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Oakville Beaver, 9 Jun 1999, D4

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D4 Auction Sale ESTATE AUCTION SALE For the Late Margret McGowan Sat, June 12th, 10:30 am (Property sold) Located at 2280 8th Ln, Oakville, 1/2 mi south of Hwy. 5 ,8th Line is first road east of Trafalgar Rd For information call Sam 1-905-257-0474 Consisting of household and antique items, lawn & garden equipment, cedar rails, 2- building to be removed. Partial List only: Bow front secretary desk, maple dinette suite, press back chairs, brass & iron bed, wooden tea wagon, 1840 pine blacket box, news racks, Windsor rocker, 9 drawer desk, washstand, Oak settee, Eastlake parlour chairs, mahogany hall table, Kenmore washer & dryer, freezers, drop leaf kitchen table, 6 pc cruet set, collection of handpainted plates, good selection of glass & china peices, misc. dressers, old pictures & frames. Gravely 12 hp 38" cut riding mower with front mount rotoplow and 4' snowblower, weed splitter, yard trailer, 5' blade, aluminium ladder, steel fence posts, selection of garden and hand tools. Approx. 300' of cedar ra il fence to be dismantled. 28 x20' wooden frame horse bam to be dismantled. 21 x15' wooden frame shed suitable for workshop. Many more household items to choose from. Lunch Booth on grounds. Jim McCartney Auction Service Ltd. 905-689-8778 Waterdown Deaths MASSON, Allan Morrison- Former Mayor of Oakville, First Chairman of Hatton Region. Peacefully on Saturday, June 5, 1999 at O a k v ille -T ra fa lg a r M em o ria l H o sp ita l. Beloved husband of Bernice. Dear father o f L e s lie S p a rk s , T h o m a s (M a r ie ), Caroline Floroff (Jim), and father-in-law to A n ita . C herished g ra n d fa th e r o f Anne (J a m ie ) , J e f f re y , M a rc , S a n d ra , Christopher and Allison. Pre-deceased by his son David. A Memorial Service will be held on Thursday, June 10, at St. Jude's Ang lican C hurch, (W illiam and Thom as St.) Oakville at 2pm. Special thanks to Dr. Gabriel, Dr. Casey, Dr. W ard and to all the nurses and staff on 2 Centre at Oakville- Trafalgar Memorial Hospital and Princess M a rg a re t H o sp ita l. In lieu o f flow e rs , dona tions in h is nam e can be made to O a kv ille -T ra fa lga r M em oria l H ospita l or C ancer R esearch a t P rincess M argaret Hospital. MORRISON, Orville Broder D ear h u sb an d o f A n ja and b ro th e r o f V ic to ria , F rances and V io le t M orrison , s te p fa th e r o f T im o and N ina S aarinen grandfa ther of Sara. Died peacefu lly at hom e on S unday, June the 6 th , 1999. Orville will be missed by his many friends fo r his great sense o f hum our which he maintained right to the end. Friends and family are comforted in knowing Orville will remain in Jehovah 's m em ory until he is resu rrec ted in the com ing parad ise on Earth. Mem orial Service w ill be held on S a tu rd a y , Ju n e 12 a t 2 :3 0 p m a t the K ingdom H all o f Jehovah 's W itnesses, 1287 Lakesho re Road W est, O akv ille , Ontario PARKS, Shirlee On S unday June 6, 1999 a t C a ledon , Ontario in her 68th year. Shirlee, beloved w ife o f the la te G eorge Dawson Parks. Loved m o th e r o f A n g u s and h is w ife Vanessa Cheeseman. Dear grandmother of Dawson Michael John, Michaela Janine and B raedon B a s il G eo rg e . S is te r o f Helen Darichuk, Murray Beemer and the late John "Jack" Beemer. Aunt Shirlee will be missed by her nieces and nephews. A S erv ice o f R em em brance w ill be he ld 11:00am F riday, June 11, 1999 a t the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 L a k e s h o re R oad W e s t, O a k v ille . Cremation. In lieu of flowers those who wish may make memorial contributions to the charity of their choice. WAY, Ethel - Peacefully at the Oakville- T ra fa lgar Mem orial Hospita l on Sunday, June 6, 1999. Beloved mother of Lynn of New Zealand, Robert (and E lisabete) of O akville , M ark (and T rac i) o f Colorado. G ra n d m o th e r o f C o rey and S hannon . S is te r o f K e ith a nd S h ir le y . P r iva te services to be held. If desired expressions o f s ym p a th y to th e C a n a d ia n C a n ce r S o c ie ty w ou ld be a p p re c ia te d by the fa m ily . A rra n g e m e n ts by N e w e d u k Funeral Home (905) 828-8000 Employment O pportunities -CARRIERS WANTED- Summer's Coming!! Vacation Substitutes Required Chartwell Rd. Montgomery Dr. Sable Rd. Macdonald Rd. Manchester Cr. Third Line Alexander Ave. Glenfield Rd. Wales Cr. Brentwood Rd. Sandpiper Rd. Snowdon Doverwood Dr. Glendon Ct. Rebecca St. Ennerdale Rd. Blue Jay Blvd. Tansley Ambleside Rd. Russell Dr. Walby Mayfield Dr. Sand well Brookmill Rd. Pembroke Dr. Westwood Constance Dr. Richmond Rd. Bridge Rd. Cedarberry Ct. Mansfield Dr. Trudale Alscott Cres. Canning Ct. Valley Briarwood Glenada Cr. Sherin Hixon Glenbrook Ave. Sheldon Canning Ct. Joshua Creek Dr. Wellington Cres. Lambton Dr. Bayshire Dr. Pinegrove Rd. Deraid Dr. Summerhill Cr. Avon Cr. Mahogany Ln. Highridge Ct. Dunedin Rd. Ario Rd. Brays Lane Unsworth Ave. Duncan Rd. Bowman Dr. Tulip St. Amber Cr. Hurley Dr. Water's Edge Dr. Ash Rd. Langtry Dr. Reynolds St. Devon Rd. Saddler Circle Weir Dorian Rd. Carpenter Circle Stonecliffe Arbour Dr. Heritage Way Bennington Gate Kingsford PI. Gatestone Ave. Acton Cr. Blenhem Cr. Bellwood Ave. Briarwood Cr. Sprucelea Drive Lawrence Cres. Braeside Drive Benita Ct. Woodland Drive Malbrook Rd. Pinehurst Dr. Trelawn Permanent Routes Also Available For information, please call Oakville Beaver Circulation 845-9742 InM em oriam s THE OAKVILLE BEAVER ---------------- -* > Wednesday, June 9,1999 DeCou, Paul Charles - In Loving Memory of a dear Father and Grandfather, Who Passed Away, June 9th 1994 Yesterday,Today, Tomorrow and Always, You are sadly missed. Love Always Sharon, Ralph, Lorri, Joey, Shelley, Tara fVauCC. DeCou- Dearly loved and sadly missed. Love "Doreen and fa m ily In our Hearts forever Dad, loved and m issed Donna, Don Sherri and A m y ro GERARD - John, 1995, June 9th A loving Husband, Dad and Grandad. We cannot bring back the good old days, When we were all together. But loving memories of the past, Will live with us forever. W ith all our love as always. Greta and Family GRECO Joe,-J u n e 7 ,1998 We often think of bygone days When we were all together. The family chain is broken now, But memories will live forever. To us he has not gone away, Nor has he travelled far, Just entered God's eternal home And left the gate ajar. Missing you Shirley and family Milford, Harold F. In lo v in g m em ory o f a dea r husband, father, grandfather & great grandfather, who passed away June 13, 1998. It is sad to walk the road alone, Instead of side by side. But to all there comes a moment, When the ways of life divide. You gave me years of happiness, Then came sorrow and tears. But you left me beautiful memories, I will treasure through the years. Forever loved and dearly m issed, w ife Mary and Families (Remembering M ary W ilson In loving memory o f M ary "Elizabeth "Wilson (nee Shaver) o f OakyiUe who passed away on M ay IS , 1999 a t the age o f 86. A gathering to celebrate M ary's life w ill be held fo r friends and fa m ily cm Saturday, June 12th a t 2:00 in the lounge o f the OafviUc Curling Chib, 224 M ian S t. Oahyille. M l friends o f M ary and fam ily are welcome. Mary w ill be deeply missed try her children: Janet, "Richard, M ute and M argaret as w ell as grandchildren X im Cooper, M a rf and Hugh "Wilson; Ian, M ichael and "D avid Ross and "Ehren Vokes. Funeral Directors OAKVIEW p FUNERAL HOME Our family serving your family 56 LAKESHORE ROAD WEST OAKVILLE Funeral Directors • Don Clarke • Douglas Manners • Tania Di Censo - Gregory Sidora 842-2252 WARD Funeral Homes HELPING TO MAKE IT PERSONAL 109 Reynolds Street, Oakville 905 - 844-3221 Ann Futher Charles Gibbs Michael Dunne Family Services Alcoholics Anonymous If you drink, that's your business If you want to quit, That's Ours! (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 Employment Opportunities WANTED: A du lts needed to d e live r the O akv ille B e a ve r d o o r to doo r. No in se rtin g or c o lle c t in g re q u ire d . To be d e liv e re d be tw e en the h o u rs o f 1 :30 to 6 p.m . T u e s d a y , W e d n e sd a y , F r id a y and Saturday. Vehicle required. Excellent pay. If interested call between 8:30 and 6:30 Monday to Friday and Saturday between 12 noon and 5 p.m. at 845-9742 Red Devils rebound to win provincial consolation final By Scott M acArthur SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER The Oakville Trafalgar Red Devils senior boys' rugby team took to the field in Markham last week at the Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations (OFSAA) championships, looking to make their mark by capturing a provin­ cial title. And capture a title they did. While it was of the consolation sort, the road they took to get there saw them face some of the top teams in Ontario. The Devils, who qualified by winning their unprecedented 29th consecutive Halton title, began the tournament last Wednesday afternoon with a crushing 7-0 defeat at the hands of Saltfleet, a team they had beaten in a previous game 12-0, The loss left the Devils in the consolation round, a field of teams they would handle easily, not allowing a point for the remainder of the tour­ nament. Thursday would see Oakville Trafalgar defeat St. Andrew's 10-0, which was followed by a 12-0 victory over Brookfield later in the day. The consolation championship game last Friday morning would prove to be the defining moment of the Devils' season, when they destroyed Father Bressani, a team ranked higher than them in the Toronto Star poll all season and host of this year's tournament, 21-0. "I thought our players played their very best game of the season in defeating Father Bressani," said head coach Greg Sora. "Everyone played extremely well." Sora mentioned fullback Peter Moore and wing Mike MacNab as standouts for great play over the four game stretch. "The connection between our scrum half Eric Grimes and fly half Sam Kristopherson was great, too," stiid Sora. "They didn't make one mistake passing in the last three games." The forwards were led by Sean Michaels, a flanker playing his first year of senior rugby after coming straight from the midget ranks. While the Devils did not take the ultimate hardware home, they did manage to win their last game of the season. And there's no replacing the feeling of finish­ ing the year on a winning note. Local teams highlighted By Norm Nelson BEAVER SPORTS EDITOR The Oakville Beaver is once again pleased to be able to pre­ sent our fourth special section, highlighting our local teams in action. If you would like your local team highlighted, then send us in a team photo along with a write-up. It's pretty straightforward. The only real stipulation is that the team photo should be fairly decent. The odd time, someone will send us a photo that looks like it was taken from the opposite goal posts a half an hour after sunset. Sorry, but it will just end up looking like an ink smudge in the paper. Along with the photos, please include the caption (or cutline, as we call it) with the names of all the players and coaches, row by row (left to right). The write-up should include the team name, age division, league and at least a brief sum­ mary. The summary portion is very flexible and can vary according to the situation. Our special sections try to reflect the entire gamut of teams in Oakville. Not all can be elite varsity or rep, and only one can be the champ at the end of the season, just ask the Toronto Maple Leafs. But all teams, if they're lucky, have experienced some memorable moments whether making a tournament or playoff final against incredible odds or just finally being able to click on all cylinders. Also appropriate, are any shots of the team in action or even certain individuals you would like highlighted. Again, the photos should be decent quality. Drop your photos and accompanying write-ups off to the Oakville Beaver. Photos can be picked up again follow­ ing publication. Blue Stars win their home opener The Oakville Blue Stars U-9 boys rep squad won their league opener 4-2 against the visiting Erin Mills Eagles on May 31 at Shell Park. Oakville led 3-0 and 4-1. Goalie Victor Carreiro came up with a tremendous save right after Erin Mills had made it 3-1. Mackenzie Rostron-Wilde scored the first two goals and Kyle Bekker and Mitch Houlahan followed up. Assists were picked up by Lucas Severin (2) and Matthew Healy. The Blue Stars continued their winning ways June 5 with an 8-0 win over Erin Mills B. The defence allowed only one shot. Goals were scored by Kyle Bekker (4), MacKenzie Rostron- Wilde, Chris Tsipas, Matthew Healy and Daniel Ortega. Assists went to Lucas Severin (2), Chris Tsipas, Kyle Bekker, Matthew Healy, Ben Estay-Rojas and Mitch Houlahan. 10? The Oakville m m 'V&ZtSpr NOTICE The Annual General Meeting of The Oakville Players will be held at the Rehearsal Studio, 2431 Dundas Street West, Palermo, on Friday, 18th June, 1999 at 7:30 p.m. Business will include the election o f officers for the ensuing year. Note: Following the AGM there will be auditions for the Oakville Players November 1999 production "Shadowlands" by William Nicholson. Further auditions will be held on Monday 21st o f June at 7:30 p.m. M E TR O L A N D SALES R E P R E S E N TA TIV E The Burlington Post has an immediate opening for a highly motivated, goal-oriented sales representative. Your Responsibilities Include: • New Business Development • Servicing & enhancing existing accounts Your Qualitications: • Excel in all facets of communication • Self-motivated with the ability to work independently. • Excellent organizational skills • Ability to handle numerous projects concurrently • Results driven • Co-operative & enthusiastic Be a part of an award-winning sales team with an at­ tractive compensation package, including salary, commission and incentives. Reply in confidence to: Burlington Post, c/o Mark Yesford Retail Advertising Manager 2321 Fairview Street Burlington, ON L7R 2E3 Fax (905) 632-9162 WEIGHT LOSS CLINIC DAILY AEROBIC CLASSES PERSONAL TRAINING • FREE WEIGHTS • LIFECYCLES • STEP MILL • BABYSITTING • HAIR SALON • SAUNAS • ESTHETICIAN • NAUTILUS • STAIRMASTERS • TREADMILLS • LIFEROWER • SUNBEDS • MASSAGE THERAPIST • NORDIC TRACK 8 4 9 - 1 0 2 1 467 SPEERS RD. (West o f Dorval) I

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