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Oakville Beaver, 9 Jun 1999, B4

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B4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER STARS MEN'S SHOPS Father's Day Christian Dior SHIRT AND TIE SALE! $140 VALUE DRESS SHIRT AND TIE $QQ99 N o w J S J S • 15 SMASHING COLOURS • PURE COTTON TEXTURED DOBBIE WEAVES • FULL EUROPEAN FIT • NECK SIZES 14.5 TO 18.5 • SLEEVE LENGTHS 32 TO 37 DISTINCTIVELY GIFT BOXED Oakville Place Mall 339-0180 www.starsmenshops.com A D D C entre Ltd. 5 0 V illage C en tre P lace M ississauga, O n t ., L 4Z 1V9 9 0 5 -8 0 3 - 8 0 6 6 fax: 9 0 5 -8 0 3 -9 0 6 1 w w w .add centre.com What's in a name by Lynda M. Thompson, Ph.D. Do you w ant to ADD to your skills? The ADD Centre is the place to do that when it comes to learning strategies and the ability to pay attention. ADD is written without periods because the ADD Centre focuses on ADDing to and optimizing performance. This ADDs to self confi­ dence, efficiency and productivity. The form ula for optimizing perform ance in aca­ dem ics, work and sports involves training using neurofeedback, biofeedback and metacognitive strategies. Feedback involves information being fed back to a person. Information gathered by the EEG (brain wave) instrument or by small sensors on the hand is conveyed to the client on a computer monitor. It tells what the mind and body are doing at a particular moment in time. With this feedback the - The ADD Centre client can learn self-regulation. Neurofeedback involves feedback of information about your brain waves. These reflect different "mental states" including focus, attention and concentration. Biofeedback involves feedback of infor­ mation concerning physiological states which reflect alertness, tension and anxiety. Metacognition in simplest terms is 'Thinking about thinking". It refers to execu­ tive thinking skills. It involves being conscious of how you plan, learn and remember things. Clients with Attention Deficit Disorder learn to regulate sym ptom s o f inattention, impulsivity and restless/hyperactive behav­ iour. Other clients to the optimal performance training to achieve a calm , reflective, organized approach to work. F or further in fo rm a tio n co n ta c t Dr. T hom pson at the A DD Centre: 9 0 5 -8 0 3 -8 0 6 6 . G re a t F a th e rs D ay G ift Id e a s ! This Father's Day, give Dad a g ift tha t's a cu t above. STIHL o ffe rs a com ple te line o f a ffordably priced power too l fo r dads w ho appreciate excellence in cu tting , tr im m in g and handling. And right now, save $20 on STIHL consum er gas-pow ered trim m ers and electric blowers, and save $30 on STIHL high pressure washers. Save $20.00* Now only S 4 r " A95159 * Until July 31. 1999 or while supplies last Bonus Free protective eyewear w / n | STIHL's Satisfaction Guarantee ensures your comp ete satisfaction or your money back. STIHL For full details and a free demonstration, come see us today! Tn nn. _ 488 Morden RA #2, Oakville I f U t f g S S T 905 8444 3 0 4 fax 905-844-4306 1-800-482-7669 B U S I N E S S / R R O F E S S I W E L C O M E O O lM A tL i m Welcoming new business, professionals, and executives to Oakville. Gifts, greetings and information from the Town of Oakville and the business community. If you're new, we want to visit you! ELCOM E AGON l t d . S i n c e 1930 If y o u 're new, we w ant to v isit you! Call Wendy Budisavljevic at 849-6061 or call for more details regarding our exciting business sponsorship programme. Wednesday, June 2,1999 * Heritage Ball on Saturday a * fundraiser for Millennium Clock By Ron Dennis SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER Remember the early days of television? Even then, the com­ panies who sponsored our favourite programs knew just when to insert their messages for absolutely maximum impact. There was Roy Rogers, sur­ rounded by at least four black- hatted (and probably black­ hearted) villains -- all wielding six-shooters -- and generally in the terminal stages of being miffed at our hero for breaking up their cattle rustling exercise. Roy is down to his last bullet in each of those pearl-handled beauties at his hips. His dog Bullet is off finding Dale Evans and Pat Brady is likely perform­ ing an oil change on Nelly- Belle, his rickety Jeep. Meanwhile, we're all sweating bullets for our dauntless hero, despite knowing deep in our lit­ tle racing hearts that he'll not only survive, but capture the nasty rustlers. But how? That's when the action broke for some commercials and the show's sponsors took over. Of course, nobody moved an inch from the old black-and-white TV, for fear of missing the end­ ing. But sponsors -- all manner of companies who want their product or service messages out before the consumer -- are not a bad thing. These companies also put a lot back into the communi­ ties they seek to access, and the Oakville 2000 Millennium Committee's elegant Heritage Ball is no exception. (It's com­ ing up June 12th and if you want to attend, call Jane Kelly at 337- 9434 to fence off a ticket.) At $200 a ticket for this black-tie affair at the brand new Rattlesnake Point Golf Club, the ball, entitled "It's About Time...", will raise some serious dollars to fund that handsome new pedestal clock slated for Lakeshore Road's Towne Square. Here's where a group of very community-minded spon­ sors, from small storefront oper­ ations to the big national brands, come in. They're generously donating products and services for both the major draw and some 150 silent auction items to help raise even more funds for the Millennium Clock, one of the legacies that the committee intends to leave in its wake for future generations of Oakville residents to enjoy. Take the major draw prize -- a week of sun, snorkelling, sail­ ing and sightseeing at Hawaii's Outrigger Hotel -- for example. It's bound to raise plenty through draw ticket sales at the ball and comes to us thanks to Canadian Airlines, Holiday House, Bruce Hood, American Express Travel and Accessory Concepts (donors of a five-piece set of American Tourister luxury luggage). And let's not forget one of the Platinum ($25,000) spon­ sors, The Oakville Beaver. They've generously provided space in both the news and advertising holes to help broad­ cast the committee's major events. Just last week, the Beaver helped again, running a story about the Heritage Ball com­ plete with picture of models Gary and Melody -- pouring champagne and dressed to the "nine-point-nines" in a tux and gown. Again, sponsors were involved; the stunning ball gown was provided courtesy of Tocca Finita while the elegant tuxedo was courtesy of Blazer for Men. Without this community- minded support from sponsors, it would be virtually impossible for the Millennium Committee to reach its goal of celebrating the past and sharing the future by organizing several events and projects throughout the year. I don't know about you, but this kind of "message from our sponsors" makes me proud to be an Oakville resident. By the way, Roy Rogers did extricate himself from that pick­ le I described earlier. While the memory is a bit dim, it seems to me faithful dog Bullet arrived in time to disable one villain, just as Pat Brady pulled up in Nelly- Belle to accidentally knock down another. That left Roy -- with lightening draw and unerr­ ing eye -- to expertly shoot the six-guns cleanly from the hands of the other two. Now, let's all sing "Happy Trails to You" -- Heritage trails, that is . . . Wanted: host families for visiting students In July and August, Oakville will be invaded by 80 friendly Spanish and French students. In July, homes for 10 students are needed and in August, 20 students. Red Leaf student Programs (formerly The Language Workshop) will be bringing these students and their leaders to Oakville. The students in July are aged 13 to 19 years, and the August students are 17 to 20 years old. While here, the students will study English in the mornings and do interesting activities in the afternoon. Evenings and weekends, the students will be able to relax and have fun with their host fam­ ilies. Homes with teenagers, couples with no children, and single parents with children make great host families. Remuneration of $ 110 per week will be paid to each family to cover the cost of pro­ viding two meals a day and a separate bedroom. For further information, call Veronica Richards-Miller, Oakville co-ordinator, at 637-0879. "One free V \ 0 t 0 NOW BY BRINGING THE COUPON BELOW TO RIVER OAKS VIDEO AT 201 RIVER OAKS BLVD. W. 9 0 5 - 349-3611 ON MONDAY-THURSDAY AND SUNDAY - ONLY AlexZoltan Szinegh Sales Representative direct line: 416-716-1170 office: 905-465-1010 fax: 465-0908 Complimente of EXIT REALTY NEGOTIATORS 2274 LAKESHORE RO. W „ OAKVILLE L6L1H3 465-1010 office: 905-465-1010 fax: 905-465-0908 e:mail cMsetvtce@aol.com JUST FILL IN AND SHOW THE BALLOT TO MICHAEL KIM OR HIS STAFF AND YOU WILL GET A FREE VIDEO RENTAL WITH THE RENTAL OF AT LEAST ONE VIDEO. THEN DROP THE BALLOT INTO THE BOX AND YOU COULD WIN...52 FREE VIDEOS!!!!! Name: Date o f Entry: Address:. C ity:_____ Postal Code:. Phone # :. Ja Are you interested in: S e llin g Q B uying Q R e lo ca tin g Q C aree r in R e a l E sta te □ ? ! i----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! Drawing will be held every first Saturday of each month, a t 1:00 pm at R iver Oaks Video. Contest ends the Iasi day of each month. You must be 18 or over to enter. Prize m ust be accepted as awarded. No substitutions. No EXIT Realty em ployee broker, agent or immediate fam ily member shall be eligible to win. Not intended to so lic it agency contracts Certain restnctions apply. Not to be used w ith any other offer. One coupon per family. http://www.starsmenshops.com http://www.addcentre.com mailto:cMsetvtce@aol.com

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