in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, J an ua ry 1 1, 20 18 | Oakville's Snedden COMMUNITY OPEN HOUSE IN OUR FRENCH CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SAINTE-MARIE (JKto Grade 6) Thursday, Ja n u a ry 25 | 6:30 p.m . to 7:30 p.m . 336, M aurice D rive , O a k v ille 905-845-4472 G arderie Les Coccinelles d 'O akville 905-849-0903 0 E C s c M o n A v e n ir .c a MonA&emr CONSEIL SCOLAIRE CATHOLIQUE appointed FIFA assistant referee KEVIN NAGEL Oakville's Melissa Snedden has been appoint ed to the FIFA Internation al List as an assistant refer ee for 2018. The FIFA appointment is the highest level of rec ognition for officials worldwide. "Her commitment and hard work have culminat ed in the ultimate achieve ment for an outstanding individual and athlete," said Richard Bowden, the Oakville Soccer Club's ref eree development manag er. Snedden began her offi ciating career with the OSC at the age of 12. She has more than 16 years of experience at the house OSC photo Oakville's Melissa Snedden has been appointed to the FIFA International List as an assistant referee. league, regional, provin cial, OUA and League 1 lev els. She has officiated in the Canada Summer Games and a CONCACAF tourna ment in Florida, two ca reer highlights. After graduating from Nipissing University, Snedden is now a teacher with the Halton District School Board. While earning her two degrees at Nipissing, Sned den was an assignor, men tor and official with the OSC during her summer breaks. Snedden is also an ac credited Ontario soccer fit ness instructor, fitness test supervisor and youth men tor. For the past two years she has worked with the OSC and the Peel Halton Soccer Association devel oping and implementing fitness programs for match officials of all levels. SIMPLE Beaut'i-fui ?, filatut'ojly ^ IPL PhotoFacial Rejuvenate skin, naturally! IPL is a safe + proven way to achieve younger looking skin. Ideal for sun-damaged skin, as well as for reducing redness + wrinkles. See improved tone + texture after one treatment! Try this facial at the irresistible price of $175 this month only! (reg. $250) * o * environmental defence INSPlfW'NG CRANGE" 7 \ " f i r in g in this ad for $2^0FF your first reg. priced facial! 'Pure^piple Mississauga M o r e F a c i a l + P r o d u c t S p e c i a l s a t 3 -1 1 4 0 Winston Churchill Blvd. 1905.829.2055 p u r e a n d s i m p l e . c a @ P u r e A n d S i m p I e M i s s i s s a u g a o # r a Oakville's Snedden appointed FIFA assistant referee