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Oakville Beaver, 8 Mar 2018, p. 42

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in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, M ar ch 8 ,2 01 8 |42 N E W S Provincial funding increase for victims of abuse good news, says SAVIS ALEXANDRA H ECK aheck@metroland.com Survivors of sexual abuse in Halton could be getting desperately need­ ed servicing, thanks to a pledge from the Ontario government. Alma Arguello was speechless when she heard the announcement that the province is in­ creasing funding for vic­ tims of abuse, as part of their It's Never Okay pro­ gram. The executive director of Sexual Assault and Vi­ olence Intervention Ser­ vices (SAVIS) in Halton could barely contain her excitement when she heard the province is pledging up to $242 mil­ lion for sexual assault survivors and their fami­ lies. "This has been a long time coming," said Ar- guello, who has been ad­ vocating for increased sexual assault services for years, sitting down with Premier Kathleen Wynne and lobbying the Liberal government. "Gender-based vio­ lence is heinous, com­ pletely unacceptable, and must be stopped," said At­ torney General Yasir "We have been advocating for this for a very long time." - A l m a A r g u e l l o , S A V I S H a l t o n e x e c u t i v e d i r e c t o r Naqvi. "But actions speak louder than words, and that's why it's so impor­ tant we have an action­ able and comprehensive strategy in place." The Ontario govern­ ment is promising a 35 per cent increase in fund­ ing for sexual assault centres like SAVIS Hal- ton, as well as increased legal services for victims of abuse, including a le­ gal clinic specifically ta i­ lored for the LGBTQ com­ munity though EGALE Canada. "We have been advo­ cating for this for a very long time," said Arguello, who since the rise of the #MeToo movement has seen over 70 per cent more calls to the centre. "Now survivors have a • GET CONNECTED platform, and there's a safety net associated with that," she said. "I can't keep up with it. I had to recruit new volunteers." Currently, SAVIS has an office in Oakville and operates satellite loca­ tions in Burlington, Mil­ ton, Acton and George­ town. "This type of service is really needed in the com­ munity," said Arguello. Victims, she says, require the trauma-informed ser- vices that SAVIS provides in order to be a safe place for women, free of judg­ ment or re-victimization. "There is just so much reach that a few dollars could provide," she said. The funding increase will assist SAVIS in expand­ ing their north Halton presence, she hopes. "For so many women, they have waited so long," said Arguello. "It feels like they're finally listen­ ing." Have a com m ent on th is or any o ther com m un ity issues? Email us a t newsroom@insidehalton.com R i c k y W o n g CPA, CA, MBA, B. Eng V o t e d B e s t A c c o u n t a n t b y O a k v i l l e B e a v e r R e a d e r s f o r 11 C o n s e c u t iv e Y e a r s • A c c o u n t in g • A u d i t in g • T a x a t io n For more information please check our website w w w . r i c k y w o n g . c a 1 2 0 0 S p e e r s R d . , U n i t 1 2 , O a k v i l l e , O n t . L 6 L 2 X 4 ( 9 0 5 ) 8 4 5 - 1 4 0 8 | F a x ( 9 0 5 ) 8 4 5 - 5 9 3 1 1 r i c k y @ r i c k y w o n g . c a | HAXELL LAW [ | Buying? Selling? Re-financing? C a ll u s fo r a q u o t e a t 905-845-0767 ext. 223 1276 Cornwall Road, Unit C, Oakville Ontario, L6J 7W5 T:9 0 5 - 8 4 5 - 0 7 6 7 • F:9 0 5 - 8 4 5 -5 5 5 2 • w w w .h axelllaw .co m • law yers@ haxelllaw .com Buy a n d s e ll in y o u r n e ig h b o u rh o o d . tradye ; / ' * F O R B U S IN E S S E X C E L L E N C E * ' \ l P r e s e n t e d b y t h e O a k v i l l e C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e a n d t h e R o t a r y C l u b o f O a k v i l l e W e s t ^ A n n u a l O A B E D I N N E R G A L A Tuesday, March 27, 2018 5 :3 0 p m - 9 :0 0 p m O a k v i l le C o n f e r e n c e C e n t r e 2515 Wyecroft Road $125 per person. Tables of 8 available. OABE Finalists may purchase tickets at $87.50 per person. To purchase tickets visitwww.oakvillechamber.com, call 905-845-6613, or email info@oakvillechamber.com Bell Genworth^ Canada ' ' CI\J fSCOGGCO GE O'ConnorMacLeod Ha n n a111 OAKVILLE HVDJtO A £ , y mailto:aheck@metroland.com mailto:newsroom@insidehalton.com http://www.rickywong.ca mailto:ricky@rickywong.ca http://www.haxelllaw.com mailto:lawyers@haxelllaw.com http://www.oakvillechamber.com mailto:info@oakvillechamber.com Provincial funding increase for victims of abuse good news, says SAVIS

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