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Oakville Beaver, 1 Dec 2017, p. 2

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www.insidehalton.com | O AKVILLE B E A V E R | Friday, D ecem ber 1, 2 0 1 7 | 2 River Oaks VP calls Bon Jovi's lead guitarist to school by M arta Marychuk Oakville Beaver Staff W hat do you do if you're a rock and roll star who performs live with one of the biggest rock bands in the world? Well, if you are Phil X, lead guitarist with Bon Jovi, you come to Oakville on Thursday (Nov 30) for a performance and hold music clinics for students at River Oaks Public School, where your cousin, Trixie Vasilakos, is a vice-principal. And your family, including your mom, comes to watch. Phil X, otherwise known as Philip Eric Xenidis, is a Greek Canadian musician and songwriter who has played with Bon Jovi since 2013, replacing former lead guitarist Richie Sambora. Xenidis, who does music clinics for students of all ages all over the world, says he likes to connect with the kids... adding how music is so important. Vasilakos, who dressed up rock star glam for the occasion, introduced her cousin to the 604 students who filled the gymnasium at River Oaks. Many of the teachers and students also dressed up for the event. "I don't want anybody to be shy," said Xenidis, adding that he is a regular guy and encouraged the students to ask him questions. One of the students asked Xenidis what his Phil X, a Greek-Canadian musician and songwriter visited River Oaks Public School Thursday (Nov. 30) to speak with students about music and lead a workshop. Phil X, Philip Eric Xenidis, is Vice Principal Trixie Vasilakos' cousin and put in the special appearance at her request. Pictured here with Phil X, Tyler Davis, 13, left, and Sam Shortt, 13, who played back-up for the musician during the school-wide assembly. | Nikki Wesley/Metroland favourite sport is. He humorously responded with "Van Halen" -- but also explained that he likes going to hockey and football games. Xenidis, who was born in Toronto in 1966, but grew up in Mississauga, learned to play guitar at the age of five to accompany his father, who was also an entertainer. "My dad thought it would be a great idea and it turned out alright," he added. Although he took a few lessons, most of what Xenidis knows has been self-taught. He pointed out that this was before YouTube and computers. Xenidis played with a number of Canadian bands, such as Frozen Ghost and Aldo Nova. In 1993 he replaced Rik Emmett with Triumph. Xenidis moved to Los Angeles in 1997 to pursue his musical career. "I didn't have a job," he told the students, explaining he did landscaping and house painting to earn money to get by He was painting the garage of the record producer for Tommy Lee when they needed a guitar player. The rest, as they say, is -- history Xenidis has since worked with Alice Cooper and Rob Zombie and "a whole lot of people you've probably never heard of." Xenidis has also played with Avril Lavigne, Kelly Clarkson and Chris Cornell. One of the students asked if he played with Michael Bolton. The answer was no. Let Your Natural Beauty Shine Through A t Any A g e N O N-SUR G IG ALO FFER S Laser Skin R eju ven atio n A c n e T re a tm e n t L a s e r H a ir R e m o v a l P h o to fa c ia l S kin R e s u rfa c in g S e e kin g CNIB O n ta rio -W es t A dvisory Board & R egional Im p le m e n ta tio n C o m m itte e M e m b e rs CN IB is celebrating a cen tury of change. With 100 years of success under ou r belts, we w ant to take ou r w ork to the next level - sm ashing barriers and em pow ering rem arkable individuals to live th e ir dream s. C N I B is lo o k in g f o r s p ir it e d , d e t e r m in e d le a d e r s t o j o in t h e O n t a r io W e s t A d v is o r y B o a rd , a n d R e g io n a l I m p le m e n t a t io n C o m m it t e e s . The role is to provide leadership as we build a participant-focused program strategy, strengthen ou r partnerships, and engage m ore people than eve r before. M em bers will be e n th u siastic am b assad ors for the organization and ou r m ission, building ou r collective eng agem ent with participants, partners and donors. I f y o u a r e a h ig h - e n e r g y b u s in e s s o r c o m m u n it y le a d e r w h o f e e ls p a s s io n a t e ly a b o u t c h a n g in g w h a t it is to b e b lin d t o d a y , a n d w a n t to p la y a c r it ic a l r o le a t a t r a n s f o r m a t io n a l m o m e n t in C N I B 's h is t o r y , w e w a n t t o h e a r fr o m y o u . Please em ail R o b e r t.G a u n t@ c n ib .c a and include B o a rd & C o m m it t e e in the su bject line. D r D o u g la s G ra c e B.SC. 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