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Oakville Beaver, 12 Apr 2018, p. 40

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id eh al to n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, A pr il 12 , 2 01 8 | COMMUNITY Halton programs dedicated to children's mental health get $586K boost Two local programs dedicated to children's mental health are getting support from the Ontario Trillium Foundation to build on their commit­ ments to help families in Halton. The Ontario Trillium Foundation or OTF (a granting agency of the pro­ vincial government) re­ cently announced Halton Families for Families (HFFF) and the Reach Out Centre for Kids (ROCK) would collectively receive a three-year, $586,900 "grow" grant. According to a media re­ lease, ROCK had received news it and HFFF would be recipients of the grant back in November 2017. "Halton Families for Families and Reach Out Centre for Kids (ROCK) play an invaluable role in our community by sup­ porting children and fami­ lies who have been impact­ ed by mental illness," said Burlington MPP Eleanor McMahon. "We will continue to in­ vest in organizations and initiatives that enhance the mental health of families in Burlington, and across the province, because we un­ derstand the critical role these kinds of supports play in ensuring the over­ all health and well-being of Ontarians." HFFF is a partnership program of ROCK and for families of children and youth who have been im­ pacted by mental illness. Since HFFF's first OTF grant in 2013, the program has connected with more than 1,500 Halton families impacted by a child or youth's mental health chal­ lenges. Funds from this latest grant will be used to help with staffing for the pro­ grams and activities, as well as outreach, program supplies, and some office and administrative costs. "Halton Families for Families is a vital, dynam­ ic, inclusive and engaging part of the fabric of Halton for families impacted by a child or youth's mental health struggles," said Dar­ lene Wierski-Devoe, HFFF family engagement co-or- dinator. "Through the families that we connect with at our socials and workshops to the parents and caregivers and youths that form the advisory committee, we learn so much. We are re­ ROCK photo F r o m le f t , K e lly G iu lia n i , R e a c h O u t C e n tr e o f K id s (ROCK) m a n a g e r o f c o m m u n ity a n d y o u th d e v e lo p m e n t; M a r ia R o sa G o u v e ia , H a lto n F a m il ie s fo r F a m il ie s (H F F F ) fa m ily a d v is o r y c o m m it te e m e m b e r ; D a r le n e W ie r s k i-D e v o e , H F F F fa m ily e n g a g e m e n t c o -o r d in a to r ; B u r lin g to n M P P E le a n o r M cM a h o n ; a n d K ir s te n D o u g h e r ty , RO C K v ic e -p r e s id e n t o f p e o p le , c u lt u r e a n d s u s ta in a b i l i ty . minded every day how im­ portant support is and that behind every story there is a family that can have a successful outcome." In addition to HFFF's family social nights and other social activities, the family advisory committee act as guides and mentors by sharing their journeys, experiences and knowl­ edge to help others, so that their journey may be easi­ er. "Through the creation of monthly family night so­ cials, HFFF has created safe and inclusive spaces where families impacted by a child or youth's mental health challenges can gather, be themselves, share experiences and un­ derstand that they are not alone," added Wierski-De­ voe. TOP25 C A N A D I A N IMMIGRANT < 2 3 $ L « a * IT'S TIME TO VOTE! W e received hundreds of truly inspiring nom inations for C a n a d ia n immigrants w ho have m ade a significant im p act since the ir a rr iv a l. N o w it's y o u r turn to help choose this y e a r 's w inners . V ote T o d a y canadianim m igrant.ca/rbctop25 Title sponsor: Royal Bank Presented by: CAN AD IAN IMMIGRANT Media sponsors: metre ■ BB3B SING TAO MEDIA C ity

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