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Oakville Beaver, 12 Apr 2018, p. 52

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in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, A pr il 12 , 2 01 8 | Visit insidehalton.comfor more coverage Award-winning play Painting Churches coming to Queen Elizabeth Park Centre Vince Carlin photo V in c e C a r lin o f O a k v ille s t a r s in th e A c t o f F a ith p r o d u c t io n P a in t in g C h u r c h e s , c o m in g to th e Q u e e n E liz a b e th P a r k C o m m u n ity a n d C u ltu r a l C e n tr e B la c k B o x T h e a tr e in O a k v ille : A p r il 27 , 28 a n d M a y 4 , 5 a t 7 p .m . JULIE SLACK jslack@metroland.com A play that tackles de­ mentia, aging parents and family dynamics is coming to the stage in Oakville for four performances. Painting Churches by Tina Howe, is being pre­ sented by Act of Faith Pro­ ductions (AoF Produc­ tions) at the Queen Eliza­ beth Park Community and Cultural Centre Black Box Theatre in Oakville: April 27,28 and May 4, 5 at 7 p.m. Oakville's Vince Carlin, founder of AoF Produc­ tions, and the play's star has done a lot of communi­ ty theatre in Oakville be­ fore he moved to the profes­ sional stage. Well known in the Oak­ ville and Burlington thea­ tre community, he specifi­ cally chose the play be­ cause it had a role for him as the aging father, and for his good friend Caroline Saulez, who lives in Aus­ tralia. Since she is home visiting her mother in Oak­ ville for a month, she was able to take on the role. Produced by John O'Hara, directed by Wil­ lard Boudreau and star­ ring Saulez, Carlin and Vir­ ginia McEwen, Painting Churches tells the story of Gardner and Fanny Church who are preparing to move out of their Beacon Hill, Boston house to their summer cottage on Cape Cod. "I really liked the subject and I th ink it's more and more relevant today." -V ince Carlin They have asked their daughter, Mags, who lives in New York, to come home and help them move. Mags is now on the verge of artis­ tic celebrity herself and hopes, by painting her par­ ent's portrait, to come to terms with them and they with her. Her mother agrees to do the portrait if Mags helps them move out of their house. Carlin said the father is a Pulitzer Prize winning poet. He said the play has strong characters and it's interesting to watch the in­ teractions of family, par­ ents and children. "I really liked the sub­ ject and I think it's more and more relevant today," said Carlin, who was a ca­ reer journalist, serving as head of CBC Television news and Newsworld. "It's a very good play, combin­ ing comedy and drama." "It's about people and is­ sues that we recognize," he said. "We all know older people who are dealing with the issues of aging, but still dealing with par­ enting too." He added that it's not preachy at all since Howe is such a good writer. "She does it all, through character," said Carlin, who has performed across Ontario and in other parts of the country. After a long career as a journalist - in­ cluding his role as chair of journalism at Ryerson Uni­ versity - he is now acting and producing full time. O'Hara has produced many productions over the last 20 years in the area. Formerly, he was with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for 35 years and took up a new life in theatre after retiring. Boudreau of Hamilton has a theatre career that spans 50 years and in­ cludes more than 300 pro­ ductions. He has garnered a stellar reputation as one of the most accomplished actors and directors in southern Ontario. His di­ verse repertoire includes a variety of highly-ac­ claimed plays and musi­ cals. McEwen is an award­ winning actress who is thrilled to be in her first production with AoF Some of her favourite roles in­ clude Curious Savage, Nor­ man, Is that You and The Cemetery Club. Saulez was previously seen in AoF's production of Honour and she is happy to be returning. Other credits include The Love List, Weekend Comedy, Lend Me a Tenor (Red Barn The­ atre), We're British and Move Over Mrs. Markham (Drayton Entertainment). She is a graduate of the Ryerson Theatre School. Painting Churches is the sixth AoF production. All tickets are $25 and can be purchased at www.aofproductions.ca, or by calling 416-550-8030. AGH 2018 ARTSALE P A I N T IN G | C E R A M IC S | T E X T IL E S | P H O T O G R A P H Y P R IN T M A K IN G | IL L U S T R A T IO N | G L A S S | J E W E L L E R Y ( FREE ; .. ADMISSION : Yangyang Pan, S pring L ig h t 30X30 inches, oil on canvas, 2017. ........... Image courtesy of Art Gallery of Hamilton's Art Rental and Sales. April 12-15 T h u rs d a y , A p r il 1 2 5 - 9 p m F rid a y , A p r il 1 3 11 - 9 p m S a tu rd a y , A p r il 1 4 1 2 - 5 p m S u n d a y , A p r il 1 5 1 2 - 5 p m A r t G a l l e r y o f H a m ilt o n 123 King Street West, Hamilton downtown artgalleryofhamilton.com artsale@artgalleryofhamilton.com mailto:jslack@metroland.com http://www.aofproductions.ca mailto:artsale@artgalleryofhamilton.com

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