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Oakville Beaver, 23 Nov 2017, p. 59

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59 |Thursday November 23, 2017 | O AKVILLE BEAVER |www.insidehalton.com newsca l O b itu aries l O b ituaries l O b itu aries l O bituaries l O b itu aries STA LPO RT, H e le n M a rg a re t (n e e S m ith ) Passed away peacefully at O akvilleTrafalgar Memoral Hospital on Thursday, Novem ber 16th, 2017 at the age of 96. She was the eldest d aughter of G eorge and M argaret Smith (deceased). Beloved w ife of Rodolph Jean Stalport (deceased) and m other of Lorna O'Hearn (George), Neil Stalport (Thelm a) and Darlene Clarke (Paul). G randm other to Karen O 'Hearn (Kevin Bruce), Kim berlee O 'Hearn (Stefan Rodde), Jordan Clarke and M egan Clarke. Great grandm other to Maya O 'Hearn Rodde. O lder sister to M ildred W hite (deceased) and Joyce Moore. Helen lived a long and happy life. She w as devoted to her fam ily and friends. Helen and Rod loved spending tim e at th eir cottage near Kinm ount, O ntario for many years. Helen spent most of her life creating fabric art and teaching the craft of sew ing. She enjoyed her last seventeen years living at the Queens Avenue Retirem ent Residence in O akville and was active in their comm unity. Visitation w ill be held at the Kopriva Taylor Com m unity Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West (one block east of Kerr 905-844-2600), Oakville from 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. on Monday, Novem ber 20, 2017. Funeral w ill be held in the chapel of the K o p riva Taylor Funeral H om e on Tuesday, Novem ber 21, 2017 at 10 a.m. Interm ent at Glen Oaks Cem etery follow ed by a reception at the Queens Avenue Retirem ent Residence. Visit our guest book through w w w .koprivataylor.com B IL B IJA , D a m ja n Peacefully gone to be w ith the Lord, in his 97th year, on Novem ber 16, 2017, after a w ell endured illness, at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Beloved husband of his late w ife M ilica, and much loved father to his late, very dear son Jovan Bilbija (Biljana and fam ily), daughters Nada Nordien (Brian and fam ily), and Mira Young (Bruce and family). Dear grand fath er of nine grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Dam jan lead a remarkable life of purpose and accomplishment, overcom ing extreme w artim e difficulties, dedicated to the love of his family, and to God, and to the betterm ent of his beloved Serbian community. His decades-old u n failing generosity, leadership and com m itm ent to the building of churches and communities from W indsor, Ham ilton and O akville, positively im pacted and influenced m any generations. Visitation was held at the Kopriva Taylor Com m unity Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, O akville (one block east of Kerr, 905-844-2600), from 7-9 p.m. on W ednesday, November, 22, 2017. Funeral service w ill be held at 11 a.m. on Thursday, Novem ber 23, 2017 at Saints Peter and Paul, Serbian O rthodox Perish 1039 Dundas St. W., O akville, ON, L6M 4L8. Interm ent to fo llo w at St. Volodym yr U krainian Cemetery, Oakville. Visit our guest book through w w w .koprivataylor.com M A N LE Y , B a rb a ra M arie Peacefully w ith her parents and Nurse Nancy at her side, Barbara passed away in her 47th year on Novem ber 18, 2017. Beloved d aughter of Frank and Mary Manley of O akville, dear sister of Judy Gow er (Chris), and her nephew and niece Jacob and Jessica Gower. Predeceased by her grandparents, Dan and Mary M anley and Violet Lappin. Visitation w ill be held on Thursday, Novem ber 23rd in the Narthex of St. M atthew Catholic Church, 1150 Monks Passage, O akville, Ontario from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. w ith the funeral mass at 11 a.m. Crem ation to fo llo w w ith inurnm ent of ashes at a later date. A special thanks to Dr. Sarah St. James, Barbara's Fam ily Physician, Dr. Lynne Benjam in and the Palliative Care Team and Dr. Sanjay Pandeya, N ephrologist and the staff of the Kidney and Dialysis Clinics at the O akville T rafalgar Memorial Hospital. Donations to the Kidney Foundation of Canada w ill be appreciated. Visit our guest b ook through w w w .koprivataylor.com M ILFO R D , Ja m e s M a rtin Peacefully in his sleep, on Sunday, Novem ber 19, 2017 at his home in Oakville, James M. M ilford in his 64th year. Survived by his w ife Francoise Desjardins. Dear fath er of Stephanie and her husband M arino and Steven and his w ife Hope. Survived by his m other Mary M ilford, predeceased by his fath er Harold M ilford. Loving G randfather to Joshua, Cassandra, A aron, Kristian, Tyler and Carter. Brother of W ayne (Anne), Shirley (Albert), Betty Jane (Richard), Marlene and Donna Lee. Visitation was held at the Kopriva Taylor Com m unity Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road W est (one block east of Kerr 905-844-2600), Oakville from 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. on Wednesday. Funeral service w ill be held at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, Novem ber 23, 2017 in the Kopriva Taylor Chapel. In lieu of flow ers donations can be made to W ar Am ps on Jim 's behalf. Visit our guest book through w w w .koprivataylor.com J Honour the memory of a LOVED ONE... Place an In Memoriam in the classifieds. Call 905-632-4440 or" , , , email classified^ inctrolanthicst.com The Oakville Beaver would like to express sincere and heart-felt condolences to those who have lost their loved ones. P RO W SE, D o ro th y E lle n (1960-2017) Passed away peacefully, surrounded by fam ily and friends at St. Joseph's Hospital in Ham ilton on Saturday, Novem ber 18, 2017 at the age of 56. Cherished daugh ter of the late Norman and Modena (nee Munro). Dear sister to Joan and loving sisterin- law to Chris Birkett. She w ill be greatly missed by her pride and joy Shadow and her m any friends and colleagues. A fte r grad uatin g from BCHS, Dorothy w en t on to com plete the Fashion Arts program at Sheridan College w here she used her expertise for m any years as a swim suit designer and m arketing expert at Sunskins Studio in Toronto. She then became district m anager for Bikini Bay and Bikini V illage. Dorothy enjoyed her tim e as a bartender at The Gables in Grand Bend and at G ood Tyme Charlies in Burlington and inspired m any as a fitness instructor as she m anaged at Good Life Fitness and at the Gym Nautilus in O akville. As an anim al lover and because of her new found passion volunteering for the Toronto A nim al Services and the Burlington Hum ane Society, she returned to Sheridan in 2007 to com plete program s in Business M anagem ent and Anim al Care. She ran her second successful business "A t Leash You Have Us" fo r many years caring for and train in g four legged friends. She loved and spent many summers in Grand Bend enjoying the beach and w atching the sunsets w ith her friends and family. Her loyal friendship and generosity w ill be missed by many especially by her tw in Joan. Visitation at SM ITH'S FUNERAL HOME, 485 Brant Street, (one block north of City Hall), BURLINGTON (905-632-3333), on Friday, Novem ber 24, 2017 from 12:00 p.m. follow ed by a Funeral Service at 1:00 p.m. w ith reception to follow . A mem orial celebration w ill be held in Grand Bend in the summer. For those w h o wish, donations in memory of Dorothy may be made to the B urlington Hum ane Society. w w w .sm ithsfh.com l In M em oriam s B EA U CH A M P , J o a n L o rra in e (n e e H ill) Rem em bering w ith Love. Beloved W ife, Mother, Nanny and Grandm a. Loving and kind in all her ways, U pright and just to the end of her days; Sincere and true, in her heart and mind, Beautiful memories, she left behind. - Alw ays in our hearts, Bevan Sr., Lon, Lory, A pril, Bevan Jr. and Families BRANT STREET CH APEl

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