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Oakville Beaver, 31 Mar 1999, A4

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THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday March 31, 1999 assau lt charg es d ro p p e d Sexual assault charges have been withdrawn against Donald Blanchet, an Oakville man charged in con­ nection with an alleged 1997 incident involv­ ing three male victims. In Ontario C o u r t ( P r o v i n c i a l Division) last week, assistant Crown Attorney Jim Coppolino read a prepared statem ent from prosecutor Celia L in d o - B u t l e r explaining why the charges were withdrawn. Court heard that Lindo- Butler inter­ viewed two of the three com­ plainants on March 14th and q u e s t i o n e d whether it was in the public inter­ est to proceed with the case. Court was also told about the reluctance of the complainants to testify in court and of the men­ tal health of two of the three if a trial transpired. J u d g e Douglas Latimer then withdrew the three counts of sexual assault. Blanchet was charged in December 1997 after three men in their twenties said they met a man at a H a l l o w e ' e n party in a down­ town Oakville bar. They said they were invit­ ed back to his home where it was agreed he would perform body piercing. It was origi­ nally alleged that while at the resi­ dence the vic­ tims drank something con­ taining some variety of inca- , pacitating drug. , The trio alleged j they were sexu- c ally assaulted ], while under thef( influence of this p drug. , it s on sale or at Special Purckase prices. Plus, keat tke G ST & P ST kut only on Saturday. A ll fu rn itu re and sleep sets are on sale excluding Special Purckase item s, k u t only on Saturday. U se your Sears C ard and d o n 't pay fo r one fu ll year" or pay no in terest u n til June 2 0 0 0 ' on all fu rn itu re and sleep sets. Sale prices in effect Saturday, April 3, 1999 w w w .sears.ca NP0358099 *G§T and PST offer Sears will deduct an amount equivalent to the GST and PST from your purchase price. Offer does not apply to deferral fees, delivery, installation or maintenance agreement charges. ■'Don't pay' offer Don't pay until April 2000. "No interest' offer Pay in 14 equal monthly payments interest free, until June 2000. 'Don't pay' and 'No interest' offers: On approved credit, with your Sears Card. Minimum $200 purchase. $35 deferral fee and all applicable taxes and charges are payable at time of purchase. Ask for details. All offers: Apply to merchandise in Sears Whole Home Furniture Stores. Exclude Catalogue purchases. Offers in effect Saturday, April 3,1999. Copyright 1999. Sears Canada Inc. fu rn itu re store y jio lf C o o r d i n a t e d F u r n i t u r e M i s s is s a u g a W h o l e H o m e * F u r n i t u r e S t o r e 3050 V e g a B l v d . , U n i t #2 M i s s i s s a u g a , O n t a r i o P h o n e : (905) 820-6801 S t o r e H o u r s : M o n . - F r i . 10:00 a . m . -9:00 p . m . S a t . 10:00 a . m . -6:00 p . m . S u n . 12:00 p . m . - 5:00 p . m . S T O P S N O R I N G Our physicians introduced laser-assisted snoring reduction to Canada and have since completed over 5000 procedures. Call Dr. Robert Jones now to find out how you and your loved-ones' can achieve a better nights sleep. www.laserclinics.com War on geese continues w ith egg oiling Goose produces 1,250pounds o f Oakville (905) 842-8346 Toronto (416) 923-0092 Southern Ontario their perm anent hom e. The Town of Oakville is offering its Canada Geese egg oil-spraying program to the public once again this year. In April - ju st as they have for the past 10 years, Parks and Recreation staff will brush unhatched eggs with mineral oil, which coats the exterior and seals out T h e R o m a n C a t h o l i c P a r i s h e s o f O a k v i l l e i n v i t e y o u t o j o i n u s f o r t h e c e l e b r a t i o n s o f H o l y W e e k .° HOLY THURSDAY MASS OF THE LORD'S SUPPER (Apfil 1) With the exception o f S t James Parish (7:00 p.m.) all parishes will celebrate this liturgy beginning at 8:00 p.m. GOOD FRIDAY CELEBRATION OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD (April 2) All parishes will celebrate this liturgy at 3:00 pm . HOLY SATURDAY CELEBRATION OF THE EASTER VIGIL (April 3) All parishes will celebrate this liturgy at 8:00 pm. EASTER SUNDAY: THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD (April 4) B e sure to turn you r clocks ahead one hour fo r E aster m orning. M ary M other of God - S t Marguerite School 9:00 am. 11:00 am. S t Andrew Parish- 47 Reynolds Street S t Dominic Parish - 2415 Rebecca Street S t James Parish - 231 M orden Road S t M atthew Parish -1150 M onks Passage S t M ichael Parish -181 Sewell Drive 9:00 am. 10:30 am . 12:00 noon 8:30 am . 10:30 am . 12:30 p.m. 8:30 am. 9:45 am. (Italian) 11:30 am. 8:00 am . 9:30 am. 11:00 am. 12:30 pm . 7:30 am. 8:45 am. 10:30 am . 12:15 p.m. j < Other celebrations: Portuguese - S t Joseph Parish 825-2043; Croatian - Holy Trinity Parish 842-2386; Polish - S t Anthony Parish 845-6067. { oxygen. Inside the eggs developm ent stops. The adults return as though nothing happened and continue to incubate the eggs for some time. The oil is non-toxic and anim als like raccoons who often eat the eggs after they are abandoned are not harmed. In past years the Town concentrated the program on nests along the lake's shoreline, O akville and Bronte Harbours and along the Sixteen M ile, Fourteen M ile and Bronte Creeks. To help beleaguered lakeside hom eowners with nests on their properties, the Town is again offering this ser­ vice free o f charge. Those in terested should call M anager of Parks Peter K leschnitzki at 338-4171. In a survey conducted several years ago as part of the O akville Harbour study, the m ajority of respondents outlined goose droppings as their m ajor com plaint about O akville's w aterfront parks. Estim ates claim one Canada Goose produces 1,250 pounds o f droppings per year and more than 300,000 Canada G eese call Southern Ontario their permanent home. The birds also take a toll on groundcover by eat­ ing grass dow n to the dirt. This devastation is all the m ore amazing when you consider a single pair o f G iant Canada Geese were introduced at Toronto Island in the late 1960's. Habitat adaptability, low predation and little competition from other w ildlife have all led to the explosion in numbers. The Town spends considerable resources to clean up droppings, overseed bare areas destroyed by grazing and update No Feeding signs. In the late 1980's the Town tried gathering up the eggs and transporting them to Oklahoma. The City of Toronto had been doing that for years, but soon no one else wanted the eggs. Under the eye of the Halton Region C onservation Authority, adult geese were then moved to M ountsberg W ildlife Centre. Town staff also participate on the Canada Goose M anagem ent C om m ittee w hich continues to study the problem as it relates to the entire Greater Toronto Area. S ex i f i t ' s f u r n i t u r http://www.sears.ca http://www.laserclinics.com

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