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Oakville Beaver, 14 Dec 2017, p. 5

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Menorah to light up Oakville The Turk Family Chabad Jewish Discovery Centre will ignite a public Hanukkah menorah in Oakville Friday Dec. 14, at 6:30 p.m., as part of world' s largest Hanukkah observance as more than 15,000 public menorahs are lit worldwide. The menorah will be erected at Iroquois Ridge Community Centre, at 1051 Glenashton Dr., fol lowed by a community-wide celebration on the third night of the eight-day holiday. Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, began this year on the evening of Tuesday Dec. 12, and con cludes the evening of Wednesday, Dec. 20. The menorah-lighting ceremony, organized by Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbi Yitzchok Slavin, will feature: latkes, donuts, dreidels, entertainment, local dignitaries and more. The menorah is one of more than 15,000 large public menorahs sponsored by Chabad in more than 100 countries, including in front of land marks such as the W hite House, Eiffel Tower and Kremlin-- helping children and adults of all walks of life celebrate the holiday message. "The menorah serves as a symbol of Oakvillefe dedication to preserve and encourage the right and liberty of all its citizens to worship ... freely, openly and w ith pride. Specifically in Canada, a nation that was founded upon and vigorously protects the right o f every person to practise his or her religion free from restraint and persecu tion," stated Slavin, in a press release. This year brings added significance as the world marks 50 years since the Rebbe -- Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson initiated Mitzvah Campaigns, a historic undertaking that brought Jewish observance and celebration to the streets, laying the groundwork for public menorahs. "The message of Hanukkah is the message of light," said Slavin. Today, Hanukkah has becom e a staple of Jewish cultural and religious life. Throughout Canada, Chabad will be presenting scores of Hanukkah events and celebrations. For the in ternational Hanukkah event directory, visit www. JewishMississauga.orgHanukkahEvents. Turk Family Chabad Jewish Discovery Cen tre offers Jewish education, outreach and social service programming for all. For information, contact Slavin, co-director, at 905-268-4432 or Rabbi@JewishMississauga.org or visit w w w jew ishmississauga.org. 5 |Thursday December 14, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER |www.insidehalton.com THROUGH THE SNOW. A i LO O K D A SH IN G '· * EXPERIENCE AM X/|N C ^ w L E X U SOf O A K V I^E (w l [ x p c R it r- c c A n AZI Ira 2017RX 350 FSPORTAWD BA C K O N B R A N T OUR NEW C O LLEC TIO N O F THE FINEST FURS, REVERSIBLES,SHEARLINGS, CO ATS,AN D GREAT A C C ESSO R IES... SCARVES,SHAW LS, HATS,VESTS... LEXUSOFOAKViLLE.CA 2017 RX 3 5 0 FSPORT A W D LEA SE APR 40 m o n t h s Bi-WEEKLY LEASE PAYMENT FROM DELIVERY CREDITS OF UP TO 1 .9 % * $259* d o w n paym en t $ 4 ,00 0 A $4,620* At Our Downtown Burlington Pop-up Store 427 Brant Street § PAYM ENT IN CLU D ES $4,000A CREDIT. D elivery C re d its in D e ce m b e r are availab le on th e purch a se /le a se o f a 2017 Lexu s RX 350 ($4,000 on s u ffix A; $ 2 ,000 on all o th e r suffixes) R e pre sentative lease exa m p le base d on a 2017 RX 350 s fx `A ' on a 40 m o n th term at an annual rate o f 1.9% and C o m p le te Lexus P rice o f $58,073. B i-w e e k ly lease pa ym e n t is $25 9 w ith $ 4,620 d o w n pa ym e n t or e q u ivalent tra d e in, $0 s e c u rity d e p o s it and firs t b i-w e e kly lease pa ym e n t d u e a t lease in ce p tio n . Total o f 86 b i-w e e k ly lease p a ym ents required d u rin g th e lease term . Total lease o b lig a tio n is $27,101. 48,000 kilom etre allow ance; charge o f $ 0 .2 0 /km fo r exce ss kilom etres. O ffers end Ja n u a ry 2, 2018. S ee L e x u so fo a kville .ca fo r details (acrossfrom city hall) 905-528-1177 OPEN mid-November to m id-January For a limited time only! 70% off All Leathers LEXUSOF OAKVILLE 1453 NORTH SERVICE ROAD, WEST OAKVILLE, ON L6M 2W2 www.Mvingstonfurs.com ALL STORAGE & FUR SERVICES CONTINUE AS USUAL - BASED OUT OF OUR HAMILTON FACILITIES 105 Main St. East at Catharine, Hamilton ·905-528-1177 905.847.8400 · 1.866.LEXUS.66

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