28 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER X ' t - ta k e s le s s t irhe ^ e/7^u ,fK io k 3 o ^ \ f o p ^ '\ c ) s S q lfC e - SoV. /\pr'| l O f h T o 'Sponfr'T d .enter a +ea ̂ca\\ GrinMors 905- 339-2355 Big Brothers of Halton Inc. 2nd Floor 446 Reynolds Street Oakville, Ontario L6J 3M4 By Carolines. Friday, March 26, 1999 Older dogs are loving too By Catrina Ziesman Dogs all over the world are being saved every day by the Oakville Humane Society. Which dogs are being adopted more, the older or the younger? The Oakville Humane Society takes in approximately 10 dogs a month. The major ity of those dogs are older, approximately eight out of 10. The younger dogs get adopt ed quicker and more often than older dogs. There are 18 adoption cages and 23 holding cages in the Oakville Humane Society. When you are looking to adopt any dog, you must be responsible enough to care for it in every way. Keep the Oakville Humane Society in mind for adoptions, for variety, and to help out any dog. Although young dogs may live a longer life, older dogs can live long as well, and are as loving as any other dog. Protect your teeth for hockey By Mike McLaughlin and Jeff Thompson Hockey players wear a mouth guard to prevent getting a minor or even a major concussion. A mouth guard has a thick piece of rubber that goes under your teeth and when you fall, your teeth will hit the mouth guard and then you will be fine. It can prevent you from losing your teeth. When you would fall down, you would hit your teeth and chip them and get a concus sion. You don't have to wear a mouth guard or you can't play but it's optional; it is a bet ter idea to wear one. If you don't wear one, then you risk suffering a serious injury. One player says, "They relieve you of a little stress because when you are skating, you are worried about getting a concussion. Then when you have it in your mouth, it's in the back of your mind and you will be more focused on scoring a goal." Bruce Thompson, a coach, says, "I think that mouth guards are a big help to me and the other coaches. Without the mouth guard, the player yells and mouths off to the refer ees, but with the mouth guards in, they don't know what the guys say!" The Skis You Wear Vofkl P30 skis. But before you take to the hills, you'H have to get the skis set to your body weight or the bindings won't release when you fall. If you want your skis to move fast, then you will have to wax them teid bottle of wax, like " It is a liquid ski wax that you rub on the bottom of your skis. bett's recommends For more ski information, call Cor- Equiaxe or bett's at 845-1561. sports store in Rossignol 10.4 fe'll buy your kids' stuff, ve'll sell you kids' stuff. That's the whole Once Upon A Child® idea: we buy and sell both new and used items related to children--things like toys, furni ture, equip ment and appare l- providing families like yours with exceptional values. When you sell to us, we pay immediately. When you buy from us, you get outstanding values. Join the fun. Your kids will love you for it, and what's more important than that! lice won a child Kid's Stuff with Previous Experience™ 2423 Trafalgar Rd. Trafalgar Ridge Shopping Centre, Oakville (905) 257-5775 r DIRECT O ak villeHu.rricxrie. « 3 o c i d - V y o j o p f - a - Volun W j bfAcq walk,*? y ° 9 I »cen$eS . y > - o S i c x n d F o u r v d a n i n f a l ; 4 4 5 C o r n w a l l R o a d (905) 845-1551 By By L a u a T .