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Oakville Beaver, 4 Nov 1964, p. 13

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Oakville Beaver, Wed., Nov. 4, 1964-Page 13 TRADE IT'S EASY TO PLACE A BEAVER (CLASSIFIED! • AD • You may telephone - simply dial 845-6422 and a courteous adtaker will assist you. Classified Ads may be mailed in - Please print or write clearly and state the date on which you want the ad to appear. Our mailing address is Box 635, Oakville. If you are downtown, come in to our office at 258 Church [Street (between Dunn and iDundas) Our adtakers will be pleased to help you with your BfAVER CLASSIFIEDS COST SO LITTLE: O n ly $1.25 for 20 words and 5<t for each additional word. CLASSIFIED ADS RECEIVED BY 5 P/H o n Mo n d a y WILL BE PUBLISHED IN WEDNESDAYS PAPER Houses For Sale PHYL MORRISON REAL ESTATE NEW HOME Large 4-bedroom home with attached garage -- completely decorated with mural on living room wall. Immediate occu­ pancy. Only $1700 down, balance at 6/i%. C a l l i VI 5-4664 or VA 7-3179. BUY NOW And s a v e 3% t ax on building material (effec­ tive 1 Dec. /64). We have two-storey, split level homes etc., currently under construction. For example, a large split level containing garage, finished rec. room and fireplace, storms and screens, fully decorated. Can be purchased for o n l y $18,120, wi th - $2920 down to 1 N-H-A. ! mortgage -Call VA 7-3179 l or VI 5-4664. RESALE Bungalow with split level entrance -- immed - iate occupancy -- desir­ able area, near shopping bus line, etc. Total price' only $15,700 with $1600 down. V I5-4664 or VA 7-3179. Houses For Sale £ FOR SALETTJT1 O A K V I L L E m u n n v i u x 1 U N U N T O 845-6616*925 5365; 4 pegrooms ' $22,900 a s k i ng , near Ennisclare Park, St. Vincent' s and E- J- James Schools. 2 car attached garage, 2 bath­ rooms, and 2 fireplaces. 18' kitchen, 17' master bedroom. Lovely land­ scaped gar den lot pro­ tected by mature hedge*. Photo M.L.S. Call J.B. Crowley any t i me or evenings 844-9267. 2 Acres Ravine lot with stream! R l --about 2 acr es . Services. Asking $9,900 Terms. M-L.S- Smaller lots available also. Call J. B. Crowley any time or e v e n i n g s 844-9267 CAN' T BEAT THIS ONE West Oakville - 3 bed­ rooms plus one. Carries for $74. PIT - New paint in and out - Heats for $100. yearly - Aluminum storms $13,500 - Private 827 - 4350. J.M. Hopson R ea l E sta te & Insurance 146 Kerr St, at Rebecca 845-7545 $1,500 Full down pay­ ment. T h r e e bedroom split l e v e l , f i n i s h e d recreation room, Wi bath­ rooms, large lot. Call - 845-7545 $2,000 down with immed­ iate possession. Four bedrooms, alum storms, and screens, situated on q u i e t crescent. C a l l 845-7545 $14,900 full price, three bedrooms, fully finished rec. room , den 1% bath­ rooms, ideal location for all conveniences. Call 845-7545 HOMES BY CYNA Fo ur bedrooms , two baths, separate dining­ rooms, full length living rooms, garages, storms and screens and many other features. Up to 1650 sq.ft, of living - space. The only homes in their c l a s s p r i c e d under $20,000. Before buying elsewhere, check these for value. Directions: Rebecca St. to 2nd s t r e e t w e s t of Third Line. Turn right and follow signs to Cyna Model Homes. For further i n f o r ma t i o n call Mr. Ma l l a r d VA 7-4451- VA7-3404. Exclusive: J. M- Hopson, Realtor. Houses For Sale Michael MAK0S 35 Colborne.St. W. VI 5-6311 EXCELLENT VALUE $17,790 For this spacious brick built well kept home in quiet residential area near schools and shops. Stone fireplace in beauti­ ful living room, separate d i n i n g area and extra large kitchen. Three bed­ rooms all with double closets. Attached garage has back entrance from kitchen. Set in well kept grounds. Let us show you this lovely home. Call Ma r g a r e t T a y l o r VA 7-2136. E x c l u s i v e Listing. RIGHT IN TOWN Right Price Only $13,900 fo r thi s wejl kept three bedroomed brick bunga l ow. Full basement a'nd finished- recreation room, and many unusual features. Act fast to see this and call Ma r g a r e t T a y l o r V A 7-2136. E x c l u s i v e Listing. House for Rent. Centrally located 5 room house, finished recreat­ ion room with bar. On nice treed lot. $135.00 per month. P h o ne Flo Campaigne 845-8767. JUST REDUCED $15,990. L a r g e br i ck bungalow with attached, garage, located on quiet street close to schools. Has s p a c i o u s living­ dining room and 3 good sized bedrooms. Semi­ finished recreation room. 5Vi% mortgage for $104 P.I-T- Call Mrs. Fraser anytime, 845-4323.M-L-S- I0HN D ROSART LTD REAL ESTATE 357Kerr St., Oakville 845-6691 EXTRA LARGE ROOMS On wooded lot, built by reputable builder, solid brick and stone home with carport and paved drive. Gorgeous living and dining room and kit­ chen as well. All 3 bed­ r ooms wi th doub l e closets. Close to schools. Only 5/4% interest rate. F u l l p r i c e $16,900. Offers invited. Exclusive C a l l Mrs. K l e e r at 844-9111 or 845-6691 PRESTIGE AREA Immediate occupancy on t h i s s o l i d b r i ck and stone bungalow with attached garage, fire­ place, aluminum storms and s c r e e n s , on a 75' x 153' lot. Close to schools, in reputable a r ea of f i n e homes. Listing price $19,000. Any offer will be consid­ ered. M-L.S. Call Mrs. K l e e r at 844-9111 or 845-6691. Houses For Sale H J. BURTON Real Estate BRONTE 5/4% mortgage. Attract­ ive 4-bedroom b r i c k - N.H.A. bungalow. Beau­ tiful fenced lot, pa t i o , , carport, finished recre-- ation room wi t h b a r . ' Handy location. Owner must s e l l . A s k i n g $15,900. Call CR 8-3349 collect. $1595 DOWN REDUCED to $12,900 .full price, for immediate sale . One open mort­ gage for balance. Spot­ less, 6-room brick home, 4 piece bath, oil heat, good east end location. Mr. Liebig, Cr 8-3349 collect. RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL R E A L E S T A T E E x c lu s iv e & M .L .S . 123 Dundas St. O akv ille 845-7144 BRONTE WILL TAKE! TRADE Four large be dr ooms , dining area plus break­ fast space in k i t chen , f u l l y t i l e d bath plus powder room landscaped and secorated, storms and screens, oversize garage,, 'quality clay brick, 2440 Rebecca Street. Reason­ able down payment . V I5-6147 R E D U C E D -$16,900-3 bedroom California style home. Living room pan­ elled with C a l i f o r n i a R e d w o o d siding, fire­ place and planter. Dining i room; family room; work­ shop; utili ty room; attach­ ed garage. Landscaped. Make o f f e r . Vera B. Cudmore, R e a l Estate Broker, VA 7-170.2,__ RESALE' by builder of trade-in house, Winston Road, 3 bedroom brick bungalow on large corner lot, clean, but in need of painting and redecorating As is-condition $13,200. lo w down payment . V I5-6147- Houses For Rent CLARKSON, OAKVILLE NEW 2-3 bedroom homes. $123 - $139. Stove, f r i g , d r apes , gardening serv­ i c e s and electricity in­ cluded. 278- 8915 and 278-7235. Apartment For Rent A PHONE 845-6422 SECOND floor, 4-room apartment, 2 bedrooms, A ll adults preferred, or1 school age children only Available Dec. 1st. 2nd •line area 827-2349 Apartment for Rent U p s t a i r s a pa r t ment private entrance, heat water and light, suitable for elderly couple, near bus terminal. VA7-1713 Property Wanted R. J . Sweetman REALTOR Oaktown Plaza 572 Kerr St. Owing to our largo volume of! sales in August and Septem­ ber, we u r g e n t l y r e q u i r e listings. For fast dependable service c a l l . . . . 845-6661-2 John E. Belyea REALTOR Member of The O akv ille R ea l E sta te Board Listings Wanted Customers Waiting 223 Colborne St. E . Oa k v ille 845-5891 Articles Fer Sale CANNEL COAL The p e r f e c t fireplace fuel. HILLMERS FUEL & ICE CO. LTD. Dundas St. N. at C.N.R. Subway VI 5-0861 MUSIC supplies and re­ cords for everyone. Semi Classic, Country & West­ ern, Rhythm . & Blues, Folk Music, Jazz, Sym­ phonic, Hit T u n e s , Square Dance Instruc­ tional. Record acces- s <ries, Record Cases, Needles, Portable Re-, cord Players. Tapes blank and pre-recorded Sheet Music,Music Books Music stands, Guitar* straps, Guitar picks, Drum Brushes, Capos, Bat (ns, Clarinet & Sax­ ophone reeds, Guitar Strings - Gibson, Black Diamond, Gretsch. Buy on easy monthly pay­ ments. Peter's Platters. 105 Thomas St. (Just off Colborne). 845-8919 Articles For Salt C AN N EL COAL !The p e r f e c t fireplace feel. HILLMERS FUEL A IC E CO. LTD. [Dundee St. N. at. CLN.Rj subway VI '5-0861 P O L Y V I N Y L PATIOi R o o f i n g , 4 colours to choose, from $5.55 each. 16x16x2 P a t i o tiles, 7 beautiful c o l o u r s only 754 each. F i r s t quality! G1 i d d e n Outside White | House paint $3.69 gal. 4 x4" C e d a r posts - 18 4 l i n e a l foot. 8 ft. Round peeled Cedar posts. 79 4 each. 28 e x c i t i n g new fence ideas - ask for our free folder - cedar chain link - plastic link. Build now and pay later on our easy monthly budget plan. Brockway Redshaw Ltd., Lumber and Builders Sup- p W e s, formerly Oakville St. N. 845-Lumber. Kerr 6681. 102 BRAND NEW, full manu- f a c t u r e r 's wa r r a n t y Marconi 11" p o r t a b l e T.V ., $149.00. Marconi 23" Console T.V. $229. 6-transistor radios from $11.96. Clock radios $29. 95 A.M., F.M. car radio all t r a ns i s t o r , $89.95 Mason T.V. Ltd., 362, Kerr St ree t . 845-6704. T H E -mo& Cor. George & Randal Quality Used Furniture Handyman's Department 844-9161 BEST DRY HARDWOOD delivered - Maple, Oak, etc. Best price, buy now; also pick u p ser­ vice - refuse, branches fete. 845-0289. 2 LADIES Coats, Size 12, Children' s snowsuit and jodhpur set, size 2. _________845-0869,________ 5-piece a r b o r i t e and chrome k i t c h e n suite. VA 7-1819 GIRLS deluxe roadster \ bicycle $20. Youth's deluxe roadster bicycle, $20. Both in excellent condition 844-6935- M O D E L 94 - 30.30 Winchester carbine with case. Nearly new. $75. Phone 827 - 2349. Articles Wanted WANTED Customers are waitiui for desks - book case** chests -dresses - etc. WE PAY CASH OAKVILLE' FURNITURE 227 Colborne St. E . 845-0241 COLLECTOR interested in buying Canadian cents before 1940, silver dol­ lars before 1959, or what have you? Box 186, Oakville Beaver Services CALL THE CENTRAL SERVICE CENTRE for TV, HI-FI, TAPE RECORD, PLAYER, TOASTER Heating Elements and other Electric Appliances VI 5-1488 after 5 ».m. CUSTOM weed cutting and roto tiling. For free estimates phone Earl _Carton, 845-0728- IT'S EASY TO PLACE A BEAVER (CLASSIFIED! • AD • Houses For Sale REAL ESTATE Houses For Sale HOMES BY CYNA Houses For Sale Michael MAK0S I0HN D ROSART LTD Houses For Sale Houses For Rent Apartment For Rent 845-6422 Apartment for Rent Property Wanted REALTOR 845-6661-2 John E. Belyea REALTOR Articles Fer Sale CANNEL COAL Articles For Salt CANNEL COAL THE- 844-9161 Articles Wanted WANTED Customers are waitiui for desks - book case** chests -dresses - etc. WE PAY CASH OAKVILLE' FURNITURE 227 Colborne St. E. 845-0241 Services CENTRAL SERVICE CENTRE VI 5-1488 after 5 ».m.

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