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Oakville Beaver, 8 Mar 2018, p. 21

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WINTER CARNIVAL Clockwise from left, Grade 3 Ecole Forest Trail students get in the winter spirit with Bonhomme Carnaval during the Oakville school's Winter Carnaval, held to mark Quebec's annual winter festival. Students enjoyed a variety of indoor and outdoor activities to celebrate the occasion. Grade 6 student Kian Venter, 11, keeps an eye on the ball as he sprints to the finish line during the soccer ball in a lacrosse stick relay race. Ecole Forest Trail Winter Carnavalstudent ambassadors Sydney Haltrecht, 13, Sara Raymond, 13, Stephanie Muntean, 14, Kelsa Kavander, 14, and Hallie Taylor, 13, put on a cheer to mark the school's carnival event in honour of Quebec's annual winter festival. 21 f o ^ | p f H = 1 - 1 1 / i r m r ? i m r e a p> r r r e w i r e r o (SEE READY POWERSPORTS.COM FOR DETAILS) Suzuki: "Springtim e Sa le s Event!" 1$ SUZUK I w w w .re a d y s u zu k i.c o m 430 Hensall Circle, Mississauga Sales Direct: 866-819-4114 *Vehicle License fee (where applicable) and HST are extra. Vehicle(s) and accessories shown are for illustration purposes only. Pricing includes factory incentives as follows: (DRZ70 $300/TU250X $0/ SV650SA $1000/GSX250R $250/VZ800 $1.200/GSX-R750 $100). All 2015/2016- 2018 Motorcycles come with 48/60 months SPP included. See us for full details. Offers good until March 31,2018. 2017 DRZ70 *2,369* 2017 TU250X *5,179* • 34 2018 GSX250R*5,129* j f l U l 2015 SV 650SA I P ^ § * 7 , 7 6 9 2016 VZ800 *8,669* r n iT T i iT )Y 7 r n T n n n ~ !T 3 WWW.READYKAWASAKI.COM • 430 HENSALL CIRCLE, MISSISSAUGA • 877-297-7446 MEGA CASH CREDITS % w 2 0 1 6 VU CLAS 2016 GSX-R750 *13,269* 'Vehicle Licence fee (if applicable) and HST extra on all offers. Sale Price on the New Motorcycles includes freight and P.D.E., ECFfF, Licence Administration Fee and OivlVIC Fee. Pricing o f the following include a limited time rebate of: EX300B6FA $850/EX400GJF $0/Versys X300 S0/Z800 $1 .000/VN900DGF S1000/ZX6SE ABS $1,500. Motorcycle(s) and accessories shown are for illustration purposes only. Actual colours may vary depending on availability. Dealer trade or Factory Order may be necessary. Offers subject to change w ithout notice, see us for full details. Offers cannot be combined w ith any other offers, programs or discounts and are good until March 31 ,20 18 . "IT'S SPRING! SALES EVENT!" YAMAHA 3 4 3 * 6 , 8 4 I f E 3 SA.SOO* 2016 FZ7 2015 FJ-09 FZ-10AHG K o d ia l ^O EPS ATV EF2000iS EF3000lSEB Outboard Motors www.readyyamaha.com * 430 Hensall C ircle, M ississauga 866-819-4086 Black$4,599* 5100 Generator EF3000ISEB I t - .w n u u Aoaiac 4 3 U trd M IV ( A q J F i s8,100* S10,999* s16,969* s9,669* s1,155* s2,715 s3,088 Coloured Body add 'Vehicle Licence (where applicable) and HST extra. Sale Price on the New Motorcycles includes freight and P.D.E., ECRF, Licence Administration Fee and OivlVIC Fee. Freight & PDE ($65/$75/$100/$65), all extra on the following on the other products: (EF2000iS/EF3000iSEB/F15SMHA/F4CMHA). Pricing of the following include a limited time rebate and discount of: (R3 $640/FZ7 $160/FJ-09 $0/FZ-1 OANG $0/Kodiac $0/EF2000iS $120/EF3000iSEB $150/F4SMHA $50/F15SMHA $100). Dealer order/trade may be necessary, if we sell out of our inventory. Vehicle(s) and accessories shown are for illustration purposes only. Offers good until March 3 1 ,20 18 and are subject to change w ithout nolice, see us for full details. m m jm n m O V ER 105 U S E D M O T O R C Y C L E S IN -S T O C K ! 430 Hensall Circle, Mississauga www.readypowersports.com D G aM 7® M [M U M 'Vehicle License Fee (where applicable) and HST extra. Some of the prices include limited lime Factory Incentives: 390 Duke $800/RC390 $800/450 SX-F $1,500/250 EXC-F $0/450 XC-F $0/690 Enduro $1,500. Offers good until March 31,2018. www.readyktm.com 430 Hensall Circle, Mississauga 8 6 6 - 8 1 2 - 5 5 8 2 2017 2 50 jEXC-F HONDA DREAM GARAGE SALES EVENT! T u |$1 , 9 9 9 ^ * 4 •ARALLEL EG5000 El * 5 8 9 * Ŝ R̂R21610PKC , 9 9 9 f e > s i EU7000ISC ' ■ ( f t *999* \̂ MQTOHYC 2016 CBR600RAG *12,600* _ J R J M P GENERATOR -̂WSSlBSAUq .̂ * 1 , 3 9 9 * 5 2 9 * EU2000IT1 PI WB20XK2C s o o o *© *389 AC. „ \ \ HRS2165PKC 430 Hensall Circle, Mississauga i s1.199 Sales Direct: 866- 819-4116 1 2.3DK2SCHC "L ice nce fee ( if a pp licab le ) and HST e xlra on a ll o ffe rs . O ffe rs c an no t be com bin ed w ith a ny o th er o ffe rs , p ro gram s o r d isco un ts and are good un til M arch 3 1 ,2 0 1 8 . Down paym e nt o r equ iva len t tra d e -in on purchase fin a n c in g m ay be re quired based on approved c re d it from Honda Rnancia l Se rv ices Inc. Sale P rice on The N ew M o torcyc les in c lu de s fre ig h t and P.D.E., ECRF, L icence A d m in is tra tion Fee and OMVIC Fee. Fre ight & PDE ($ 6 5 /$ 6 5 /$ 6 5 /$ 6 5 /$ 6 5 /$ 6 5 /$ 6 5 /$ 6 0 0 /$ 6 0 0 ) , ECRF ($ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 1 8 .5 0) and L icence A d m in is tra tion ($ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 3 9 9 /$ 3 9 9 ) a re a ll extra on the fo llo w in g on the o th er p ro du cts : W B20XK2C/EU2000iT1/EG 5000//EU7000ISC /2.3DK2SCHC/HRS2165PKC/HRR216 1 0PKC/HRX217 5H YC/TRX420FA6/TRX500FA7). P ric ing o f the pow er e qu ipm e nt m ay include a lim ite d tim e rebate and d isco un t and the M otorcyc les/ATV 's as fo llo w s : C B300F $ 1 ,000/C BX500H $ 5 0 0/CBR60 0 RAG $ 2 ,0 0 0/CRF2 5 0 L $500/CRF1000LARG $ 1 ,000/C B R 1000S $ 4 ,00 0/G L1 80 0B G $ 3 ,5 0 0 .1 .9 % C onventional Purchase fin a n c in g fo r 2 4 m onth term app lies to all 2 0 1 4 -2 0 1 7 N ew Honda M o to rcyc le 's . F inancing Exam ples: $ 8 ,0 0 0 @ 1 .9 % per annum fo r 2 4 m o nth s equ a ls $ 3 3 9 .9 7 p er m o nth C.O.B. is $ 1 5 9 .2 8 Total O bligation $ 8 ,1 5 9 .2 8 . Dealer o rd e r/tra d e m ay be necessary, if w e ru n o u t o f in ve nto ry o f se le c te d m o de ls . Vehicle(s) and acce sso rie s sho w n are fo r illu stra tion p urpo se s only. O ffe rs s u b je c t to change w ith o u t n o tice , see u s fo r fu ll de ta ils . 2016 GL1800BG *21,769* | O akville B eaver | Thursday, M arch 8, 2018 insidehalton.com http://www.readysuzuki.com http://WWW.READYKAWASAKI.COM http://www.readyyamaha.com http://www.readypowersports.com http://www.readyktm.com WINTER CARNIVAL fo^| pf H =1 -11 *2,369* *5,179* • 34 *5,129* *8,669* *13,269* 34 3*6, 84 If Tu|$1,999^*4

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