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Oakville Beaver, 28 Dec 2017, p. 28

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w w w .insidehalton.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, D ecem ber 2 8 , 2 0 1 7 | 2 8 Peak H om e H ealth Care W ants to H elp w ith H oliday Stress.. W ith th e H oliday season in fu ll sw ing Peak Hom e Health Care w ants to rem ind you th a t th e y are here to help. Though th e ho liday season is a jo yo u s tim e o f year, it can also bring w ith it a lo t o f stress. W h ethe r yo u r fa m ily is big or sm all the re is sh o p p in g to do, dinners to plan, events to attend , school concerts, w o rk deadlines, etc. It can be very d iffic u lt to ju g g le everyone's needs and w ants around this tim e a year. Peak also know s th a t if a loved one is sick or in need a lo t o f a tte n tio n it can be th a t m uch m ore d iffic u lt to fit e ve ryth in g in. Peak Hom e Health Care (PHHC) is a new service to O akville and th e GTA th a t allow s seniors to live at hom e and have a professional caregiver com e to the m . Peak's personal care professionals assist w ith e ve ryth in g from household activities and m aintenance, to p ro vid in g everyday m edical assistance fo r a va rie ty o f health co nditions. Peak Hom e Health Care can help keep y o u r loved one's co m pa ny th ro u g h o u t th e holidays, assist w ith any ho liday baking, g ift w ra p p in g and sh opp ing, and w ill also help reduce th e risk o f illness and in ju ry th a t often increases at this tim e o f th e year. Peak w orks w ith th e ir clients to create a com prehensive and clie n t specific plan o f care. Plan o f Care program s are assessed and review ed on an o n g o in g basis to ensure q u a lity o f care is being m et. W h ethe r th e y are p ro vid in g assistant services or m edical care, every clie n t has an in d ivid u a lize d Plan o f Care ta ilo re d to th e ir particu lar needs. M oreover, w o rry in g a b o u t loved ones being alone at this tim e o f year w h ile m anaging a fu ll schedule can be e xtrem e ly d e m an ding . Peak has m any d iffe re n t services th a t can be ta ilo re d to m eet yo u r fam ily's needs: · Assistance and N on-M edical Services · H ourly Care · C ouple/P artnerC are · Specialist in Alzheim er's and D em entia · 24 H our Care The m ost im p o rta n t th in g we can do for seniors w ith in our co m m un ity is rem inding them th a t the y are loved and not alone. Peak Home Health Care wants to help your fam ily enjoy this holiday season tog eth er b y taking away any unneeded stress. Every m em ber o f the PHHC team is required to have the ir basic CPR/first aid training, receive an annual flu shot, pass the TB test, and are fu lly bonded and insured. For m ore inform ation on how we can help, call 905-582-7992, email info@ peakhomehealthcare.ca or visit w ww .peak- homehealthcare.ca. Youth, 14, facing raft of charges A 14-year-old O akville b o y is facing m u l tip le charges fo llo w in g a street robbery near E m ily Carr P ublic S ch ool in early D ecem ber. A t around 11 p .m ., H alton p olice said a b oy w as w alk in g in the P ine G len Road and Postm aster D rive area w h e n six y o u th s con fronted him . P olice allege o n e y o u th p u lled out an ex pandable baton and d em anded the victim ' s G u cci jacket. T he victim rem oved the jacket, gave it to the group and w alk ed away. N o o n e w as injured during this incident. A n in vestigation led to an arrest on Thursday, D ec. 14. A 14-year-old O akville boy, w h o can n ot be n am ed because o f the Youth Crim inal Justice A ct, w as charged w ith robbery, ut tering threats, p o ssessio n o f a w eap on for a dangerous p u rpose, p o ssessio n o f property obtained by crim e and breach o f recogn i zance. A n yon e w ith inform ation regarding this in cid en t is asked to con tact D et. Barry M alciw o f the O akville C rim inal Investiga tion s Bureau at 9 0 5 -8 2 5 -4 7 4 7 , ext. 2 2 1 8 or C rim e Stoppers at 1-800-222-T IP S (8 4 7 7 ). GAS FIREPLACE REPAIR Factory Trained Service Tech & Electronic Ignition Specialists Zxfi&u&tM (a t k V i^ e m c e ! We Service: CFM, DRU, GSW, Hunter Insta-Flame, Valor, Napoleon, Regency, Majestic, Heat-N-Glo, Heatilator, Selkirk, GTI, Dovre, Pacific Energy, Town & Country, Security, Hearthstone, Montigo, Lennox, Temco, Kingsman, Polaris, Heritage, Drolet, Continental, Vermont Castings, Osburn, Monessen, MHSC, Clare Brothers, Jotul, Rasmussen, RH Peterson & many other brands. VnaMeme Settee ` %2! Read o u r c lie n t re vie w s w w w .g a s fix r e p a ir .h o m e s ta r s .c o m 905-845-0701 E-MAIL:scott@gasfix.ca Cut and Save! You never know when you w ill need us! P U R E + SIMPLE Beaut'i-ful fi!a£u>-a!!y PEOPLE idCome LOVE US h o m e HCARE ON IMPROVING The QUALITY OF UEE FOR BOTH OUR CLIENTS AND THEIR FAMILIES. Ask u s h o w w e can help! servicing Oakville, Mississauga & the surrounding areas 9 0 5 - 5 8 2 - 7 9 9 2 · w w w .peakhom ehealthcare.ca Bliss Lift Facial Bring in this Ad for $20 OFF your first facial (Offer expires Dec 31) ?· V t , W ^ ^ Pure + Simple Mississauga 3-11 40 Winston Churchill Blvd. I 905.829.2055 mississauga@pureandsimple.ca *> More Facial + P roduct S pecials at C U S T O M iZ E D CAR E · A S S iS T A N C E & N O N M E D iC A L · 2 4 H O U R H O M E CARE A L Z H E iM E R 'S & D E M E N T iA CAR E · HOURLY / R E S P iT E CARE pureandsimple.Ca @ P ureA ndS im pleM ississauga

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