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Oakville Beaver, 23 Jun 1999, D7

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Wednesday, June 23, 1999 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER D7 HAMILTON TORONTOl AUTOMOTIVE BRIT1NG EXCITEMENT PLUS, IN THIS 2-TIME CUMPIOM 2̂ 2 SPOITS COUPE < $1,500 DOWN PAYMENT SECURITY DEPOSIT EXTRA. FREIGHT & PDS INCL. n n u MSRP FROM 117,895 r n Um /MONTH / 48 MOS.SO DOWN S255/MO IN THIS 2-TIME *218 B y M alcolm Gunn SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER There's new-found respect com­ing Hyundai's way with the release of the all-new 1999 Sonata. Hyundai is primarily known for providing inexpensive, but well-built and well-equipped sub-compact and compact products such as the bargain- basement Accent and mid-range Elantra. The top-dog Sonata, however, has been fighting for a piece of the action among buyers of more main­ stream brands, such as the Honda Accord, Toyota Camry, Nissan Altima and a variety of domestic-based com­ petitors. Since'launching the Sonata brand back in 1989, Hyundai has worked hard to earn at least a toehold in this brutally competitive category. With the thoroughly updated 1999 Sonata, Hyundai's respectability quo­ tient should increase in a big way. Why? In a word, value. Pound for pound, the new Sonata provides cus­ tomers with more honest-to-goodness content for the money than many simi­ lar cars on the road. From the outside, the Sonata pre­ sents a stylish new look of gently curv­ ing front and rear fenders with deli­ cately creased sides and fully rounded wheel openings. Hyundai's California design centre takes much of the credit for the Sonata's elegant new shape. The Sonata's body is close to last year's in overall length and height, but is now five centimetres wider than before, which translates into more pas­ senger hip and shoulder room. Structurally, the Sonata now incor­ porates a more rigid unit-body struc­ ture that's been reinforced with high- tension steel in all critical areas. Under the hood, the Sonata offers two new engines that offer a substantial boost in power. The base Sonata GL powerplant is a 2.4-litre DOHC 16- valve four cylinder that puts out a respectable 148 horsepower, 11 more than last year's 2.0-litre unit. Move up to the more luxurious GLS and power is supplied by an all-alu­ minum 2.5-litre SOHC 24-valve V6 that delivers 163 horsepower, a whop­ ping 21-horsepower increase over to the larger-displacement 3.0-litre V6 from the '98 car. The V6 is also option­ al on the base Sonata. Both four-cylinder and V6 engines come equipped with an electronically controlled four-speed automatic trans­ mission. No manual transmission is offered. Not only is there significant new power on tap for 1999, but there are more standard features to crow about. All Sonatas now come with air condi­ tioning, power windows, door locks and mirrors, cruise control, cassette- equipped audio system, tilt steering, floor console,60/4-0 split folding rear seat and remote trunk and fuel door release. On the more luxurious GLS, added content includes 100-watt six-speaker cassette audio system with power antenna, four-wheel disc brakes, cabin filtration system, upgraded carpeting and cloth seats, six-way adjustable dri­ ver's seat and 15-inch Michelin tires mounted to aluminum alloy wheels. The GLS can also be ordered with side-impact airbags, leather seats, power moonroof, traction control, four- wheel ABS and 10-speaker CD sound system. It's interesting to note that while all U.S.-shipped Hyundais come with an incredible five-year/60,000 mile (100,000 km) bumper-to bumper warranty and a 10- year/100,000 mile (160,000 km) powertrain warranty, here in Canada you still get a three-year/60,000 km bumper-to-bumper warranty and five-year/100,000 km powertrain coverage. Nevertheless, the Sonata's hot new look, impressive power and lengthy list of standard fea­ tures make this car a no­ sweat, no-brainer to buy or lease. YOUR TORONTO AREA FORD 8 MERCORY DEALERS' RETURNS FOR A LIMITED TIM E, YOU CAN FINANCE YOUR ENTIRE PURCHASE, INCLUDING TAXES AND PAY NO IN TEREST, OR CHOOSE A LOW LEA SE PAYMENT! » *3,180 In in te re s t com pared to 8.75% fin a n c in g 48 MONTH PURCHASE FINANCING On A ll In-Stock N ew '99 Ford Escort Sedan/Wagon o r ZX2 ALL ESCORTS COME EQUIPPED WITH: • Dual A irbags • Internal Trunk Release on Sedans • Solar Tinted Glass • Rear Window Defroster ISM Ford Tan rat aad Morcory Sabi* am the only can ia I f f l PURCHASE I SAVE $ IN-STOCK. I UP TO NEW In in te re s t compa ESCORT. ZK2, CONTOUR. MYSTIQUE. TAURUS. SABLE. W1NDSTAR In in te re s t com pared to 8.7S% fin an c in g 48 MONTH PURCHASE FINANCING EXPLORER. In-Stock N ew '99 Ford Explorer EXPLORER 4-DOOR FEATURES: • A ir conditioning • 4.0L EH VC engine • Second generation dual a ir bags • Speed control • 5-speed automatic transmission w ith overdrive SAUE UP TO s6,615 In i n t e r e s t c o m p a re d t o 8 .7 5 % f in a n c in g 9 9 FORD TAURUS DR MERCURY SABLE upto $5,670 In In te re s t com pared to 8.7S% fin a n c in g 299 For *99 Ford Wtadstar LX WINDSTAR LX FEATURES: • Quad bucket seats • Air condMoautg • Privacy glass • Power windows/locks/mirrors • Dual sliding doors • AM/FM stereo w ith cassette • 4-speed automatic w ith overdrive • 15" afaunioum wheels • Speed control • 4-wfceel A1S minivan to gat a Rv* Star Safety Sating, fhrayaartin 3 6 MONTH LEASE *1495 MWII m s *159 FREIGHT. On AH In-Stock ' » • HCOUTIIE79SIT a XUU. New '99 Ford Taurus or For '99 Ford Taurus SE Sport IMercury Sable or Mercury Sable LS • 3 lit re OHV VC engine • A ir conditioning • 4-speed autom atic w ith overdrive • Speed contro l • Power w indows and locks • Remote keyless entry • T ilt steering '99 FORD CDNTDUR DR MERCURY MYSTIQUE SAVE UPTO In in te re s t com pared to 8.75% fin a n c in g 48 MONTH PURCHASE FINANCING On All In-Stock New '99 Ford Contour or Mercury Mystique STANDARD FEATURES: • 2.0 litre Zetec engine • Dual power mirrors • Child-proof rear door locks • Solar t in ted glass • C0/40 sp lit fo lding rear scat • AM/FM stereo • Second generation dual airbags • T ilt steering SPECIAL TENT EVENT PRICES CLEARLY MARKED ON EVERY NEW VEHICLE ON THE LOT. YOU'LL FIND GREAT DEALS UNDER THE GIANT TENT AT THESE TORONTO AREA FORD 8 MERCURY DEALERS. YOUR TORONTO AREA FORD & MERCURY DEALERS AGINCOURT EAST COURT LINCOLN/ MERCURY SALES LTD. 4700 Sheppard Ave. E., Agincourt, 292-1171 PADDY SHANAHAN FORD SALES LTD. 3260 Sheppard Ave. E., Agincourt, 497-5000 BRAMPTON BRAMNAEW FORD SALES LTD. 209 Queen SL E., Brampton. (905) 451-1040 COLONY LINCOLN/ MERCURY SALES LTD. 300 Queen S t E., Brampton, (905) 451-4094 ETOBICOKE SUMMIT FORD SALES LTD. Hwy. #27. South o f 407, Etobicoke, 741-6221 MARKHAM CRAIG RILEY' S MARKVtLLE LINCOLN/ MERCURY SALES INC. 4072 Hwy. #7 E., M arkham , (416) 798-7025 MISSISSAUGA DIXIE FORD SALES LTD. 5495 Dixie Rd.. Mississauga, (9 0 5 )629 -1300 ERINW00D FORD SALES LTD. 2395 M otorway Blvd., (905) 828-1600 MEADOWVALE FORD SALES AND SERVICE LTD. 2230 Battleford Rd., (905) 542-3673 SHERIDAN LINCOLN/ MERCURY SALES LTD. 1345 Lakeshore Rd. E., Mississauga. (905) 278-5535 TOWER FORD TRUCK SALES LTD. 800 Gana Crt., Mississauga, (905) 564-8789 WHITEOAK LINCOLN/ MERCURY SALES (1996) LTD. 250 Dundas St. W.. M ississauga, (905) 270-8210 OAKVILLE KENNEDY FORD SALES LTD. 280 South Service Rd. W., OakviHe, (905) 845-1646 OAK-LAND LINCOLN/ MERCURY SALES LTD. 570 Trafalgar Rd.. Oakville. (905) 844 -3273 PICKERING ROYAL WOODS LINCOLN/ MERCURY SALES LTD. Hwy. #7, E. of Westney Rd., Pickering, (905) 686-2300 RICHMOND HILL CITY FORD U D . 10414 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. (905) 884-9261 TWIN HILLS LINCOLN/ MERCURY SALES LTD. 10801 Yonge S t . Richmond Hill, (905) 884-4441 SCARBOROUGH BIRCHCUFF LINCOLN/ MERCURY SALES NC. 2150 Lawrence Ave. E., Scarborough, 752-9180 DONWAY FORD SALES U D . 1975 Eglinton Ave. E. Scarborough, 751-2200 FREEWAY FORD SALES LTD. 1780 M arkham Rd., Scarborough, 293-3077 www .freew ayford.ca HERITAGE FORD SALES LTD. 2660 Kingston Rd.. Scarborough, 261-3311 THORNHILL GATEWAY LINCOLN/ MERCURY SALES 434 Steeles Ave.W ., Thornhill, (9 0 5 )7 3 1 -8 4 0 0 N0RTHT0WN FORD SALES LTD. 7120Ybnge S t , Thornhill, (905) 889-7343 TORONTO BAY UNCOLN/MERCURY SALES LTD. 36 YbrkviHe Ave., Toronto, 922-8444 CRU1CKSHANK MOTORS LTD. 2062 Weston Rd.. Toronto, 244-6461 EVANS UNCOLN/MERCURY SALES LTD. 5500 Dundas S t W. a t Hwy. #427, Toronto, 231-3361 ROWLAND UNC0LN/ MERCURY SALES LTD. 1800 O'Connor Dr., Toronto. 759-4424 THORNCREST FORD SALES 1575 The Queensway. Toronto, 252-5131 TOTAL FORD SALES LTD. 2401 Dufferin S t. Toronto, 781-5531 Y0RKDALE LINCOLN/ MERCURY SALES LTD. 3130 Dufferin S t, Toronto, 787-4534 UNI0NV1LLE MCARTHUR'S IN MARKHAM LTD. 8021 Kennedy Rd., Unionvifle, (905) 474-1350 WESTON VENTURE FORD SALES LTD. 2209 Weston Rd.. Weston, 244-1701 W HITBY MARIGOLD LINCOLN/ MERCURY SALES U D . 1120 Dundas St. E., Whitby, 1 -800 -565-5893 WOODBR1DGE AL PALLADIA'S PINETREE LINCOLN/ MERCURY SALES U D . 7777 Weston Rd.. Woodbridge, (416 )798 -4777 www.fford.ca/offers/ F O R D | L I N C O L N M e r c u r y @ T h e re f o r y o u H T o ro n to . WISE BUYERS READ THE LEGAL COPY: *0 % purchase fin a n c in g ava ilab le on in-stock n ew 1999 Ford E sco rt/Z X 2 /C o n to u r/T a u ru s /W in d s ta r/E xp lo re r & M ercu ry M ys tiq u e /S a b le fo r a m ax im um o f 48 m o n ths on a p p ro ve d c re d it to q u a lif ie d custom ers. E.g. $20,000 f in a n ce d a t 0% an n u a l perce n tage ra te fo r 48 m onths, m o n th ly p a ym en t $416.66, cost o f b o rro w in g $0 a nd to ta l to be repa id is $20,000 w ith $0 d o w n paym en t. $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 /$25 ,000 /$3 0 ,000 / $35,000/$40 ,000 w h e n com p ared to a f in a n c in g ra te o f 8 .75% fo r 48 m onths, cost o f b o rro w in g is $3,780.16 /$4 ,725 .44 /$5 ,670 .24 / $6,615.52/$7,560.80 w ith $0 d o w n paym ent. These are sample calculations only. " Lease a n e w 1999 W in d s ta r LX, w ith T w in Q ua d G roup, A ppe arance G rou p , a nd A lu m in u m W h e e ls /F o rd Taurus SE w ith S port a nd Convenience G ro u p /M e rc u ry Sable LS, m o n th ly lease paym ents o f $ 2 9 9 /$299 /$ 299 based on a 36 m o n th lease fro m Ford C re d it to q u a lif ie d re ta il lessees, o n app ro ve d c re d it. Leases based o n an a n n u a l in te re s t ra te o f 4 .9 % /1 .9 % /1 .9 % . Tota l lease o b lig a tio n s a re $14,759/$14 ,259/$14,259. D o w n p a ym en t o r e q u iva le n t tra d e , fre ig h t, security d e p o s it a nd f ir s t m o n th 's p a ym e n t re q u ire d (see a d ve rtisem en t). Some c o n d itio n s an d a m ilea ge re s tr ic tio n o f 60,000 km ove r 36 m on th s apply. A charge o f $0.08 per km above m ilea ge re s tric tion , plus app licab le taxes, w il l apply. ^Licence, insurance, a d m in is tra tio n fees, p re -d e live ry in sp e c tio n an d a ll ap p lica b le taxes are a d d itio n a l. D ea le r m ay sell o r lease fo r less. O ffe rs m ay change w ith o u t n o tice . L im ite d tim e o ffe rs . Financing and lease rate offers herein are mutually exclusive. Offers cannot be combined with any other offer. Some co n d itio n s m ay a pp ly to th e G rad ua te Cash Back p ro g ra m . See d e a le r fo r de ta ils . t tT h e h ig h e s t f ro n ta l im pa ct ra t in g fo r b o th th e d rive r a nd f ro n t passenger in U.S. G ove rnm en t N a tio na l H ighw ay T ra ffic Safe ty A d m in is tra tio n te s tin g fo r vehic les w ith in 227 kg (500 lbs). * * T h e h ig h e s t fro n ta l im p a c t ra t in g fo r b o th th e d rive r a nd f ro n t passenger in U.S. G o ve rn m e n t N a tio n a l H ig h w a y T ra ffic Safe ty A d m in is tra tio n te s tin g fo r vehic les w ith in 227 kg (500 lbs) and w ith a base MSRP u nde r $30,000. T o ro n to FMDA, P.O. Box 2000, O a kv ille , O n ta r io L6J 5E4. TAKE THE FAST TRACK TO MID-SIZE LUXURY $1,950 DOWN PAYMENT SEC. DEPOSIT EXTRA. FREIGHT « PDS EXTRA. MSRP FROM $19,495 FROM /MONTH/48 MOS, OR ASK ABOUT 1.8% FINANCING THE NEW HYUNDAI DRIVING IS BELIEVING ' Leosing program avafobie from Hyundai Finonciol Services. Limited time offer. Leasing program based on new 1999 Accent L 3-dr. MSRP from $ 11,565, 1999 tiburon Bose MSRP fi $17 ,895 ,1999 Sonata G l MSRP from $19,495. $169 /$ 21 8 /S 2 29 per month fo r a 48 month walkaway lease for a ll models. Total leose obligation of $8,11 2 /$ 1 0 ,4 6 4 /$ 1 0,992 0 A .C Down payment o f $ 0 /$ l,5 0 0 /$ l,9 5 0 plus first monthly payment required. Security deposit ($0 for Accent, $218 for Tiburon, $229 for Sonata), fre ight and PDS fo r Accent/Tiburon included, freight and PDS for Sonato extra. Taxes ond license and $350 administration fee extra. 20,000 km mileage allowance p er year apples. Additional km charge o f S 0 .1 0 .f i .8% financing available on 1999 Accent 3-dr., Tiburon and Sonato models 0A.C. for 2 4 ,3 6 or 48 month terms. " A l l MSRP prices exclude freight, ficense, PDS ond taxes. Financing exam ple: $10 ,000 at 1.8% per annum equals $216.08 per month for 48 months. CO.B. is $371.84 for a total obligation o f $10,371.84. Offer ends June 3 1 ,1 99 9 . See Oakville Hyundai for details. HYUNDAI OF OAKVILLE TORONTO HYUNDAI 1071 SPKKRS ROAD (Just West of 4th Line) 2460 DUFFKRIN STRF.F.T 905-845-7791416-787-9789 http://www.freewayford.ca http://www.fford.ca/offers/

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