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Oakville Beaver, 26 Oct 2017, p. 25

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25 | T h u rs d a y O c to b e r 2 6 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE B EAVER | w w w .in s id e h a lto n .c o m We should teach horrors of war: Rabbi continued from p.24 Chyczij noted that a long and exhaustive investigation by the Canadian governm ent' s Deschenes Commission in 19 8 6 found that charges of war crimes against the division have never been substantiated. Kalinin of the Russian Embassy, however, counters, "As far as I remember, Canada was allies with the U.S., Britain and the USSR, meaning the Red Army was an Ally army. This, in turn, means that the enemy of the Soviet Union's Red Army- Nazi collaborators like the (Ukrainian Insurgent Army) and others -- were the enemies of Canada," he said. "The real heroes are the ones that served with the Red Army, partisan forces, etc., and helped liberate Vienna, Prague, W arsaw and other European cities." It should be noted millions of Ukrainians also fought for the Red Army. F o r the U C C , calling the veterans com m em orated by the two monum ents "Nazi collaborators" is slander. "Caught between the genocidal regimes of Hitler and Stalin, Ukrainians fought with valour against both occupiers. The veterans of the 14th Division joined not to fight for Germany, but to fight against Soviet com munist tyranny and for a free Ukraine," said Chyczij. "The Ukrainian Insurgent Army fought bravely against both the German and Soviet occupiers of Ukraine, well into the 1 9 5 0 s," he added. Thom pson emphasized that in this situa tion context is everything, calling the Soviet system the Ukraine had experienced in the previous decade "just as brutal and murder ous as the Nazi one." Under the Soviets, Ukraine had seen the murder of its intelligentsia while Soviet poli cies of agricultural collectivization had led to a man-m ade famine that killed millions of Ukrainians in the early 1930s. Under the German occupation, Ukraine saw the extermination of m uch of its Jew ish population and the deportation of mil lions of Ukrainians to work as slave labour ers, however, many still saw the Soviets as a greater evil. Rather than casting a shadow on the m on uments, Rabbi Stephen Wise of Oakville's Shaarei-Beth El Congregation, called for more memorials and education to remember the past. "Instead of attacking a memorial, perhaps the Russian Embassy could encourage the creation of a memorial to the millions who died in the Second W orld W ar -- Jews and Russians," said Wise. "I would suggest even more important than a stone memorial would be to teach our children about the horrors of war and anti Semitism so this type of hatred, violence and genocide doesn't happen again." D o e s y o u r f in a n c ia l a d v i s o r k n o w y o u r life g o a ls ? Marc Nutford Financial Advisor 2387Trafalgar Road Unit E2 Oakville, ON L6H 6K7 905-822-2023 w w w .e d w a r d jo n e s .c o m /m a r c -n u tfo rd M e m b e r - C a n a d ia n In v e s to r P ro te c tio n F u n d E dw ardjones M A K IN G S E N S E O F IN V E S TIN G O p e n y o u r sen ses to what others have experienced. PLU M 'S FOOD SHOP iS NOW OPEN! W e s e r v e fr e s h b r e a k fa s t & lu n c h e s d a ily T a k e -o u t o n ly until 2:00, M o n d a y - F rid a y W e offer full se rv ic e co rp o ra te cate rin g Celebrating 13 years 447 Sp e e rs Rd, unit 9 · 905-844-7110 w w w .p lu m c a t e r in g .c a pENWOOp Jf'l1 Ef L I NO W $5.49/Sq. Ft. Reg: $7.49/Sq. Ft. Reg: $7.49/Sq. Ft. NOW $5.49/Sq. Ft. Reg: $7.49/Sq. Ft. + +Get FREE INSTALLATION INSTALLATION + +Get FREE INSTALLATION K 4057 FA IRVIEWS T ., BU RLIN G TO N 8032 TO RBRAM R D ., BRAM PTO N 985 1 WW~ ' 1S ilT S P l r t i l B , . 'm ... ............ ' 905-919-3101 www.HardwoodGiant.ca 905-919-3101 S `C o n d itio n s a p p ly

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