A8 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Woman wants you to hike for health Wednesday March 24, 1999 (Continued from page 1) emerged minus much of the muscle tis sue that supports her right arm and back. But miraculously, against all odds, she did emerge. The picture of health today, Mulvale's energy level is soaring as usual and she's committed to harnessing that energy toward a project she's dreamt about since she literally got her life back. "I made a commitment to raise money for NF-related research when I got out of the hospital, but I wasn't ready to do it then. I needed more expe rience, more contacts and to formulate a sound plan. Last summer, I met a neigh bor whose husband died of strep-related pneumonia and then on the same day, I spoke to the parents of a five-year-old who died of toxic shock in Mississauga. I said to myself, 'This has to be a sign. It's time to get going.'" The mother of two then did what she once thought was insurmountable. Through her graphic design firm, Dynamite Design business connections and the various committees she's been on around town, she assembled a focus group. Together the group (which includes Mayor Ann Mulvale and Mount Sinai's world renowned expert on Group A Streptococcal diseases, Dr. Donald Low), identified specific needs and goals, developed a vision and began planning a major fundraising event to kick off the project. The result is Surviving Strep - Strategies for LIFE and the Take a Hike on the LIFE hike trail fundraiser planned for June 12th on the Glen Abbey trail system. "I can't think of anything more noble to do from a survivor's point of view," said Oakville's mayor. Last Monday, Kazan wrong person to honour (Continued from page 7) S o m etim es , you can manage to separate an artist from his or her actions or personal life: by all means refuse to see the movie on Jacqueline Pre and just choose to listen to the music, for instance. Or just sit back and enjoy some of Picasso's work if need be without thinking of what he was truly like as a man. But not in this case. We're talking betrayal; a betrayal that destroyed lives. And it is one inextricably tied to one of the most distasteful times in Hollywood - a time of back- stabbing paranoia lives ruined. Why that? I thought Sunday evening Kazan used a curious choice of words when he said he'd now "slip away" from it all. Hasn't that essentially been the motto of Kazan from the moment he chose to inform on April 10, 1952? To simply slip away? Sunday, the A c a d e m y goofed. Lillian Heilman, that woman whose words about refusing to cut her conscience to fit the fashion of the day stand far more strong ly than Kazan's vague murmur- ings, would have taken great delight in being in the audience that evening: sit ting resolutely on her hands the whole time. she proclaimed June the month to cele brate the privilege of enjoying a healthy body, prepare for the future and support the vision of Strategies for Live by par ticipating in the LIFE hike. The mandate of the initiative and hike is not just to raise money for research, but to promote the education of health care professionals and increase government and public awareness and support. Mulvale's goal is to raise $10 million plus over the next 10 years and establish national prominence for Strategies for LIFE hikes much like the Terry Fox Run, with seven to nine hikes taking place across Canada by the year 2005. "The hike is an amazing event in itself," Mulvale explained. "It will unite strangers with a common interest - life. With this first event, we want to put Oakville on the map as a proactive, health conscious community that not only supports a charity, but invests in their own future. The results of our fundraising will protect and save lives " LIFE hike participants are asked to raise a minimum $25 in pledges. There are incentives at various pledge levels. An 8k hike is aimed at the more fit who want to walk or run the distance while a 3k hike is more suitable for families or older adults. "We want to make the trail as acces sible and enjoyable for as many people as possible." As a result of discussions with Dr. Low, whom Mulvale credits with sav ing her life, Strategies for Life will focus on a wider range of illnesses caused by strep bacteria. They include Scarlet Fever, Rheumatic Fever, Endocarditis, Toxic Shock and Streptococcal Pneumonia. Severe strep- related infections are affecting commu nities with increasing frequency accord ing to Dr. Low and the bacteria are evolving into even more virulent forms. "She's been doing an incredible job," Dr. Low said in praise of Mulvale. "One of the things we're learning is this dis ease isn't going away. What we're going through is quite different than any other time period in medical history. If you took that same strain that caused this severe disease in Cathy into the community, you'd find thousands of people who have this organism in their throats or on their skin, but it's not doing the same kind of thing. What we're trying to understand is why some one like Cathy came down with a severe form of the disease and how we can interfere and better treat these patients." Great progress is being made through Low's Ontario Group A Strep Surveillance Network but with today's battle for research and education dollars in mind, he thinks the project will be a huge boost. For more information about becom ing a Strategies for Life volunteer, spon sor or picking up a pledge form for the LIFE hike event, call Mulvale at 257- 0007 or e-mail her at dynamite @cgoca- ble.net. STOP SW EATING Excessive sweat is em barrassing and uncomfortable. C all now to learn more about a new medical treatm ent to control and reduce perspiration and odour. "BABIttCLAN D ) ̂ rts / L \ C A N A D A ' S LARGEST FASHION FABR IC D ISTR IBU TO R / l v l / j D O / 7MM $ www.laserclinics.com SAVe|2 0 ■ ̂ Q 2EL O N OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF REG. PRICED HOME DEC FABRICS, UPHOLSTERY, HARDWARE, NOTIONS & TRIMS *Sewing Club Members save an extra 10% on all 20% Off items! ENTIRE IN-STORE STOCK! BURDA PATTERNS BUY I prIceGET 1 FREE! (ot equal value or less) Otter valid March 22- April 3,1999. Not valid with any other discount otters. Sale in effect March 22-April 3/99 on in-stock merchandise, excluding promotional goods & ends. Sorry, no special orders. Look for the red sale tags. 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