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Oakville Beaver, 28 Dec 2017, p. 31

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31 | Thursday D ecem ber 2 8 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .insidehalton.com Marta Marychuk Reporter mmarychuk@oakvillebeaver.com Artscene "Connected to your Community " Sheridan grads nominated for Golden Globe Awards T he annual G olden G lobe n o m in ees were an n ou n ced M onday, D ec. 11, and Sheridan C ollege graduates and faculty have played a role in the su ccess o f m any o f the film s and television sh o w s up for the top awards, in clu d ing Best A nim ated F ilm and B est Televi sio n Series. In the Best A nim ated F ilm category, grads w orked on T he Boss Baby, Ferdinand and C oco, as w ell as T he Breadwinner, for w h ich graduate Frank F alcone (C om p u ter A nim a tion '9 2 ) is an execu tive producer. M eanw hile, Sheridan Art F undam entals Professor Valerie Fulford w as a painting ani m ator on L oving V incent. N early 2 4 Sheridan graduates also w orked o n T he Shape o f Water, w h ich is nom inated for B est Picture, Drama; and several others w orked on T he Greatest Show m an, n o m i nated for B est Picture, M usical/Com edy. O n the television side, Sheridan gradu ates contributed to three program s n o m i nated for the B est Television Series, Drama: T he H andm aid' s Tale; Stranger Things; and Game o f Thrones. Diverse range o f activities T he Sheridan graduates w h o contributed to all productions nom inated for G olden G lobe Awards w orked on a diverse range o f activities, including: anim ation, so u n d edit in g and special effects. "C ongratulations to all our alum ni w h o w ork ed on nom inated p rod u ction s," R onni R osenberg, dean o f the F aculty o f A nim a tion, Arts and D esign, stated in a press re lease. "Their su ccess is the result o f the com m itm en t o f our h igh ly sk illed faculty m em bers, w h o bring their real-world ex p e riences to the classroom and w h o have close ties w ith industry to keep curriculum cur rent," R osenberg added. Graduates from Sheridan' s program s in the F aculty o f A nim ation, Arts and D esign are renow ned for their expertise, in n ovation and creativity; and, they have a lo n g history The annual Golden Globe nominees were announced Monday, Dec. 11, and Sheridan College graduates and faculty have played a role in the success of many of the films and television shows up for the top awards, including Best Animated Film and Best Television Series. In the Best Animated Film category, grads worked on the film The Breadwinner, for which graduate Frank Falcone (Computer Animation '92) is an executive producer. | submitted photo o f su ccess at the G olden Globes. T h ey have contributed to every film that has w o n the Best A nim ated M otion Picture category sin ce the award' s in cep tion in 2006. D ean D eB lois, a 1990 anim ation graduate, w o n the award in 2 0 1 5 for w riting and di recting H ow to Train Your D ragon 2. T h e G olden G lobe w in n ers w ill be an n o u n ced on January 7, 2018. EVENTS C O M IN G THIS M ONTH C LASSIC FILMS CHARADE F A T E /S T A Y N IG H T For tick ets and participating th e a tre s visit Cineplex.com /O akvilleJanuary < 2 S > OAKVILLE Cineplex Odeon Winston Churchill - 2081 W inston Park Drive CINEPLEX EVENTS

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