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Oakville Beaver, 9 Apr 1999, p. 16

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♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 16 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, April 9, 1999 'Kaleidoscope' will feature art show and sale, dem onstrations, and hands-on activities The Burlington Art Centre's Kaleido­scope will take place at 1333 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington, today (Friday) from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. This annual open house, show and sale will feature original hand-crafted works of art by more than 60 artists and artisans. Visitors are invited to browse through the gal­ leries and halls and to talk to the artists or watch them as they work. These artists and artisans will also be show­ ing and selling their paintings, photographs, pot­ tery, quilts, hooked rugs, sculptures, textile art (hand spun and woven), and wood carvings. A special exhibition of art by members of the Burlington Association for the Intellectually Challenged will also be featured, and hands-on activities for all ages will be available. Guests can glaze their own Japanese tea cup and watch as it is raku fired; design and make their own photogram in a real darkroom; try their hand at weaving on a wooden-floor loom; or stitch part of a large quilt. (Call 632-7796 for activity times.) The opening reception will take place at 7 p.m. tonight, followed by the official opening and awards ceremony at 8 p.m. in the Main Gallery. Parking and admission are free throughout the Kaleidoscope weekend. A uctions offer a rt fo r a ll tastes Don't forget the Oakville Art Society's Art Auction on Saturday night. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., with the auction beginning at 7:30 p.m. Over 100 works of art will be featured in Centennial Gallery, 120 Navy St. (on the ground floor of Central Library), with previews tonight (Friday) from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., and tomorrow from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Proceeds from the auction will go to the OAS to provide art educa­ tion programs to people of all ages. There is also an art sale and silent auction on April 12th, begin­ ning at 7 p.m. in the Granary on Robinson Street, featuring over 100 works of art that have been appraised at $35,000. Numbered, titled and signed prints by such artists as A. J. Cas- son, Heather Cooper, Dave Beckett, Peter Stoyan, Elsie Underwood, Claudio D 'Angelo, Leslie A. Parkes, Jake Vandonbrink, Michael Dumas, Richard Victor Stanley, Cyril Cox, and Robert Victor Pow will be available. All proceeds will go to the work of Straight Talk, a local organiza­ tion that promotes abstinence as a positive alternative to the prevailing sex-related problems among youth. La-Z-Boy® Full Reclining Sofas From La-Z-Boy® Chaise Rocker Recliners From La-Z-Boy® Rocker Recliners From La-Z-Boy® Living Room Sofas From • doors to another brand new La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries® and we're celebrating with y low prices. Stop in during our "Grand Opening Sale" and experience the La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries difference. Wfe offer the widest selection o f Genuine La-Z-Boy home furnishings in Ontario. All the latest styles featured in six distinct galleries- recliners, leather, living room, bedroom, dining room and family highly trained sales staff will provide professional B T design assistance and help you work with o u r exclusive Screen Test V ideo C ata logue. So fo r a D eligh tfu l Shopping Experience come to La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries. But hurry in. An event this grand won'i NO INTEREST FOR ONE YEAR' NO DOWN PAYMENT room. BURLINGTON POWER CENTRE I Q.E.W. & BRANT STREET g (905) 331-7600 Mon.-Fri. 9:30am - 9pm, Sat. 9:30om - 6pm, Sun. 10am - Spm •Offer does n « apply to Doned/Ffeer/Cfearancr merchandise. See store for details. O n approved credit only on your La-Z-Boy Charge Card. Applicable taxes, delivery charges and $29,99 administration fee due at time o f purchase. 12 equal monthly payments, commencing 30' days from date o f delivery/pick up. Limited time offer. O u r G r a n d O p e n i n g C e l e b r a t i o n W il l K n o c k Y o u O f f Y o u r F e e t . SWt UP H> U(Y% ON 0 \ | VKIoN I.VKG1S1 S llK HONOI ClMIIM L w M V n llIRMIURl l.ovM s i P r k t (iiiM vY M F F o n v u l . \ - / - B o \ H o m i F u r n i s h i n g s ! Innovative art show at Sheridan The Creative Act, a celebration of youth in the visual arts, opens at Sheri­ dan College on April 12th at 6 p.m. The Ontario Secondary School Stu­ dents' Association of Central Niagara Region will present this innovative art show. The show will feature original, cre­ ative works submitted by talented stu­ dents from across the region. The evening will include a guest speaker, refreshments, and awards for outstanding students. This art show will continue at Sheridan until April 19th. The Ontario Secondary School Stu­ dents' Association (OSSSA) is a not- for-profit organization which has acted as a liaison between the Ontario government and Ontario Secondary School students for over 20 years. The main objective of the organi­ zation is to provide leadership, resources and training to students while promoting communication and co-operation amongst all students in Ontario. The public is invited to attend the opening ceremony and is encouraged to visit the art exhibit. Your Adventure Waiting to Happen A p r i l 16 t o A p r i l 25 • Over 106 park destinations • Outdoor Exhibitors (accomodation atenatives, carrprg eqijment and more) * New Reservation Service Information • Famfly Attractions (Prds of Boy Schod Pus Theatre Great Qjtdoor fashion Show) • Sommer Employment Opportunities O n t a r io a a *. P a D V Q Bronte Creek Provincial Park is located between Burlington M / J 1 A I n IV Z ) and Oakville, north of the QEW, exit 109 (Burioak Drive). 1 M i E 5 m www.region.halton.on.ca WE GRASSCYCLE ! The Region o f H alton in p a r tn e rs h ip w i th T o ro a n d C l i f fs L a w n a n d G a rd e n E q u ip m e n t L im ite d in O a k v il le , w a n t to g iv e lo c a l re s id e n ts an o p p o r tu n ity to t r y a T o ro " R e cyc le r" la w n m o w e r fo r th re e m o n th s , FREE! To b e c o m e a p a r t ic ip a n t, se n d us y o u r n a m e , a d d re ss a n d p h o n e n u m b e r a lo n g w i th a b r ie f e x p la n a t io n "W h y I w o u ld l ik e to ta k e p a r t in th e g rasscyc ling p ro je c t" . R es iden ts c u r re n t ly re c e iv in g c u rb s id e y a rd w a s te c o l le c t io n a re e lig ib le . A m a x im u m o f 5 h o u s e h o ld s p e r m u n ic ip a l i ty w i l l b e c h o s e n to p a r t ic ip a te . A p a n e l w i l l c h o o s e th e b e s t su b m is s io n s . Entries m ust be subm itted by A p ril T h e R e g io na l M u n ic ip a l i ty o f H a lto n G rasscycling Project 11 51 B ro n te R oad , O a k v il le O n ta r io , L 6 M 3L1 Fax: (9 0 5 ) 8 2 5 -0 2 6 7 e m a il: m ile s d @ re g io n .h a lto n .o n .c a 23, 1999 YOU* EQUIPMENT SPECIALIST http://www.region.halton.on.ca mailto:milesd@region.halton.on.ca

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