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Oakville Beaver, 22 Feb 2018, p. 24

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in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, F eb ru ar y 22 , 2 01 8 |24 Advertorial House to Home with Debbie Travis: In the pink D ear D ebb ie ; For yea rs I have s te e re d aw ay from fleshy be ige p in k w a lls th a t w ere a ll the rage p a in te d th ro u g h o u t the house w hen I was g ro w in g up. M aybe it was because the w ho le house gave o f f a k in d o f b lah, coo l au ra . La te ly I have been draw n to p ink , i t s ta r te d w ith a p re tty b louse, then a rose ja cke t. Now I 'm th in k in g p in k fo r m y liv in g room . W hat are y o u r th o u g h ts? A m anda Dear Amanda; Our colour sense does evolve as we grow up and experience more and more diverse settings. We are pre­ sented with annual changes in c lo th­ ing fash ions with last year's popular styles and colours being eclipsed by a new round of shapes and shades. The same goes for home decor. And while it isn 't practical to change your sofa or carpeting as quickly as you can buy tha t pink blouse with the high collar and funky shaped sleeves, you can paint a wall or two in the la test hue. And you can also decide on a co­ lour tha t you never thought you would look at again. Pink is a wonderful colour. It has many personalities and can be as subtle or as robust as you choose. Berry pinks are saturated and fu ll of energy; so ft pinks are delicate, and suggest genteel surroundings. Bright pinks are fun, youthful and inspiring. You can find pink as a beautifu l shade of faded red, at home on trad itiona l walls and furn ishings. Pink and red are a natural duo, one cool and the other warm. When you pair pink with white, i t 's fresh and positive. Along­ side grey, the same shade becomes more sophisticated. The sunny b e d /s itt in g room shown here evokes the pinks of a summer garden. The paint is from Benjamin Moore's 2018 palette, Pleasant Pink in Natura eggshell sh im m ers on the walls, and its freshness is heightened by the Dreamy Cloud sem i-gloss trim . A weathered dresser and teak chairs would be ju s t as at home outside on a wood deck. A black and white carpet grounds the room, the stripes add­ ing texture and depth. Peek into the bathroom for a splash o f Texas Rose from the Bath and Spa Collection with a m atte fin ish. The deeper tone bal­ ances the se tting with a warm glow. A final note; pink makes everyone look good, it casts a healthy glow. Bedroom, bathroom, dining room all great places to try out a rose-co­ loured shade. D e ar D ebb ie ; M y fa vo u rite c o lo u r is red. I d o n 't th in k I 'm a fla shy pe rson , b u t w hen I 'm shop p in g , I a lw ays g ra v ita te tow ard a n y th in g th a t has som e k in d o f red de- DEBBIE TRAVIS House to Home ta il. I 've a lw ays been a fra id to go b ig w ith red in m y hom e. Is i t too d a rin g ? W ill I t ire o f it? M on ica Dear Monica; I have a friend who w restled with the same thoughts as you have about buying a bright raspberry red sofa for her new condo. She couldn 't stop th ink ing about it, picturing it radiat­ ing its cheerful, inviting aura into the room. When it arrived, she knew it was perfect. Rather than being too much colour, it brought other colours and deta ils in her room alive. The black and grey carpet, the white and grey curta ins produced a quiet bal­ ance against the rich tones of the sofa. Don't be afraid to invest in a colour tha t you love. It brings out the personal side of decorating, and will make you happy, which is the funda­ mental goal o f feathering your nest. W ritten by D ebb ie Travis a n d B a rba ra D ingle. P lease e m a il d e c o ra tin g q ue s tions to house2hom e@ deb b ie trav is .com . Fo llow D ebb ie a t in s ta g ra m .c o m /d e b b ie _ tra v is , f a c e b o o k . c o m / t h e d e b b i e t r a v i s , debb ie trav is .com . TOP 1% IN CANADA FORROYAL LEPAGE SHEILA BARRY & LINDA ZYLIK SALES REPRESENTATIVE BROKER u. lerage REALTY PLUS I U I OMlf. BROKERAGE INDEPENDEKTiy OWNED AND OPERATED CALL OR EMAIL TODAY905.467.4745 LINDA@ SHEILAANDLINDA.COM • TO VIEW ALL LISTINGS AND VIDEOS GO TO SHEILAANDLINDA.COM SOLD SOLD NEw LISTING 3296 Su MMERSET COuRT • $1,189,000 3348 MISTw ELL CRESCENT • $1,699,000 234 ALISON CRES • $1,436,000 $2,388,888 344 BAYERSTOCK CRES, MILTON • $598,988 4 BEDRM, 2.5 BATH. COURT LOCATION 4 BEDRM, 4 BATH ON PIE SHAPED LOT 4+1 BEDROOMS, 4.5 BATHROOMS ON DESIRABLE SW OAKVILLE POCKET FABULOUS FREEHOLD TOW NHOME; 3 BACKING ONTO PARK/WOODED TRAIL 4 SEASON RM W/VAULTED Glass Ce il in g SUPERB LOCATION IN LAkESHORE 95'x150' LOT. 3000 SF + FIN. BSMT 20'x40' BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH ON Family Friendly m o v e in r e a d y ! w a l k t o l a k e , pa r k s & t r a il s w o o d s . fu lly f in is h e d l o w e r l e v e l . p o o l . r e n o v a t e d in t e r io r crescent in highly sought afterarea.

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