B4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, March 10, 1999 Community Update An O akville B eaver Feature Contact W ilm a Blokhuis: 845-3824 Ext 250 Fax: 337-5567 Please forward announcements for Update to Wilma Blokhuis, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ont. L6K 3S4; call 845-3824 Ext. 250, or Fax 337-- 5567 BEFORE NOON Monday. STOP SWEATING Excessive sweat is embarrassing and uncomfortable. Call now to learn more about a new medical treatment to control and reduce perspiration and odour. www. laserclinics. com Oakville (905) 842-8346 Toronto (416) 923-0092 Lear n T o S a il Bronte Harbour Yacht Club S ailing School Jun ior 7-11 Years Youth 11-1? Years Monday to Friday ? :2 0 a .rn .-2 :2 0 f> .rn . Ju ly & A ugust -- 2 ,4 or ? Week Programs Adult Sailing Program - Narks to Adantsd Dinghy, Mon. & Wed. for ? evenings _ Keel, Basic Cruising evenings & weekends Both courses offered June, Ju ly & August Call Club £ 2 7 - 6 4 3 7 • Brian 2 5 7 4 3 £ 0 j Jane £ 2 5 1 4 3 £ _____ 9 aJa-5 jun.___________ I S u z a n n e M o l D o J M M 2 7 2 - 3 4 3 4 Sales Representative Res: 905 542-1221 OPEN HOUSE, SAT. & SUN. MARCH 13 & 1424PM FIRSTAD | | | j ^ 22 Germorda Drive, North-East Oakville Brand new listing, sought after location, stone & brick ranch bungalow on 100 ft frontage, dose to golf course. Separate gotgeous living room with floor to odling stone fireplace & big picture windows, formal dining room, big eat-in kitchen with w/o to deck and inground pool, 3 bedroom & finished lower level with separate entranoe, wet bar, full bath, BR & rec room, hardwood, broadloomCA Double garage & extensive landscaping. Call Suzanne MacDonald, Ronax Realty Spedafots Inc. 905-272-304, res; 905-512-1221. Ladies Night Out: Do you belong to a women's group, church group, local business or just have a bunch of friends who would like an evening of fashions, cosmetics makeovers, food and prizes - free? Call The Bay, Oakville Place, 842- 4811 - ask for Shelagh or Alice. ADVANCED REGISTRATION What's Next? Are you going through lifestyle change as a result of divorce, retirement, mid-life cri sis or marriage problems? Free seminar on personal growth and planning, What's Next, at Peace Lutheran Church, Square One, Mississauga, March 12th, 7 to 9 p.m. Must register. Call Stephen Carpenter, 637-9450. Oakville Roadrunners 14th annual Car Rally, May 15th. Register by March 13th for $59 per person - 4 to 8 people per team - afterwards it's $66 each. Net pro ceeds to Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Call 847-3308. Deadline to apply to participate in Arts and Artisans by the Lake at Appleby College is March 20th. Exhibit is April 24th, sponsored by May Cour^Club. Call 849-3556. Free Legal Clinic - separating or divorcing? Free half-hour con sultations with practising family law lawyer, by appointment only, March 23rd, 6:30 to 9 p.m., at Women's Centre, Hopedale Mall, Ste. 210. Call 847-5520. Red Cross Babysitting Course, March 23rd, 30th, April 6th and 13th, Woodside Library, 6:15 to 8:15 p.m. Cost: $35. Register at Woodside. Anti-Racist Organizational Change workshop, March 25th and 26th at Oakville Central Library, 120 Navy, 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the auditorium; and April 8th, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and April 9th 9 a.m. to noon at Oakville Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar, Oakville Parks & Recreation Committee Room A. Participants will develop critical understanding of racism and its manifestations, deepen their knowl edge of anti-racism organizational change, and planning for imple mentation of anti-racism organiza tional change. Open to senior man agement of non-profit organiza tions. Call Halton Multicultural Council, 842-2486. Eighth Annual Rizzuti Dinner Dance, tribute to the late John Rizzuti, March 27th at Le Dome Banquet Hall. Proceeds benefit p a y t o O R D E R O F t h e $20,000 BOOST: The Bill Jefferies Schizophrenia Endowment Fund has received $20,000 from the Oakville chapter of the Schizophrenia Society of Ontario. Shown from left with the donation are: Roman Wasylechko, treasurer; Bill Jefferies, founder of the Schizophrenia Society; Peter McWilliams, representing Schizophrenia Society of Ontario (SSO); and Bill Pidgeon, president, Oakville chapter. The SSO hopes to have $1 million in this fund by the New Millennium. ;c O A K V IL L E C H A M B E R o f C O M M E R C E P m m o th ig A H ea lthy B usiness C om m unity 170 Country' Squire Lane, Oakville Ph. (905) 845-6613 • Fax (905) 845-6475 Website: www.chamber.oakviIle.on.ca • E-mail: chamberftMiamber.oakville.on.ca BeneFit Facts Keeping Benefits Affordable, Year After Year If you've ever faced a group benefit plan renewal, you know you typically see an increase that reflects your firm's daims. The mote you've used your program, the greater the increase. Thar's a particularly frustrating scene if you've had one year of unusually high daims in an otherwise levd history of plan usage. That one year can lead to an immediate increase in your benefit plan costs. How do you keep rising premiums from getting out of hand? One practical option is to move to a 'pooled' plan. In such a plan, premiums are based on the average of daims across all partidpants. When your claims are bundled with a group of similar firms in a pool, the result can be more stable prices from year to year. No one firm is ever singled out for an increase, taking the anxiety out of annual renewals. Your Chambers Plan is pooled and has a history of renewals that don't send shock waves through the plan. That means you and your employees can count on your group benefits when you really need them. Is your current plan pooled? If it isn't, are you prepared for your next renewal? Small group pooling is a sign of a quality product. Take advantage of your Chamber membership for access to that kind of value, through die Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Han®. April Chamber Events Pre-Payment & Prê Regjstration is required for all events (except Business After Flours) *12 Business Womens Network Dinner Meeting T u n e 5 :15 -8 :15pm Speaker T B A Location: O td lo 's B anquet H all C o se $21 (in d u d es G S T ) *14 Business After Hours T u n e 5 -7pm H o sted by: T h e C o m m u n ity F oundation o f O akville a n d T h e R am ada In n & C o n v en tio n C en tre C ost: Free to O akville C h a m b e r M em bers a n d their employees. 18 Hockey Night in Buffalo (Buffalo Sabres vs. Washington Capitals at Marine Midland Arena) T u n e 1pm depart for Buffalo (3pm gam e) Tickets are limited! C ost: $ 9 5 (indudes return bus, transportation , com plim en tary wings, all taxes. May Chamber Events *3 Business Womens Network Dinner Meeting T u n e 5 :15 -8 :15pm Speaker M ay o r M ulvale T o p ic "H o w A re W e D o in g in C h an g e & T h e Rawer o f Partnership" Location: B ron te H a rb o u r Yacht Q u b C ost: $21 (indudes G S T ) 10 Retail Event with guest speaker John Chisholm T u n e 6 :3 0 -8 :3 0 p m Speaker Jo h n C h isho lm , Royal Bank T o p ic Retail C u s to m e r Loyalty Location: B ron te H a rb o u r Yacht Q u b C ost. $ 1 0 for O akville C h am b er M em bers, $ 15 for non-m em bers *12 Business After Hours T u n e 5 -7pm H o sted by: Q u a lity H o te l C o se Free to O akville C h a m b e r m em bers an d th d r employees 19 48th Annual Golf Tournament T u n e 1 la m sh o tg u n start Location: Carlisle G o lf & C o u n try Q u b Details: H o le-in -one com petitions, longest drive - m en s &C ladies, pu ttin g contest, c h ipp ing contest, trophies, raffles C o se $ 155 for G o lf /C an /D in n e r (G S T in d u d ed ), $ 50 for D in n e r only *Indicates th a t th e even t is open to O akville C ham ber M em bers. C a ll8 4 5 -6 6 1 3 to register fo r a n y o f these events, or fo r m ore details. BeneFit Facts presents topical inform ation to help you m anage your Employee B enefit Program. Brought to you by your Cham bers o f Com m erce Group Insurance Plan® representative. For m orel inform ation about C ham ber P lan benefits, ca ll Daniel E Hynek 849-4342 Canadian Cancer Society (CCS). Tickets, $75, available at office, 635 Fourth Line, Unit 51, call 845-5231. Stomp It Out - Country Line Dance-a-Thon for Arthritis Society, March 27th, 1 to 4 p.m., River Oaks Recreation Centre, 1400 Sixth Line. Door prizes, incentive prizes for pledges. Minimum admittance $10. Call Bonnie, 845-8189. Strike Out Arthritis, March 27th, 1 to 4 p.m., Classic Bowl, fundraiser for Arthritis Society. Call 905-712-2281. WEDNESDAY MARCH 10 VON Halton presents Family Caregivers Education, for individ uals and families caring for chroni cally ill loved ones, March 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Cost: $20 per session, subsi dies available. Call 827-8800. Burlington Dental Nurses and Assistants, 1 p.m., Burlington Holiday Inn. Wine and cheese. Also food drive. Fibromyalgia Support Group meets at St. Domenic's Church, 2415 Rebecca St., 7 to 9 p.m. Meet new friends, share common con cerns and gather information. Call 827-0243. Group meets second Wednesday of each month. Wednesday Film Festival pre sents Elizabeth, Cate Blanchett's tour-de-force performance as great monarch of 16th century, 7 p.m., Famous Players Cinemas, Town Centre I. Tickets $8 - $6 for local arts groups members, 6:30 p.m. Oakville Legion Ladies Auxiliary holds Wednesday Euchre Afternoons, 1 p.m., Churchill Room, Royal Canadian Legion, Church and Navy. Cost $5, includes refreshments, cash prizes. Bereavement Self-Help Group for parents grieving loss of a child, meets Wednesdays, 9 to 11 a.m., at Trinity United Church, 1250 McCraney St. Call 845-3152 or 844-0573. Glen Abbey Toastmasters meets Wednesdays, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., at St. Ignatius of Loyola Secondary School, Nottinghill Gate and Upper Middle. Call 827-5801, 827-8216, or 827-0107. The Oakville Parent-Child Centre offers Cabin Fever, a drop- in program for parents and care givers every Wednesday mornings from 9 to 10:45 a.m. at 337 Kerr Street. Also Toddler Time, a drop- in program for parents and their tod dlers, 12 to 18 months offered every Wednesday from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at 337 Kerr Street. Call 849-6366. THURSDAY MARCH 11 M.E. Association of Halton/Hamilton-Wentworth Support Group, 1 p.m. at Tansley United Church, 2111 Walkers Line, north of Upper Middle, Burlington. Speaker: Patricia Wing of OTMH, explains the Home Emergency Lifeline Program. Call 319-7966. Schizophrenia Society of Ontario, Oakville chapter, Family & Friends Support Group meet ings, 7:30 p.m., at Canadian Mental Health Association's Oakville office, 488 Kerr at Speers. Moral support, educational and coping skills, confidential setting. Call Bonnie Grant, 815-0070 weekdays after 6 p.m., anytime weekends. East Oakville Community Adult Centre meets at Maple Grove United Church, 346 Maplegrove, 1 p.m., for cards and games. Tea and cookies at 3 p.m. Bring friend, call Thelma Perras, 844-5584. FRIDAY MARCH 12 Mature Women's Network: Over 50? Social group - speakers, discussions, outings, 10 a.m. to noon at Women's Centre, Hopedale Mall, Ste. 210. Call 847-5520. The Oakville Parent-Child Centre offers Caregiver's Comer, drop-in for child care providers and their children, Friday at 10:30 a.m. to noon at 337 Kerr St. Also My Baby and Me, drop-in for parents with babies, newborn to 12 months on Friday afternoons 1 to 3 p.m. at 1500 Sixth Line. Call 849-6366. V 0 EARLY BIRD DRAW!GRAND PRIZE - Caribbean Cruise with Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines. One week, two people, air from Toronto. SECOND PRIZE - SuperClubs, Breezes Golf & Beach Resort, Runaway Bay Jamaica. One week, two people, all inclusive, air from Toronto. THIRD PRIZE - Antigua, Royal Antiguan Beach & Tennis Resort. One week, two people, all inclusive. FOURTH PRIZE-SuperClubs, Puntarena, Cuba. One week, two people, all inclusive, air from Toronto. FIFTH PRIZE - SuperClubs, Breezes Nassau Bahamas. Three or four nights, two people, all inclusive, air from Toronto. • MARCH 18,1999 • Sun Care Gift Basket • Weekend Car Rental Draws will be held at the Burloak Canoe Club at 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm on the following dates: Early Bird - January 21,1999 March 18, 1999 mainder Draws - May 13,1999 Tickets $10 available from: Lions Club Members & Community Partners Num ber o f T icke ts P rin ted 15,000 Licence No. M555818 IIIIIM cGOWAN Insurance Services Ltd. ■Bentley* The Oakville Beaver ftW IffiiiiS M CLARINS SuperClubs' To purchase your tickets with Visa, Mastercard or American Express please call Don or Julia at (905) 257-4135 Women Meet Women - Outreach Committee holds drop-in every Friday, noon to 4 p.m. First, second and third Friday of month at Women's Centre, Ste. 210; and third and fourth Friday, Halton Rape Crisis Centre, Ste. 227 - Hopedale Mall. Childcare provided. Oakville Single/Social Dance every Friday at the Oakville Royal Canadian Legion, Normandy Room, Church and Navy. Admission $10, all proceeds to char ity. Dancing 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Cash door prizes and refreshments. Dress code. Call 845-6271 or 842-1327. SATURDAY MARCH 13 Euchre at Oakville Royal Canadian Legion, Church and Navy, meat draw 12:30 p.m., followed by music of Ted & Ed, 4:30 to 8:30 p.m., Club Room. Call 845-6271. March Break Blood Donor Clinic, noon to 4 p.m., Glen Abbey Recreation Centre, 1415 Third Line. Iroquois Ridge High School students selling $2 tickets for Rocky Mountain Raffle, fundraising for music students trip to Rocky Mountain Music Festival in April, at Oakville Place March 13th and 14th. Prices include hand made pine lamp tables, CD player, gourmet dinner for six. St. Patrick's Dinner and Dance, com beef and cabbage, 6:30 pm, at Bronte Legion, 79 Jones St., Upstairs Hall. Entertainment by Ken Tocher, 8 p.m. Cost: $8 per person. Call 827-4722. Oakville Stamp Club annual Stamp Show at St. Paul's United Church 454 Rebecca St. Admission is free,everyone is welcome. Call Jim Stanley at 827-0475. South Peel Naturalists Club meeting, 8 p.m., Church of St. Bride, Clarkson Road. Topic:: Antarctica - Geography and Wildlife. Call 279-8807. Saturday Fun every Saturday at Oakville Parent Child Centre's north loca tion, 1500 Sixth Line, 10 a.m. to noon. Creative play environment. Visit Daisy Dud's, gently used children's clothing store. SUNDAY MARCH 14 Sunday Brunch, Oakville Royal Canadian Legion, Church and Navy, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. All proceeds to community and charitable groups. Call 845-6271. MONDAY MARCH 15 Living With Cancer, support group, 7:30 p.m.. Cancer Society office, 635 Fourth Line, Unit 51.Call 845-5231. More March Break events John Mark Deneau, a physical edu cation teacher at Pine Grove School, holds Juggle With Me, a Juggling Camp for children at the school, 529 Fourth Line, on March 15th, 16th and 17th from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The three-day camp features special guests Dan Tuesdale, professional comedy juggle and magician and 1998 Blindfold Juggling Champ; and Don Higgins, teacher of juggling and stress relief seminars. Attend all three days for $85; or one day for $30. Call 634- 6269. HOPEDALE MALL Third Line & Rebecca Street MARCH 15: Play Day - learn magic tricks, play games with Dimples the Clown, Life Bear, and free gifts. MARCH 16: Story Day with Dimples the Clown at 1:15, 2:15 and 3:15 p.m., plus story book crafts. MARCH 17: Craft Day - make St. Patrick's Day crafts, and draw. MARCH 18: Movie Day - watch a cartoon movie. MARCH 19: Sports Day - giant Jump'N Bounce, variety of sporting events, and Dimples the Clown. All events happens from 1 to 4 p.m., and a draw will be held each day. OAKVILLE HISTORICAL SOCIETY 110 King Street 844-2695 * The office, of the Oakville Historical Society will be open Tuesday to Friday during March Break, March 16th to 19th, from 1 to 4 p.m., to give parents and children an opportunity to view its current exhibit, Oakville: Getting Around. The display outlines trans portation throughout Oakville's histo ry. The library and archival facilities will be be open for viewing. http://www.chamber.oakviIle.on.ca