BEAVER TRAILS DOWNHILL FUN From left, Erica Widdup, Marjorie Mackenzie, Melanie Ryan and Leila Waters, members of the Oakville Soccer Club Ladies' Open League soccer team hit the slopes at Mont Tremblant, Quebec. Going away? Pack a copy of the Beaver in your suitcase, snap a creative photo and email your Beaver Trails submission to include everyone's name (from left) and destination information. Patty Austin photo ANTARCTICA & SOUTH GEORGIA A Personal Journey PLEASE JO IN US Guest Speaker: Beth Begin Tuesday April 10th • 7- 9 pm in o u r o f f i c e : 77 Bronte Road ( B r o n t e R d . / L a k e s h o r e ) R.S.V.P. 289.813.1969 w w w .fu rth e ra f ie lc lt ra v e l.c a Best 7"ravel Agency M c T a v i s h T r a v e l Sometimes, you have to take the road less travelled before th e real journey begins. In N ewfoundland and Labrador, the journey can be a s colourful a s stories told around th e kitchen table. As m eandering a s th e th o u san d s of kilom etres of coastline. As surprising a s a hum pback whale breaching in th e mist. Or a s com forting a s bakeapp le jam. There are p laces tha t travel with you, w herever you go, and this is one of them . Let us help you curate your unique Newfoundland and Labrador experience. W hether you are looking for a luxury retreat, a lighthouse inn or a quaint on -dock fisherm an's ab o d e , w e can crea te a stay to rem em ber. Newfoundland Labrador CANADA C on tact u s for D eta ils o r V isit w w w .M for more! ------------------ C O R P O R A T E I G R O U P I L E I S U R E ----------------- I Suite 300, South Oakville Centre • 1515 Rebecca Street, Oakville F<ss™ 0N E l ° 9 0 5 .8 2 7 .1 1 0 0 w w w .m c ta v ish t ra v e l.c o m I Please jo in u s for ou r c ru ise p re sen ta tion featuring Cambodia & Mekong Wednesday April 11th, 2018 2:00pm - 4:00pm Monte Carlo Inn 3 7 4 S o u th S e rv ic e R o a d E . , O a k v ille , O N L 6 J 2 X 6 R e fre s h m e n ts w ill be se rve d C a ll to R .S .V .P . 9 0 5 -3 3 8 -2 0 7 7BOB'S cruises & tours <v£) LO00 of̂" (X § | O akville B eaver | Thursday, A pril 5, 2018