1 3 | Friday Decem ber 1, 2 0 1 7 | O AKVILLE B E A V E R | www.insidehalton.com B R E A K F A S T W I T H S A N T A The Oakville Parent-Child Centre held its annual Breakfast with Santa at St. Mildred's- Lightbourn School Sunday, Nov. 26. Above, Sienna Cadamuro, 4, who wants her own oven for Christmas, tries to get her younger sister Cassia's, 2, attention away from colouring, now that Santa had arrived. Andy Devlin has his hands full with little Marcus, seven months and Lauren, 2, as they keep an eye out for the arrival of Santa. At far right, top, It was all smiles for Anna Merinero, 22 months, in the arms of mom Paola, as they spotted Santa arriving. Olivia McMillian, 4, gets ready to dig into her breakfast, starting with a fresh fruit kabob. | Graham Paine/Metroland when you purchase select window shadings. 200 Rebate Bonus PowerView® Hub* 2512 O ld B r o n te R d . O a k v ille AyA KITCHENS OF OAKVILLE 1195 NORTH SERVICE ROAD WEST KITCHENS O F O A K VILLE 905.847.1522 905-827-3331 w w w .fa s a d a .h u n te r d o u g la s .c a H fa s a c ta Fasada.ca WINDOWS- DOORS-COVERINCS HunterDouglas ^ Gallery- AYAOAKVILLE.COM Offer valid from September 1 1 December 31,2017 Receive a $200 rebate for everyfive units, any combination, o f Silhouette®, Pirouette® or Luminette® purchased. " Add ftTwerView® Motorization to a qualifying purchase and receive a bonus FtowerView Hub. Lim it one Hub per order per household.Vblid at participating retailers only. The rebate will be issued in th e form o f a Hunter Douglas Prepaid American Express® Card.lHE PROMOTION CARD is a trademark o f The Hunt Group. Ail Righta Reserved. THE PROMOTION CARD is a Prepaid American Express* Card issued by Amex Bank o f Canada. · Used by Amex Bank o f Canada under license from American Express. For full details, visit hunterdouglas.ca.