OAKT-September22 (Page 7) call 905-632-4440 Ask Us About... Book your Recruitment ad today & receive 2 weeks on Workopolis for only $125.00 Civello Salon-Spa is committed to being a resource centre for the most exciting and cutting edge beauty and wellness information and techniques. Our current opportunities include: • Frontline/Advisors • Stylists • Spa Therapists Please forward your resume to Human Resources at hr@collega.com. We thank all applicants, but only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. No telephone inquiries please. www.civello.com is now hiring for Burlington We are now accepting applications for energetic, career minded hair stylists, colour technicians, estheti- cians and salon Cordinators for Canada's newest upscale full service salon.If you are looking for a solid career with great benefits join our team today! Fax to: 905-875-3897 or call: 1-905-878-1300 or email: todd.stewart@bellnet.ca OPENINGNOVEMBER 4TH • Premium hourly pay + commission./bonuses • Seniority based annual pay increases • Equipment/advanced training provided Call 1-877-700-0062 905-407-4901 Get Paid to Learn a Trade Now Hiring for brand new location in Milton Opening October 28th Management Positions & F/T Exp'd Stylists & Apprentices QUALITY CONTROL / R&D LAB CLERK F/T, clerical, entry level. Lab analysis/quality control of product and raw material. Assist with lab research. Product inventory tracking. Regulatory affairs. Diploma in Chem. Lab Technology or Regulatory Affairs & Quality Operations and some practical experience required. PRODUCTION LABOURER F/T. Entry level. Chemical blending & packaging. Some heavy lifting. Fork lift driving. High school education min. RESUMES TO: ControlChem Canada Ltd. Email: info@controlchem.com Fax: 905-319-0438. www.controlchem.com CCTF Corporation A Master Distributor of industrial steel products, has an immediate opening in our Oakville facility for a Mill Test Report Clerk Full training is provided for this entry level position. Excellent opportunity for advancement for and en- ergetic individual willing to learn the pipe and fitting business. Candidates must be computer literate with strong typing skil ls, and be a high school and/or college graduate. Please fax resumes to: (905) 842-1466 Or email to: sbibby@cctf.com No telephone calls please. Wooden sta i r & ra i l manufacturer in Stoney Creek looking for someone in our RAIL DEPARTMENT This job consists of: reading and under- standing rail work orders, shaping rails and rail parts, gluing up rails on jigs, set- ting up jigs. Must have working experi- ence on the following machines: shaper, overhead router, planer, jointer, table saw, hand router. If interested please call 905-662-4949 BECOME A LICENSED GAS FITTER IN ONLY A FEW WEEKS Limited Seating, Remains In Our Courses Beginning Next Month. Learn to install/service furnaces, fireplaces and other natural gas and propane appliances. Launch a new career with the help of Niagara and Halton Skilled Trades Academies 1-877-685-9393 Locations in Oakville, St. Catharines and Niagara Looking for full-time experienced SHEET METAL FABRICATOR Residential and Light Commercial Ductwork Competitive wages offered and benefits. Please forward resume and references to: A. JOSEPH MECHANICAL LTD. 3339B Mainway Dr., Burlington ON L7M 1A6 Tel: 905-332-7710 Fax: 905-331-2588 Email: ajm@bellnet.ca Carpenter/Handyman F/T Oakville-Burlington residential & commercial renovation & repair co. seeks professionals with 15+ years exp. Carpentry, drywall, tiling, electrical & plumbing abilities a must. Must have good communications skills, be bondable, have a clean drive record and your own tools. Uniform & company vehicle provided. Call: 905-633-7777; Fax: 905-633-8946 e-mail: mrhandyman@sagefox.com Metroland West Printing Group, located in Oakville, requires GENERAL BINDERY HELP Experience is a definite asset. Fax resume to Danny Flanagan @ 905 845-2013 LaserNetworks Inc. (www.lasernetworks.com) has a history of steady growth and is an industry leader in providing office equipment sales, supplies and service across Canada. We are now seeking: Manufacturing Cartridge Technicians (7) Disassembly, cleaning, repair and rebuilding of toner pr int car tr idges. Must have min. 2 years manufacturing experience in a fast paced environ- ment, preferably working with small components. Must be punctual, detail-oriented, team player and have good hand-eye coordination. All training pro- vided. Day shift 7am-:3:30pm, Afternoon 3:30-Mid- night, non-rotating. A competitive salary, full benefits plan, 3 weeks va- cation to start, profit sharing and on the job training are provided. If you are interested and wish to join a highly motivated and skilled team, Please send your resume via email in very strict confidence to: hrdepartment@lasernetworks.com or drop off at 2823 Bristol Circle, Oakville. ORDER PICKERS Entry level position Night shift for Milton warehouse Top wages with excellent benefits Own transportation recommended Please fax resume to: 905-878-9010 Attn: Chris Nogalo Do you love sales? Tired of retail? Prefer working 9 to 5? We are currently looking for business savvy individuals for our Business Development team. Candidates with a fearless ability to cold call, who are persistent, tenacious and able to handle objections. A clear, concise, professional phone manner is a must. Confidence, superior communication skills with Presidents and senior executives as well as the capability to schedule high profile business meetings for our sales executives will mean significant earnings in addition to a base salary. Our inside sales office is located in downtown Oakville. Please submit your resume on-line at www.carpedia.com. Lease Renewal Manager Responsibilities will include but are not limited to: • Working Knowledge of RCL Leasing • Present- ing Option Reviews • Prepare weekly and month- ly renewal repor ts •Handle Lease Terminations •Backup Desk Duties NEW & USED AUTOMOTIVE SALES CONSULTANTS This position offers a career with: • Professional training • Monthly bonus levels • Unlimited earning potential We Offer: • Health and Dental Plan • Company car • Pension Plan • Strong Management Support Submit your resume to the attention of: MICHAEL ROBERTSON Fax: 905-844-4472 Oak-land Ford Lincoln Sales Limited 570 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON L6J 3J2 E-Mail: mrobertson@oaklandfordlincoln.ca We thank all applicants in advance, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Bilingual an asset not essential (English/French). College Diploma with 3-5 years experience, profi- cient in Microsoft Office Suite, email and knowl- edge of computer software programs. Prepare re- por ts, compile data, conduct research, answer telephones, use of memory, numeracy and excel- lent oral & written communication skills required. Please apply by fax to the attention of Heather Masson @ 905.469.4839 Please indicate expected salary B I L I N G U A L E n g l i s h / French customer service rep Entry level position. In- surance company back- ground an asset. Fax re- sume with salary expecta- t ion to 905-847-8283 or email diane@RACentre.ca CANLAN Ice Sports Oak- ville- Full and Part-time po- si t ions- Cooks, Servers, Cleaners, Zamboni Driv- ers, Proshop Clerks. Con- tact Andrew anoble@ice sports.com or fax 905-845- 6054 CARREMM Controls l td, specialists in process con- trols & hvac equipment is seeking an experienced in- side sales person. Duties include, technical sales & customer service of related product l ines. Email re- s u m e s o n l y t o c a r remm@carremmcontrols .com CASH Daily~ $12-$20/hr. + bonuses. Oakville/ Bur- l i n g t o n d o o r - t o - d o o r Fundraisers. Support ing people with special needs. Rhonda, 905-873-0723 CLEANERS/ work with fun group who love to clean. The House Cleaning An- g e l s . 9 0 5 - 8 4 2 - 3 6 7 2 . Leave message CONSTRUCTION & Main- tenance Labourers re- quired full-time, exp. an a s s e t . F a x r e s u m e t o 905-639-7412 or ema i l letsburlington@on.aibn. com CONSTRUCTION Work- ers needed for day shif t min imum 1 year exper i - ence. Cal l TPI 905-566- 0922 D R I V E R f o r d e l i v e r y ' s twice a week from Oakville to Toronto. Approx 2-3hrs t h e r e a n d b a c k . S u i t hea l thy re t i red pe rson . Vehical provided. Call 905- 338-8696 E X P E R I E N C E D c o o k needed for Oakvil le day- care Menu planning, gro- cery shopping, ful l t ime. Must posses G drivers li- cence. Excel lent wages and benefits call 905-469- 2944 FIRST, Second o r th i rd year apprentice required for busy shop in Burling- ton. Call 905-637-3888, or Fax 905-637-9266 FLYER distribution man- ager, required for Direct Mail Distr ibution. Candi- date wi l l have min imum 3-years experience man- aging a large distribution force, for delivery of vari- o u s t y p e s a d v e r t i s i n g . Mus t be re l i ab le , o rga - nized, self motivated and a team p layer. Ema i l re - sume: info@firstpriorityfly ers.com. Halton. FULL-TIME Spotless Dry- cleaners counter person needed, Bur l ington. Not suitalbe fo students. Must have great customer ser- vice skills and be very out- going and cheerful. Email resume to s tanrade j@rogers .com, fax: 905-333-6374 atten- tion Stan GENERAL Laborers re- quired asap to assist with interior/ exterior renova- tions email elevationhome design@yahoo.ca or 905- 630-9137 GENERAL Laborers/ fork- lift operators. Male/female required for busy Oakville company. Day and after- noon shifts available. Paid weekly Apply in person: MC Personnel, 154 Queen St. S., suite #214, Missis- sauga (Streetsville). 905- 8 2 6 - 8 3 0 0 , d i r e c t i o n s www.mcpersonnel.ca GRASS Maintenance per- son (experienced) needed for landscaping team. Call 905-335-8409, haltonland scaping@cogeco.ca GROWING Bakery looking for all positions, F/T & P/T, $9/hr start. We will train, must be f lexible to work days and o r weekends . Fax: 905-637-9103, email: shunt.sb-ont@bellnet.ca GROWING wiring harness manufacturer in Oakville is seeking two positions for A s s e m b l e r s f o r b e n c h work. One entry level posi- tion and one w/soldering experience, Starting Salary will be geared around ex- p e r i e n c e o f i n d i v i d u a l , some medium l i f t ing in- volved. Fax resume 905- 847-6858 HOMEWORKERS Needed!!! To Assemb le P roduc ts , Stuffing Envelopes, Mailing/ Processing Circulars, On- L i n e C o m p u t e r W o r k Available. Up To $1500/week. No Experience Needed! Free information at www. Jobs-WorkConnection.com Reference 3-103 IMPORTANT Notice: The Burlington Post, Oakville Beaver and Flamborough Review recommend you exercise good judgement when responding to em- ployment opportunity ad- ver t isements wh ich ask you to provide credit card information, send money or sign a contract. JANITORIAL Subcontrac- tor required. Suit couple. M u s t h a v e e x p e r i e n c e cleaning schools. Oakville. Call after 6pm: 905-302- 9483 LUBE Technician & Class "A" Technic ian requi red F/T immediately. If you are motivated and energet ic drop off your resume to: Burlington Hyundai, 2016 Plains Road East, Burling- ton, or email: service@ burlingtonhyundai.ca M A N A G E R n e e d e d f o r S a n t a l a n d i n O a k v i l l e ma l l . Ca l l Nancy 1800- 394-2440 ext 233 or fax resume 905-549-1136 MERRY Maids looking for fu l l and par t - t ime he lp . Work while the kids are at school! Will train. Car pre- ferred. Call 8:30am- 4pm. 905-336-1956 OAKVILLE based compa- ny, On The Spot!Æ Carpet Cleaning Specialists is ex- p a n d i n g a n d r e q u i r e s hard working, energetic pe rson w i l l i ng t o wo rk flexible hours on a full time basis. Specialized training will be provided to qualified candidates. Call 905-825- 4256 OIL Change rs , M i l t on~ S e e k i n g e n e r g e t i c a n d friendly Full-time and Part- time staff. Forward resume ronaldramesh@yahoo.ca OVERNIGHT FT Merchan- d iser / Cash ie r requ i red f r o m 1 0 p m t o 8 a m . Schedule is a rotat ing 4 days on/ 4 days off. Must be f lexible. Competit ive wages and benefits. Apply to Shoppers Drug Mar t , 520 Kerr Street, Oakville Ontar io . Fax resume to 905-845-3407 S H O P P E R S D r u g M a r t (Appleby/ New) now hiring p e r m a n e n t p a r t - t i m e s u p e r v i s o r s , c a s h i e r s , merchandisers, cosmeti- cian, driver. Days, Even- ings & Weekends. Must be flexible. Fax resume Attn: Christie 905-639-0757 S U P E R I N T E N D E N T C O U P L E f o r m i d s i z e apartment building in Bur- lington. Close to Lake and Park. Experienced knowl- edge in repairs, rental and cleaning. People skills es- sential. Salary +apartment provided. Please Fax re- s u m e 9 0 5 - 6 2 8 - 2 0 0 4 o r email yubat455@yahoo.ca SUPERINTENDENT Couple r e q u i r e d i m m e d i - ately for Burlington high- rise, on the lake. Fax re- sume to 905-632-5486 SUPERINTENDENT- ma- ture couple able to multi- task for mid-sized Burling- ton apartment. 905-827- 4766. 905-315-7610. TAYLOR Moving and stor- age limited, seeks mature part-time packers to work 2-4 days/week. Must pos- sess valid G license, train- ing provided. Come be a part of our team, supple- ment your income, work a f l ex ib le schedu le . f ax 905-632-8130, email chris@ataylormoving.com TELEMARKETER needed~ M a t u r e a n d r e - liable for financial services. $10/hr+. Contact Alex 289- 259-5022 TELEMARKETERS, expe- rienced, needed for busi- ness- to- bus iness con- tacts. Good pay and incen- tives. 905-829-9225 UNICCO Facility Services requires full-time/ part-time l i gh t du ty c leaners fo r weekdays and weekends Please fax resume 416- 369-9156 or call 416-369- 0137 ext 187 WA R E H O U S E p e r s o n ~ Par t - t ime f lex ib le sh i f t . 20hr/week. Must have val- id drivers l icence, be re- liable and able to lift 50lbs. Fax resume 905-639-3771 WA R E H O U S E h e l p needed for growing Fas- t e n e r C o m p a n y 5 days/week Duties include: order f i l l ing and general warehouse cleaning, prior fastener experience pre- ferred but willing to train. Forklift certified would be preferred. Benefits after 3/ mo. $11.50/hr. Fax or E- mail 905-569-8787, k2cor- rosion@bellnet.ca WAREHOUSE person re- quired full-time, shipping, receiving, light assembly, Oakville. Apply by fax 905- 827-3414 bb bargoons now accept- ing applications for Missis- sauga location. Must have m in . 2y rs sa les exper i - ence, knowledge of drap- ery, furniture, sewing. Ex- cellent hours, competitive w a g e + c o m m i s s i o n . I f you're an outgoing "design savvy" individual e-mail/ fax resume: info@bbbargoons.com fax 9 0 5 . 8 2 8 . 5 9 6 6 A t t n : Regional Manager MOUNT Royal Beauty Sa- lons requires licence Hair Stylist. Call 905-332-7221 SALON Mirage requires a Receptionist, full-t ime or part-time. Apply within at Mapleview mall Burlington or cal l Michael 905-681- 4546 WANTED~ Friendly, moti- vated & talented stylist Our growing burlington salon is looking for a experienced stylist and a jr. stylist/ as- sistant. We offer a fun, re- laxing and modern atmos- p h e r e . E n j o y g o i n g t o work! Call 905-336-2344, email revive-salon@ sympatico.ca HEAVY Duty Equipment Mechanic: Truck Coach/ heavy equipment license. Familiarity- Cummins, De- troit, Cat engines. Tear- down /assembly diesel en- gines. Also: Engine Ma- chine Shop Machinist: Ex- perienced/ licensed auto- m o t i v e m a c h i n e s h o p . K n o w l e d g e i n c y l i n d e r head rebuilding. Oakville. F a x r e s u m e : 9 0 5 - 8 2 7 - 1106/ email: whiteoaksdie sel@bellnet.ca M A C - A R T I S T, e x p e r i - enced part-time required by p r i n t i ng company i n Oakvil le. Work includes f i lm -s t r i pp i ng . Fax re - sume: 905-844-5517. LEGAL Secretary, Fu l l - time experience preferred. Mainly real estate, some litigation, Burlington solici- tor. Please fax resume to: 905 -632 -1930 o r ema i l plflaw@mail.com OAKVILLE Private Investi- gation company requires individual for full-time ad- ministrative support role. Responsib i l i t ies inc lude preparation of investigative reports and other adminis- trative duties. Understand- ing of Microsoft Office pro- grams and proficient key- boarding ski l ls required. Fax/ email resumes 905- 338-7885 or ted@ investigativeservices.net. RECEPTIONIST/ Admin. Assistant. Fullt ime. Must have good working knowl- edge of Microsoft Office, pleasant telephone man- ner and the ability to multi- task. Bookeeping skills an asset. General office du- ties. Start immediately. Ap- ply in person: Condor Sig- na l & Commun ica t ions , 2388 Speers Road, Oak- ville. RESEARCH Coordinator/ Off ice Admin. Ful l - t ime Days, office near Oakville GO. see www.AdDynam- ics.com /job. htm for de- tails. email: gskene@Ad- Dynamics.com only those cons idered w i l l be con- tacted. work!Cla ssifi eds call 905.337.5610 to place an ad call 905.337.5610 A sk U s A b o u t. .. ca ll 9 0 5 -6 3 2 -4 4 4 0 B o o k yo u r R ec ru it m en t a d to d a y & r ec ei ve 2 w ee k s o n W o rk o p o li s fo r o n ly $ 1 2 5 .0 0 44 OAKVILLE BEAVER, Friday, September 22, 2006