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Oakville Beaver, 14 Apr 1999, B5

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Wednesday,April 14, 1999 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER B5 OAKVILLE C l UM BER COMMERCE A Monthly Update About Your Chamber O akville Chamber o f Commerce Treat Your Staff Well And Ynur Customers Will Be The President o f a well-known American airline was trav­elling on one o f his own planes. H e picked up the in­ flight magazine, which was full o f "customer-satisfying" advertising and articles. He remarked: "Frankly, I 'm fa r more concerned about who is answering our telephones and how they're talking to my customers than any o f this. H ow is my com­ pany treating its customer service people? I f the answer is "not very w ell", then they are probably passing this attitude on to our customers a t the other end o f the telephone. It's my jo b to make sure that my own frontline people are treated w ell and in a respectfid way Then, I don't have to worry about my airline's cus­ tomers, one good experience w ill be fallow ed by another. " According to Toronto-based Reacon Management Inc., companies that treat their employees well rate high in cus­ tomer service satisfaction. Obviously, people working for an employer who respects and values their service, are more like­ ly to show respect and that they value the employers cus­ tomers. Reacon analyzed three levels o f organization, rated on their customer service performance: Service Leader, Service Average and Service Problem companies. Here is a summa­ ry o f their findings. • M oney is not the m ost effective motivator. At Service Leader companies, 79% o f employees rated their workplace and one o f the best", and 80% rated their job as satisfying. This was despite the fact that only 43% described pay as very good and only 29% felt the chance for promotion Was very good. • Service Leaders empower their employees. W hen asked if "management allows employees to adjust rules" 77% o f Service Leader employees said yes', compared to just 58% o f Service Average and 52% o f Service Problem companies. More importandy, teams in Service Leader companies m on­ itor each others performance. Happy • Employees at Service Leaders rate training as effective. 77% o f those asked believed that their training has made a difference, whereas only 58% and 42% o f respondents - respectively - as Service Average and Service Problem com­ panies stated that their training had been o f use. According to the study, leaders in customer service perfor­ mance sustain their level o f excellence by supporting their employees with effective management practices and human resources policies, which result in better consistency, clearer communication and more empowered employees. W hen I was a Customer Service Trainer in Scotiabank, one o f m y students commented (and really meant what she said): "I could really get a ll o f my work done on tim e ifth e customers wouldn't come in and interrupt my day "She was told in not too uncertain terms that maybe she should consider not coming to work in the morning, because without the cus­ tomer, she wouldn't have a job to finish on time! A case o f "cart before the horse" maybe? It may seem redundant to say this, but when we are talking to our customers, we have to remember that they are "actu­ al, live human beings interacting with us." H alf the problem o f this new age o f communication ovedoad, is that this sim­ ple realization is often overlooked. It seems obvious that if management is "on automatic" with the customer service staff, then this attitude will ultimately be passed down the line. "Excellence in custom er service is based on the a b ility to cen­ tre one's own energy. From this flow s a listen ing positively responsive attitude. M a g e can happen a t this level " Compiled and composed by Elizabeth Clarke, The EC S Group and B ill Weis, The H RD Group, Oakville. Both are members o f the M arketing Committee o f the Oakville Chamber o f Commerce. 'P R O U D T O B E A P A R T 1 The Wellness Counselling Group 603 Argus Road, Suite 107 Oakville, ON L6J 6G 6 D ire c to r: L ia n a R e n w ic k -P a le rm io • A nxiety , S tress, D ep ress io n ? ? * » Fam ily M ed ia tio n & T e e n C o u n s e llin g - Free 112 hour In itia l Consultation - Q ualified Psychotherapists Phone:(905) 338-3873 ext.: 22 Pager: (416) 563-2484 Fax:(905) 815-9027 W. MUELLER CONSTRUCTION 1505 Speers Rd., Unit # 3 Oakville, Industrial • Comm ercial • Residential -Sewer & W ater Installation & Repair -Excavating BILL MUELLER Office (905) 827-6022 Fax (905) 825-0968 1 Mobile (416) 94&-6I39 E-mail mueconst@^ecabiexet j "Got A Group We've Got The farty" I W o f Dcruvan fy d e ff 8 844-8703 319-8555 VCarlsonWagonlit Owned and Operated by McTavish Travel We are part of the world's leading travel management company with 4,000 locations in 125 countries. H o p e d a le M all, 1515 R e b e c c a S treet P h o n e : 8 2 7 -1 1 0 0 Fax: 827 -4 9 82 e-m ail:m ctav ish @ in foram p.net ___________________ ©Copyright 0. Beaver '99 The Nurses Office M ed ica l Office M anagem en t Nurs ing In Hom e H ea lth Education L IL IA N A CANAO IC RN BScN 845-1968 CASH BACK SEASON AT LAURENTIAN BANK Receive up to 3% cash back on your new mortgage at Laurentian Bank. Valid until July 31,1999 or give us a call and we will discuss rate reductions. L A U R E N T IA N B A N K i O F C A N A D A Oakville Town Centre n 210 North Service Rd. W. tel: (905) 849-0655 • fax: (905) 849-3970 j Things To Do Today: a Eat All-U-Can-Eat on your Lunch Hour Our World Famous Lunch Buffet 2 varieties of Salad • Variety of Pizza Pasta • Bread Sticks • Dessert Pizza $ « Trafalgar Ridge Town Centre I 8 5 7 - 5 4 8 5 - H u t * 3 5 8 - 0 5 4 4 THE HEW AGE IN DIGITAL P Bectreefc Frfarttof Nig □ Reports □ Manuals □ Stationery □ Flyers □ Booklets □ Newsletters □ Carbonless Forms 220 Wyecroft. Unit tCQ Oakville Ontario IbK IVI Tel.: 8 4 2 - 4 6 6 4 F.«» B4M181 Em.ul ferijuuinitvi«ionolnet ik RasotetJoa Typesetting □ Full Colour Posters □ Desktop Publishing □ Colour Copies □ Laminations □ Drilling □ Folding □ Cutting □ Stapling □ Collating □ Ceriox Binding □ Shrink Wrapping FUE PICK-UP I DELIVER MAIL BOXES ETC 1011 Upper Middle Rd. E. Oakville, ON L6H5Z9 Colour Copies (8 1/2x11) 500 for over 30 New Canon Black & White Photo Copier (8 1/2x11) i 40 per copy for 500 copies 1 3.50 per copy for 1,000 copies s j 30 per copy for 2,000 copies j J ̂ 2.70 per copy for 5,000 copies if ' Phone (905) 338-2835 f Fax (905) 338-8523 J Invest in Career Futures! ' V Sheridan (905) 845-9430 www.sheridanc.on.ca WHATS BUCK & WHITE AND READ All 0VBI0AKVH1E? Hoot othg than Oaitvilla's Community Newspaper, Hu Oakville | Beaver. Our lost eition was rood by 86,300 residents.* When you want to create effec- I live direct response, provide information and get results that pav, tnrst Oakville's number one* provklef of local retol, shopping and service infannotion, The Oakville Beaver! F0R1HE NFORMADON YOU WANT, GOTOTftSOJRCEYOUTRUSI. The Oakville Beaver 4 6 7 SPEERS R O A D • 8 4 5 - 3 8 2 4 Q a U le m ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICES INC. #5, 2355 Royal Windsor Dr. Mississauga, ON Ph: 822-6032 • Fax: 822-9957 SALES & SERVICE • AC & DC Motors • Transformers • Variable Speed Drives • Gear Motors s • Magnet Repairs • Generators j •P u m ps • Welders 24-HR. SERVICE 1 PROMPT PICK UP & DELIVERY I Paid Too Much Income Tax? Have us prepare your '98 personal income tax return, and we'll review your previous three years tax returns, absolutely free; giving you that peace-of-mind that you paid only the income taxes that you owed. In many cases we find that taxpayers have in fact been overpaying their income taxes, and the government owes them money, if this offer interests you, call us today at: (905) 844-5238 A D V ISO RY FAX PREPARATION SPR V IC H S 2 0 8 3 G R Q S V E N O H S T . O A K V I L L E ( 9 0 5 ) 8 4 4 - 5 2 3 6 Serving Oakville for S ixteen Years - M em ber o f the Oakville Cham ber o f C om m erce "Promoting A Healthy 'Business Community F o r in fo r m a tio n a b o u t b e c o m in g a m em b e r o f th e C h a m b e r o f C o m m er ce ca ll 845-6613 or Fax 845-6475 BUSINESS _ Photo by Peter J. Thompson CENTRE OF ATTENTION; Adreanna Conaghan (seated) gets the royal treatment from her staff (from left to right) Betty Conaghan, Maria Battista, Teena Post and Krissi Nieuwpoort during the recent official official opening of Adreanna's International Salon at the Bronte Village Mall. Adreanna's offers full hair care and aesthetics, including manicures and pedicures. It also specializes in complete wedding preparations. The salon is open Mondays to Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Thursday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. For an appointment call 847-5186. Beyond Signs expands to Oakville A new Beyond Signs franchise has recently opened in Oakville. The company, through Beyond Digital Imaging, has a wide variety of print options available, including large and superwide format inkjet printers up to 16 feet wide with resolu­ tions up to 720 dpi, a 3M Scotchprinta Graphics System, computerized routers, a supersonic seam welder, liquid coating systems, laminators and other peripherals. Company president Glenn Kerekes, hopes to eventually expand the existing 14 franchises to over 100 by 2005. Kerekes began in the business in 1960 form­ ing Dynamic Signs and then inherited the busi­ ness when his father retired. He then invested in vinyl cutting equipment and launched vinyl- graphics and in 1989 decided to franchise the name and by last year, had 12 locations. In the mid 1990's, Kerekes began to look at what computerized technology could lend to wide format digital imaging. Kerekes met businessman and former Thinkway pres. Larry Chan who created The Beyond Group, the umbrella company to Beyond Digital Imaging. Chan then asked Kerekes to join the Group and created Beyond Signs. Backed with super-wide format digital imag­ ing supplied by Chan's BDI, Kerekes changed the look and name of vinylgraphics. The official name change to Beyond Signs took place last month and the Markham headquarters. In addition to routed dimensional signs, illu­ minated signs and awnings, Beyond Signs also offers super large billboards, thermal transfer graphics, full colour wall murals and fleet graphics. Oakville B eaver Ron Dodorico Diana Welch Ian Oliver also extends congratulations to Diana Welch, Sue Hall, and Evelyn M ac Gregor as marketing team o f the month. D iana, Sue and Evelyn are responsible fix the creative and marketing aspects o f Ron's accounts. Ian Oliver also extends congratulations to Catherine Dorsey and Bill Angus as marketing team of the month. Catherine & Bill are responsible for the creative and marketing aspects of Ray's accounts. Ian diver; Publisher o f The Oakville Beaver exends congnmladons lo Ron Dodorico, salesperson of the month for febraary. Ron's clients include Oakville Place, Sears, Chisholm Education, ftikville Dodge, Ennisclare Ineriors, Downtown Oakville B JA , MacLachlan College, Monte Carlo H od , Home & Design Centre, Maple Grove Village, Bnioe Hood Travel Hiker's Haven, Meireke Muffler. This award recognizes Ron's hard work, and sales achievements. Ian Oliver, Publisher of The Oakville Beaver extends congratulations to Ray Speers, salesperson of the month for March. Ray's clients include Oakville Honda, Kerr Cadillac, Oakville Volkswagen, Kqnstiucta, Bronte BIA & Area, YMCA of Oakville, Ziebait, Art Lee Men's Wear, Current Power, Peter Watson, Barbeque Gas & Grill, il Fomello, Joshua Creek, Just Decks, Kelly Culia This award recognizes Ray's hard work, and sales achievements. Another investment choice (Cont'd from pg. B4) Wraps and mutual funds both provide excellent access to profes­ sional money man­ agers. However, wrap accounts are a more complete process that reduces invest risk better than funds. Does this mean that mutual funds have instantly turned bad? Not in the least. You could continue to invest in mutual funds, enjoy the benefits of professional management and accomplish your financial objec­ tives. Wrap accounts give you another choice. As the size of your portfolio increases and as you get closer to retirement age, you might want to con­ sider the advan­ tages of a wrap accounL Peter Watson, MBA, CFP, RFP, is the President o f Peter Watson Investments, he can be reached at 842-2100. http://www.sheridanc.on.ca

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