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Oakville Beaver, 15 Sep 1999, Classified, C5

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WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15,1999 Page C5The Oakville Beaver CLASSIFIED To place an ad please call 845-3824 or 337-5610 Fax 632-8165 Mon.- Fit 8:30 am.- 6 p.m. REAL ESTATE 100-165 I W ^ ' i n P r e n t a l s 170-196 LEISURE LIVING 200-265 MERCHANDISE 300-375 AUTOMART 400-465 HELP WANTED 500*599 ANNOUNCEMENTS 600-675 SERVICES 700-800 i o ^ ClassiffiedEXpress™ 2 4 H O U R S A D A Y We Accept Cheque or Cash DEADLINES & CANCELLATIONS: M on. 6 p m for W ednesday; W ed. 6 p .m . for Friday. T h u rs . 6 p .m . for S unday houses for sale houses for sale houses for sale OPEN House Sat./ Sun. 2- 5pm. 1324 Roylen Rd. North Oakville. Immaculate 3-bedroom serrti-detached 2-baths, huge familyroom, new furnace, C/A, oak kitchen, renovated bath­ room, 5 appliances. Many more upgrades. $169,900. 338-3582._______________ HEADON Forest 4 bedroom home, 2.5 baths, hardwood & ceramics throughout, eat-in-kitchen, family room with fireplace, main floor laundry cent air & vac, close to schools and parks, great family home on a quiet street. 3206 Renton Rd. $225,000. 331-8285 EXECUTIVE Townhouse end unit. 2 oversized bed­ rooms, 2.5 baths. Family room. C/A, Fenced yard. Garage. Low condo fees. Immaculate condition. Flexible close. Many ex­ tras. $149,900. (905)-336- 5955 ENNISCLARE II West. Condo on the Lake. 2180 Marine Dr., Oakville. Fabulous lake and skyline views. 1969 sq.ft, sub­ penthouse, separate diningroom, 2-bedrooms, den, walk-in closet, large ensuite, storage & laundry rooms. Spectacular recreational facilities. $437,900, (905)847-1771 "HARBOUR Lights" approx. 1750 sq.ft. 2-bedroom +den, 2-baths, eat-in kitchen. 30 day possession. $215,000. Please call. M. Chisholm Real Estate, J. Chisholm Sales rep. 632-0177._______________ WE specialize in Condo­ minium Sales. Linda Da­ vies Real Estate Ltd., Real­ tor. 333--4347, 827-7728 ■ industrial /commercial space GREAT PROPERTY Private Sale Downtown Burlington 3+bedrooms, 1 /2 acre lot $379,000. C a l l (9 0 5 ) 6 3 9 -3 9 6 0 FINANCIAL Indepen­ dence- You can have it! In­ ternet based business- ground floor opportunity- growing rapidly. (905)- 825-2666 BUNG A L O W (O akv ille ) close to downtown, 3 bed­ room, 4 appliances, finished basement, garage, a/c. No pets. $1200./mo. Avail. Oct. 1 st 847-1246 or 847-3708 I franchises 160 businessopportunities 160 businessopportunities I Opportunities Across Canada ■ Great Profit ■ Comprehensive Training ■ Low cash Investment ■ Absolutely No Inventory SCHOOLEY M ITCHELL 1-800-465-4145 w w w .schoo leym itche ll.com THE ORIGINAL WATER CLUB an industry leader in home & office delivery of premium, purified bottled water & cool­ ers, offers comprehen­ sive training, central­ ized admin. & national marketing support. Af­ fordable investment. Excellent returns. Visit us a t the Canadian F ra n c h is e Show. Metro Toronto Conven­ tion Centre. Sept. 24 to 26. Call Les Gower at 1-888-928-2582 mortgages, loans mortgages, loans mortgages, loans MONEY ACCESS • No credit investigation • Confidentiality REQUIRED TO BE APPROVED: • $10,000 and up financing • RRSP or RIF, LIRA, Mutual Funds • Pension Plan from a Former Employer C.F.M. INC.-Analyzed by our Consultants and referred for Rapid Financial Execution! Call Toll Free: 1-888-657-1062 Fax: 1-888-703-1492 7 Days P e r W eek - 24 H o u r Service 1600 sq.ft, industrial unit for lease, QEW & Walkers Line. Call Harry. 465-6379. UNIT for lease, 2800 sq.ft. Drive-in door, A/C, com­ pletely renovated. Must see. Oakville. (905)828- 7544. (905)844-5182 1100 sq.ft, of business space available in historic Downtown Oakville. Gra­ cious old house on river setting has second floor walk up with separate side entrance. Ready for tenant. Some parking available on site. To view please call, 846-3211____________ " OAKVILLE Downtown Mews. Retail/ office/ com­ mercial units. 850 sq.ft., 1100 sq.ft. & 1200 sq.ft. (905)845-6160.___________ DOWNTOWN Oakville office space. 2 rooms, 3rd floor. Maintenance and parking included. Immediate possession. (905)844-1889 LARGE 1 bedroom apart­ ment in downtown Oakville. $650/mo. October 1st. (905)844-4560___________ LARGE 1 bedroom base­ ment. Air conditioning, laundry, $740/mo. inclu­ sive. Available Oct. 1st West Oakville. 639-6055 CENTRAL Burlington. Fresh paint, hardwood, near GO, park, schools. Free parking, spacious, 2- bedroom apts. for Oct. and Nov. 2043 Prospect St. No dogs, $723. Senior's discount. 632-2197._______ MARLBOROUGH Court. Oakville. Quiet building. 1& 2 bedrooms from $840/mo. Ultilities included. Under­ ground parking. (905)845- 7545. Close to QEW & GO BURLINGTON Down­ town. Wellington Place, 478 Pearl Street. Newly deco­ rated 1&2 Bedroom Apart­ ments with scenic views. 632-1643________________ OLD Oakville in beautifully maintained, quiet building downtown, step out to shops, lots of seniors. 2- bedroom, $1080/mo.; 1- bedroom: $925/mo. Please leave message at (905)845-8254___________ 2-STOREY, 2-bedroom, clean, well maintained building. A/C, carpets, 2 appliances, laundry facili­ ties. North Burlington. Call Nikki. 331-0932__________ FREE. Apartment Locator. Save time and money. One Stop Apartment Shop. All areas and prices..... (905)331-5700___________ BURLINGTON- 1&2 bed­ room apartments. Well- lo­ cated, quiet building. Near downtown, buses, highway, lake. Call (905)333-0869 BURLINGTON. One 2-bed­ room. Oct. 1st; One 3-bed­ room Nov. 1st. Well main­ tained, quiet building. Walk to shopping, Hospital. Lake. 637-0321________________ LAKESHORE. Burlington. 2-bedroom, Oct. 1st; Call 681-7126 Professionally managed by L.T. Greenwin Property Management FRESHLY painted, near Burlington Mall- 1&2 bed­ rooms available Oct./Nov. Clean, quiet, well main­ tained building. Utilities in­ cluded. No dogs. 639 - 7805, before 9pm_________ IMMACULATE 2-story 1 bedroom country apartment. Immediate possession, includes heat & hydro. $995/mo. (905)335- 4319____________________ OAKVILLE at Kerr/ Lakeshore. 2-bedroom, clean, quiet, building. Steps from downtown shops. Available Imme­ diately. $815/mo. 416-330- 2952, leave message. OAKVILLE. Bright spacious 1-bedroom basement apart­ ment, separate entrance, newer home, available Oct.1st. (905)257-1247; (416)802-6981.___________ SPACIOUS 1.2&3 Bed­ rooms. Freshly painted, bright. Competitive rent. Burlington high-rise. Well- maintained. Convenient lo­ cation. (905)333-9846, Noon-8pm apartments & flats for rent apartments & flats for rent rentals B u r l in g t o n T o w e r s The Hotel Alternative FURNISHED CORPORATE SUITES • Furnished D esigner A partm ents • Fully Equipped Kitchens • M agnificent Indoor Pool » Sauna & Fitness C entre 1285 Ontario St. 639 • 8583 Mon-Fri: 9am-8pm Sat. & Sun: 10am-5pm w w w .o n tim .co m • b tow e rs@ lara .on .ca ★★ 1460 Ghent Avenue ★★ (at Brant Street) Freshly Painted, Cleaned & Carpeted Lofts • Studios • 1 &2 Bedroom Suites • All 2-Bdrm. units with 2 full baths f'J s jp • Indoor pool & saunas l Ar0*6° t / / \ • Appliances, A/C, utilities, cable incl\§ ftffcv^j> • Near GO, public transit, easy hwy. access B U R LIN G TO N SQ UAR E 639-4677 Mon-Thu., 9-7; Fri. 9-5; Sat & Sun 11-4 *2-BED R O O M Apart- merits $760. (Utilities in­ cluded). 2386 New St. at Guelph Line. Rental Office Open 11-8pm. 639-5761 1&2 Bedrooms available now or Oct. 1st. $595/mo. & $725/mo. Heat & parking included. Fridge, stove, laundry facilities. 333-5506, Ext.53___________________ BURLINGTON. Large, clean 2-bdrm townhouse. Hardwood, patio, fenced yard, laundry. No dogs. October. 1st $805./mo. 336-7207________________ BURLINGTON Near Wa­ terfront! 1-bedroom, $725/ mo; 2-bedroom. . $825/mo. Remodeled units. Quiet buildings. (905)639-5079. FREE 1 Month. 2-bedroom sublet, New St/ Guelph Line. Immediate/ Oct.1st. $760/mo. Call (905)633- 9890____________________ DOWNTOWN Oakville Newly renovated 2- bedroom apartment, available Oct. 1st., includes parking, $795/mo. +hydro. References required. (905)469-0894.___________ BACHELOR apartment. October 1st, above restau­ rant, no parking or laundry. References, first/last. 844- 2599____________________ CAN A DIANA.Quiet, well maintained building on lakefront. Very spacious 1- bedroom, November. 5220 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington. (905)632-5486___________ RAVISHING Lakeview apartments- Ceramic floors, ceiling fan, A/C, close to all amenities. Must see! (905)-631-3165___________ BURLINGTON-Mountain­ side/ Guelph basement apt., 1 bdrm +den. parking, laundry, Non-smoker, No pets. Oct. 1st. $725./mon cable & utilities included. 336-6120 after 6pm._______ 1 bedroom above ground basement apartment. Bright, seperate entrance washer/dryer, FP. walk-in closet, 3-piece bath. 1 parking spot, non-smoker, no pets. Immediate. $700/mo inclusive. 845- 8152____________________ 2-BEDROOM apartment in duplex. Main floor, Bronte area. $900./month -»-utili> ties. Oct. 1st. 847-3564 1 bedroom basement apart­ ment (new) in Glen Abbey. Available immediately. (905)847-3123___________ GROUND floor duplex- 1- Bedroom. 1.5-baths, C/A, appliances, laundry, walk­ out, yard, parking. North Burlington. $925/incl. (905)-319-8698.__________ ALDERSHOT Bright 1-bed­ room, semi-basement, in tri­ plex, near RBG, appliances, laundry, heat, parking, $589/mo.+hydro. October 1st. No pets 829-1943. BEAUTIFUL WATERD0WN! Edith Court 1&2BEDROOM APARTMENTS From $620./mo. Includes utilities and 1 outside parking! (9 0 5 ) 6 9 0 -1 8 9 6 BACHELOR basement apartment, quiet mature person, downtown Burling­ ton. $495/mo. 730-1560 after 4:30pm SHORT-TERM Rentals. 3+ months. Spacious One Bedrooms. Utilities, Indoor Pool, Work-out Room. Bur- lington Towers. 639-8583 R E F U R B I S H E D Apartments. Downtown Burlington. Elizabeth Manor, 477 Elizabeth •Street. 1&2 Bedroom Apartments with spectacu­ lar view. 634-9374 QUIET, Convenient, Well- Maintained! 3055 Glencrest Rd., Burlington. Freshly painted, very spacious. One 1-bedroom, Oct. 1st; one 2- bedroom, N ov.1st. 637- 3921_____________________ GEORGIAN Apartments. Sept./Oct./Nov. 1,2&3 Bed­ rooms. Heat/ hydro includ­ ed. Parking Extra. (No pets) Burlington, 639-0456, M-F: 9am-4pm & 6:30-8pm TYANDAGA Terrace. Bur­ lington. Freshly decorated 2&3 bedrooms, October. Low-rise building, Garden like setting. Private land­ scaped patios. 336-0015, 336-0016________________ BURLINGTON. Bright, ju­ nior 1-bedroom basement apartment in house, sepa­ rate entrance. Fridge, mi­ cro, parking, utilities includ­ ed, $625/mo. Oct. 1st 465- 1879.____________________ BURLINGTON Lakeshore, near Burloak. 1-bedroom, lake view, Nov. 1st., $800/ mo. (905)639-3301 OAKVILLE 17th Floor, P/H, overlooking Oakville Yacht Club. Three bed­ rooms. 2 1/2 baths, 5 Ap­ pliances. including Ensuite Laundry. Call (905) 844- 9670____________________ ON-THE-LAKE, Bronte, 1 bedroom apartment plus loft, available Novi. $1250 mature single only (905)827-2266 evenings ■ f r l rentals ▼▼▼TV FURNISHED Luxuryl 1-3 Bdrm Corporate, Executive Homes, Condos. 1-2 baths, 6 appliances, Central Air, Jacuzzi, recreation centre, pool, security, TV, VCR, stereo, from.... $1295/mo.l 681-RENT (7368). ★ ★ ★ ★ 3-Bdrm 2-Level Townhomes 2418 Glenwood School Dr.. Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. Available Immediately Call 639-9212 EAST Burlington 3 bedroom townhouse. 1.5 baths, garage, rec.room. $995./month.; Others available. Call Albert McDonagh, Ltd., Realtor (905)-632-5690 BURLINGTON luxury fur­ nished 1&2 bedrooms from $1,395./month all utilities included. Immediate. (905) 632-8354, (905)632-6189 MATURE couple with cat seeking clean 1 or 2 bed­ room apt. in Burlington. Non-smokers, prefer lower floor in building or base­ ment in private home. Need parking for 1 vehicle. 630-2233 ALDERSHOT, 2-bdrm. up­ per duplex. Oct 1st. $720/ mo. utilities included. Pri­ vate entrance, parking. References, no smoking, no pets. 525-2886 ^ condominiums torrent PARK like setting. 2-bed­ room townhouse near Tyandaga Golf Course. 1-1/ 2 baths, finished basement, hardwood floors, fridge, stove. Available Nov. 1st. 335-3001________________ TYANDAGA area: 3-bed­ room. garage, private patio, 4 appliances, brand new carpet & windows. Freshly painted. Small, well- main­ tained complex. O ct.1st. $950/mo. 336-0015, 336- 0016____________________ O AKVILLE- 3-Bedroom Townhouses available Nov. 1st. 4 appliances. Ho- pedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management, (905)876-3336___________ BRANT/ Mount Forest. 3- bedroom townhouse mai­ sonette, laundry facilities, 1- parking. Nov. From $775/ mo.+ utilities. (905)319- 9104.___________________ BROWNSTONES: 2-bed- rooms, $1050/mo.+ utilities, 5 appliances, 1-1/2 baths, garage, private fenced pa- tio. Call 333-5506, Ext.52 BURLINGTON: November 2- bedroom from $892.85/ mo.+ utilities. 3 appliances, 1.5 baths, near schools, shopping. Park-like setting; 3- bedrooms, $989.75/mo. 333-1190._______________ BURLINGTON- luxury 3- bedroom, available Nov. 1st., fireplace, 5 ap­ pliances. 1,600sq.ft., Brant/ Fairview, $1,295/mo. +util- ties. (416)-23Q-74Q2 Ash BRANT- Bluefields: large 2- bedroom with basement, balcony, hardwood floors, fridge/stove$725./mo. plus utilities. November. 332- 0935____________________ EXECUTIVE Condo town- house. North Oakville. 2300 sq.ft., 3-bedrooms, 2- 1/2 baths, familyroom. 5 appliances, fireplace, air, garage. Nov. 1st. $1650/ mo. Trafalgar Property Management, Warren Hill, 338-1130________________ OAKVILLE 3 bedroom townhouse, appliances, garage, available October 1. $1125/month„ Newly ' decorated. (905)270-2693 FAMILY of 3 requires 2-3 bedroom house/ town- house, Burlington core. Octlst or Nov. 1st occupan­ cy. Lena. (905)632-3718 LUXURY main floor 2-bed­ room, 2-bath condo over­ looking 12 mile creek. 9' ceiling. 2 in-door parking. Rent includes all utilities except phone/ cable. $1,650/month. Option to lease furnished. Oct. 15th. Sutton Group People & Properties Inc., 844-5000, Marlene Atcheson/ Maggie Newlove 1-BEDROOM condo- am­ ple amenities. "Empress" across from Burlington Mall. Near Go/ Hwy. 24-hr secur­ ity. Underground parking. Ensuite washer/ dryer, fire­ place. Heat/ hydro/ cable included. Available imme­ diately. First/ Last. $975/ month. Tim cell#. 730-4243 ■ [ j u i houses for rent TRAFALGAR/ Upper Mid­ dle- 3 bedroom bungalow, very clean, bright, large backyard. 1 bath, Ap­ pliances/ cable/ parking in­ cluded. Shared laundry. Ocr. 1st. $1,300/monthly. (905)8150660, (416)991-6991 OAKVILLE executive- Elgin Crescent. 3 bedroom ranch with office, A/C. garage, fireplace. 1 or 2 year, $1,700. Avail. Nov. 1st. Maple Leaf HMC INC. 905- 842-8383________________ GUELPH Line/ Fairview- 3 bedroom, main floor, walk to go/ amenities. No-smok­ ing/ pets. $1,050.+, Oct. 1st. Leave message, (905)637-8288, evenings: (905)712-2753___________ D O W N TO W N O akville Beautiful new Church Street 3-bedroom home. Long/ short-term. Professionally decorated. Fully furnished. Turn-key Walk to restau­ rants & shops. A gem! $3,300/mo. (905)842-6968. $1000/M0- November 1st, 1298 Ontario St. Large 2- story, 3+1 bedrooms, newer furnace, lot's of parking. Jim Parker, Sales Rep. Sutton Results 332-4111 3 bedroom Bungalow- fin­ ished basement, large yard. Oakville. $1,600. Available immediately. 845-2152____________ ALDERSHOT- 3 bedroom house, 5 appliances. C/A, recently updated. $1200/mo+ utilities. October 1st Call Petra 465-0396 or Bob 519-647-2819._______ RARE opportunity to rent- $2800 sq.ft,fully renovated, farm house with breathtaking view of escarpment. 5 minutes from shopping. (905)330-1190 or (905)624-6710 ext. 100. EAST Burlington, Brand new 3-bedroom semi. 1-1/2 baths, garage, 4 applianc­ es, $1200/mo.+ utilities. O ct.1st. Active Manage- ment, 333-5506, Ext. 55 BURLINGTON- walk to GO Station- 4 bedroom, 3 baths, double garage, rec- room. Available imme- diatety. (905)637-0880 BEAUTIFUL bungalow in Central Oakville. 3+1 bed­ rooms, finished basement, hardwood floors. Short walk to lake. Close to amenities. $l,400/month. (905)770-5431 I items under $100. Ju.st Ri^kt For Rou/ CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. • 632-2601 Special incentives offered! 3 Bedrooms • 3 appliancess • Hat-in Kit. Basement • Playground • Parking N ear schools • Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited market basket Family Fun Farm RASPBERRIES Raspberry Cider, Cut Your Own Flowers: Dahlias, Zinnias, Sunflowers, Gladiolus. Elderberries, Super Sweet Corn, Frozen Fruit, Apples, FARM WINERY Ask about SCHOOL TOURS and POMES on Weekends Free Flay Rides, Playground, Corn Maze & Animal Corral.Rosey R aspberry is back N o r th o f 4 0 1 o n H w y # 2 5 . D r iv e e a s t o n R o a d # 1 0 . v m ROOM and board avail­ able. Laundry, own bath­ room, meals, access to in­ ternet, all inclusive $550. 842-4974________________ T R A F A L G A R /U p p e r Middle. Furnished room, ex­ ecutive home, pool, extras inclusive, responsible indi­ vidual. $450,338-5956. m sharedaccommodation SHAREnew townhome. w/ male, 30's. Similar aged fe­ male only. Small pets maybe. A/C, laundry, park­ ing. $500./mo. inclusive. Walkers Line/ #5. Brian, 319-8733._______________ QEW/FORD- 3 bedroom house, 3 baths, parking, all inclusive, immediate, $425./monthly 829-1439 BRONTE Harbour Condo penthouse- fully furnished, equipped, quiet, private. Suit mature professional. F irst/ last. References. 825-8355._______________ THREE bedroom town- house to share. Available October, $450/mo. (905)681-6551.__________ BACKS onto golf course! Male wanted to share large house with 2 other profes­ sionals. Oakville. Sept. 30th. Inclusive $510/mo.! 849-5730_______________ TOWNHOUSE- Lakeshore & Appleby. Share kitchen, laundry, bath & rec room, $500. inclusive. Immediate 510-7806_______________ BURUNGTON West, spa­ cious, freshly painted room in comfortable apartment. Immediate. Cable, $425/ inclusive. Non-smoker. 637-7873 MOTORHOME, 1987 Cita­ tion 26' reconditioned inside & out, looks like new, $19,500. Call (905)632- 8687; (905)876-6727. 3 drawr large wooden desk, 42x30, $50. 845-0629 5 drawer dresser, $25. obo 845-8176________________ BAKERS rack, bleached rattan, 3 glass shelves, like new, $100. 338-1969. BASS tube- Rockford, Fos- quie, series 1, asking $100 529-0616_______________ BBQ, natural gas, with cov- er, $100. Call 681-1859. BBQ, Wait-Broilmaster, gas, with rotisserie & tank, good condition. $60. 844- 4003._______________ BEDSPREAD, double-size, piilowshams, skirt, balloon drapes, (5'w), dusty rose/ green, $80. 844-4003. BOOKCASE, $25. obo 845- 8176________________ CAPTAIN'S BED. $25. obo 845-8176________________ CENTURYstroller $50. 465-1939_______________ CHAIR, wing back, floral pattern, Sklar-Pepplar, as new. $100 obo. 681-1728. items under $100. DESK, 70"x31-1/2", walnut, several drawers each side, good condition, $100. 331- 0431____________________ DESK- 61"x29" with return, Oak veneer/ partical board. Good condition. $70. 827- 7646____________________ DRESSER: 9-drawers plus mirror, dark wood, $100. Call 335-5938.___________ ENTERTAINMENT Wall unit, bleached wood, holds up to 27" TV... only $75. 681-5393_______________ EXERCISE bike, excellent condition, $60. Call 331- 9713.___________________ FISHER Price Sit and Soothe Bassinet, brand new, $65. 815-1296 G.E. gold colour stove, self­ clean, good condition, $100 obo. 634-5536.__________ GIRL'S dressy coat, brand new. $45. 827-8129 GOLF balls. Brand Names- Experienced, good quality. 5 dozen for $25. (905)637- 3980____________________ KITCHEN table & 4 uphol­ stered chairs, white. $100. 333-4503_______________ KITCHEN table with 6 chairs. Glass top, $100. 335- 3412 after 3:30pm LOUVERED, door, 2 panel folding (no hardware) 76"X36", $25 (905)844- 5457.___________________ MATERNITY wardrobe $100. 465-1939_________ MICROWAVE- Kenmore (white), good condition. $35. 815-1296___________ NAVY blue Pedigree English pram, excellent condition, $75. 637-5180 BABY high chair (Fisher Price) & Graco playpen, ex­ cellent condition, $100/both. 689-0413._______________ PRINTER, Dot-Matrix Pana­ sonic, excellent condition, $50. Call 331-9713. QUEEN waterbed with new unopened sheets. $40. 632-4299_______________ QUEEN-SIZE headboard, ivory & gold w/wicker, $100. 338-1969._______________ RATTAN papzan chair and frame, $50. 331-6115 SEWING machine $25, in excellent condition, just serviced. Call (905)336- 3122.___________________ SHELVING unit- "Ikea Ivar" with bottom cabinet & closet timings, $75. 845-0629 SINGLE bed, blue metal frame with mattress. $50. 336- 9187_______________ SOFA- 3 piece, $100. good condition. 335-3412 after 3:30pm__________________ STEREO, Electrohome, walnut console, record player & radio. Good con- dition. $75./obo. 331-0431 SWING set with slide, very good condition, $50. Call 847-9307._______________ TAP shoes. $20. Call 827- 8129____________________ TODDLER bed (white) mint condition, $50/obo. 337- 9380_______________ WATERBED, queen size, with liner and 2 sheet sets (needs new mattress),$50 (905)844-5457___________ WOODEN desk, 3 drawer, 18"x54", $25. obo 845- SI 76 articles for sale 18INCH Jumbo pillowtop Pocketcoil mattress & boxs­ pring, still in plastic cost $3,000, sacrifice $1,000. 905-567-4042____________ ANTIQUE cherrywood re­ finished 4-poster bedroom suite, 6-pce, $3,300.; Di­ ningroom suite, 8-pce, $3,800. (905)333-3940 ANTIQUE Royal Crown Derby China, 105 pcs, "Oak Leaf pattern. Circa 1896. Mint. $7,000. (905)337- 2364____________________ vY JV ̂ Y „Y ̂ Y & ̂ YJY iV APPLIANCES- Fridges, stoves, washers/dryers. Best Prices. New & Re­ conditioned. 319-8484 AQUARIUM, salt water accessories, live rock plus more, $50. 632-8437 FRIDGE, 2-door; Stove. 30"; Automatic Washer, Dryer. Reasonable. Under warranty. Call (905)549-1911 PATIO Set. 'Hauser', white/ grey, 6-chairs, lounge, table. $50. 681-319B ROLAND HP900 dig ita l piano, 45 weighted keys, $940. (905)637-7513 SCOOTER- 98 model. Opti- way, 2001LXS, like new with 2 sealed batteries, spring suspension, basket, headlight and charger. Real bargain $1900. (905)823-9851 SIT On It- Don't Sit In It! Replacement foam for cushions. Residential/ com­ mercial. Fields Upholstery, 9-9, 7 days/ week! 632-9090 SOFA and loveseat - off white, pale green and rose. Like brand new. Renovat­ ing, must sell. $650 set. 331-6115________________ TREES-FALL season, great cedar trees, all sizes. Free Delivery. Planting available if required. 519- 853-5694________________ URGENT- Solid Oak 4 pee wall unit, $1,200.; 5pc Bar- unit, Plus chairs $1,500.; Single bed, mattress, headboard $500.; Air com­ pressor $300.; 8 seater D/R suite $1,000. 631-9110. WASHER, dryer and stove, lady Kenmore, gold, 18 years old, working well. Best offer. 336-3892 WATERBED- super single, full motion with brand new mattress, bookcase, head- board, $130.; White Va­ nessa daybed, $125:632-4375 ANTIQUES wanted- furni­ ture. glass china, silver, jewelry, clocks, watches, paintings, old photos, canes, etc. Best cash! (905)-522-4727___________ I C k T l l firewood BEDROOM set: Captains bed w/mattress & headboard w/shelves, 2- pce. desk w/shelves, book shelf, dresser, midnight blue w/pine trim, $750 firm. Diningroom set, buffet & hutch, large table w/ 2 leafs, 6 chairs, $1500 firm. 332-9185.___________ BEDROOM suite, solid oak, single headboard, rails, double dresser, night table, desk. Mint. $750. (905)633-9165__________ BLACK upright Yamaha piano, excellent condition. $5,000. 469-2827________ BLACK wrought iron queen canopy bed, mat­ tress, box, frame, new, cost $1,200. sell $490 (905) 567-9459________________ BOOKS, Aquariums, Dog & Bird cages, lamps, furniture bikes, screen doors, desks, filing cabinets, garage cup­ boards, tools, tiles, sofas, chairs....Reasonable prices. The Reuse Centre, 3335 N.Service, Burlington. W ed/Thurs/Fri-12-8pm ; Sat-9-5pm; Sun-1 -4pm. CARPETS, thousands of yards/ styles. Will do LR/DR for $319. including under­ pad, installation. Warranty. 510-0589________________ CARPET - I have several 1,000 yds. of new Stain- master & 100% nylon car­ pet. Will do livingroom & hall for $349. Includes car­ pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, 639-2902 CUBAN cigars, box of Monte Cristo #1, genuine. Also, Cohiba cigars. Call Ken, 681-2104,__________ CUPBOARDS- Renovating kitchen. Solid oak cupboards must go! Natural Blonde. Uppers/lowers provide over 25ft of cupboard space. Excellent for kitchen upgrade or cottage renewal/renovation. Asking $1000/or make offer. Viewing almost anytime; obtainable by September 24th. Call 844-5249 after 5pm.______ DEMOLITION Sale- Sat. Sept. 18, 9am-1pm. Fix­ tures, floorings, cabinets, perennial bushes, etc. 221 Morrison Road., Oakville DESK, 24"x54", 4 drawers.; antique chair, french pro­ vincial.; Round table with 4 chairs. 333-0243_________ FREE Estim ates- Love your sofa and chairs? Hate your colours? Give Fields a call! Great Savings! Sofas from $598.... Chairs from $198. Senior Discounts. Fields Custom Upholster- ing, 632-9090, Daily 9-9 FREE Estimates... Got wobbly chairs...weak springs... tired looking wood finishes? We do it all! Custom wood refinishing/ furniture repairs. Fields Custom Furniture, 9-9, daily! 632-9090__________ FRIDGE, stove, white, $300/pair; crib, change table, rocking chair, white, paid $1,000, sell $450. 338-6221. ________ GYM Set "Welder"- (8530), 6 stations, purchased new January/99. Hardly used, $400/obo. Call 634-5380 HOCKEY equipment, boy's complete set, excellent con­ dition. $150 (905)572-7166___________ IBM Aduquest- CD Rom, Canon bubblejet printer. Software included. $700 obo 681-0616____________ LADIES 11 piece golf club- set, all Graphite shafts, nev- er used, $295. 572-7166 LOVE seat, $75. Sofa and chair, $150., alass top kitchen table, $95. 829- 8109____________________ MOFFAT range deluxe. Oven upper level, adjust­ able oven rack, very good condition. $180. 681-9198 6-10pm ____________ MOVING- D/R suite, cher­ rywood, 11pce, $1,350.; 2 loveseats 44"each, newly recovered $500./both.; Cof­ fee table/ end tables $225.; Lamps- 1 upright, 2 table style $30.each.; Microwave unit. $65.; TV stand- $25.; Kitchen table w /folding sides, 4 chairs $40.set. and more! 639-3954______ MOVING: Maytag applianc­ es, double-size bed, loveseat w/ottoman, diningroom set, 8-pce. oak; lawnmower, microwave, etc. 633-9400. I pets, supplies FREE to loving home: affectionate litter-trained black & gray kitten, 8 wks. old. Call 827-4781. I cars for sale 1995 JEEP Gr Cherokee V8. Mint cond. Loaded. One owner. Complete service record. Don't buy a 4X4 until you see this beauty! LOOP. Cell: (416)420-3436$18,C A PUBLIC AUCTION F rid a y S ep te m b e r 17th 7p.m . (P review 6 p.m.) In O ur New Perm anent Location 3611 M avis Rd. U n it 6 & 7 (S. o f B u rnham thorpe) Two good Estates of Antique and Traditional Household Furnishings; including Living, Dining & Bedroom Furniture. China, Glass. Silver & Plated Wares, Pictures. Alot of gold & silver CDN coinage. Costume Jewellery and Bric-a-brac. Del. available. Cash, Cheque, Visa, MC & IA, 10% B.P Richards Auctioneers (905)848-4872 smoking. Wheel chair accessable. pets, supplies pets, supplies OBEDIENCE CLASSES BURLINGTON KENNEL & OBEDIENCE CLUB Serving the Community Since 1957 Member of the Canadian Kennel Club TUES & WED EVENINGS Starting September 28 & 29th, '99 • Positive Training Methods • Close Personal Attention To Register Call: 681-2443 or 333-3524 career training career training GUARANTEED dry 100% hardwood. Pick-up/ Deliv­ ery. "Ontario's largest Fire­ wood retail because we're Ontario's Best". Marc's Quality Firewood. (905)- 257-6366 n , HALTON BUSINESS INSTITUTE 460 Brant St. Burlington 637* 3415 RETURNS TO WORK Certified Courses: MS OFFICE • ACCPAC WINDOWS • INTERNEH • Accounting • Office Administration • Medical/Legal Assistant • Dental Receptionist DAY & EVG Classes * Financial Aid Mav be Avail. 1991 MAZDA 626 au­ tomatic, loaded, moonroof.- Asking $3000 or best offer. (905)616-5349 Leave mes- sage.___________________ 1991 HONDA Prelude, special edition, leather, certified, 1 owner, mint condition. $9500 (905)338- 0979.___________________ 1988 CHEVY Blazer 4WD loaded, lim ited slip, new motor, excellent condition, $2,900, as is. 827-8159. 1997 Aerostar- PW, PD. cruise. A/C, $12,900. 815- 0752____________________ 1987 Toyota Cressidia sunroof, leather, safety. $2,850. 336-0467________ 1998 Contour Sport- Red- Loaded. 4 door, 4 cylinder, 39,OOOKm. $12,800. call 905-842-6759____________ 1984 LaSabre- Loaded, No rust, very clean, emmis- sion tested. $1,200. As is. OBO. (905)-825-3914 1994 BUICK LeSabre Cus­ tom, burgundy, maroon in­ terior. Certified, 4-door luxury sedan, 3.8L., V6, ABS, dual air bags, fully loaded, a/c, tilt, cruise, p/w, p/dl, p/m, AM/FM cassette, P-seats, well-maintained, 102K., (mostly Hwy.),, accident-free, 4-new tires (worth $800), excellent. $10,900. 337-1752. 1997 DODGE Intrepid, can­ dy apple red, grey interior. Certified, 3.3L., V6, auto., dual airbags, p/w, p/dl, p/m, p/b, a/c, cruise, tilt, bucket seats & console, driving lights, AM/FM cassette, gauge pkg., non-smoker, accident free. 96 km. (mostly hwy.) $11,700. 337-1752._______________ 1989 Caravan LE- A/C, PB, PS, 7 passenger seating, new exhaust, re-built trans­ mission, very good condi- tion. $2,600. 829-4011 1989 Mercury Topaz- 4- door, automatic, 2.3L. 137,000km, new tires,bat­ tery. alternator. Looks good, runs great, certified $3500. 338-0135 after 5pm weekdays, all day weekends. 1995 Escort LX- A/C, new clutch, brakes, safety/ emis­ sion. List $8,000., asking $5975. 637-0438 I cars wanted Becom e a Skilled Welder! hi Courser altered in: I M.I.G. :G M A W ' CARBON STEEL ■ - T IG (G T.A W.) STAINLESS STEEL STICK (S.M.A W ) ALUMINUM ' FLUX CORED SPECIALTY ALLOYS PLASTIC Basic 4 Advanced Training Available Full 4 Part-bme Courses - Days 4 Evenings Financial Assistance may bew available to those who qualify. •Co-op Placement • Job Placement Assistance upon completion of Training • CWB, TSSA Certified Test Centre • In-Plant 4 Welding Consulting Specialists ADVANCED WELDMQ TECHNIQUES 1016 Upper Wellington St., Hamilton 575-8311 •1-800-794-7840 ACCOUNTING POSITIONS Chartered Accountant and C.A. Finalist As a result o f continued growth, our M ississauga office is look ing for a recently qualified Chartered Accountant and a C .A. F inalist experienced in owner- m anaged businesses. The successful candidates will be team players with strong organizational and com m unication skills. All applicants should have experience with a C anadian Chartered Accounting firm . K now ledge o f C asew are and TaxPrep w ould be a definite asset. Please send or fax your resum e to: BDO Dunwoody LLP Chartered Accountants 4255 Sherwoodtowne Blvd. Mississauga, Ontario L4Z 1Y5 Attention: Kais Aziz, C.A. Fax: (905) 270-7915 (No telephone calls please) 1BDO CASH for scrap. Wanted Dead or Alive. 7-days. 24- hr. Call (905)876-4594, Mil- ton; (905)467-9484, Oakville. SCRAP/ Pre-Owned Autos Wanted. Fair Prices Paid. Immediate removal. Li­ censed. C indy's Auto Wreckers. (905)544-8016, Pgr: 777-5637 1994 Ford Explorer XLT- Leather, P.W.. P.L., P.Seats.; Sunroof, CD Player. 106.000Km. $15,500. 332-9452_______ 1995 WINDSTAR GL 85,000 kms., excellent condition, new brakes, $12,900. Call 639-7910 after 5 pm. NO Fee. 3-Week Course available to help you plan your career. "Career Explo­ rations" is sponsored by Human Resources Devel­ opment Canada. If you are unemployed call Grace: (905)333-3499,The Centre for Skills Development and Training. 45 and over? Unem­ ployed? Find out more about the no-fee course called Experience Works! Contact Donna (905)333- 3499 at the Centre for Skills Development and Training. Sponsored by Human Re­ sources Development Ca­ nada. ItelpDESK H elp D esk T e ch n o lo g y C o rpo ra tion is North America's fastest growing developer of help desk software applications. Our c lien ts include Fortune 500 companies, hospitals, financial institutions, communi­ cation giants, all branches of the armed fo rces and The Executive O ffice of the President of the United States. Located on the border between Oak. and Miss. • Visual Basic Programmers (/Analysts) • Software Engineer • Receptionist • Customer Service Representatives For details on position requirements and application procedure, please visit: WWW.helpdesk-i.com 510 general help wanted 510 general help wanted 1 " --------- -------- -------------------------------------------------------1 Progressive Distribution Company Hiring for the following positions: • ORDER ASSEMBLERS (Days F/T) • CHECKERS (Afternoons P/T) Apply in person only 2226 South Service Rd. W. Oakville, Ontario http://www.schooleymitchell.com http://www.ontim.com mailto:btowers@lara.on.ca http://WWW.helpdesk-i.com ClassiffiedEXpress™

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