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Oakville Beaver, 1 Aug 1973, p. 36

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THE OAKVILLE BEAVER 1.houses for sale 1.houses f of sale 36 PRICED FOR QUICK SALE 4-bedroom back-split, ravine lot, fireplace in family room, separate dining room. Asking $62,500. 844-8258 PRIVATE SALE West Oakville. $49,500, 4-bedroom side-split, 3 1/2 years old, 1 1/2 baths. Close to shops, schools, GO station and buses. Possession Au­ gust 1st. For appointment phone 827-5125 ORCHARD PARK - BURLINGTON IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Must be sold quickly, make an offer on this beautiful 3-bedroom all-brick bungalow. Features a separate dining room and an extra large basement. Only 3 months.old. Good N.H.A. mortgage at 9 per cent. Burlington 632-2601. 24.apartments for rent 24.apartments for rent BEAUTIFUL LAKE VIEW ! BIG LUXURIOUS APARTMENTS FROM $185 You'll love your spacious apartm ent with la rge balcony id ea lly lo cated on the Lakeshore in Burlington just 30 minutes drive from Toronto C ity H a ll. M arina and boating facilities are p a rt of the build ing and other featu res include p riva te sw im m ing pool and saunas. Apartm ents feature e xtra la rge living and dining a re a , b re ak fast nooks and b ig ba lcon ies to enjoy you r view of the lake . Adults on ly ( 1 4 ye a rs and over on lo w er flbors i Limited num ber of vacancies , so come soon! 1 B E D R O O M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F R OM $ 1 8 5 2 B E D R O O M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F R OM $ 2 1 5 3 B E D R O O M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F R O M $ 2 6 0 TUP -- Ga n a d i a n a 5 2 2 0 Lakeshore Rd. Burlington 6 3 7 -9 6 2 4 or 6 3 7 -6 1 5 2 W EEKDAYS 9 A.M. TO 8 :3 0 P.M. WEEKENDS N O O N TO 7 P.M. 34.personal$ 34.personals OAKVILLE SINGLES' CLUB S I N G L E S U N A T T A C H E D D A N C E H E L D E V E R Y F R ID A Y N IG H T A T : C o u n t y C l u b ( D o w n s t a i r s ) From 8:30 to 1:00 a. m. Disc Jockey Members 75<t Non-Members $1.50 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 845-8718 7.office & business space for sale, rent & wanted 7.office & business space for sale, rent & wanted 13.mortgage loans and wanted C A L L : 849-7140 $$ MORTGAGE $$ $$ MONEY $$ INCOME Mortgage Services 351 Church St.,Oakville MEMBER OF O.M.B.A. After 6 p.m. call ________ 634-7195________ W ID E O P E N 2nd Mortgage Money Penalty-free, at prime rate over 20 years. No bonus. Shop around, then call Joe Bacht. 9 2 9 - 3 6 6 6 Evgs. 844-6107 Fenamore R.E. Ltd. Rlt. I BUY 1st and 2nd mortgages --24 Hr. Service-- Mr. Fowler -- 849-7140 Evenings -- 634-7195 I N C O M E M O R T G A G E S E R V I C E S W E D A R E YO U TO C H A L L E N G E O U R 2ND M O R T G A G E M O N EY P L A N . At prime rate over 20 years. Wide open and penalty -free. No bonus. No hidden charges. To 90% of property value, arranged quickly in your home. So shop around, then call Joe Bacht. 9 2 9 - 3 6 6 6 Evgs. 844-6107 Fenamore R.E. Ltd. Rlt. 24.apartments for rent OAKVILLE TRAFALGAR HEIGHTS 1-2 bedroom suites. Near the GO train, adjacent to the New Town Hall. • Indoor heated swim­ ming pool and whirlpool. • Men's and ladies' Sauna Rooms. • Equipped Exercise Room .. • Convenient shopping on premises. • Beautifully landscaped grounds. • Family and Adult floors. 849-7242 845-0987 _____ R44-7G4B COQKSVSlLE U N F U R N I S H E D 1-2-3 bedroom apart­ ments. Garage, heated pool, playground, shop­ ping centre, bus stops. .5 min. to downtown To­ ronto. Phone 279-5049. C O O K S V I L L E F U R N I S H E D 1-2 Bedrpom apartments. Garage, heated pool, play ground, shopping centre, bus stops^ 15 min to downtown' Toronto. Phone 279-8479 -- 279-5049. REGISTRATIONS for learn to swim classes are now in progress. Children over 48 inches are eligible for private or semi­ private lessons. August still available. Phone Carmen after 5 p.m. 827-3677. URGENTLY NEEDED Men who are willing to share 4 hours of their time weekly, with father­ less boys between ages 8 and 16 years. We have 10 boys waiting to be assigned: For further information please call: Oakville Big Brothers Association 845-6456 Saint Jude's Anglican Church Comer of Thomas and William Sts. Clergy: -The Rev. Ian Dingwall, Rector The Rev. Marvin Mc­ Dermott, Assistant Curate Canon Arthur Smith, Honorary Assistant Sunday Services: 8 a.m., 10:30 a.m. Midweek Services: Wed­ nesday at 10 a.m. and Fri­ day at 7:30 a.m. Nursery Facilities for 10:30 a.m . DID YOU KNOW? We. the Royal Trust Co. are moving to larger new offices at Lakeshore and Dunn St., making available our present offices at 257 Randall St. for use as real estate, lawyers, doctors or any other type of professional office. For more in­ formation call T. Clayton. 845-8522. 13.mortgage loans and wanted 13.mortgage loans and wanted C o m p a r e y o u r p r e s e n t i n s u r a n c e c o s t an d c o v e r a g e wi t h t h e c o n t r a c t s o f f e r e d by t h e " V i n c e G r o u p " B R E N D A C . V IN C E You should -- You will be surprised at the dif­ ference. CALL ME PERSONALLY - BRENDA Days: 845 9793 evgs: 844 4712 ' " I N S . & R E A L T Y L T D .sy d a. V I N C E 112 COWAN AYE. OAKVILLE August 1, 1973 24,apartments for rent / 51. articles for sale A PROJECT BY BURLINGTON SWIMMING pool sacrifice. Leading manufacturer and distributor has above ground redwood pools left over from 1972 season . Half price. Guaranteed installation and terms. Call collect 1-561-1103 days or evenings. A . T . V . ^ 6 wheel vehicle for sale. Great for all seasons. Fun on water, land and snow. Good for fishing and hunting or on the beach. 12 1 2 H P. motor gives speeds up to 40 miles per hour, yet so safe a child could operate $650. Call 878-4589. after 6 p.m. SEWING machine repairs and service to all makes. House calls-oil, clean, adjust. $3.00. A u to m a tic s $4 .50. F r e e estim ates. New and used machines. Call anytime. 845-5992 or 844-9194. The Stitching Post, 360 Kerr St., Oakville. N O W ENTING FOR OCCUPANCY AUG., SEPT., OCT. 52.articles wanted CASH paid for your unwanted pocket books, hard cover books and comics 845-9065 after 5 p.m. t/k dlsiorU DOLLS. 50 years or over wanted. Please call Toronto. 924-6350. 57.pet stock, supplies & kennels Right-on-the-Lake All Electric Heated Luxury Apartments Situated MODEL SUITES • S W IM M IN G P O O L • 2 S A U N A S • 1 o r 2 B A L C O N IE S • L A N D S C A P E D G A R D E N S • A LL U N D E R G R U N D P A R K IN G • R E C R E A T IO N R O O M • A D U L T S O N L Y • N O P E T S P H O N E R E S ID E N T M A N A G E R S J. & M. ANGUS 639-3301 -- 632-1995 5 3 4 8 L A K E S H O R E RD . E A S T O P P O S IT E S K Y W A Y P L A Z A 40.business services MAID SERVICE available for homes, busi­ ness or vacant buildings. Full-time. part-time, days or nights. Workers reliable and efficient. First week trial 20% discount. CALL 1 525-1830 G O L D E V A L BOARDING KENNELS • Dogs $2.50 / cats$ 1.75 8 7 8 - 2 7 8 1 58.horses 8r livestock BLACK Gelding. 15 hands, lots of spirit. Must sell. Call 878-2161. 59.motor cars for sale SCRAP CARS Pick-up F R E E C A L L : 8 4 5 - 4 0 3 3 1969 VIVA SL, good condition, except blew gasket after head job. Offers as is 827-2474. '70 MG Midget convertible, new brakes, paint and Michelin X radials. 30,000 original miles. $900. cash. Must sell. Phone 822- 2626 before 6 p.m. '71 PO N T IA C h a r d to p , automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio. Certified $1,800.827-0720. ___________ 1972 TOYOTA Corolla. 1600 sedan, radio, one owner, excellent condition, low mileage. Call 844-5511 after 12 noon. DUNE buggy, fibreglass body, black vinyl top and mags. Call after 6 p.m. 827-3153. 59.motor cars for sale 51.articles for sale BEDROOM complete, dining and living room suite. Burma Teakwood. new furniture, very- reasonable. 1-247-4377 (Toronto). BABY buggy, crib, child's bed. some antiques. Call 878-2161. ENGLISH Oak refrectory dining ta b le and c h a ir s . Bed chesterfield Chesterfield and matching chair. Swivel rocker chairs, etc. Phone 827-4907. GIRL'S clothing, size 8 to 10. Toys, miscellaneous items. Phone 845-3739. REFRIGERATOR and stove, both in excellent condition. Also 30 gallon electric water heater. Call 827-1985._________________ RUG, off white, 9 x 12 with underpad, $60. Call 827-5467. PORTABLE TV, Viking, like new, with stand, $75. Chest of drawers, one dresser. 844-1526. 30 INCH Moffat range, white, clock, timer and rotisserie, very good condition. 827-6694. 1968 BUICK GS 400 convertible, power steering, brakes, windows and top, bucket seats, new tires. 53,000 miles. One owner, $1,995 849-7079. 1969 MUSTANG Mach I 351, stereo tape deck included. As js best offer. 844-4678. 1972 SUPER beetle VW, green, low mileage. Call between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., 845-6601, ext. 244. ask for Mr Gibbs dM CAR, station wagon or VW truck, low priced but must be in running order. 844-8912 or 637- 8372. 1968 MX convertible. Red, power brakes and steering, automatic, Ziebarted, excellent. $1,200 or best offer. 274-5802. Port Credit after 6 p.m. 63.trailers for sale, rent and wanted TENT trailer, hardtop, Otto Rustler, sleeps 5 to 6, very good condition, 827-3153.

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