August 1,1973 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER 3 HOSPITAL EXPANSION Ratepayers concerned about emergency entrance The chief criticism lodged agains t the proposed expansion of v i 1 1 e-Trafalgar lorial Hospital on Reynolds St. came from ratepayers concerned w i t h m o v i n g t he emergency ambulance entrance from Reynolds St. to the other side of the hospital, off Allan St. The expansion plans, presented at a public meet ing last week, involve the demolition of the original 1950 50-bed hospital, the building of a three-storey structure on Allan St. and the construction of a seven- storey core tower to complete the $18 million program. The board of governors of the hospital, made up of elected and appointed members, approved the concept and plan of expansion at a closed meeting two weeks ago. Thi r teen res ident s from the Allan St. area signed a petition which was presented to the board at the public meeting questioning the emergency ent rance being changed. The new entrance would create both a safety and noise hazard, they said in their letter, delivered by Mrs. L. Cherrington of 331 Allan St. However, architect for th e p r o j e c t , Ben Kaminker of Toronto's Govan Kaminker Langley Keen l eys i de Mel ick Devonshire and Wilson, said the entrance would be cut off from view by an artificial hill. Also, acting chairman of the board community relations com m ittee, William Dalgleish, said traffic patterns have been considered for the new plan. Car entrance will be eliminated on Allan Sf., he said, with only in and out traffic travelling along Reynolds. "As a result, traffic will be heavier on Reynolds St. than it is now and traffic will be lighter on Allan St." Considering parking, he said, studies show the number, the hospital now has will be sufficient for the expansion program which will increase beds from 340 to about 470. Some controls being investigated, he added, Future hospital site considered Just one day after plans were released for an $18 million expansion to 0 a k v i 1 1 e-Trafalgar Memor i a l Hospi t a l , Oakville's planning board began looking for a new health-care facility north of the Queen Elizabeth Way. Planning director E.R. Cumming said the board has requested planning staff to formulate an a me n d me n t to the general text of the town's Official Plan. Although not prepared, Cummi ng said the e s s e n c e of t he a m e n d m e n t woul d indicate the town's intention of reserving land in north Oakville for future facilities. Ward 3 Councillor Archie Donaghey said .that land should be " SELL YOUR HOUSE IN OAKVILLE" "IUV ONE ANYWHERE IN CANAOA" GSp through Royal Trust R EA LT O R A sk ab o u t our t ru ly n a t io n a l G u a r a n t e e d Sa le Plan Call 8 4 5 - 8 5 2 2 o f f i c e s a cross-- C a n a d a □GRAVELY N E W TRANSMISSION-GEAR Gravely Model 816 16.5 HP Riding T ractor with center- mounted 50" mower attachm ent JO B-M A TCH ED S P E E D AND P O W ER ! • Speeds from a brute-pow er Vi mph up to a let's-get-home 8 Vi mph. • A ttachm ents run a t constant, efficient speed regardless of ground speed. • No fluid power losses, no belts to slip or break . . . all-gear drive. • In s ta n t forw ard-neutral-reverse fo r easy m aneuvering. • A ttachm ents fo r almost any lawn, garden or snow • removal job.Perform ance-proved in 306-mile D urability Mow. F R E E COU NSELING-- W e'll help you m atch the equipm ent to the job with a wide selection of tracto rs, accessories, and features. Come in and talk it over, try 'em out today! KRYWAN S U P P L Y C O M P A N Y SAL ES* S ER VICE 822-4211 -- 1661 Lokathora Id . W„ Clarkson TRADES ACCEPTED reserved now for a hospital while a number of d e v e l o p m e n t agreements are being made. F o r a g roup of interested residents to have to petition the P r o v i n c i a l h e a l t h authorities for a hospital site is bad planning, he said. Cumming agreed with the councillor's remarks, saying that with the two proposed community complexes of Glen Abbey and Rivers Oaks, both north of the Queen Elizabeth Way, residents north of the QEW would be "separated" from the town's health services. A spokesman for the h o s p i t a l b oa r d of governors told the public meeting the night before (July 25) that two hospitals would only duplicate services, and administration. Ward 2 Councillor Gordon Reade warned the planning meeting that two hospitals would increase decentralization and r e t a r d t he d e v e l o p m e n t of specialized facilities since services would have to be split. Another aspect to be considered about the possible second hospital is its location in relation to the regional health services. The new concept put forward by the Province is to build hospitals on a countywide basis rather than for one community. Under this plan, Halton and Peel Regions would be considered one and Oakville's proposals for e i t he r bui lding or expansion would have to link with Milton and Burlington. T he P r o v i n c i a l program is based on an arc design, ensuring that no family in either region is more than 20 minutes from a hospital. were paid parking, further extension of hospital visiting hours and the elimination of traffic moving between Allan and Reynolds across hospital property. Dalgleish added that the hospital is now serving an area of more than 75,000 people and in the last seven years, hospital admissions have increased from 9,990 to 13,162. Patient-days have increased from 92,254 to 105.094. Since the ea rliest completion date for the expansion would be 1978, the projected population increase for the area is 91,000. "These figures are significant because the same facility that served 66,000 people in 1965, must now meet our requirements in 1978." WILLIAM J. McCORMICK and WARREN B. McCREA are pleased to announce that they will continue to carry on the Practice of Law at 345 Lakeshore Rd. E. Suite 510 in Oakville 1974 Starts Now for You and fk /t/T H The MATADOR • E 3855 W The ANTARES • E 4545 W New 1974 25" Solid-State Chromacolor II *769 New 1974 18" Solid-State Chromacolor II Portable *499 ADVANCED CHROMACOLOR PICTURE TUBE for even more contrast and detail than Zenith could ever bring you before! NEW 100% SOLID-STATE CHASSIS the most powerful ch ass is Zenith has ever built! IN fTM POWER SENTRY CHASSIS PROTECTION to regulate power, to guard your ch ass is and picture tube! The quality goes in before the name goes on' WE SEK VICE WHAT WE SELL OPEN Daily 9:30-5:30 p.m. Thurs. & Fri. 9:30-9 p.m. USE YOUR ( TIAKGEX mason television/stereo shop 176 Lakeshore Rd. E. 845-6704 Oakville BANK RATE FINANCING AVAILABLE