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Oakville Beaver, 7 Jul 1999, C3

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Wednesday, July 7, 1999 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER C3 UV damage HOT SUMMER SAVINGS For good looks and good health this summer and in summers to come, experts urge you to defend your skin against unnecessary ultravio­ let exposure. Damaging UVA rays are present 365 days of the year (even on cloudy days) and penetrate deep into the skin, making skin look old before its time by destroying collagen and elastin levels -- the things that keep skin look­ ing firm, healthy and young. Completely avoiding ultraviolet rays is difficult if not impossible, especially during the summer months, but you can defend yourself against them by apply­ ing an effective broad-spectrum product daily. Much of our exposure to UV light comes as the result of day-to-day, year round activities, so daily protection via a moisturizer plus sunscreen is a good idea. To determine your probable risk of photoaging and help you determine how much care you need to take to protect your skin from the aging effects of UV rays, circle the answers that best apply to you and add up your score. In general, the fairer your skin and the more time you spend outdoors, the more need you have for UV defense. Test your UV I.Q. 1. How would you describe your skin? a. always bums easily, never tans (20 points) b. always bums easily, tans minimal­ ly (15 points) c. bums minimally, always tans well (8 points) d. rarely bums, tans easily (4 points) e. never bums, deeply pigmented (1 point) 2. What is the natural color of your hair? a. blond (5 points) b. red (5 points) c. light brown (2 points) d. dark brown or black (1 point) 3. Over the course of a year, what is the average amount of time per day that you spend out of doors on the weekends (between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.)? Include running errands, walking or any other outdoor activities. a. less than 10 minutes (2 points) b. 10 to 30 minutes (4 points) c. 30 minutes to 1 hour (6 points) d. 1 to 3 hours (8 points) e. more than 3 hours (10 points) 4. Over the course of a year, what is age. You are at a lower risk for develop­ ing the signs of photoaged skin, but should still protect it to keep it young- looking for a long time! 37 to 75 points: Average risk for photoaging -- You most likely have dark or medium-colored skin and hair, or are more fair and have avoided excessive sun exposure. You have some risk factors for photoaging (a lot of days in the sun as a child?), but not too many. You need to protect your skin every day from the damaging effects of the sun to defend against further photoag­ ing. 76 points or more: High risk for pho­ toaging -- You probably have fair skin and have been exposed to the harmful effects of the sun at a young age. You also have a combination of other risk factors (a lot of time spent outdoors, liv­ ing in a southern climate, skin cancer in the family) that increase your suscepti­ bility to photoaging. You especially need to use a daily protection product to defend against the harmful effects of UV radiation. the average amount of time per day that you spend out of doors on the weekdays (between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.)? Include running errands, walking or any other outdoor activities. a. less than 10 minutes (2 points) b. 10 to 30 minutes (4 points) c. 30 minutes to 1 hour (6 points) d. 1 to 3 hours (8 points) e. more than 3 hours (10 points) 5. Has anyone in your immediate family ever had any form of skin can­ cer? a. yes (10 points) b. no (0 points) 6. On the average, how much time do you spend driving a car or sitting close to a window during daylight hours? . a. less than 10 minutes (0 points) b. 10 to 30 minutes (1 point) c. 30 minutes to 1 hour (2 points) d. 1 to 3 hours (3 points) e. more than 3 hours (4 points) 7. In what area of the country did you spend the majority of your child- hood/teenage years? a. generally warm, sunny area (e.g., Texas, Florida, Alabama; 5 points) b. an area with warm, sunny weather for five or six months each year (e.g.,Virginia, mid-California, Maryland; 3 points) c. an area with warm, sunny weather for less than five months each year (e.g., New England, Oregon, Illinois, the Dakotas; 1 point) 8. How many months out of the year do you wear lightweight or short- sleeved clothing? a. less than 2 months (0 points) b. 3 to 5 months (2 points) c. 6 to 9 months (3 points) d. 10 to 12 months (5 points) 9. How many severe (i.e., blistering) sunburns did you have in your child­ hood or teenage years? a. none (0 points) b. 2 or less (5 points) c. 2 to 5 (12 points) d. more than 5 (15 points) 10. Did you have outdoor summer jobs for three or more years as a teenag­ er? a. yes (8 points) b. no (0 points) 11. Did you have pigmentary spots (i.e., freckles) at a young age? a. yes (10 points) b. no (0 points) 12. Have you ever used a tanning bed? a. never (0 points) b. less than 5 times (1 point) c. 6 to 20 times (2 points) d. more than 20 times (3 points) 13. Have you regularly used a sun­ screen product on your hands and body? a. no, never (5 points) b. yes, for less than 1 year (3 points) c. yes, for 1 to 5 years (1 point) d. yes, for more than 5 years (0 points) 14. What is the approximate altitude where you live? a. sea level to 5,000 feet (0 points) b. greater than 5,000 feet above sea level (3 points) 15. What is your age? (Add 1 point) a. 18 or under b. 19 to 35 c. 36 to 50 d. 51 to 70 e. over 70 How you scored 36 points or less: Minimal risk for photoaging -- You are the lucky one! You probably have darker colored skin and/or have a lifestyle that keeps you out of the sun. You most likely did not have a lot of sun exposure at a young tudent mer special GARVEY Summer Sale 'Moves : Sportswear Suits Knits .$1 Q99-$̂Q99 f r o m17 J7 Swimwear t'lAQQ & Shorts. . . . . . $ 2 9 9 9 9 Sports Shirts.. from Jy Cambridge *Matteo MAAS •Arnold Brant Dress Shirts Slacks S h o rt & L o n g S le e v e D re s s & C asu al, $1099 from $4999 from ■ ^ Keithmoor • Riviera Sportcoats Silk Ties$100" from - A - *1499̂ 2999 Cambridge "Matteo MAAS: "Arnold Brant 183 LAKESHORE RD. E. DOWNTOWN OAKVILLE • 845-8911 STORE HOURS: MON. TUES. WED. SAT. 9-6 THURS. FRI. 9-9 A R M E N S C O U R T Y A R D EARLY B IR D 1 M EN U iA tlm ( ffc U rh ill SERVED DAILY5-7P.M. F jV U f KSL \ fU il ALL INCLUSIVE MEAL- 4 TO CHOOSE FROM T he P lace To M e e t& E a t fjn O a kville '^ >ese sPec^ s are serve^ w ith fresh European rolls a n d w hipped butter, m ixed baby m e n salad ,w ith B alsam ic V inaigrette D ressing choice o f non-alcoholic beverage a n d an ice cream a n d fresh berry fo r dessert. B B Q Chicken A ten der m arin ated boneless chicken breast, lig h tly g rilled a n d basted w ith a hickory sm oked barbeque sauce. S erved w ith rice a n d veggies. P an-F ried F illet o f Sole A m ild fille t o f Sole lig h tly du sted w ith season edflour then p a n -fried 'tillg o ld en brow n a n d served w ith rice p ila f a n d fresh veggies. P etine C alabrese j Tender pen n e noodles tossed w ith fresh tom atoes, garlic, o live o il t a n d b a sil S erved to ith g a rlic b rea d R oast B eef Tender beefsliced th in sm othered w ith grm y a n d served w ith fresh veggies a n d potatoes. 5 9 0 A r g u s R d . (inside the Holiday Irm) 1 Reservations Recommended X l l f r $'799 W r O n t y / £ 3 ^ 3 5 1 WINGS Tuesday & Sunday >------------- O A K V I L L E 'Sr R N E W E S T PUB PUB A. GRILL UPPER OAKVILLE SHOPPING CENTRE 337-7659 Best home-cooked food north o f the Q.E.W. Test your UV I.Q. How you scored GARVEY UPPER OAKVILLE SHOPPING CENTRE

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