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Oakville Beaver, 14 Apr 1999, C3

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Wednesday, April 14, 1999 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER J P C3 EDUCATION / INSTRUCTION The Internet: An education tool? It's no secret that the Internet has become one of the most powerful learning tools around. Now, using the Internet, kids and teachers have a variety of educational resources at their fingertips - whether they are at home, or at school. Educational web sites Canada's SchoolNet, www.schoolnet.ca. helps teachers and students access the Information Highway. SchoolNet offers a monthly Internet newspaper, a national registry to assist graduating students with job searches and even financial grants for teachers who create interactive lesson plans. The Discovery Channel online, www.discoverv.com. offers information on science news, feature stories, and expeditions. This information can be added to lesson plans and student research projects. History lessons come alive on the Internet with the Canadian Museum of Civilization's virtual museum of human history, www.cmcc.muse.digital.ca. that lets kids experience the past for themselves. Web-based e-mail accounts let students, parents and teachers access their e-mail anytime from any computer with Internet access at home, school, on the road and even on vacation. Free web-based e-mail like Microsoft's Hotmail, available at http://msn.ca. is quickly becoming one of the most useful learning tools available through the Internet. How students and teachers use e-mail • Sharing information and resources • Asking their teachers for homework help after school • Working with classmates to coordinate group projects When teachers make e-mail a component of the curriculum, they encourage interactive, participatory education. E-mail also promotes teamwork and helps students develop writing skills, preparing them to enter university or the workforce. High school students and their teachers set up free Hotmail e-mail accounts at Thomas L. Kennedy Secondary School in Mississauga, Ontario. This access to e-mail helped a group of computer science students who used e-mail to organize group project responsibilities over the holidays so they were ready to dive in when classes began, stress-free. E- mail at the school has also been a great tool for teachers. In a math class down the hall, a teacher taught an entire calculus lesson via e-mail when he was sick, but didn't want to cancel class. E-mail and the Internet are unleashing fabulous resources to help develop a sense of learning in students today, and a powerful tool for teachers - and it's all just a click away. E ducational e -m ail g u id e lin e s To ensure students are properly supervised during classroom e-mail sessions, schools are setting and minding e-mail guidelines. Following these guidelines, teachers should keep track of e-mail passwords in the same way that they handle locker assignments and combinations. They should tell students that e- mail activity will be monitored during classtime, setting the tone and limits for e-mail privacy in a public environment. Following simple steps like these, students and teachers benefit from access to e-mail while ensuring time spent using e-mail is for educational _________ INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS donated $40,000. to die Oakville United Way 1999 Campaign. From left to right: Mayor Ann Mulvale, Joanne McLean 1998 Campaign Chair, Dearcroft School's Robert Mackay, Rotherglen's Elliot Hepworth, Glenbumie's Alarm Theaker and Julia Dumanian of The United Way. Back row, Bathtub Race Chair Virginia Kuypers (also of St Mildred's Lightboume, Jane Hamilton Independent Schools Campaign Coordinator, Femhill School's Kyle Reid, MacLachlan's Taffany Sagel and Appleby College's Julia Lydall. Photo by Peter C. McCusker 'Where tradition and vision m eet" MacLachlan College MacLachlan provides a superior, university bound education for boys and girls from J.K. to OAC. Small classes, a friendly atmosphere and personal attention from highly qualified teachers, constitute the right ingredients for the MacLachlan student to find a place to belong and grow in confidence and self-esteem. At MacLachlan we treasure the values of traditional academic scholarship, and reach out to the firture through our sophisticated level of information technology. In the task of graduating well- rounded and confident young people, MacLachlan's out-standing record of success speaks for itself. School bus service is available for Oakville, Burlington, Mississauga, Milton, Georgetown, Etobicoke and Brampton Limited space for September 1999 For further information please call our Director o f Admissions 337 Trafalgar Road, Oakville tel. (905) 844-0372 Website: http://www.maclachlan.on.ca "A CESI School" | CES1 «| Canadian Educational Standards Institute G le n b u m ie S chool A private co-aducationa1 day school for students m Preschool to Grade 8 For students seeking cm enriched, quality educational experience in a supportive, academic setting. Enriched Music, Art, and Drama Programmes State of the Art Information Technology Science Lab * Full Size Gymnasium * Choirs * Bands Sports * Electives * Extended Hour Supervision SUMMER PROGRAMME: Vacation, Academic and Computer Camps Lim ited Placem ents A vailable fo r Septem ber, 1999 (9 0 5 ) 3 3 8 -6 2 3 6 2035 Upper Middle Road, East, Oakville (Ford Drive/QEW) www.glenburnieschool.com Where is your child attending school in September? We have openings in our senior kindergarten, grade one and grade seven and eight classes. Call 825-1247 or visit us at Third Line and Lakeshore. Christian values and perspectives j K Strong academic focus ^ Full day junior and senior kindergarten sK Programs in music, art, athletics ^ French and computer studies Certified Christian teachers 3 ^ Dedicated and caring staff ^ Before and after school supervision (7am-6pm) O A K V IL L E C H R IST IA N SC H O O L (905) 825-1247 112 Third Line Oakville L6L3Z6 "Nurturing excellence in a Christ-centred academic environment" Deaths BONCORE, Agata On Friday, April 9,1999 at Ian Anderson House, Oakville. Agata Peritore in her 80th year with great courage and dignity. Beloved wife of the late Gaetano Boncore. Dear mother of Enzy and her husband Rod Wilson, Gina and her husband Brian Crone, and Ross and his wife Grace Arcaro. Loved grandmother of Erryn, Katie, Saro, Elana, Emile, Lianna and Gaetano. S ister of Maria Zambito, Giuseppina DiBlasi and predeceased by brothers Angelo and Gaetano Peritore and her sister Lucia Loiacona. Loved by many nephews and nieces in Canada and Italy. Visitation was at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville from 2-4 and 7-9pm Sunday. Funeral Mass was held 10:00am Monday at St. James Church, 231 Morden Road, Oakville. Interment St. Jude's Cemetery. A special thank you to the staff of Ian Anderson House for their constant and loving care. In lieu of flowers memorial contributions to Ian Anderson House, P.0. Box 61054 , 511 Maple Grove Road, Oakville, Ontario L6J 75P would be appreciated by the family. Mamma Preziosa- 'Heart of our beating hearts'. JOHNSON, Thomas W. (Retired - Halton Regional Police) Passed away peacefully at Hamilton General Hospital on Sunday April 11,1999. Sadly missed by his wife Phyllis, children Lee, Barbara and Paqn; mother Dorothy, sister Barbara, brother Rob, special daughter Shari, special son Derek and granddaughter Rebecca. Tom will be remembered by his extended family of friends for his humour and kind heart. V is itation at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville from 3-5 and 7-9pm Wednesday. Funeral service 1:30pm Thursday at Glen Abbey United Church, 1469 Nottinghill Gate, Oakville. Cremation. In lieu of flowers donations to Hamilton General Hospital ICU Learning Fund, Children's Wish Foundation, Ontario Chapter, or the Milton District Hospital would be appreciated. InMemoriams ALEXIO, Mario - In lov ing m em o ry o f a d e a r husband Fond ly loved and d eep ly m ourned , H ea rt o f m y heart, I m iss yo u so; O ften m y darling , m y te a rs w ill flow ; D im m ing yo u r p ic ture w e re 'e r I go; T is sad bu t true , I w ill ab ide Un til som e d ay w e'll be s ide by side. W ith lo ve from w ife Ann . CASTRICHINI, Jo hn Pau l. J u ly 16, 1939- Ap ril 1 5 ,1 9 9 8 . A s a ch ild , I n eeded y o u r a ffec tio n y o u r lo ve and attention. A s a te e n a g e r I n e e d e d yo u d is c ip lin e , y o u r p a tie nc e and un d e rs ta n d in g . A s a yo un g w o m a n ge tting m a rr ie d , I n eeded you w isdom , yo u fr ie ndsh ip and support. A nd now , once aga in , I need yo u r streng th and yo u r cou rage to gu ide m e th rough life w ithou t you. Dad, a y e a r has passed and I w ill n e ve r stop need ing you, lov ing you, and rem em bering you. I ho ld you sac red to m y heart. Y o u r daugh te r T an ya Prayer______________ Prayer to the Blessed Virgin (never known to fail). O Most Beautiful flower on Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, splen­ dor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin assist me in my necessity. Oh Star of the Sea, help me & show me you are my Mother. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven & Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart, se­ cure me in this, my necessity. There are none that can withstand your power. O show me here that you are my Mother. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (3 times) Holy Mary, I p lace th is cause in your hands (3 times) Sweet Mother, place this cause in your hands (3 times). This prayer must be said for three days and publication must be promised. KING, S harron - Suddenly on Sunday April 11, 1999 at McMaster Medical Center, in her 44th year. Sharron, beloved wife of Ken Burnett. Loved mother of Tim and Kian. Loved daughter of Ron and Terry King and Hugh Burnett and his wife the late Helen. Dear sister of Debbie King and Brian King. Cherished aunt of Eric, Alex, Jaime, Amanda and Meghan. Visitation at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville, from 3-5 and 7-9pm. Tuesday. Funeral service 1:30pm Wednesday in the chapel. In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society or the Chrons & Colitis Society. LECAVAUER, Sabin Edouard (Eddie)- Peacefully in the arms of his family, on Saturday, April 10,1999 at the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, in his 78th year. Devoted to the care of his wife of 54 years, Violet. Loving father of Michel and his wife Debbie, Denis and his wife Mary Ann. Loving Grandpere of Alisa and Rachel and cherished Papa of Daniel and Emma. Survived by his sister, Claire. A funeral Mass was held on Tuesday, April 13,1999, at 2pm at St. Patrick's Church, 196 Kenwood Avenue, Burlington. In lieu of flowers, expressions of sympathy to the VON Alzheimer Services, 2370 Speers Road, Oakville, L6L 5M2 or Sanctuaire du Rosaire et de Saint Jude, 3980 rue Saint-Denis, Montreal, H2W 2M3 would be sincerely appreciated by the family. (Arrangements entrusted to SM ITH'S FUNERAL HOME, BURLINGTON, 632-3333) LESLIE, Frank Campbell. A t 8 pm on A p r i l 1 2 th , 1 9 9 9 . In h is 7 7 th y e a r , s u r ro u n d e d b y h is w ife a n d c h i ld re n , F ra n k p a s s e d a w a y , p e a c e fu lly , a t th e O a k v i l le T r a f a lg a r M e m o r ia l H o s p ita l. A d m ire d a n d a do red , he w ill be m issed t e r r ib ly . L o v in g h u s b a n d o f M a rg a ­ ret, d e a r fa th e r o f Jo-Ann M o rr is o n , B ill L e s lie (D a n ie lle ) a n d M a u re e n F a w c e tt (C h ris ) c h e r is h e d g ra n d fa th e r o f K r is t in , D a r re ll, A a ro n , K y le a n d M ish a - Jam es . F ra n k p roud ly se rved w ith the 12th R .C .A . d u r in g W o r ld W a r I I H e w a s a lo n g s t a n d in g m e m b e r o f th e K n ig h t s o f C o lu m b u s 4 th d e g re e , a n d 6 0 th C lu b . T h e f a m i ly w i l l r e c e iv e f r ie n d s a t th e K o p riv a T a y lo r C o m m un ity Fune ra l H om e a t 6 4 L a k e s h o r e R d W e s t , O a k v i l le W ednes-day Ap ril 14th 1999 , from 3-5pm and 7-9pm. Fune ra l M ass w ill be he ld a t S t J a m e s C a tho lic C hu rch , 231 M o rden R d O a kv ille on T h u rsd a y Ap ril 15th, a t 10 am , w ith in te rm e n t to fo llow a t S t Jude 's C e m e te r y o n L a k e s h o re R d W e s t , a t D o rva l. In lieu o f F low e rs dona tions to T he O n ta r io H e a r t a nd S tro k e F o u nd a tio n a t 4 2 9 9 V i l la g e C e n tre C o u r t M is s is s a u g a (905) 897- 0366 w ou ld be app rec ia ted. LINDSAY, Jerome (Jerry)- Passed away suddenly on April 11, 1999 in his 76th year. Cherished husband of Jean. Much loved father of Kimberley Cadden and grandfather of Stephanie and Lindsay. Dear brother-in-law of Alison Ewing and Betty Pearce. He w ill be sadly missed by his nephew and many nieces. Jerry was a past president of the Royal Cana­ dian Legion Branch 114. Cremation with inter­ ment at Kirkland Lake Cemetery. WHITTAKER, Frederick John C.A Alter a lengthy illness at the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital on Monday April 12.1999. Frederick J. Whittaker in his 73rd year Form­ er partner ol King Paving, Past President ol the Hanover Kinsman Club. Predeceased by his beloved wile Beverly J. Whittaker (nee Ferguson) Survived by his loving wife ol 22 years, Anne (Tracy), his children. Paul Whittaker and his fiance Joanne Wilson ot Burlington, Shirley Whittaker ol Toronto, Lawrence Whittaker and his wile Heather ol Milton, step-children Tracy Tory and her husband Bichard ol London, England, James Whiting and his wile Susan ot Ottawa, his sister Marjorie Williams and her husband Ken ot Peterborough, his mother-in-law Nellie Tracy ol Englehart. Papa will be sadly missed by his grandchildren Kimberly. Lora. Amanda. Krista. John Whittaker. Julia, Sasba and Marshall Tory. Fred was an active member ol St. Aidan's Anglican Church in Oakville, serving in may capacities. He was a member ol the Oakville Opera Guild, the Oakville Historical Society, the Probus Club ol Old Oakville and the Sneaker Set ol Oakville Place. Although Fred and Anne (raveled extensively over Ibe Iasi twelve years, his happiest moments were at family gather­ ings. lishing in Lake Kashwakimac. listening to music, and watching the sunset at Lighthouse Point. The family wishes to extend sincere thanks to Or. Richard Kunica. the wonderful nursing stall ol Three and Four Center and the therapists who worked so hard to help Fred walk again and to the Reverend Mamie Nancekivell and the congre­ gation ol St. Aidan's tor their prayers and support Friends may call at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home. 64 Lakeshore Road West. Oakville from 7-9pm Tuesday and 2-4 and 7-9pm Wednesday A service to celebrate the lile ol Fred will be held on Thursday April 15,1999 at 2:00pm at St. Aidan's Anglican Church, 318 Queen Mary Drive (at Stewart Street), Oakville. As an expression ot sympathy, donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society lor Melano­ ma Research. The Primates World Relief Fund, ot to the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Funeral Directors OAKVIEW FUNERAL HOME Our family serving your family 56 LA K ESH O R E R O A D W E ST O A K VILLE Funeral D irectors • Don C la rke • D oug las M an ne rs • T a n ia D i C enso - G reg o ry S id o ra 8 4 2 -2 2 5 2 W A R D • • Funeral Homes HELPING TO MAKE IT PERSONAL 109 Reynolds Street, Oakville 905 - 8 4 4 -3 2 2 1 Ann Futher Charles Gibbs Michael Dunne Family Services Alcoholics Anonymous If you drink, that's your business If you w ant to quit, That's Ours! (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 Legal Notice__________ NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS. A ll c la im s a g a in s t the es ta te o f V ic to r ia R e ­ b e c c a B ro w n , la te o f O a k v i l le , O n ta r io , w h o d ied on N o v e m b e r 22 , 1 9 9 3 , m u s t be f i le d w ith th e u n d e rs ig n e d p e rs o n a l r e p r e s e n ta t iv e b y M a y 17 , 1 9 9 9 a f te r w h ic h d a te th e e s ta te w i l l b e d is t r ib ­ u te d h a v in g re g a rd o n ly to th e c la im s then filed. D ated a t T o ro n to th is 12th d a y o f Ap ril, 1999. Kenne th J B row n B a n is te r & So lic ito r 45 M ogu l D rive To ron to , O n M 2H 2M 8 Business Directory STAHL'S PLUMBING INC. Master Plumber H onest, re liab le , reasonab le . A lso tiling & d ryw d ll. From Small Jobs to Complete Bathroom Renovations Call Greg Stahl 319-8110 References available Better House by Leo HOME IMPROVEMENTS / RENOVATIONS ■ Bathrooms »Rec Rooms • Drywall • Interior/Exterior Pai nti ng • Decks • Fences • Ceram icTiles»Plumbing Call Leo: (905) 844-3471 o f a m em ber o f y o u r fa m ily in the O a k v ille B ea ve r S u n d a y Milestones! C all Lauren a t 845-3824 fo r d e ta ils . http://www.schoolnet.ca http://www.discoverv.com http://www.cmcc.muse.digital.ca http://msn.ca http://www.maclachlan.on.ca http://www.glenburnieschool.com

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