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Oakville Beaver, 5 Apr 2018, p. 31

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Advertorial Prepare your property for Airbnb If you plan to buy property with the intention of renting it out, you might ask yourself what you can do to make the unit more comfortable and inviting. These days, a lot of people choose to rent out their extra rooms (or units) out on Airbnb. Here are a few tips to make your Airbnb space as welcoming as possible: • Clean your home • Equip your home for guests (tow­ els, blankets, silverware, etc.) • Leave instructions and house rules • Leave a welcome gift Make your guests feel comfort­ able, and don't forget to notify your insurance company and secure your valuables for peace of mind. (NPT) Decorative appeal of room dividers Whether you're looking to create a bit of privacy, reconfigure a space or even add a decorative touch to a room, you just might find that the solution lies in a good old room divider. Room dividers are making a come­ back on the interior decor front, as is apparent with the multitude of materi­ als (bamboo, wood, metal, felt) and de­ signs available on the market. This ver­ satile element can be either discreet or imposing; sober or extravagant; round­ ed or square; massive or minimal. It can be cushioned, mirrored, equipped with storage or as basic as can be, equally able to blend in or stand out according to your needs. A multipurpose accessory Room dividers are a perfect, portable solution for adapting a space to your needs, whether that means separating areas in an open-plan loft or creating an office space in the living room. In ad­ dition, they can help reduce drafts and maintain heat in a room. Easy as pie to set up and move around, these handy faux walls can also be used to hide the not-so-nice parts of a room. (NC) Julia Vanderklok Sales R epresenta tive Realty Plus O akville, B rokerage 905-825-7777 www.jvhousetohome.com THE WEEK OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2-4 PM 420 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville • $2,800,000 HOME OF Offering 4,100 sq ft, 4 + 1 Bedrooms and 9 ft ceilings N estled on beau tifu lly m an icured grounds and p e rch ed on an e xqu is ite ly la nd scaped lot th is Labour o f Love custom hom e is m eticu lous ly m ain ta ined. Loca ted in p restig ious Southwest Oakville w ith tow e ring trees and offe ring a p rem ium sized ga te d lot w ith w rought iron fenc ing , th is hom e is a true beauty. Front c ircu la r d rive w ay and coach -house style de ta ched trip le ca r ga ra ge w ith heated lo ft/w orkshop and 2 -p ie ce bathroom . Enjoy p ic tu resque w a lks to Lake O ntario and lakes ide parks. An open floor plan w ith an am az ing FAMILY ROOM w ill ce rta in ly beco m e the "hub" o f the home. The centre of the hom e is w a rm and co m fo rtab le and w ill keep everyone toge the r so tha t m any m om ents of spec ia l m em ories w ill be m ade and rem em bered. An ad d e d bonus is the to p -q u a lity fin ishes, custom hand cra fted co p p e r "Rum ford" style w ood -b u rn in g firep lace and a w a lk-ou t to the ou ts ide pa tio and liv ing space. C ustom kitchen, Brazilian C hestnu t hardw ood floors, gran ite , cen tre island, pantry, unde r-m ounted sink, Sub-Zero refrigerator, 48" W olf 6 -bu rne r gas range w ith tw o ovens, W olf range hood and M iele d ishw asher make cook ing fun and easy. A brigh t m aster bedroom retreat offers m u ltip le co rn e rw in d o w s , custom w indo w cove rings, w alk-in c lose t and a tru ly m agn ificen t ensu ite . The ensu ite is a spec ia l p lace in the home. Enjoy the heated porce la in tile flooring on those co ld w in te r days, relax in the Air Jet M assage Bain U ltra Tub or en jo y the over sized steam show er tha t w ill help wash aw ay the stresses o f your day. The b a ckya rd is the pe rfe c t retreat and is certa in to becom e your favourite p lace to relax, read a book and en jo y your m orning coffee. A w onderfu l des ign and offe ring a specia l un ique feeling, the area is extens ive ly land scaped w ith natural stone, an irrigation system, ta ll hedges, perennia ls, garden ligh ting and ou td oo r firep lace .Th is tru ly am az ing hom e w ill beco m e tha t spec ia l p lace that w ill e nco u rage ga therings, crea te m em ories and w hen desired, a peacefu l p la ce to call your sanctuary. co | O akville Beaver | Thursday, April 5,2018 insidehalton.com http://www.jvhousetohome.com

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