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Oakville North News (Oakville, Ontario: Oakville Beaver, Ian Oliver - Publisher), 16 Jul 1993, p. 12

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875 sq. ft. industrial com- mercial. or automotive Spears Road. close to Third Lina. 878-0170. AFFORDABLE, FORDABLE Spears Third Line, 1325-2900 ft. Lots of parking. 2 separate from units or combined. Fm- ished olfice lrelail. zoned M5. $3.50 m. upgrade to your needs. competitively priced. Call owner 347~ 3526 or 878-0170. Leave THREE BEDROOM Pent- house wilh den. 3960‘ Two bedroom penthouse with den. $900. One bedroom THREE bedroom town- house. Clarkson GO. 1-1/2 baths. hardwood floors, new windows, 5 appliances. Ask- ing $119,900. Please call 876-0363 SERVICED LOT. 80'x125‘ in established neighbour- hood in Waterdown. Asking $117,900. Call Mike, (416)689â€"3313 message if necessary A SUPER successtul op- ponunity Automotive Repair Centres. Cash in on proven thurnkey operation. 733- 1962 SNACK route tor sale. Guaranteed locations/ prot- itability. Investment re- >quired. 1-800-368-8363 TIME vending business. Wall-mounted. compact cold drink machines. All Io- caiions in Burlington. No lranchise tees. Asking $10,000. Call Arlene after 5pm,634-7251. HAPPY? It ypu're _not mak- ing $300 a Hay ; leis tarik‘ (416) 761-7510 (24 hours). ESTABLISHED PART- DOWNTOWN OAKVILLE. Small retail store for rent. 860-1100 sq.fl. vacant. Ro- duced. Call Bill 639-7723: 681 -3507. Hopedale area. 3 bed-1 room bungalow with‘ rivate 2-bedroom in- aw-suite in basement. Large lot. New kitchen and bathroom. Fresh- ly painted decorat- ed. To View, call 827- 9101, Pager 376- 03364 No agents please“ In charming S.E. Oakville. Sparkling. 3 bedroom. 2 baths. 1 marble and mir- rors, on quiet mature cres- cent. Bright open con- ceptt Livingroom ldining room. Tastotul basement with office and walk-out. Hardwood floors. fire- place. large double ga- ra e/workshop. Walk to 0‘ HS. St. Mildred‘s, Lin- brook French Immersion. $315,000. 338â€"1173 Private Sale Biafiifiifies [III] houses for saIe 0 LOANS 0 LINE OF CREDIT 'No up Iron! tees 'Up to 95% financing 'ln-home Consultation *6 Days, 9 am-9 pm ‘1st-2nd 3rd mtges 'ResidentiaI/Comm. NEW LISTING office In business Emanci- manned 2 3 Bedroom Apartments Available Close to Sheridan Colle e Oakville Place. Quiet parkâ€"like setting. or info call: ENNISCIARE ON THE LAKE II 1260 Marlborough Court 1 8: 2 Bedroom Apartments Available Immediately Close to Sheridan College Oakville Place. Quiet ark-like setting. or info call: A three bedroom suite available over- looking lake. Also two bedroom suites. Fully air conditioned, indoor parking, pool and saunas. Reasonable and stable rents. Luxurious Lakefront Apartments For Rent, Oakville 2 bedroom den - 1830 sq.ft 3 bedroom - 1575 sq.ft. mama-m mum,gulljhgfifi!e.fiw. Super Luxury, Extra Large Completely Renovated 1 - 2 - 3 Bedroom Suites (Incl. NEW Kitchen, Bathroom, Carpeting) From $785. Beautifully landscaped! 5220 Lakeshore Rd. Burlington's Prime Address! " 2-Bdrm. (1425 sq.ft.) From $965. * Big 20'x26' liv./din.rm *A/C *Fn’dge, Stove, Dishwasher *Heated Outdoor Pool *Sauna *Recroom *Indoor/Ouldoor Parking MARLBOROUGH COURT APARTMENTS 1229 Marlborough Court Outstanding Design by Award Winning Architect Bachelors -1 - 2 3 Bedrooms From $650. 2160 Lakeshore Rd. E. Burlington, 333-9141 ”spud-fiatsbrrent 5166 5170 Lakeshore Road, Burlington 333-9533 OAKVILLE COURT WALLACE PINES II Call 827-6625 or 845-1482 BROKERS WELCOME ON THE LAKE Downtown Burlington THE CANADIANA Picturesque Country Lifestyle Residence 0n- The-Lake Lakefront Apartments Call_fqr_app_oi_nt_nlent. 84457332 845-7545 8424551 8 apisJflatsforrent -aph.1la13brrent -apts.1latsbrm1t GLEN ABBEY- 2 bedroom apanment, jacuzzi, laundry. private entrance, arking. September 151. Call orothy 847-6831 TWO , BEDROOM Whig bright basement, large kitch- en. cable. parking. separate entrance. quiet street 0” Kerr. Suit adult non smokers. $795. monthly. utilities included, August 1st. 842-9349. ONE bedroom, $648. Au- ust1st. 2 bedroom $723. eptember 1st._ Includes militias and parking. 849- 4782 ONE bedroom basement apartment. spacious.eat-in kttchen.diningroom. cable. air. Northeast Oakville. close to all amenities. no parkin , $550/month. 842â€"81 9. ONE bedroom basement apartment. On bus route. near GO and downtown. $500. plus utilities. 842-6582 TWO bedroom apartment. Lakeshore Rd Kerr St. Im- mediate possession. Quiet buildin . $673/month. 847â€"90 9 TWO bedroom apanment‘ Available immediately. $600/month. Call between TWO bedroom, ground floor apanment o! duplex. exclu- swe use of basement, $730/month632â€"5§90. AI- ONE bedroom plus den $900. monthly, one bed- room $800. In beautifully maintained quiet building. downtown. walk to shops. old Oakville. Lots 01 seniors in building‘ Call 844â€"6952. no lease. ébirh. ahd'a p.ri1. 827â€"7008 beri McDonagh Ltd. Realty. Condo Apts. 2 3‘ bedrooms from $885 per month. 0 5 appliances 0 fireplace 0 air conditioning - vertical blinds - broadloom - storage rooms - recreational area - parking included ‘0 security entrance Please call bet- ween 9 a.m.- 5p.m. Available Now Nice nei hborhood. North-east. undas/Win- ston Churchill. Easy ac- cess to 403/QEW/Hwy.5. 2 bedroom apartment. Fireplace. garden, 5 afi- pliances, $750/rnom . 827â€"2218. Luxury one and two bedroom apart- ments. Air condi- tioning, pool. Summer rent special. 1-2-3 BR. P.H. APARTMENTS From $570/ma. Quiet, clean bldg. Apply: Rental Office 2386 New 8!. Mon. thru Sat. 11 am-1 pm, or call: 639-5761, Anytlme OAKVILLE GLEN ABBEY PREMIER COURT s ecial. 33 -3342 825-3327 ONE and two bedrooms available immediarely. Spears Road. No rent in- crease for 1993. No last month's deposit required. Call? Superimendent 844- 194 . EAST OAKVILLE base- ment apartment, 1 bedroom plus den, large Iivingroom washroom, bright open concept ki1chen. shared laundry. own entrance. ga- rage. sundeck. large treed lot. Sun 1 person. $650 in- clusive. 259â€"8697 BACHELOR apartment, available September lsl.. centrally located. all ulilities including parking, $455. 91/momh. 844â€"1934. bet- ween 9 am- 5 pm. Monday to Fridfay only. BRAND new large 2 bed- room. All new applicances. air, central vac., parking, convenient. desirable loca- tion. $768. inclusive‘ 847â€"7211 NEWLY renovated. Bronte area. 2 bedroom with bal- cony. Rent reduced to $730. Immediate occu- pancy. Children pets wel- come. 847-1138 WEST OAKVILLE 1 bed- room. Sepiember 151. Air, central vac, fireplace, laun- dry. large yard. $670. mommy. 825â€"1950 LAKESHORE/KERR. 2 bedroom $875 plus h dro. On 2 levels. Bright an spa- cious. Balcony, ensuite laund .parklng. lmmme- diate. 35â€"1937 Sq. Apts. 1289 Marlborough Court 1 8. 2 bdnns + den, close to GO/QEW -AIC- Fridge, Stove - Squash Cn. -|ndoor pools - Sauna Call for appointment to view 842-6051 Mon.-Fri.9am-5 pm 338-5742/ 844-5219 after 5 pm \ a. weekends Luxury 2 a. 3 bed'Foom Garden Home: in Oak viile imm $915 per month. -5 appliances fireplace OBroadioom oVenical blinds oBaloonies or patios oStorage moms oSecunty entrance On-site management -Fiecnaational area Walking included ‘ Ask about our bonus otger 0 mins. from QEW/GO - Exqeptionallywel'l- maintained highrise - Hydro included 0 Outdoor pool Bachelor, 1 Damn, 2 bdrm. lrom $551. RICHARD TOWERS 36 East St... Bronte Spacious 1 2 bedroom apartments. Available immed_ia_teiy. Hartfordshire ' Un'lltod time only Orange Prop. 827-91 69 ' ’547-5043 Mum!- om 845-9502 OAKVILLE, large two bed- rooms. carpeted. $680 In- clusive, 1 bedroom $599., Bachelor, $498. August 1st. non-smoker. 233â€"7441. OAKVILLE: 1 bedroom basement, cable. laundry. parking, separate emrance. air. $650. First and last. July 15:, Call 849-1493. BACHELOR APARTMENT, walk to Go. separate en- trance. utilities and parking included. August 15!. $525. 338â€"9187 BACHELOR apartment. available September lst.. penlrally locate_d, all uliljtle‘s includin arking. $544. 15/mont.844â€"134.bet- ween 9 am- 5 pm. Monday to Friday only. DUNDASIWINSTON Churchill. completely pri- vate, big. basement bachelor a anment. Bus at door. $550 momh utilities in- cluded. 829â€"5437 CLEAN 3 bedroom. 1-1/2 bath home. 4 appliances. large private lot in Burling- ton. $1400. 825â€"3707 BRICK Bungalow. 3 bed- room, basement finished. large lot, close to schools. quite location. Morden [Re- becca area. Available Au- gust 1st. lass-.2040 after 6 BRONTE area. Main floor 0! 3 bedroom bungalow. $800lmomh. Au usl 16(h‘ References. 847â€" 694. EXECUTIVE two stor . three bedroom. 2-1/2 was - rooms. double garage, fam- ily room w/fireplace |a_rge master bedroom w/ensuite 3 appliances. fenced back- yard. air, window coverings, July 15. $1400. 338-0622. LOVELY 2 bedroom a art- mem. downtown Oakvile lo- cation. 5 appliances. avail- able Au us! 1st. Maureén 842-927 or 827-9268. 5m. or weekends. CLARKSON EXECU- TIVE. Architect home, one of a kind. must be seen. $2900./month. Ma le Leaf Home Marketin onsult- ants Inc. 842â€"83 LAKESHOREIDEVON in lovely southeast Oakvillo. Tudor style, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. double garage. fenced yard. air, available Augusi or Se p.tember $1500./month Ma agle Lea! Home Marketing onsult- ants Inc. 842â€"8383 NORTHEAST Oakville. im- maculate 4 bedrooms, 6 ap- pliances. 2 year lease. Au- gusuTBA. $1800/month lus utilities. Helen Light- ody. Remax Aboutowne 338-9000. OLDE Oakville. 2 bedroom flat, breezeway. yard. near hosgital and,QQ._ flsq se- 2 bdrms, 2 full bthrms, 14495 .tt.. south west exposure, avail. Sept. tst. uilder su- ite, like new, 5 appliances, drapery and many upgrades, recreational facilities, pool, b.b.q. area, party room, titness centre, guest suites, tennis court, billiard room and security. For more info call: $1,185 Mo. North Oakville single home with inground pool. 3 bedrooms, one 4 piece bath, arage. air conditione , quiet court setting. Poss. Sept. tst. Call Carman Munro 827-1168 or 847-5502 Harbour Property Man- agement Ltd. Realtor GOLF COURSE LOT F35] houses for rem m condominium j]apts.natstonem LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS GLEN ABBEY 827â€"3027 FURNISHED bachelor a anment $500/month in- c udes utilities and parking. 849â€"4782 FURNISHED one bed- room basement apanment. Central air. private phone. _e_n_t_rance. perking. Cable. College. Oakville, near 403/QEW. 3-bedrooms. $1175/mo. plus utilities. Available Sept. 15!. i’fV/f ""Au u§t 1st $525/momh. 639. EXCLUSIVE HOME, 4-bed- rooms. den, C/V. CIA, large deck. View of park. $1.595/mo. Available Au- gust.24m. 634â€"8508 PRIME locatiOn éWedga- wood and Alsoot rescent) $1.400lmonth. 3 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms. 21ireplace, double garage. air. avail- able September ISL, 845â€"4568. ACROSS FROM Sheridan THREE bedroom, FP in lamlly room. 2 1/2 baths. rec room. finished basement. double garage. September 1st, $1200/monthly. 842â€"3945 TWO BEDROOM house in quiet downtown Burling- ton area. Finished base- ment. fridge and stove in- cluded. House in excellent condition and easy to main- tain. Ideal for retired or MARINE Drlve. by the har- bour. 2 bedroom condo. Great view of the lake. $925 uti|ities included. Chris 6390. Sales Rep.. Re/Max Realty Checkpoint Inc. 897- SHERWOOD HEIGHTS. Large 4 bedroom detached, central air/ vac. immaculate conditlon, family room with fireplace den 2- 1/2 wash- rooms. Available imme- diately. $1500 firm. 829â€"0487 THREE BEDROOM semi for rent. Second house from lake. Bronte Harbour. Large master with ensuite. finished basement with fireplace. ap- pliances included. $1250. gar month. Call Advantage lus Realty Inc. 844â€"4444 THREE bedroom. 1 1/2 bathroom house. with 4 ap- pliances. central air, tire- place. within walking dis- tance of downtown. Sep- tember 151. $1250./ month. 842â€"3132. LANDLOHDSI WE have many screened. qualified tenants available! Call anytime if you have a va- cancy. 876-3557, Active Management THREE bedroom bunga- low, air conditioned. lridge. stove, freezer, finished basement, arage. O.T.M.H. area. 769â€" 334 BURLINGTON. LUXURY furnished 1 2 bedroom. overlooking lake. pool. rec complex. 'rorn $1.095/mo.. 632-8354 «632-6189 TWO bedroom in small lux- ury building. central air bal- cony, 5 agrliances, indoor parking ear shopping GO. 3? 025/monih includes heat and hydro. 842â€"3945 BURLINGTON TWO bed- room. 1-1/2 baths. five apâ€" pliances, CIA. solarium. 24hr sewmy Close to lake. 632â€"1913 THREE bedroom bungalow with in-law suite, large lot, $1250 plus utilities. Avail- able August 15. 781-4091 . condominlums ' (orient ENNIS“ manilatsfonent TOWNHOUSE, 415 River Oaks Blvd. 3 bedrooms. Available immediately; 5 appliances. air conditioning. gas heating, 1 1/2 bath- rooms. $1100lmonth. Call 953, 8458624, K.C. McCall. THREE bedrooms. 5 ap- pliances, cemral air. close to GO and Oakville Places Sept. 1st. possession. $1175.. Frank 338-2001. 338-7059 TOWNHOUSE 3 bed- rooms, private and unit. 4 appliances, Nonh Oakville. $1050/momh| . Available Sept |st..827-5 52. RENOVATED 2 bedroom townhouse. 2-1/2 baths. central air. 5 appliances. finâ€" ished rec room wi1h wet bar. 2 car parking, very clean. $1200. 827â€"6030. THREE bedroom town- house. 5 appliances, air conditioned. Available Ju 151. $1,000 plus hydro. 33 -7482 Diane, K.C. Mc- Call Propeny Managemem. OAKVILLE 3 bedroom townhouse cuI-de-sac. close to Go 81150. July 151. Da 5 206-3080 evenings 82 â€"2115. TOWNHOUSE for rent. End unit, 3 bedrooms. 1 1/2 baths. 5 a pliancas. central air. close garage. finished basement. 81h Line/Upper Middle Rd. area 847â€"6906 LUXURY 3 bedroom. 3 bath, air fireplace, familz room, Upper Middle/8T Line $1250. Aqgusl 1st. Line $1250. Au 348â€"4940. 849-42 SOUTH-WEST bungaiow. 3+] bedrooms. 1 1/2 baths. finished basement. air, 2- car garage. Immaculate‘ Sept, Ist. 827-1325. home, 5 apgliances. ga- ra a. North akville, avail- ab 9 August 15 or Septem- ber lst., $1,050 er month plus militias, Cal Joe Rup- cich, Broker, 844â€"0363. Oakdome Hearty Ltd., Real- tor. LOVELY River Oaks town- home. Grey and white decor. 3 bedrooms 1 full and 2 halt baths. 5 ap - piiances. $1200/mo. glus utilities. Call Stephanie en- ney. Rte/Max Aboutowne Re- any Corp. LUXUHIOUS 3 bedroom townhome. 5 fifgliances. 2 baths, finishe asament. arage. Central air. $1150. 38-3320 LUXURY 3 bedroom 3-1/2 bath, air. Near Oakville Place. GO. Security. $1385. Also 3 bedroom. 1- 1/2 bath. large finished basement. $1100. near Sheridan. August 1st. 338- 3820. room inlaw suite. 3-1/2 baths. double garage. for- mal livingldlning rooms, fa- mllyroorn w/flreplace. Many extras. $1.695. Negotiable. (416)876-3557. Active Managemem CENTRAL- bright 2bed- room townhouse. ensuite. oak floor. drapes. ap- pliances. Immaculate. Sep- tember 15:. $1040. 338-0966. IMMACULATE 3 bedroom townhouse, in Nonh Oak- ville. large master bedroom. finished rec roomfiarags, 5 appliances. air .w kto and schools. Call ark Price. Sales Rep. RelMax Aboutowne Raany Corp. 842-7000‘ EXECUTIVE! CUSTOM- BUILT 3 bedroom wI1-bed- SLOW/MONTH. 4 bed- room, 2 baths. 4 applianc- es, garage, Falgarwood lo- cation. andlord reviewing applications from reliable parties needing August 1st possession. 0 view. call 827-0511 LARGE 4 bedroom town- AVAILABLE August 1st, 3 bedroom townhouse for rem in North Oakville. $990 per month includes utlllties and 4 appliances. Call Joe bel- ween 12 pm. - 6 pm. 827â€"1025. BURLINGTON Tyandaga executive 3 bedroom, gas central air. heat. 3 ap- liances. finished rec. with ireplace. walk-out to col. Near Aldershot GO. 990. Septemberlst 332-3167 313%th torrent

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