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Oakville Beaver, 23 Nov 2017, p. 46

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www.insidehalton.com |O A K V IL L E B E A V E R |Thursday, November 23, 2017 |4 6 M ETRO LIN X Burloak Drive Grade Separation - Transit Project Assessment Process N o tice o f C o m m e n c e m e n t and P u b lic M e e tin g #2 To keep up with our grow ing region, Metrolinx, an a ge n cy of the Province of Ontario, is transform ing the way the region m oves by delivering the largest transit infrastructure program in Can adian history to keep the region m oving today and tomorrow. Th e G reater Toronto and Hamilton Area (G TH A ) is now hom e to nearly 7 million peo ple and heading tow ards 9 million by 2041. To ad dress the urgent transit needs of the G TH A , the Province of Ontario com m itted to im plem ent more G O service and make other infrastructure im provem ents to the G O system to help create new transit connections and faster service across the region. By 2025, electric trains will be running every 15 minutes, all day and in both directions, within the most heavily travelled section of the G O network. T h e P ro je ct Metrolinx, in partnership with the City of Burlington and Tow n of Oakville, is com pleting a Transit Project A ssessm en t Process (TPAP) under Ontario R egulation 2 3 1 /0 8 m ade under the Environm ental A s ses sm en t Act, to im plem ent a grad e separation at Burloak Drive / Lakeshore W est Co rrid o r located in the City of Burlington and Tow n of Oakville, within Halton Region. This Project is part of the Metrolinx Regional Express Rail Program which will enhance safety, on time perform ance and operational flexibility/reliability in support of e xpanded rail service, and allows for road transportation im provem ents fo rth e local municipalities. Th e Project includes: · A new road-under-rail grad e separation that provides: - A rail corridor that continues to include three (3) mainline tracks; - A n arterial road (Burloak Drive) that can ultimately provide up to six (6) traffic lanes; - M inor intersection enhancem ents at Harvester Road/W yecroft Road and Sup erior Court/Prince W illiam Drive; - D edicated multi-use paths along the boulevards and on-street bicycle lanes; - Retaining walls; and - Future electrification provisions for O verhead Catenary System (O C S ) pole bases and other electrification requirem ents, including gro u nd in g and bonding. · Construction stagin g that provides: - Tem po rary re-routing of a section of Burloak Drive to the east; - Tem po rary diversion of a section of the Lakeshore W est Rail Co rrid o r tracks to the south; · Relocation of the existing Burloak Interlocking Plant (switches betw een tracks) that is located just west of Burloak Drive; and, · Utility relocations to accom m odate the d e sign and construction stagin g of the prop o sed road-under-rail underpass. T h e P ro c e ss Th e TP A P is a proponent-driven, self-assessm ent process that provides a defined fram ew ork to follow in o rder to com plete the accelerated assessm ent of the potential environm ental effects and decision-m aking within a 120-day regulated assessm ent timeline. Follow ing this period, the regulation provides an additional 30-day pu blic and a ge n cy review, and a further 35-day Ministry of the Environm ent of Clim ate C h a n g e (M O E C C ) review. Prior to the com m encem ent of the TPA P, introductory pre-planning activities take place. Th ese activities include the study of existing environm ental conditions and potential environm ental effects of the Project across the natural environm ent, so cio -eco n o m ic environm ent, cultural environm ent, and traffic and transportation, as well as pu blic and stakeholder consultation. A s part of the TPA P, an Environm ental Project Report (EPR) is being prepared. Y o u r O p p o rtu n ity to H a v e Y o u r S a y W e thank everyone for their fe e d b a ck to date. A s we begin the TP A P on N ovem ber 23, 2017 and build on the first public m eeting held in March 2017, we invite you to attend the pu blic m eeting on D e ce m b e r 13, 2017. A t this m eeting, M etrolinx will present the fin din gs of the EPR and the proposed Burloak Drive G rade Separation Project. M em bers of the public, governm ent agencies, Ind igen o us com m unities and other interested parties are en co u rage d to participate in the TP A P by attending the public m eeting or visiting m e tro lin x .co m / b u rlo a k . D a te : T im e : Lo c a tio n : W ednesday, D e ce m b e r 13, 2017 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Robert Batem an H igh School 5151 New Street Burlington, O N L7 L 1V3 St. Luke's Church new bimonthly arts series Spoken word poet and public speaker Wali Shah will share his inspirational stories and poems with guests from across Oakville and Halton at St. Luke' s Anglican Church and Community Centre, Friday, Nov. 24, at 7 p.m. This performance will be the first event in St. Luke' s Palermo' s Concert Series, a bi-monthly arts presentation that brings unique and uplifting artists from across the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) and beyond to Halton Region. The series is sponsored in part by a grant from the Ontario Arts Council. Guests will witness a performance from Shah, followed by an interactive time to learn more about his art, inspi rations and background. As an alumnus of Canada' s Top 20 under 20, Shah has earned a reputation as a gifted speaker. From partnering with Microsoft and performing for tens of thousands at venues such as the Air Canada Centre, to conducting poetry workshops in classrooms for youths, Shah uses sto rytelling and art to empower all kinds of audiences, while inspiring them to empower others. He is currently studying at the Uni versity of Toronto, where he advocates for social change through his work. He is an ambassador for Crime Stoppers and Bell Let' s Talk, and has raised over one million dollars for United Way. Tickets are on sale now for $10 per person for one event, $20 per person for three events, or $50 per person for all 10 events. Visit stlukepalermo.ca/events-at-stlukes.html for more information. *Location is accessible. C o m m e n ts In v ite d If you have any Project-related questions, would like to be ad de d to the Project m ailing list or would like to provide input at any time, please contact: Metrolinx c/o Burloak G rade Separation Project 20 Bay Street, Suite 600, Toronto, O N M 5J 2W 3 e-mail: Burloak@ metrolinx.com w ebsite: m etrolinx.com /burloak All personal information included in a subm ission - such as name, address, telephone num ber and property location - is collected, m aintained and disclosed by the Ministry of the Environm ent and Clim ate C h a n g e for the purpose of transparency and consultation. The information is collected under the authority of the Environm ental A ssessm en t A ct and is collected and m aintained for the purpose of creating a record that is available to the general pu blic as d e scrib e d in s. 37 of the F r ee d o m o f Inform ation a n d P rotection o f Privacy Act. Personal information you subm it will becom e part of a public record that is available to the general public unless you request that your personal information remain confidential. For more information, please contact Metrolinx (contact information above) o rth e Ministry of the Environm ent and Clim ate C h a n g e Freed om of Information and Privacy Co o rdin ato r at 416-327-1434. M etrolinx is w o rkin g to p ro v id e re sid e n ts an d b u s in e sse s in the G T H A with a tran sp o rtatio n system that is m o d e rn e fficien t and in te grate d . Fin d o u t m o re a b o u t M etrolinx's R e g io n a l T ra n sp o rta tio n Plan fo r the G T H A , as w ell as G O Transit, P R E S T O and U nion P earso n E x p re s s at m e t r o lin x .c o m . T h is N o tic e fir s t p u b lis h e d o n N o v e m b e r 2 3 , 2 0 1 7 . WE GET RESULTS... P ER IO D ! 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