per week. Den­ ture experience necessary. East Burlington. Inquire at 639-1597_________________ NURSE/ Medical Secretary required for Oakville doc­ tors office. Good computer sk ills required. Ca ll (905)842-7900 G REATFUL thanks to St. Jude for prayers answered. JM._______________________ MASSAGE- Studio 37 -- 37 Barton St. East. Hamil­ ton 525-3053. 5 attendants Hiring. R A IN ER , p lease get in touch. Biggy.______________ P IN K FLAM ING O S for rent. Proceeds to suppport Multiple Sclerosis Society. Ca ll Pat's Party Rentals, Burlington 333-3034. I companions PRETTY , slender, green eyed blonde w ishes to meet Mr. Special. 50+. 632-4851 P A R TN E R S Burlington now open! The best choice of who to meet is yours, based on accurate biogra- phies/photographs. Free information:(905)632-7500 I top soil I lost & found MISSING: 1 year old male, brown/ white tabby cat w/ black marking w/red collar. Since April 7th, Riverside & Queen Mary. R ew ard ll 339-2917_________________ FOUND: dark grey cat. Walker's Line & Mainway. We call ya rin a " 637-7325 FOUND: Black cate, tiny bit of white. Maple Crossing. We call Boris 637-7325 FOUND: Long haired black and beige friend ly tabby cat. Main St. South Water- down. Call 689-1803 gardening landscaping I tutorial daycare wanted 100% Quality Pro painters= 100% Satisfaction G ua r­ anteed. Interior/ exterior. 905-277-1793 or 416-575- 6676 or toll free 1-877-724- 6847.______________________ AIR Brush Artist available for wall murals, motorcycle helmets interio r/exterio r, call 339-0806 portfo lio available. CAN AD I AN P ro fess iona l Movers. Moves s ta rt at $45./hr. Two movers ancf truck. Storage availab le. Fully insured. 338-9518 PRO Movers. Short/ long distance. No job too small. Insured/ experienced. 24- hrs., 7-days/wk. Home/ business. Free estimates. 637-6585__________________ 1 +1=Advantage Movers/ Storage/ Packing. 18'-42' trucks. Mid-month rates $39.99.....Free wardrobes. Local/ Long distance. (905J-338-2306, 1-888- 712-7199. www.mover.to RELOCATORS: Excellent service, starting $45/hr. In­ cludes 2 pro fessiona l movers, truck and In­ surance. Long distance/ commercial. Ask about our free boxes and storage. 844-8733 CUSTOM -MADE va lanc­ es, draperies, sheers, com­ forters, bed co-ordinates, fabrics, table/chair acces­ sories. Sherry, 634-6706. INFANT daycare, Wednes­ days only, s tarting June 2nd, p refe rab ly between Mattamy Orchard & Apple­ by Go station. Call (416)- 712-6386._________________ REL IA B LEca reg ive r re­ quired in my home for 3&6- y r olds. Trafa lgar/ Upper M iddle. Full-time Mon- Thurs. Experienced, non- smoker, Car prefered. Ref­ erences. 842-2323 even­ ings. REQ U IRED immediately- Loving daycare in my home for g irls 6 & 12, Mon-Fri 6:30-8:30am & 3:30-6pm. Non-smoker w ith own transportation. References required. Nottinghill/ Monks Passage area. 847-9348 (Andy).____________________ RELIABLE mature caregiv­ er wanted, my Burlington home. Two children 4&7, part-time, own transporta­ tion required. References. 681-3593._________________ D A Y C A R E required, 2 girls ages 2&6. Your home/ mine. Headon Forest. Near C.H. Norton School. *1- 905-279-4946(message). FULL-TIM E experienced careg iver wanted for 2 children ages 6mos & 4yrs in our Glen Abbey home. Energetic, creative, live-out, non-smoker required. Driv­ er preferred. 825-3169 NANNY needed for 2 child­ ren in my home. Flexible hours, part-time. Non- smoker. References re- quired. 631-8722__________ REQUIRED Immediately- babysitte r, our home, 2 boys, ages 5& 11, S ixth Line/ M cC raney area. Flexible hours. Own trans­ portation. Good remunera­ tion for the right person. 845-9554_________________ NANNY required live-in or out, 3 ch ild ren Iroquois Ridge area. Must have driv­ ers license and references. Call 844-2552._____________ NANNY required for 2 boys (part-time) 3pm-6pm. Mon­ day to F riday. Chartwe ll and Maple area. 338-5663 " business Tax, Bookkeeping, Ac­ counting avilable for indi­ viduals in businesses by experienced accountant. Reasonable rates. (905)- 637-5435 M O NEY Problems? Gar­ nishees? Too many pay­ ments? Options to avoid- bankruptcy. Free Consulta­ tion. John Tonner, Bank­ ruptcy Trustee :(905) 631- 0600 MILLGROVE Gardens- top soil, triple mix, black loam, pine mulch, and manure. We deliver & apply. 1 yard tote bags available. Please call (905)689-5527 LAWN cutting, aeration, in­ terlocking walkways & pa­ tios & water gardens. Call Brian 333-1518 TUTOR Required for Gr. 11 Biology student attending Waterdown High School. Please call 689-6106 after 6pm Daycare Employment COOK and Wait staff- Full or part-time. Enthusiastic, willing to leam. Experience an asset. Service excel­ lence is priority. Competi­ tive wages. Great benefits provided. Fax resume to Ontario Racquet Club, Food & Beverage Manager, (905)-822-5314 LOVE t LEARN C h ild C en tre wishes to thank North Burlington Baptist Church for 12 years of service to young families at the Walkers Line location. Love t Leam will be located at Faith Christian Reformed Church (on M ountainside Dr. betw een G uelph Line & Brant St.. N .o f the Q E W ) effective July 1st, 1999, Resumes are being accepted for Christian Child Care Centre staff. Fax to 335-4602 or deliver to 1377 Walkers Line Registrations are being accepted for summer and September programs. Call Love + Leam at 336-8648 Gluld Cane with a Ghniitian e*nyihaiiL mailto:nzr@ojc.com mailto:EluxKitch@aol.com http://www.infoarchgroup.com http://www.mover.to

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