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Oakville Beaver, 23 Jun 1999, B2

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B2 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, June 23, 1999 Golf tournament for cancer research What began as one man's efforts to raise some extra money for the Canadian Cancer Society has grown into a major fundraiser. Three years ago, the Peter D 'Attoma Memorial Golf Tournament at Saw-Whet Golf Club attracted 80 golfers and raised between $7,000 and $8,000 for cancer research. Two years ago, 130 golfers helped raise $12,000. A dinner and silent auction at Le Dome Banquet Hall bolstered the proceeds. Last year, a full field of 144 golfers raised between $15,000 and $16,000. Again, there was a dinner and silent auction at Le Dome, attended by 350 people. About 20 items val­ ued between $100 and $1,000 were auctioned last year. Tournament organizer Tony D 'Attoma was pleased, having raised $35,000 in three years. This year he hopes to have 30 items. "We would like to have more people at the dinner -- Le Dome holds 400 people," said D'Attoma. "I decided to organize a golf tournament after my dad, Peter D'Attoma, passed away, in July 1995. He had lung cancer, and when I went to the hospital to visit him, I couldn't help but see the people who were suffering, especially the children. "I talked to my brother Frank about doing something, and we decided on organizing a golf tournament. The first year, there were only two or three of us doing all of the work." Now he has a golf tournament committee which includes, in addition to his brother, his cousin Louie Amanteo, Angelo Rizzuti of Le Photo by Peter J. Thompson Members of the Peter D'Attoma Memorial Golf Tournament committee, shown from left, are Brian Evans, Tony D'Attoma, Angelo Rizzuti, Louie Amanteo and Frank D'Attoma get into the swing of things for their upcoming fundraising golf tourney. Dome, and friends Ed Petinatto, Frank Aug. 6th. Salvatore, Jason Georgie, Raz Arcarro, Tony LeLuca, Tony Oresti, "and all of our wives." D 'Attoma adds the fundraiser was approved by his mother Gina D'Attoma. "We felt we should ask her first." This year's tournament will be held on The cost will be $145 per golfer, including the golf and dinner. Dinner only will be $75. For information about golfing, corporate sponsorships, dinner tickets or donating to the silent auction, call Tony D'Attoma at work, 858-7333; or at home, 338-7474. W as 4 9 .9 9 A^ ^ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ w \ CHECK OUT THESE PRICE CUTS! HEED ftiiArfkiTCEn G LOW1P.RICES GUARANTEED LOW! DIGITAL ANSWERING MACHINE Digital tapeless recording 14 minutes recording LED message indicator Call-screening •Remote access functions 41112 CALLER ID TELEPHONE 12-number memory dialing Lighted keypad, ringer volume •9 5 name/number caller ID , memory 44152 Our Price 19.99* Instant Rebate -5.00 Price after rebate .MICROCASSETTE B ig) ANSWERING MACHINE •Call-screening •LED message indicator •Auto message reset •Volume control •Remote message playback 39880 'Applicable taxes are paid on gross payable amount. TELEMAX' TELEPHONE/ CLOCK RADIO •Blue, White or Green •Wake to music or buzzer •Snooze/sleep functions •Lighted keypad 4 6 8 4 4 /4 6 8 4 5 /4 6 8 4 6 CORDLESS PHONE W / DUAL KEYPAD & SPEAKERPHONE ON BASE •10-number memory •2-way intercom, page 46843 2-LINE CORDLESS _ PHONE 'Crystal Clear Sound™ •Compander noise reduction •Conference/hold/ 10-number memory •Distinctive ring 32249 W as 4 9 .9 9 W as 4 9 .9 9 SPEAKERPHONE Speakerphone with 12-number memory •Electronic hold feature •Speaker volume control 9 32237 £ f rk 2-LINE SPEAKERPHONE W /ANSWERING MACHINE •Full performance speakerphone •30-number instant access memory dialing •Single microcassette answering system 32243 L im ited Q u a n tit ie s I L im ite d Q u a n t it ie s I L im ite d Q u a n t it ie s | L im ite d Q u a n t it ie s CALLER ID CORDLESS PHONE •View incoming calls while using phone* •Full-feature caller ID • 1-year warranty 45389 119" 'Requires service from phone company Offers valid June 2 3 -2 6 while quantities last. 16 H a rw o o d A venue South M IS S IS S A U G A 1530 A im c o Rood • 5935 M a v is Road 1015 G o l l Links Road N I W N U U M U T 130 Davis D rive 1250 Steeles East (East of 410) O A K V U U 2 4 6 0 W inston Churchill Blvd. lot Dundosl • Q E W ot D otval Drive 1881 Fa trv ie w (at Brant) R I X D A L S H w y 2 7 & Rexdafe B lvd . 1 1750 The Q ueensway {opposite Sherwoy Gardens) S C A R B O K O t t f tH 1936 M c C o w a n (North o f Sheppard) 2 4 4 B arton East (ot Centennial) * 1980 E glin ton East (East o f Warden) * 8 5 0 M iln e r A venue A U f t X M A M 3175 H w y 7 (East of Woobine) W H IT B Y 1615 Dundos S treet East W O O D B R ID G K H w y 4 0 0 & 7 T O R O N T O 2160 Steeles W est (at Keele) • 945 Eglinton East (ot Brentcliffe) • 3150 Dufferin (North o f Lawrence) • 375 University Avenue • 1140 Yonge Street * 2 50 Front Street East (ot Berkley) ♦ 542 Keele Streep BUSINESS DEPOT™ Business Depot Ltd. Some items moy not he exoctly os shown. ©The Business Depot ltd. 1999 FUSE N e x t-D a y D e liv e ry * -auto* details PH: 1 -8 00 -66 8 -6 88 8 FX: 1 -8 00 -567 -2260 STORE HOURS Mon-Fri 8AM-9PM Saturday 9AM-6PM Sunday 11AM-5PM 5. store closed Sundays until August 8m CLICK INTO OUR WEBSITE AT ' University Ave. Photo by Barrie Erskine Frank Holroyd and Ruby McMillan dance at Hopedale M ali's recent 55-Plus Tea Dance. Hopedale Mall finds niche with 55-Plus B y W ilm a B lo k h u is BEAVER FOCUS EDITOR T've got to go to Hopedale Mall for 55-Plus.' Words expressing this sentiment may by typical of older people living near Hopedale Mall who have joined its 55-Plus group. Since launching 55-Plus in October, for people aged 55 and over, about 600 peo­ ple have joined, says Lorrie Lewkowscz, Hopedale's marketing and service centre co-ordinator. Each month, the mall holds one discount day and hosts a social event geared to their interests. The most recent event was a Tea Dance with CHW O's Jim Paulsen. Other events have includ­ ed health and travel fairs, a financial symposium, an ultra sound bone density clinic, a bingo, and tomor­ row, a Volunteer Expo will be held , June 24th, from 1 to 3 p.m., sponsored by the Halton Social Planning Council & Volunteer Centre. "The over 55 group rep­ resents a substantial portion of Hopedale demographics in the immediate area," said Lewkowscz, adding 55-Plus is run by the mall and sup­ ported by its tenants. "We have a large number of people over 50 who con­ sider Hopedale to be their neighbourhood shopping centre," she continued. "And because this large number of older shoppers, it seems appropriate for us to do something for them. Our 55-Plus days have become very popular. Our member­ ship grows monthly. "Many of our 55-Plus members belong to other groups and 'I can't go to this - I 've got to go to Hopedale for 55 Plus day.'" Offering something like 55-Plus to its older shoppers "builds loyalty," adds Kathy Bonner, the mall's general manager. "It contributes to and reinforces Hopedale's posi­ tioning as a good neighbour. We consider ourselves to be a neighbourhood mall." Bonner said the over 50 demographic is "the fastest growing" segment of the population. "The baby boomers are all in their 50s now or dose to it. We need­ ed to address this segment of the market." The recent Tea Dance was a success, concluded Bonner. "We had one table of four who stayed for the entire time, from 2 to 7 p.m., and were up for most of the dances. We gave them a spe­ cial prize." For information call Hopedale Mall at 827-0229. WATCH FOR YOUR SHOPPERS DRUG MART FLYER EVERY FRIDAY IN THIS NEWSPAPER. s S H O P P E R S D R U G M A R T Notice of Liquor Licence Application T h e fo llo w in g es tab lish m en t h a s a p p lie d to th e A lcoho l and G am in g C o m m issio n o f O n ta rio fo r a liq u o r licence u n d e r th e Liquor Licence Act: Application for a Sale Licence R o c k y M c K o o ls 202 5 W in s to n P a rk D riv e O a k v ille ( in c lu d in g o u td o o r area) A n y re s id e n t o f th e m u n ic ip a lity m ay m ak e w ritten su b m iss io n as to w h e th e r th e issu an ce o f th e licence is in th e p u b lic in te re s t h a v in g reg a rd to th e n eed s and w ish e s o f th e re s id en ts . S u b m iss io n s m u st b e received n o la te r th an July 23, 1999. P lease in c lu d e y o u r nam e, a d d ress an d te le p h o n e n u m b er. I f a p e titio n is su b m itte d to th e C o m m is io n , p lease id e n tify th e d es ig n a ted c o n ta c t p erso n . Note: T h e A G C O g iv es th e app lican t d e ta ils o f an y objections. S u b m iss io n s to b e se n t to: Licensing and Registration Department Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario 20 Dundas St. W, 7th Floor, Toronto ON MSG 2N6 Fax: (416)326-5555 E-mail at licensing@agco.on.ca mailto:licensing@agco.on.ca

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