COMMUNITY Curl for Kids' Sake celebrates 30 years Graham Paine/Metroland RBC mascot Leo the Lion, Regional Vice-President of Halton South Region Michelle Cisecki, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Halton Executive Director Sandra Baker, Glenn Graydon Wright LLP Partner John Nunnikhoven and George Mitrovski, branch manager for RBC's Oak Park Branch are ready to slide into action in support of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Halton's 30 Rock Bonspiel, set for February 24 at the Oakville Curling Club. The average sale price of a home in Toronto hit a whop ping $273,698, movie tickets cost $3.50 and Oakville wel comed Mayor Ann Mulvale. The year was 1988 - a special year for Big Brothers Big Sis ters of Halton, which joined forces with the Oakville Curl ing Club to hold its first fund raising bonspiel. Thirty years later, the event is still going strong, having raised more than $500,000 in support of mentor ing programs for hundreds of children. Under the same event leadership, curling club member Frank McDermott has diligently worked with BBBSH, a United Way mem ber agency, and the commu nity to deliver much-needed support to the local organiza tion. For the past 11 years, RBC has been involved as the title sponsor for the bonspiel and seven or more RBC teams will take to the ice to celebrate this special "30 rock" year. While BBBSH expects to see many returning guests at the event, it welcomes new faces on the ice at the 30th an nual RBC Curl for Kids' Sake event slated for Feb. 24 at the Oakville Curling Club. Those interested in rock in' the house are encouraged to register. No curling experi ence is required. Teams of four must raise a minimum entry fee of $500, funds they can raise through pledges and sponsorships. Each team will receive instructions, breakfast sponsored by Dun dee Precious Metals, lunch and snacks. Grade prizes, sponsored by Glenn Graydon Wright, will be up for grabs. To register or for more in formation, call BBBSH at 905- 339-2355 or visit W E A L T H M A N A G E M E N T Since 1991 Thinking of Retiring... Someday? Let's Talk. Visit our website to sign up for a free consultation. Peter Watson MBA, CFP, R.F.P., CIM, FCSI Jennifer Watson B.A. 220 Randall Street, Downtown Oakville 905-842-2100 R o th e r g le n is so m u c h m o re th a n a v ib ra n t le a rn in g co m m u n ity . I t's a p lace w h e re c u rio s ity is fo stered , cha llenges are faced an d ach iev em en ts are ce leb ra ted . I t's w h e re stu d en ts grow , b e c o m e in sp ired , d iscover th e ir ta len ts an d deve lop a love o f le a rn in g . I t's w h e re every c h ild 's in d iv id u a l e d u c a tio n a l jo u r n e y an d e x p e rie n c e s are n u r tu re d an d en c o u rag ed . S ee in g is believ ing! P lease jo in us o n Saturday, F eb ru a ry 3rd , fro m 10:00 a .m . to 2:00 p .m . to le a rn h o w a R o th e r g le n e d u c a tio n can b e p a r t o f y o u r c h ild 's p a th to success, an d to see th e n e w w in g c o n s tru c tio n in progress. R o t h e r g l e n , w h a t s c h o o l s h o u l d b e . O a k v i l le P r i m a r y C a m p u s M ontessori: Age 3 to Grade 1 2045 Sixth Line, Oakville, O N 905-338-3528 | O a k v il le E le m e n ta r y C a m p u s Grade 1 to 8 2050 Neyagawa Blvd., Oakville, ON 905-849-1897 | h- | O akville B eaver | Thursday, January 25, 2018 COMMUNITY Curl for Kids' Sake celebrates 30 years Peter Watson MBA, CFP, R.F.P., CIM, FCSI Jennifer Watson B.A. 220 Randall Street, Downtown Oakville 905-842-2100