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Oakville Beaver, 24 Mar 1999, B2

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THE OAKVILLE BEAVERB2 Wednesday, March 24, 1999 (Continued from page B1) Fifty years later, though, a researcher discovered the one remain­ ing citation, and the story came out. Duncan now proudly displays his copy of the citation, and the plaque he was given by the Canadian government. After the war, Duncan started his own electronics business in Oakville, married, and had a daughter, Arlene Duncan, who graduated from Sheridan College and is now well-established in the entertainment field as an actress and singer. At least one of her two sons also seems to be following in her footsteps, and Duncan's pride and enthusiasm for his family is obvious. He extends that pride and enthusi­ asm to a larger "family" - the black community across the province. An active member of the Ontario Black History Society, Duncan was very busy during Black History month in February, giving presentations in schools, setting up displays in malls and churches, and sharing some of the wealth of historical information he has with interested people. 'Times have changed," he says. "At one time, people often used to hide their black ancestors if they could. They were ashamed. Now people are more likely to want to trace their fami­ ly tree and know more about the black people in their family. They feel some pride in what those people had to over­ come." Black history reflects proud heritage of having overcome Home Office Makeovers SPACE-SAVING IDEAS e c o n o m y £ [ ERGO DELUXE pi TASK CHAIR •Height-adjustable tear-drop style arms 'Lumbar d o c k support •G rey or Blue The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Halton branch, is offering a new series of Seminars for the Separated starting Tuesday March 30th and running to June 1st. The series will be offered at Notre Dame High School in Burlington from 7 to 10 p.m. This 10-week series includes lec­ tures, discussions and optional social activities. Topics to be covered include Stages of Separation, Communication With Your Ex, Legal Aspects of Separation, Parenting After Separation, Rebuilding Self-Esteem, Coping with Stress and Anger, Healthy Relationships and Life After Divorce. Through the program, participants will learn to what degree their reac­ tions, denial, anger, depression, and in some cases, euphoria, are normal. They learn what to expect and how long the recovery period should take. Many graduates of the program become friends and continue to meet as a self-help support group. Group leaders for Seminars for the Separate are themselves graduates of the program, and volunteer their time. Call CMHA Halton at 693-4270 for registration information. 4 2 5 0 7 /4 2 5 0 6 3 9 8 6 7 /3 9 8 6 8 4 2 5 0 8 /4 2 5 1 0 D fL U J U CORNER W ORK CENTRE •Durable T-moulding Premium melamine finish in Classi Cherry or Black/Grey granite topERGONOMIC TASK CHAIR •N ew button technology •Adjustable arms •Putty or Storm Grey 3 7 4 5 6 /3 7 4 5 8 /3 7 4 5 9 / 3 2 5 9 7 /3 2 5 9 8 /3 2 5 9 9 4 6 3 7 8 /4 6 3 7 9 7 3 8 9 4 /4 3 8 9 5 5000 SERIES WORKSTATION •Credenza, d-top work surface & mobile pedestal •Left or right assembly •Commercial-grade 1" construction, melamine finish in Candlelight Oak DELUXE EXECUTIVE TILTER •Leather seating ^ surface/inner back • Lumbar support ' Tilt lock ■ f t mechanism •Gas-lift height control J Calling All Britons radio host dies ing co m p ile / ^ -- tions from Ju n e Sonin surgery at Trillium Hospital in Mississauga. She was 68. Born in Coventry, England, she came to Canada in 1951. She took over the show from her late husband, Ray Sonin, two years after his death in March 1993. They were mar­ ried in 1978. He had hosted Calling All Britons on CFRB Toronto for over 30 years, having approached the Toronto station with the idea for a 'foreign lan­ guage' radio show in 1958, and gained notoriety by being the first radio host to play the Beatles in Canada. Having helped f Ray with the show, she was determined to carry it on after his death in 1991. "June was a beautiful, beauti­ ful person, very gracious," com­ ments Harry McDonald, vice- president of sales and marketing at CHWO. "She was loved by all, it's so sad to see her go. I think it was just ~~r~ one operation too g | |g H lg | | | many. She was a nice, nice lady." ■ Michael Caine, president and general manager of CHWO, ***»' describes her as Q HUTCH 43114*3%% [ g K EY B O A R D TRAY44804 4%**4 4 7 4 3 NEW ! m C R E A T IV E '* D E S IG N C E N T R E fits | We are pleased to announce our new Creative Design centre! Now, not only can you come in and l T buy furniture that's affordable, we can also help V you design a fabulous lookina ANCASTER 1015 Golf Links Road BURLINGTON 1881 Fairview (at Brant) HAMILTON 2444 Barton East WELLAND 800 Niagara Street North OAKVILLE QEW at Dorval • 2460 Churchill Blvd. (a t Dundas) FREE N e x t-D a v D e liv e ry * PH: i -soo-668-6888 fx: i-soo-567-2260 . . . „ _____ . . . . _________ __ 'C A L L F O R D E T A IL S STORE HOURS MON-FRI 8AM-9PM/ SATURDAY 9AM-6PM/SUNDAY 11AM-5PM STAPLES BUSINESS DEPOT™ Staples Business Depot Ltd. Some items may not be exactly os shown. ©The Business Depot Ltd. 1999 #1 Selling Car in North America, 2 Years in a Row. CLICK INTO O U l l WEBSITE AT W arehouse Office Suppl'e s Best Selling 4-door Sedan 6 Time W inner CAA "Car of the Year" Award '99 Toyota Corolla $232 u p to 2 4 ,0 0 0 k m p e r y e a r p e r m o n th fo r 4 8 m o n th s lease includes freight & P.D.E. O nly $1950 dow n Nicely equipped for $17,605msrp • A ir Conditioning • Autom atic Transmission • Dual Airbags • 1.8 litre D0HC 120 H.P. Engine • AM/FM Cassette Stereo • Full Wheel Covers • Body Side Mouldings K N O W YOUR O W N LEASE OPTIO NS DOWN PAYMENT MONTHLY PAYMENT $0 $277 $1000 $254 $3000 $208 Or get 4.8 '99 Toyota Camry CE S $2 9 9 Q u p to 2 4 ,0 0 0 k m p e r y e a r p e r m o n th fo r 4 8 m o n th s lease includes freight & P.D.E. O nly $2500 dow n Nicely equipped for $24,780 MSRP VALUE PACKAGE INCLUDES • A i r C o n d itio n in g • A u to m a tic Transm ission • Power Windows and Door Locks • AM/FM Stereo with CD • Cruise Control • Carpet floor mats • 2 2 litre 4 Cylinder DOHC Engine K N O W Y O UR O W N LEASE O P TIO N S DOWN PAYMENT MONTHLY PAYMENT $0 $359 $1000 $336 $3000 $290 % no limit financing for up to 60 months on all 1999 Tercels & Corollas or 5.8°/ofinancing on other selected Toyota models.' S ee y o u rOntario TOYOTADEALER U TODAY! 1-888-T0Y0TA-8 ♦ www.toyota.ca TOYOTA i Leasing/financing plans fro m Toyota Credit Canada In c 0 A C . O ffers va lid on n ew 1999 m ode ls leased and delivered by March 31st, 1999. License, registration, insurance and taxes are extra. Lease includes a m axim um o f $750 fo r fre igh t & CREDIT P D E ' f e e d on a 48 mos. walkaway lease at a rate o f 5 .8% on Corolla VE (m ode l BR12EP-B) w ith do w n paym ent o f S0/S1.000/S1,950/S3.000 or trade equivalent. First paym ent and security deposrt o f S275 due on delivery. Total lease ■ n a n a u u u M ob ligation o f $13,296/513,192/S13,0 86/512,984 and purchase op tio n price o f 58,098. based on max. o f 96,000 kms. Add itiona l km charge o f 50.07 if applicable. MSRP fo r Corolla VE (BR12EP- B) $17,605. f t January - D ecem ber 1998 AIAMC Segm entation Report. ' Based on a 48 mos. walkaway lease at a rate o f 4 .8% on Cam ry CE (m ode l BG22KP-B) w ith do w n paym ent o f $0 / $1000/52500/53000 or trade equivalent. First paym ent and security deposit o f $350 due on delivery. Total lease ob ligation o f 517,232/517,128/ $16,852/516,920 and purchase op tio n price o f $11,894. based on max. o f 96,000 kms. Additional km charge o f $0.10 if applicable. MSRP fo r Camry CE (BG22KP-B) 524,780. f t C a m ry w as th e n u m b e r o n e se llin g car in N o rth Am erica fro m 1997 to yea r-e nd 1998. C am ry w as nam e d *C A A Car o f th e Year" In 1988, 1992, 1993, 1997, 1998 and 1 9 9 9 .) Finance exam ple: 520,000 at 4 .8% per annum equals 5375.60 per m o n th fo r 60 m onths. C.O.B. is-52535 fo r an obligation total o f 522 ,535 .4 .8 % available on 1999 Tercel and Corolla. Finance exam ple: $20,000 at 5.8% per annum equals 5384.80 per m onth fo r 60 m onths. CO.B. is $3087.93 fo r an obligation to ta l o f 523, available on Toyota Camry, Paseo, Avalon, Rav4, 4Runner and Tacoma. See partic ipating Toyota Dealer to r details. Dealer m ay lease/sell fo r less. Freight and P.D.E. no t included in MSRP. Financing excludes Cam ry Solara. "the spirit of the program." As its main producer, she picked the music, and co­ hosted it with Colin Hoare, who will continue to host Calling All Britons. "When you stop to think about it, the show ran for 33 years on CFRB and anoth­ er six years here," concludes Caine. "That is almost unheard of in broadcasting his­ tory. It's quite a legacy." http://www.toyota.ca

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