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Oakville Beaver, 12 Jun 1974, p. 59

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June 12,1974 51.articles for sale CLOTHES dryer, Westinghouse, heaV(?al?8S-2495 ®°°<i condition THE OAKVILLE BEAVER *95 CONN strobe for organ and piano tuning, *50. 844-3979. GARAGE Sale. Saturday, June 15th. Gas stove, hall chair, rug, T.V., gas mower, books, dishes, m iscellaneous item s. 485 Tennyson Drive. ^ E N M O R E electric range, 114 years old, self cleaning, rotisserie, Harvest Gold, *350. Matching 16 cu. ft. fridge, no frost, *300. Available June 21st. to July 25th. 878-6322. STEREO Hi Fi, Walnut cabinet, Garrard changer, excellent condition. 845-4647. SWIMMING pool sacrifice. Leading manufacturer and distributor has above-ground redwood pools, left over from ' 1973 season. 1/2 price. Guar­ anteed installation and terms arranged. Call Credit Manager collect 1-561-1103 days and evenings. USED car waxing and polishing machine with new spare discs. Retail price *300., asking *145. or best offer. Call after 5 p.m., 822- 5532. 5 2 .a rt ic le s w a n te d CASH for paper backs, hard cover books, comics, records, 250 Kerr from 12 daily except Mondays. 845-8009. WANTED -- Good 327- G.M. m otor for '68 Chevelle. Reasonable. 845-6683 after 6 p.m. 54. antiques & art AT ANTIQUE MARKET THE GRANARY East Bank of Oakville Harbour SUNDAY, JUNE 16TH I I A M. -- 5 P.M. 25 DEALERS 5 6 .g a rd e n a n d m e a t p ro d u c e GARDEN lots for rent -- not too late to grow your own country fresh vegetables. Oakville area. 844-1482. 5 7 .p e t s t o c k , s u p p lie s & k e n n e ls HORSE AUCTION MONDAY, JUNE 17, 6 P.M. SHARP AT STOUFFVILLE STOCKYARDS STOUFFVILIE. ONT. Quarter horses, Ap- paloosas, Hunters, ponies, etc. New and used tack and equipment sold at 6 p.m. Horse auction starts at 6:30 sharp. Sale limited to 25 Registered and 75 Grades. Consign now, phone ^ 1 640 4198 W. T. "Bill" Simmons, Auctioneer BEAUTIFUL PU REBRED Siamese kittens, no papers. *20 827-6189. DOG, lovely family pet, female, part setter, all shots, *25. 84U 8420. HEALTHY male miniature Apricot poodle with papers desires acquaintance with female poodle. Object: one puppy. 827-3594. 5 7 .p e t s t o c k , s u p p lie s & k e n n e ls 5 9 .m o to r c a rs fo r sa le 5 9 .m o to r c a rs fo r sa le 5 9 .m o to r c a rs f o r sa le 5 9 .m o to r c a rs f o r sa le GERMAN Shepherd, male, sabel, 16 months, Registered. *150. 844-3195. MOVING West -- part German Shepherd-Husky, 18 months, spayed, needled, good watchdog, gentle with children, prefer country home. 845-1836 after 4:30 p.m. SIAMESE Seal point kittens, female, *20. 878-9857. YELLOW Labrador pups -- registered, tattooed, needled, paper trained. Good companion or hunter. 844-3931 or 1-854-2543. 5 9 .m o to r c a rs fo r sa le AUTO RADIO Sales & Service Pioneer, AudioVox, Etc Fully Equipped Service Dept. For All Makes Of Car Stereos and Radios. Complete Installation Facilities oakville avto siereo Z 599 3rd Line 827-5976 June Specials 1969 CHEVELLE 2 door hardtop. Lie. BDY 595. 1971 MAZDA 4 door sedan Lie. DUA 243. 1971 DATSUN coupe. Lie. BMH 630. 1972 DATSUN 240Z. Lie. BUY 529. 1972 TOYOTA pick up. Lie. C71529. 1973 VOLKSWAGEN Su­ per Beetle. Lie. BOT 197. 1971 PINTO Runabout. Lie. DTV 008. 1966 RAMBLER hardtop. Lie. BWE 416. 30 Day Warranty DATSUN OAKVTLIMITEDLLEi"J 1450 SPEERS R0„ OAKVILLE 827-1177 822-5932 PRIVATE sale, 1971 Camero, excellent condition, only 35,000 miles, V8 power steering and brakes, automatic console shift, PB radio, Orange with black interior. *3,000 or best offer. Phone 827-5315. '72 DATSUN, 33,690 miles, very good condition, stan d ard transmission, 2 door. Call 844- 6756 or 845-0556. 1969 RAMBLER wagon, fully automatic, very good condition. *1,100 or best offer. 844-2605 after 5 p.m. 1965 DODGE Monaco, power equipped. V8 automatic, good condition. Call 845-1699 evenings. '65 PONTIAC 8 cylinder, full power, as is, best offer. 844-9477. '72 TOYOTA Corolla 1600 deluxe, low mileage, radio and snows. *2,000 Call 845-5564 1971 VOLKSWAGEN Karmann Ghia, 2 door coupe, 4 speed, gas heater, radio, radial tires, excellent condition, certified. Asking *2,100. Call 827-6607. SKYWAY PLAZA RACING & HIGH PERFORMANCE CAR ACCESSORIES. 639-3167 USED CARS at RICHARDSON CHEV - OLDS 1973 MONTE CARLOS 2 DOOR HARDTOP Finished in light green with dark green vinyl roof and green interior. Equipped with V8 en­ gine, automatic transmission, power steering and brakes, bucket seats and console, radio, wheel discs, whitewall radial tires. Lie. HEH- 159. 1973 ASTRA HATCHBACK 4 cylinder economy engine. Finished in Bright Orange with neutral interior. Equipped with automatic transmission, radio and whitewalls. Lie. DSJ 351. 1973 MERCURY 2 DOOR HAROTOP Silver Anniversary car finished in Cortez Silver with blue interior and black vinyl roof. Equipped with automatic transmission, power steering and brakes, air conditioning, radio, white walls, wheel discs and many other factory options. Lie. HCE 938. 1972 BUICK LE SABRE CUSTOM Equipped with V8 engine, automatic transmis­ sion. Finished in Cortez silver with black vinyl roof and black vinyl interior. Also has power steering, power brakes, radio, air conditioning, whitewalls and wheel discs. Lie. FLN 592. 1970 PONTIAC 2 DOOR HARITOP V8 engine, automatic transmission, power steer­ ing, power brakes, radio, whitewalls, wheel discs. Finished in light brown, black vinyl roof and neutral interior. Lie. BUC327. 1969 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2 DOOR HARDTOP Equipped with V-8 engine, automatic transmis­ sion, power steering, power brakes and radio. Finished in Harvest yellow with black vinyl top and black interior. Also equipped with white wall tires and wheel discs. Lie. DSN 107. 1969 CHEVELLE 2 DOOR HARDTOP Equipped with V-8 engine, automatic transmis­ sion, power steering and brakes, radio. Finished in dark green with black vinyl top and black vinyl interior. Also equipped with bucket seats, console, white wall tires and wire wheel discs. Lic^DSN 392. CALL FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON THESE jack RICHARDSON CHEV - OLDS. LTD. ONTARIO ST S. MILTON 878-2393 AUTO PICKUP SERVICES & SALVAGE will pay up to $60. for your scrap cars. Call col­ lect 845-4033 60.motorcycles for sale 1967 HONDA Super Hawk, 305 c.c. Best offer. 845-3642 after 6 p.m. 63.trailers for sale, rent and wanted D O LLA R FO R D O LLA R STARCRAFT J F - GIVES YOU MORE THAN ANY OTHER CAMPER A R O U N D PERIOD. -- 9 MODELS ON DISPLAY BURLINGTON CAMPING CENTRE NORTH SERVICE RD JUST EAST OF WALKERS LINE Q.E.W. EX. 17 637-1754 OPEN MON. TO THURS. TO 8 P.M. FRI. & SAT. TOS P.M. '72 Meteor Rideau 500, 2-door hardtop. Gold Rush package and air conditioning. Lie. DSK- 825. '72 Meteor Montcalm 4-door hardtop, air condi- tionied car. Lie. DSN- 748 As you can see by our selection air conditioned models are being snapped up. '73 Ford station wagon, usual power features, driven less than 19,000 miles. Lie. BUZ-281. '72 Chevy Nova 2-door automatic. Driven only 14,800 miles. Lie. ANP069. GALLINGER'S • Low Rate Daily Rentals • jHICHT SCIYICE Tit 4 A M - 4 HISKTS WfiKll| MILTON PLAZA MILTON 878 2883 STREETSVILLE 8 2 6 1 4 3 4 -- TORONTO 9 2 5 0 8 8 7 GAS SAVERS SAVE $$$ '73 V.W. FASTBACK De«p Seo G re«n, Lea there tte , R adio, V e rified W a rra n ty . O ve r 30 M .P .G . LIC. '73 COMET COUPE Rouge Red, Blk. V in y l Roof, A u tom a tic , R adio 12 ,700 miles. G o o d w ill w a r ­ ran ty . LIC. BW U 462. '72 OATSUN 510 4 Or. K elly G reen, Blk. V iny l Roof A u tom a tic , R adio, T inted G lass, G o o d W ill W a rra n ty . 30 M .P .G . LIC. HAJ '72 TOYOTA COROLLA 1600 c.c. -- Y e llow , V iny l Roof, Radio, 12 ,280 M iles. G o o d W ill W a rra n ty . 30 M .P .G . LIC BW J513. '71 SUPER BEETLE Passionate Purple, -- Leatherette, G as H eater, V .W . W a rra n ty . LIC. BVV 426. -- 30 M .P .G . '71 BEETLE Silver, G o o d W ill W a rra n ty -- 30 M .P .G . LIC BMJ 513. '70 MAZDA 1800 c.c. -- 4 Dr W a g o n -- A tlas W h ite -- Leatherette. R adio. G o o d W ill W a rra n ty . 30 M .P .G LIC BUY 083 . '69 V.W. WINDOW VAN, Blue -- Spotless, -- Low M ile a g e . 2 6 ,1 8 0 M iles. G o o d W ill W a rra n ty -- LIC CBF 3 89 '69 V.W. WINDOW VAN, A tla s W h ite -- Scenic C am per -- A p ­ p ro x . 25 M .P .G G o o d W ill W a rra n ty -- LIC ASA 548 '68 V.W. DELUXE Beige, 30 M .P .G . -- G o o d W ill W a r ­ ran ty . LIC. BUH 123 '68 V.W. A frica n Red, 30 M .P .G . -- G o o d W ill W a rra n ty . HC BUH 203. S C O T IA B A N K F IN A N C IN G TO P TRA D E A LLO W A N C E S ®VOLKSWAGEN P Q R S C H E + A U D I 888 Guelph line Burlington O p oo v 'e »h* M oll Telephone 63? 0??2 Owner1! Security Blanket WHERE lO w OVERHEAD MEANS a GREAT DEAL' 63.trailers for sale, rent and wanted FOR RENT 17' Thom son Trailer $110 Wkly. 13' Thom son Trailer $85 W kly. UNIQUE MOTORS 1029 Speers Rd., Oakville 844-4555 -- 849-7747 63.trailers for sale, rent and wanted VARIETY CAMPING TRAILERS Rentals, Apache hard top also smaller trailers for small cars. 827-1865 6 2 .tru c k s , t r a c t o r s & b u s e s f o r sa*le & re n t 59 OVER 30 GAS & DIESEL TRACTORS NOW IN STOCK 1650 THE QUEENSWAY ETOBICOKE 255-9147 '71 FORD half ton pick up, V8, 42,000 miles. Certified. Asking *2.195. Call 639-1994. 6 3 .tra ile rs fo r sa le , re n t a n d w a n te d SALES & RENTALS s2645 *3095 *2395 *1995 *1995 NEONEX LEISURE PRODUCTS MOTOR HOMES HARDTOP CAMPER TRAILERS AL'S ESSO SERVICE 824 3 LINE OAKVILLE 827-1701 *1695 6 4 . b o a t s f o r s a le a n d w a n te d *1795 *2099 *1699 1395 *1295 SPECIAL Over 3 0 0 T » Choose From Fibreglass, Cedar Strip, Aluminum & Polyethe­ lene. All Sizes P riced From $ 1 4 9 Bay N o w t Save The Increase LEISU RE TIM E M A RIN E 2201 P la in s Rd . E . Burlington 6 3 4 -2 3 4 6 69.day care available WILL baby sit in my home through the week, lunc provided. 827-0539. 73. employment wanted WILL cut and care for your lawn, 4 years experience with company. Call 845-6406, ask for Tony. 77. help wanted HAIRSTYLIST -- top hairstylist for large busy salon, high wages plus commission. Call Joseph at The Beauty Chalet 827-4129 or 1- 637-8955 evenings.

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