COMMUNITY Nikki Wesley / Metroland Brenda Jasmin and the Joshua Creek Heritage Art Centre held an International Day of Happiness celebration, which offered participants the chance to spread happiness and make a positive influence on those around them. (Clockwise from left) Volunteers Cole Jasmin (left) and Ben Leinweber bring smiles to the visitors; Erik Smith shows his juggling skills; Sam Brabender and Happiness Ambassador Brenda Jasmin bust out laughing during the festivities; Nancy Moore taste tests chocolate, a happiness catalyst for many. GRAND OPENING April 10 & 11 9am - 5pm Located at the Oakville Health Centre #214 -1060 Speers Rd. Oakville, ON L6L2X4 JOIN US for refreshments, door prizes and giveaways! Book a Com plim entary Hearing Test. Bring a friend or family member. Gaby Lesniak BSc, M.Cl.Sc (Aud), Reg. CASLPO Audiologist & Owner 905-842-1702 Hearing Aid Clean & Check Pack of Batteries to each attendee A30-Da^1Hearin Md Trii w15 W SOUTH OAKVILLE H E A R IN G & audiology clinic | O akville B eaver | Thursday, M arch 29, 2018